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Which of the following would businesses need to avoid for them to be successful over a period of many years?

Functional Fixedness

Which of the following terms refers to a limited mental capacity that affects functioning in conceptual skills, social skills, and practical skills?

Intellectual Disability

In _____, the organism learns through experience with negative stimuli that it has no control over negative outcomes.

Learned Helplessness

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates Tolman's views on purposive behavior?

Mike works hard all through the week because he expects to get paid on Friday

Liam is studying in his room for an exam but is disturbed by the loud music from his neighbor's house. He closes the window so that he can no longer hear the loud music. In this scenario, Liam's behavior demonstrates _____ in operant conditioning.

Negative Reinforcement

____ is the method of improving short-term memory that involves the conscious repetition of information.


Shizuka administered a self-developed depression scale twice on a group of patients at a hospital. At both times, she observed that different scores were yielded by the same set of patients. From this scenario, it can be concluded that Shizuka's scale lacks _____.


Who would benefit the most from defining subgoals?

Todd has to complete a science fair project.

In Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning, prior to associating the sound of the bell with the food, the dog's salivation in response to the food was the _____.

Unconditioned Response

In Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning, the dog salivated each time the food was presented. The dog's response to the food was a(n) _____.

Unconditioned Response

Five minutes are deducted from Frankie's recess hour every time he misbehaves in class. In the context of operant conditioning, his teacher is using _____ to discipline Frankie.

negative punishment

While observing rats in a maze, Patrick realizes that the rats are able to find their way to the end of the maze even though they are not rewarded at any point during the experiment. This type of learning can best be defined as _____.

latent learning

A 20-year-old- woman with a mental age of 22 would have an IQ of _____.


Classical conditioning is a form of _____.

Associative Learning

Jacob, a police officer, wants to train his new dog, Rover. Jacob buys a "zap collar" that delivers a low intensity shock to the neck of the dog whenever it pulls on the leash. After wearing the collar for a few days, Rover recognizes that the shock is an undesirable result of pulling on the leash. Consequently, Rover stops pulling on the leash. In this scenario, which of the following methods has most likely been used to discipline Rover?

Aversive Conditioning

Matt is visibly excited to see his father when his father comes home from work every evening. Now, he is equally excited when he hears his father's car in the driveway, because he associates this with his father coming home. In this scenario, Matt's behavior can best be explained by _____.

Classical Conditioning

In which type of learning do organisms learn the association between two stimuli?

Classical conditioning

Which of the following holds true about the statement that computers provide an oversimplified model of human information processing?

Computer information input is pre-coded and ambiguities are removed before processing.

On her first visit to Quantasia, Jessica, a traveler, visits a restaurant near a highway that serves traditional cuisine. She learns that such kinds of restaurants are termed as "matam." According to the characteristics of a concept, which of the following characteristics has been illustrated in this scenario?

Concepts facilitate generalization.

Dan is at an international food fest with his brother Jude. When Dan is served a dish of Mopane worm stew, Jude tells him reassuringly, "That's food!" and Dan comprehends his statement regarding the concept of food. Which of the following characteristics of concepts has been illustrated in this scenario?

Concepts provide clues about how to react to a particular object.

_____ is the process of learning the associations between two events.


In the context of memory processes, which of the following scenarios best illustrates the process of encoding information?

Deborah is watching a movie in the theater.

Lisa, a marketing manager, has suggested using crowdsourcing to come up with ideas for advertising. She has found a number of people who are ready to volunteer to answer a questionnaire and be a part of a focus group. Which of the following processes of thinking is being illustrated in this scenario?

Divergent thinking

Allan Paivio has documented how imagery can improve memory. Which of the following theories proposed by him claims that memory for pictures is better than memory for words?

Dual-Code Hypothesis

Albert is listening intently to his principal's lecture on the advancement of scientific research. In this scenario, Albert is most likely _____.

Encoding information into his memory

In operant conditioning, _____ occurs when a behavior is no longer reinforced and decreases in frequency.


Ivan has misplaced his room keys. Which of the following would he do if he decides to use an algorithmic approach to find them?

He will go through each drawer in his house

Which of the following is true of algorithms and heuristics for solving real-life problems?

Heuristics are shortcut strategies

_____ memory is a type of long-term memory in which an individual's behavior is affected by prior experience without a conscious recollection of that experience.


Which of the following statements is true of inductive reasoning?

It involves bottom-up processing.

Which of the following statements best describes classical conditioning?

It is a learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an innately meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response.

Which of the following statements is true about autobiographical memory?

It is a special form of episodic memory.

Francis, a psychologist, has developed a new test to measure the verbal ability of third graders. To determine the range of scores (and what is a good and bad score), he gives the test to 10,000 third graders. In future, he will compare the performance of others to this reference group. This process of determining meaningful scores involves establishing _____.


Janet scolds her daughter, Kelley, each time Kelley pinches her little brother. After two weeks, Janet notices that Kelley has stopped pinching her little brother. In this scenario, scolding Kelley is an example of _____ in operant conditioning.

Positive Punishment

Felix, a record-holder in the area of memory skills, amazed the 150-member audience at his show when he accurately recalled all their names in correct alphabetical order. Which of the following processes of memory has Felix demonstrated in this scenario?


Which of the following statements about the retrieval of memory is true? Retrieval precedes the process of information rehearsal. Retrieval takes place after the information is encoded and before it is stored. Retrieval is heavily dependent on the way a memory was retained. Retrieval is not affected by how a memory was encoded.

Retrieval is heavily dependent on the way a memory was retained.

Ryan, a high-school football player, received a head injury during a game. Following recovery, Ryan was unable to remember anything that happened before the injury. However, he was able to form new relationships and new memories. In the context of forgetting, Ryan's condition best exemplifies _____.

Retrograde Amnesia

Tim is studying for his final exams. In the context of using study tips from the science of memory, which of the following practices would help Tim improve the task of rehearsing information?

Rewriting or retyping his study material

Roger witnesses a burglary. On being questioned by the police, Roger provides a vague description of the burglar, mentioning his approximate build and height, but he is unable to recall specific details. Which of the following is most likely the highest level of processing that Roger has engaged in while encoding information about the burglar?


In the context of operant conditioning, _____ refers to rewarding successive approximations of a desired behavior.


_____ is the ability to maintain attention to a selected stimulus for a prolonged period of time.

Sustained attention

In the context of the processes involved in memory, which of the following best describes encoding?

Taking in the information

Harry intends to pursue his career in the armed forces. However, his mother prevents him from applying for a position in the armed forces. She fears that she will lose her son just like she lost her husband who died during his regime in the armed forces. Hence, it can be concluded that Harry's mother has used _____.

The availability Heuristic

Which of the following is true of Ivan Pavlov's experiment on classical conditioning?

The bell was a neutral stimulus before it was paired with the meat powder

A store run by Mr. Mathers was robbed by three armed men. Mr. Mathers and his staff are waiting for the police to arrive. While doing so, they discuss the robbery and decide on a common story to tell the police. Which of the following is a likely outcome of this collaborative sharing of information by the eyewitnesses?

The dialogue between the eyewitnesses will contaminate their memories.

Positive reinforcement in operant conditioning is a learning process in which:

The frequency of the behavior increases because it is followed by a desirable outcome

Which of the following statements is true of people who are gifted? They are functionally fixed. They have an IQ of less than 120. They have superior talent in a particular area. They have below average intelligence.

They have superior talent in a particular area.

Jessica loves to travel by air. She enjoys being in an airplane and experiencing the excitement of flying. However, Jessica's last three flights were highly turbulent and made her anxious and physically sick. Consequently, Jessica now fears flying. In this scenario, in the context of classical conditioning, Jessica's fear of flying is a(n) _____.

Unconditioned response

Sheila is preparing for her end-of-semester tests. In the context of using study tips from the science of memory, which of the following practices will help her encode information more effectively?

Using Chunking

Clara develops a test to assess the levels of anxiety among cardiac surgeons and shows it to Betty, a subject matter expert, for feedback on her test. Post the review session, Betty approves her test and states that the test measures what it aims to measure. Thus, from the above scenario this test exemplifies _____.


Bonnie and Clyde have decided to purchase a new entertainment center. As this will be a major financial investment, they spend a lot of time researching their options. Helen, a psychology student, advises them to distract themselves with an alternate activity before they come to any purchase decisions. Is this a good advice?

Yes, research has shown that people who approach complex decisions after being distracted are more likely to make better decisions.

While on her way to work recently, Martha was pulled over for the first time, for exceeding the speed limit. She was required to pay a heavy fine. Since then, she has maintained a consistent speed of 30 miles per hour while driving, whether or not there are speed limits in place. In this scenario, Martha is demonstrating _____ learning.


Jack regularly feeds his neighbor's dog, Oscar. He announces his arrival by ringing his bicycle bell and feeds Oscar mouth-watering treats. As Jack has been doing this for two weeks, every time he hears Jack's bicycle bell, Oscar begins salivating with the expectation of being fed. In this scenario, Oscar learns the response to the bicycle bell through _____.

classical conditioning

Dr. Meyer is known for his difficult pop quizzes. Immediately before he announces a pop quiz to his students, he walks to the classroom door and closes it. His students soon learn to anticipate a pop quiz whenever Dr. Meyer closes the classroom door. In the context of classical conditioning, closing the door has become a(n) _____.

conditioned stimulus

Yvette remembers the time that she and her brother got lost in the park. This is an example of _____ memory.


Just as it does in classical conditioning, _____ plays a key role in operant conditioning.


The first step in memory is _____.


The concept of _____ is best defined as the ability to do well on cognitive tasks, to solve problems, and to learn from experience.


Garret, a young boy, remembers that he has to pick up his little brother from school in a few hours. This is an example of _____ memory.


Jeremy visits a new coffee shop. Even though the arrangement of seats and counters at this coffee shop is different from every other coffee shop he has been to, he automatically knows that he must stand in line in front of the counter and get his sugar and cream from the counter on the side. In this scenario, Jeremy has a(n) _____ for how coffee shops work.


An unconditioned response is a(n):

unlearned reaction

A process that makes an observer less likely to repeat a behavior on seeing the model reprimanded is called _____ in observational learning.

vicarious punishment

An effective way to strategize the organization of subgoals is to

work backward in the planning process.

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