Quizzes 4-6

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Which of the following is a microsporidium obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that causes neurologic disease in rabbits?

Encephalitozoon cuniculi

An inbred strain of rat that is commonly used in research for studying testicular cancer is the ___________.


Which of the following is not common stocks of outbred rats?

Fisher 344

The female rabbit has what type of uterus?


The term used to describe when a female rat eats her pups is _____________.


Night feces in the rabbit are also referred to as:


What is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity of rabbits?


Horses and rabbits are _____.

cecum fermenters

The premolars of rabbits are also known as:

cheek teeth

An animal that results from the introduction of genetic material (DNA) from one animal into the fertilized egg of a different animal is:


Why is hay an important part of the rabbit diet? (Select the BEST answer)

contains indigestible fiber that helps with weight management, dental disease, and gut health

Mature female rabbits develop a large fold of skin under the chin that is known as the:


The female rabbit is referred to as:


Cheyletiella mites use _____ as their hosts.

dogs, cats, and rabbits

A characteristic that distinguishes lagomorphs from rodents is:

double pair of incisors

Which of the following is seen as chalky-white or cream-colored urine in rabbits?

dystrophic calcification

The incus, malleus, and stapes are all bones that create the _____ in small animals.


Which of the following drugs is least likely to kill the normal flora in the gut of the rabbit, thus avoiding severe diarrhea?


What is the length of the estrous cycle in rabbits?

every 4 days

Primary enclosures for rabbits shall be sanitized at least once every ____. (according to the textbook for research facilities).

every other week

Before inducing anesthesia, how long should a pet rat be fasted?

fasting is not indicated

What is the most common site for an IO catheter in a rat?


At what age do the testes descend in the rabbit?

12 weeks

The forelegs of rabbits have ____ toes.


What is the age of sexual maturity for rabbits?

5 to 8 months

How many cervical vertebrae does the rabbit have?


What percentage of body weight comprises the skeleton of the rabbit?


An abdominal radiograph of a rabbit reveals an ingesta-filled stomach with large amounts of gas in the intestines and cecum. This is suggestive of what condition in the rabbit?

GI stasis

Which of the following anatomical areas contains more than half of all lymphoid tissue in the rabbit?

GI tract

All of the following are outbred stocks of rats, except the:


What rat is also known as the hooded rat?

Long Evans

Which of the following are not comon inbred strains of rats?

Long Evans

Which of the following is an outbred strain of rat?

Long Evans

Which stock of rat is commonly known as the "hooded" rat?

Long Evans

A female rabbit does not ovulate eggs from her ovaries until after mating has occurred. This process is called _______ ovulation.


Parturition in rabbits is called ______.


Baby rabbits are called _______.


Rats are primarily ________.


Total parenteral nutrition is correctly defined as which of the following?

nutrition must be administered by means other than the mouth

Which bone is the most caudal bone of the skull in small animals?

occipital bone

Prevention of trichobezoars in rabbits involves the addition of ______ to the diet.

pineapple or papaya

In most areas of the world, rats are the reservoir host of the plague organism. However, in the United States, the most common species harboring this organism is:

prairie dogs

Calcium in the diet must be carefully regulated for what species?


Caudal paraplysis, as a consequence of injury to the spinal cord from a fractured back, occurs commonly in the ______.


The most common intermediate host of Taenia pisiformis is a:


A malocclusion is which one or more of the upper incisor teeth are caudal to the lower incisors is known as:

rostral crossbite

The round, expanded muscular sac found at the terminal portion of the ileum in rabbits is referred to as ___________.

sacculus rotundus

The best type of caging system for a near-term pregnant rat is


Into what structure is the drug given when using a gavage needle in a rat?


"Red tears" (chromodacryorrhea) in rats is caused by ________.


Where are the scent glands located on the rabbit?

under the chin, on either side of the perineum, at the anus

A malocclusion where one side of the mandible or maxilla is disporportionate to its other side is known as:

wry mouth

The term altricial refers to

born hairless, born deaf, born blind

Which type of vision do rabbits have?

both monocular and binocular

How is pain typically characterized in rabbits?


A male rabbit is called a


A proptosed globe:

can be caused by overzealous restraint of the animal

The scientific name of the domestic rabbit is ________.

Oryctolagus cuniculus

The rabbit breed used most widely in biomedical research is the:

New Zealand White

Rodents practice coprophagy primarily to recover:

B-vitamin complex

A rabbit needs 300 ug/kg of 1% ivermectin solution. If the rabbit weighs 8 lb, how many mL of ivermectin should be administered?


A 354 g rat weighs ___________ kg.


Up to how much blood could you safely collect from a 360 g rat when performing venipuncture?

1.8 to 3.5 mL

What is the average adult body weight of rabbits?

1000 - 8000 g

How many thoracic vertebrae does the rabbit have?


What percentage of body weight is composed of GI tract in the rabbit?


The average adult rat weighs _______ grams.

200 - 500

What is the average heart rate of rabbits?

220 bpm

Food material of rabbits passes through the digestive system twice within ____ hours.


An appropriately sized needle to use for collection of blood from the lateral tail vein of a rat is _______.

25 gauge

What is gestational period of rabbits?

28 - 32 days

What is the normal respiratory rate of rabbits?

35 - 60 bpm

What is the normal body temperature of rabbits?


Hard fibrous pellets from the digestive system of rabbits are produced within ____ hours of eating.


What is the weaning age of rabbits?

4 to 6 weeks

The common laboratory rat was developed from the __________.

Brown Norway rat

The parasite whose larvae encyst in the SQ tissue of rabbits is:

Cuterebra species

A typical feeder often found in rabbit cages is known as the "___" feeder.


The most common respiratory disease of rats is _________.


The most common bacterial infection in rabbits is __________.

Pasteurella multocida

Adult male rats typically carry their testes inside their abdominal cavity.


Neonatal rats are sexed by comparing anogenital distance and the size of the genital papillae.


Normal urine color for the rabbit varies from clear, to yellow, to red.


Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers.


Rat pups are normally weaned at 21 days of age.


Rats and mice combined account for more than 95% of all mammalian species used.


The majority of rodents used in research are specific pathogen free.


The pheromone-induced Bruce effect described in mice does not occur in rats.


Infection with the Gram-negative organism Francisella tularensis is commonly referred to as __________.


The lab rat is known as Rattus norvegicus. What does Rattus refer to?


Rats can be safely and humanely picked up by:

grasping over the shoulders

Rabbits should have an unlimited amount of

grass hay

A polygamous breeding system is also known as ___________ breeding.


It is difficult to accurately convert the drug dosage used for cats and dogs to lab animal species because the latter have a:

high basal metabolic rate relative to body surface area

What anatomic structure is similar in rodents and horses?

large cecum

The most common dental problem found in rodents is:


Why should the anticholinergic glycopyrrolate be used in rabbits instead of atropine?

many rabbits have high levels of atropinase, so atropine is relatively ineffective

The most common site for blood collection in the rabbit is the

marginal ear vein or central auricular artery

The inner surface of the ear (pinna) makes an ideal location to place a tattoo, but one must be careful not to puncture which vessel?

medial ear artery

Which statement about housing rabbits is accurate?

two male rabbits housed together will fight

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