Quiz Air Distribution Systems by DP
Radial perimeter system
A duct system commonly used in small homes in areas with cold climates is the
Perimeter loop system
A duct system installed in a concrete slab that helps keep the entire floor warm is the ______.
Static, Velocity & Total Pressure.
A duct system is pressurized by what three pressures?
Free air Delivery
A fan moving air with no effective restrictions to airflow at its inlet or outlet is called ______.
The fusible link melts
A fire damper will close when
Psychrometric chart
A graphic representation of the relationship between air properties is known as ___
A manometer is used to measure
Pitot tube
A tool that is inserted into a duct to capture pressure values is a ___
An air distribution system must deliver draft free quantities of conditioned air and return the air the air handler without excessive power consumption and with minimal maintenance.
An air outlet device that directs air in a concentrated non-spreading stream is a _______.
Wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperature
An electronic psychrometer is used to measur
1,000 rpm
An existing air distribution system has an airflow of 6,000 cfm created by a blower operating at a speed of 1,200 rpm. If you wanted to change the airflow to 5,000 cfm, what is the required new blower speed
An instrument that gives a direct reading of relative humidity is called a?
14.7 psi
At sea level, every inch of Earth as an absolute pressure of?
Branch ducts need ______ so they can be connected to the main duct.
Make minor adjustments in airflow
Dampers built into supply diffusers and registers are used to
Total pressure loss in an air distribution system excluding the blower itself
External static pressure loss is the
A friction loss equal to some length of the same size straight duct
Fitting and transition used in a duct system have
Cooling when used with room-by-room returns
High sidewall registers work best in
decreases slightly
If the resistance against a centrifugal bloweris doubled, the cfm output decreases, and theamperage draw of the motor ____.
If the resistance against a propeller fan isdoubled, the cfm output decreases, but the amperage draw of the motor ____.
Class 1
In order to minimize the spread of smoke within a building, select smoke damper with a leakage?
Remember 2`
Incline meter is more accurate then u tube meter
Wet-bulb temperature
Temperature taken with a thermometer that has a saturated wick wrapped around its sensing bulb before taking a reading is called a(n) ____
Ak Factor
The _____ reflects the free area of a grille, register, or diffuser in relation to one square foot.
Blower door
The device containing a fan that is used to depressurize a building for air leak testing is the ____
Sheet metal
The duct material that has the least friction loss is
Dry-bulb temperature
The temperature measureed using a standard thermometer is called ____
Backward inclined centrifugal blower
The type of blower or fan that is best suited to applications with a high resistance to airflow is the
Propeller fan
The type of fan usually housed in a short venturi is the ____.
Remember 1
The volume in cubic feet per minute cfm is calculated by multiplying the area of the duct by the velocity of the air moving through it
Cubic feet per minute (cfm)
The volume of air flowing past a point in one minute is measured in ____
To transition from branch ducts to the grille and registers, ________ are typically required.
When the opening exceeds 1/4" 6-7mm.
Under what conditions would it be necessary to seal a duct with fiberglass tape and mastic
static pressure in a duct system
Which of the following is typically measuredwith an inclined water manometer?
A higher pressure measured in the duct than in the home during a test indicates a leak.
Which of the following statements about pressure testing residential duct systems is true?
Which supply air diffuser or register location offers the best cooling performance?
Outlet of the blower
Within an air distribution system, the highest pressure level is found at the
the effectiveness of insulation is reflected in its ______.
Relative humidity RH
the ratio of the amount of moisture present in a given sample of air compared to the amount it can hold at saturation defines _______.
total pressure
the sum of the static pressure and the velocity pressure in an air duct provides the ______.
the perimeter is where most of the heat gain or loss occurs
the supply-air grilles in a residential system are often placed around the perimeter of the structure because ____.
usually measured in feet per minute, reflects how fast air is moving in a duct
forward curved centrifugal
which type of blower is commonly used in residential system?
Reducing extended plenum
A 24 ft. x 37 ft. single story house with abasement has the heating unit in one end of the basement. What type of supply duct system would be used in this application?
Transfer Grille
A _______ allows air to move freely out of an enclosed are.
A device use to control and balance airflow in forced air systens is a?
External Static Pressure ESP
Adding up the total friction loss of the ducts and all other objects in the air distribution system beyond the blower itself will result in the ____
3.5 in W.C.
Air distribution air systems considered to be high-pressure systems have pressure greater than?
Air masses at different temperatures will _____ unless an outside force encourages it to move and mix.
Less airflow than.
Air systems used only for heating usually require_______ systems used for both heating and cooling.
2,000 cfm
An air distribution system for a light commercial building is designed to work with a 5-ton cooling system. About how many cfm of airflow should the system blower be capable of supplying
This is where the heat exchange occurs, placed next to the outside wall to accomplish the load cancelling effect. cold air kept in & hot air kept out. depending on the season.
Floor diffusers along the outer wall of the room are the best way to introduce treated air into a room. Why?
400 cfm +_50
Forced-air systems designed for cooling require about_______ of airflow per ton of cooling.
air volume
Multiplying the cross sectional are of a duct by the air velocity is used to calculate _____.
Build on concrete slabs.
Overhead trunk and radial systems are typically used in homes?
Air pressure and velocity
Pitot tubes are used in measuring
sheet metal screw
Round metal duct sections are normally connected using ______.
The ideal location for a balancing damper in a branch duct is at the _____.
Vapor barrier
The material installed over insulation to prevent moisture from entering is referred to as a ______.
Static pressure s.p.
The pressure exerted uniformly in all directions within a duct system is called ____.
Velocity pressure
The pressure in a duct due to the forward movement of the air is referred to as the ______.
maintain a more even pressure throughout the entire length of the trunk duct
The reason for using a reducing extended plenum system is to ____,
The ring or panel surrounding the blades of a propeller fan that increases the fan's performance is called a(n) ___.
The sealed enclosure at the inlet or outlet of an air handler is called a(n) ____
Revolutions per minute rpm
The speed at which the shaft of an air-moving device is rotating over a period of time is reported in ______.
Inches of water column or centimeters of water
The static pressure, velocity pressure, and total pressure measured in a duct system are measured in
Dew Point
The temperature at which the air becomes saturated with water, causing it to condense into water droplets and fall out, is called the ___.