Quiz 3

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Know the amounts that Monsanto has spent on lobbying the USDA and Congress to approve GMOs without testing or regulation.

$2.5 million in the first quarter of 2010 lobbying for patent law changes favoring Monsanto's goal of owning all agricultural crops $2.53 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 after the US Dept. of Justice began an investigation to determine if Monsanto is violating US antitrust laws Over $8 million total in 2009 and 2010 nearly $9 million total in 2008

What country is the largest producer of GMOs?

US, Argentina is 2nd.

Who discovered the structure of DNA?

1951: Rosalind Franklin at King's College, London, produced the X-ray photograph revealing the structure of DNA, the "Double Helix." Franklin's photo was stolen by her co-worker Maurice Wilkins, and given to James D. Watson and Francis Crick, who had created an inaccurate model of DNA's structure. But they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1962. Franklin died in 1958 aged 38 of cancer caused by the radiation from taking many X-ray photographs of DNA.

Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer

1973 - First scientists to produce an organism containing genetic material taken from another organism

What problems have been involved in the lack of government regulation of GMOs?

1978 Supreme Court decision permitting the patenting of life VP Dan Quail's competitiveness council recommended no regulation a no-regulation policy for GMOs was official by 1992 President George W. Bush established a new Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy to get around the FDA requirement of testing GMOs

Gregor Mendel

19th Century Monk and Scientist Studied peas to understand how genes are inherited Discovered how traits are passed between generations

What countries ban GMOs?

3 California counties ban GMOs Southern Oregon have banned GMOs Vermont, Connecticut, North Dakota, Maine require GMO labels Monsanto is working on a federal law to make state label laws illegal Austria, Hungary, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Luxembourg Switzerland, Kenya, Peru, Madeira, Russia, 4 regions & many cities in Italy, Basque Spain, Algeria, Brazil, S. Australia Germany bans GM corn Japan, New Zealand, Ireland, Egypt ban growing GMOs EU, China, India, S. Africa, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Chile require GMO labels Major US Politicians threaten "military style" trade war against nations rejecting GMOs

What are the advantages of organic fertilizers?

Advantages improves soil slow release Diluted large depository for carbon monoixide better harvests pathogens such as E-coli can be eliminated through composting Less expensive, can be created by farmers

The concepts and theories of genetics, combined with the 1978 Supreme Court decision permitting the patenting of life, have led to what technological problems?

Applications of Genetic Engineering technologies Medicine • Diabetics inject insulin that has been produced from bacteria • Synthesis of Factor VIII by Genentec so hemophiliacs don't get HIV from blood supply • Synthesis of Human Growth Hormone by Genentec, to prevent dwarfism Pharming Vitamin A inserted into rice to prevent blindness from deficiency Hepatitis B vaccine inserted in bananas to prevent deaths insert genes that code for useful pharmaceuticals into host animals or plants to make the pharmaceutical product in large quantity, which can then be purified and used as a drug product, such as GM corn engineered to produce pig vaccine Research A gene can be stored in bacteria, and then multiplied, leaving us with unlimited amounts of the gene to be researched Agriculture Genetically modified food

What are inadequate regulations of GMOs?

Argument that GMOs are "substantially equivalent" to conventional crops and "Generally recognized as safe" (GRAS). Rules changed to speed approvals. No FDA GMO testing. USDA Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service in 2005 didn't know location of some GMO field trials, didn't test nearby crops or require reports by biotech Companies. GM corn producing pig vaccine contaminated human corn. LSU test field of LibertyLink rice, 120+ ft. from other fields still contaminated 2 other rice GMOs. 10 Ft. required by USDA. USDA approved Ventria to grow pharma rice producing anti-bacterial drug on 3200 acres in Kansas, requiring 100 ft.

What animals have been cloned?

Asian Carp - 1963 European Crucian Carp - 1973 Sheep - 1996 Mouse - 2000 Cows- 1998 Goat - 1998 Pigs - 2000 Mouflon (endangered) -2000 Rheses Monkey - 2000 Guar (Asian wild Ox) - 2001 Rabbit - 2001 Cat - 2001 Rat- 2002 Mule- 2003 Horse - 2003 Afican Wild Cat - 2003 Whitetale Deer - 2003 Ferret - 2004 Dog - 2005 Wolf - 2005 Water Buffalo - 2009 Camel - 2009 Pyrenean Ibex: 2009

Reproductive cloning

Atechnology used to generate an animal that has the same nuclear DNA as another currently or previously existing animal

What actions have been undertaken against GMOs?

Aventis StarLink lawsuits for $120 million 10 seed dealers from AK, MI,LA sued Bayer for LibertyLink contamination Fed lawsuit by 400 rice growers Suit by 31 agricultural orgs (4500 farms, 300k people) petition for protection from claims of patent infringement by Monsanto as bullying large Co., under Declaratory Judgement Act (under appeal) Corn farmers successfully sued Aventis Crop Science over Bayer StarLink contamination of non-Starlink cornfields Tilda, UK rice importer sued Bayer and Riceland Foods over contaminated UK rice EU rejected US rice, Japan & Iraq require tests

What are ways to decrease production and consumption of genetically modified foods?

Buy certified organic Non-GMO shopping guide Center for Food Safety articles, petitions Join Non-GMO Project, Organic Consumers Assoc. on Facebook, Twitter Institute for Responsible Tech Buy grass-fed meat (Not GMO alfalfa) Avoid at-risk ingredients: Corn oil, high-fructose corn syrup, corn starch, flour, gluten, corn dextrose, glucose Soy oil, lecithin, protein, isoflavone, isolate Canola or rapeseed oil Beet sugar may be GM

When mice were fed GMOs, what problems did they develop?

Caused more tumors, severe liver & kidney damage. Fewer tumors in control mice. GMO toxins absorbed by gut bacteria into blood GMOs cause organ disruptions in mice (kidney, liver, heart, spleen) Mice fed GM potatoes develop intestinal lesions and pre-cancerous cell proliferation Mice fed Bt Corn develop immune system problems associated with arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammatory bowel disease, Lou Gehrig's US GM Corn-fed cows and pigs have fertility problems, sterile Mice fed GM soy have damaged DNA, sperm, 5x increased mortality, lower birth weights, inability to reproduce GM peas cause lung damage in mice

What did Craig Venter achieve?

Computers Automated sequencers; DNA sequencing machines first used by Craig Venter at his Celera Genomics company in 1999 the human genome was completed by Venter in 2003, but new genes are still being sequenced

What are organic farming methods?

Crop variety Complementary crops Crop rotation (different types of crops in the same area in sequential seasons) Organic fertilizers: Manure, Compost, worm castings, seaweed, guano, peat Biological pest control. Mechanical cultivation NO synthetic pesticides

Friedrich Meischer

DNA First isolated in 1868 by Friedrich Miescher

What are the disadvantages of organic fertilizers?

Disadvantages not standardized can contain toxic organic pollutants such as toxic metals in water, soil, or animal feed can contain natural radioactive minerals such as uranium in water, soil or vegetation costs more to transport

What are problems with GMO foods for consumers?

FDA does not require labeling of GMO foods Conventional food labels have 4 numbers GM0 PLU labels = 5 numbers starting with 8 Organic food PLU labels = 5 numbers starting with 9 allergic reactions to GMO foods consumers lose their right to choose non-GMO foods companies cannot be sued or held liable for illnesses and deaths from unlabelled GMO foods large corporations have passed laws allowing them to sue people for talking negatively about their products large corporations have paid legislators to pass laws not allowing people to sue them • See Center for Food Safety website for latest info

What kinds of GMOs are under consideration for approval?

GMOs under consideration for approval: poultry, livestock, 15 kinds of fish and crustaceans, insects, trees, terminator gene that would make crops sterile (unable to reproduce). When this cross-pollinates wild corn we will lose all existing varieties of corn as none will be able to reproduce

In 2000 organic industry members and consumers sent over 275,000 letters protesting what aspects of the USDA's proposed National Organic Standards?

GMOs, the use of sewage sludge for fertilizer, irradiation of crops for longer shelf life. As a result of the citizen protest letters GMOs, sludge and irradiation are prohibited on organic crops


Genetically Modified Organism GMOs: organisms that have had their genes manipulated through genetic engineering

What products contain GMO corn, soy or both ingredients?

High-fructose corn syrup in sodas, processed foods Motrin Margarine Batteries Diapers Corn Starch Baking Powder Vitamin fillers

Ian Wilmut

In 1997, cloning made stop-the-presses headlines when embryologist Ian Wilmut announced that he had cloned a sheep. DOLLY!

What are problems with Bt crops?

Not all insects are susceptible 40% Bt Cotton loss in India, $3.6 billion 5k farmers commit suicide per year due to debts 25% fewer roots do poorly in drought Decreasing yields over time

Which state allows reproductive cloning?

Prohibit Reproductive Cloning Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Virginia.

What food ingredients contain processed GMO corn?

Maltodextrin food sweetener Sorbitol Xanthan gum Alpha tocopheral type of vitamin E The hydrogenated fat stearate in packaged cookies, etc.

What did a Canadian Judge rule concerning accidental cross-pollination of farmers' crops with Monsanto's GMOs?

Percy Schmeiser's canola farm in Alberta was accidentally cross-pollinated by Monsanto's Roundup-Ready GMO canola that spilled from a truck on the road running along Percy's farm, resulting in GMO canola in his fields Monsanto trespassed on Percy's farm, gathered GMO seeds, and sued Percy for infringing on Monsanto's patent Courts ruled that any farmer's plant or tree naturally cross-pollinated with Monsanto's GMO belongs to Monsanto A farmer whose crops were naturally cross-pollinated with GM crops had infringed on Monsanto's patent on that GMO It was immaterial whether the GMO cross-pollinatetd by accident, being blown in on the wind ,etc. or whether the farmer had ever used Roundup Ready Canola, as long as some GMO plants were in his field

The use of state funds for human cloning is allowed in which states and prohibited in which states?

Prohibit the use of state funds for any human cloning Arizona, Indiana, and Michigan Prohibits public funding for reproductive cloning Missouri Fund such research using state money California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, and New Jersey Allow therapeutic cloning California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Rhode Island

Both reproductive and therapeutic cloning are prohibited in which states?

Prohibit therapeutic cloning Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, and South Dakota Prohibit Reproductive Cloning Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Virginia.

What are the arguments in favor of cloning?

Reliable cloning can be used to make farming more productive by replicating the best animals. It can make medical testing more accurate by providing test subjects that all react the same way to the same drug It can allow mass production of genetically altered animals, plants, and bacteria. Beneficial to almost every area of biological science

What are problems with cloning?

Reproductive cloning is expensive and inefficient More than 90% of attempts fail Cloned animals have compromised immune function, higher rates of infection, tumor growth Regarding cloning humans Do we understand the repercussions of cloning? Genetic diversity of population Who will be able to clone? Who should have access Who decides? Will we be able to clone a dead person? What are the regulations that should be put on this technology? Can we clone our pets? Many believe cloning in general is "playing God" and is a right that we do not have There is desire to prohibit stem cell research seeking cures for many diseases including cancer comes from the Fundamentalist Christian belief that life starts at conception and should be protected by the government from that point treating women as breeding stock who have no rights to control their own bodies

How has the organic food business developed?

Sales of organic food have increased over 20% annually since the late 1990s Organic food companies have been bought by major food companies Kraft, Pepsi, Kellogg, Colgate and General Mills An organization developed to certify organic foods through inspections of organic farms Stoneyfield Yogurt has prevented the use of tons of pesticides and fertilizer through large-scale sales to Walmart

What has Monsanto argued to patent and to prevent regulation of GMOs, to prevent being sued and to force farmers to pay them for accidental cross-pollination of GMOs?

Successfully argued that its GMO plants deserved to be patented because they were different from anything else; -Successfully argued that their GMO plants do not need regulation because they are "substantially equivalent" to non-GMO plants; -Successfully argued that GMO plants fall into the "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) category so they don't require labelling; -Sent letters suing 9,000 farmers for infringement of Monsanto's patent of GMO crops because the GMOs accidentally cross-pollinated those farmers' crops

What government agencies are responsible for the safety of GMO crops?

The US Department of Agriculture is supposed to assess the environmental impacts of GMO crops and regulates GMO field testing, but has not tested the safety of GMOs or their ability to cross-pollinate The Food and Drug Administration requires that any novel substance in food be tested, such as dyes, BUT NOT GMOs The Environmental Protection Agency regulates insecticides, which are engineered into every cell of GMO BT crops. But it does NOT regulate GMOs because they are 'substantially equivalent' to conventional crops and "Generally recognized as safe." Third world countries have been required to receive GMO seeds as a condition of US aid.

Hans Dreisch

The first cloned animals were created by Hans Dreisch in the late 1800's... the clones were of Sea Urchins


The process of making a genetically identical copy. Cloning can refer to the technique of producing a genetically identical copy of an organism by replacing the nucleus of an unfertilized ovum with the nucleus of a body cell from the organism

Recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning

The transfer of a DNA fragment of interest from one organism to a self-replicating genetic element such as a bacterial plasmid. The DNA of interest can then be propagated in a foreign host cell

Therapeutic cloning

Therapeutic cloning, also called "embryo cloning," is the production of human embryos for use in research

What states require GM food labels?

Vermont, Connecticut, North Dakota, Maine

What is the Monsanto company motto, number of federal seeds patented, their share of US GMOs, false advertising of Roundup, etc?

Worlds leading producer of glyphophsate herbicide Roundup Leading producer of GE seed Provides the technology in 90% of the genetically engineered seeds used in the US market Patented and now owns 10,000 seeds developed by farmers and saved in the federal seed bank with our tax dollars for everyone Underlying belief, as stated by Pres. Reagan is "Greed is good. Monopolistic ethic Falsely advertised Roundup as biodegradable Monsanto proposed name change because of bad PR. "Monsanto: No food shall be grown that we don't own"

GMOs differ from previous artificial selection or breeding what ways?

a new gene is added rather than just selected from those that exist in an organism a gene from another species is often inserted a new gene may change more than one trait in a species, a new gene immediately creates entirely new traits in a species

What are the methods used to genetically modify plants by invading their cells?

an electric current is used to make holes in cell walls so they are vulnerable to foreign DNA viruses and bacteria are used to transport foreign DNA into a cell nucleus a gene gun is used to shoot gold particles coated with foreign DNA into cells a promoter gene from the Cauliflower Mosaic virus is usually used to turn on the foreign DNA in the cell nucleus.

Name the organic fertilizers.

compost, manure, worm castings, seaweed, guano, peat

GM crops have caused what agricultural problems?

decrease in yields in droughty conditions due to 25% smaller root systems, inability of soybeans to fix nitrogen, a necessary nutrient increased monoculture of GMOs, requiring artificial fertilizer; pesticides insecticide-resistant pests, and herbicide-resistant weeds, require the spraying of more toxic chemicals similar to Agent Orange to kill Roundup resistant weeds, new undesirable traits that were unexpected, Cross-pollination contaminates organic and non-GMO crops Monoculture of GMO crops could be destroyed by pesticide resistant fungi, diseases cross pollination of edible corn from secret experimental plots of GM corn engineered to produce plastics and a pig vaccine.

What are problems with patenting GMO crops?

loss of plant diversity needed to resist diseases a few large corporations hold the rights to the majority of major US crops large corporations such as Monsanto have successfully sued seed savers and non-GMO farmers for patent infringement when GMO crops have naturally cross-pollinated non-GMO crops; farmers must pay for new seed every year instead of naturally re-seeding from their harvest greater cost of GMO over ordinary seed, and cost of pesticides resulted in 200,000 suicides in India over 10 years Supreme court ruling that denies farmers the right of self-defense against pollution by GMO crops Many US farmers stop growing corn & soybeans to prevent Monsanto suits from inevitable contamination

What are the regulations for certified organic food production? What agency regulates organic food production?

maintain or improve the natural resources of the farm undergo an annual oversight and certification process to enforce natural resource protection and pest-prevention requirements. Periodic testing of soil and water to ensure that growers and handlers are meeting the standards. annual audit of all accredited producers by the USDA, Inspections of farm fields and processing facilities. keep a detailed record-keeping system to track all products to the point of sale, maintain organic integrity to eliminate cross-contamination with non-certified agricultural products. NO GMOs, growth hormones, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Crop standards: Land will have no prohibited substances applied to it for at least 3 years before the harvest of an organic crop The use of genetic engineering, ionizing radiation and sewage sludge is prohibited. Soil fertility and crop nutrients will be managed through tillage and cultivation practices, crop rotations, and cover crops, supplemented with animal and crop waste materials and allowed synthetic materials. Preference will be given to the use of organic seeds and other planting stock, but a farmer may use non-organic seeds and planting stock under specified conditions. Crop pests, weeds, and diseases will be controlled primarily through management practices including physical, mechanical, and biological controls. When these practices are not sufficient, a biological, botanical, or synthetic substance approved for use on the National List may be used. Animal standards (animals used for meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products represented as organically produced): "Animals for slaughter must be raised under organic management from the last third of gestation, or no later than the second day of life for poultry. Producers are required to feed livestock agricultural feed products that are 100 percent organic, but may also provide allowed vitamin and mineral supplements. Producers may convert an entire, distinct dairy herd to organic production by providing 80 percent organically produced feed for 9 months, followed by 3 months of 100 percent organically produced feed. Organically raised animals may not be given hormones to promote growth, or antibiotics for any reason. Preventive management practices, including the use of vaccines, will be used to keep animals healthy. Producers are prohibited from withholding treatment from a sick or injured animal; however, animals treated with a prohibited medication may not be sold as organic. All organically raised animals must have access to the outdoors, including access to pasture for ruminants. They may be temporarily confined only for reasons of health, safety, the animal's stage of production, or to protect soil or water quality. Handling standards: All non-agricultural ingredients (synthetic or non) must be included on the National List of Allowed Synthetic and Prohibited Non-Synthetic Substances. Handlers must prevent the commingling of organic with non-organic products and protect organic products from contact with prohibited substances. In a processed product labeled as "organic," all agricultural ingredients must be organically produced, unless the ingredient(s) is not commercially available in organic form. by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP)

What insects eat aphids and other pests?

red ladybug, lacewing, praying mantis, hornets and wasps.

What is the Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act and who proposed it?

requires labeling of GMO food products written by Democratic Senators Boxer, Kucinich, etc. introduced to congress every year since 1999 still waiting to be voted on by congress

Genetically Modified crops have developed what traits in plants?

resistance to herbicides, production of pesticides such as bacillus thuringiensis in potatoes, corn, and cotton by 1996 Only kill insects feeding on the crops Nontoxic to vertebrates and environmentally safe producing vitamin A in rice to decrease human deficiency that causes blindness, Hepatitis vaccine inserted in bananas

Which US crops have been 80-90% genetically modified?

soybeans, cotton, canola, corn, sugar beets

What are non-pesticide methods of managing pests?

sterilizing male pests, soil steaming, crop rotation, plants that attract pests planted away from crops, plants that attract helpful insects planted next to crops, genetic modification of crops Introduce insects that eat pests

What GMOs have been approved for release?

sugar beet, peas, tobacco, carrots, lettuce, ArborGen's Loblolly Pine

Previous employees or lawyers of Monsanto were appointed by the Bush Presidents to which government agencies?

the Supreme Court: Clarence Thomas was a Monsanto lawyer. the Environmental Protection Agency, Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General.


the aggregate of genetically identical cells or organisms asexually produced by a single progenitor cell or organism

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