Quizzes-Exam 2

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Given the following standards, calculate the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) needed: One FTW: 480 minutes per work day Work standard: 30 minutes per request Volume per day: 40 requests FTE needed: ________


The plural executive is______

A body such as a organizations board of directors that exercises authority over the organizations management

All of the following statements about diversity training are true, EXCEPT:

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the use of outside providers of diversity training programs is less effective than those presented by the organization's staff.

The budget category that cannot be cut or reduced is ______

Computer software licensing agreements

The budget category that cannot be cut or reduced is_______.

Computer software licensing agreements

Planning constraints are similar to which aspects of the clientele network?


The ad hoc committee is created for the express purpose of:

Dealing with one issue and disbanding when that issue is resolved

Direct expenses include all of the following EXCEPT

Equipment depreciation

An adequate training objective includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

Error penalty

For the decision maker who must overcome personal preference to make an impartial decision, which of the following is the most effective tool

Factor analysis matrix

True/ False: Employee training and staff development are helpful overall but have little effect in changing behavior to meet the needs of the organization


True/False: An ad hoc committee and a task force differ from each other in that one is a temporary arrangement and the other is essentially permanent.


True/False: An organization can usually successfully forbid any full-time employee to engage in outside business or financial activities of any kid.


True/False: Employee training and staff development are helpful overall but have little effect in changing behavior to meet the needs of the organization.


True/False: In milestone budgeting, the budget periods are usually divided into equal cycles throughout the project (e.g., three-month periods).


True/False: It is an essential requirement of any committee that its members never attempt to exercise line authority over others.


True/False: It is difficult to detect e-mail abuse by employees because an individual's business e-mail is private.


True/False: It is necessary to use temporary help services as sparingly as possible because they always represent excess cost.


True/False: Temporary agency employees may be retained on the job for up to one year without difficulty.


True/False: The best type of maintenance and repair plan for a department with mix of new and older equipment is the fee-for-service plan.


True/False: The best type of maintenance and repair plan for a department with mix or new and older equipment is the fee-for-service plan.


True/False: in milestone budgeting, the budget period are usually divided into equal cycles throughout the project


The authority associated with staff employees is termed_____

Functional authority

The authority associated with staff employees is termed______.

Functional authority

"To process discharge summaries within eight hours of receipt of dictated report" is an example of which type of plan?

Functional objective

Active employee participation in conducting the business of the organization can be encouraged by _________.

Getting employees together occasionally to solicit their observations and to brainstorm ideas.

Which of the following is ordinarily NOT covered during a general orientation to the organization?

How to file claims under the organizations health insurance program

The approach to budgeting in which the financial database of the immediate past year is increased by some given percentage for the coming year is termed ________.

Incremental budgeting

The approach to budgeting is which the financial database of the immediate past year is increased by some given percentage for the coming year is termed _______.

Incremental budgeting

The training method in which an employee is given job assignments in a variety of work assignments in a planned sequence is termed _____.

Job rotation approach

Functional objectives typically include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Motivational Statements

Which of the following wage and salary consideration is an impersonal cost?

Number of years in job

Which of the following wage and salary considerations is an impersonal cost?

Number of years in job

When a manager needs to make decisions in rapid, continuous, real-time circumstances, the most effective decision-making tool is usually


When a manager needs to make decisions in rapid, continuous, real-time circumstances, the most effective decision-making tool is usually _____

OODA loop

"All occupational therapy personnel will be licensed and register. Recent graduate or therapists from foreign countries may treat patients but they must be supervised by a licensed and certified occupational therapist who countersigns their patient care plans and progress nots" is an example of which type of plan?


"All occupational therapy personnel will be licensed and registered. Recent graduate or therapists from foreign countries may treat patients but they must be supervised by a licensed and certified occupational therapist who countersigns their patient care plans and progress notes" is an example of which type of plan?


Which characteristic of effective plans gives the employee team immediate motivational feedback?

Precise plans

Once the goals to be attained have been established, ________ must be developed- that is, the assumptions must be identified, stated, and used consistently.


once the goals to be attained have been established, ____________ must be developed-that is, the assumptions must be identified, states, and used consistently.


A team composed primarily of ran-and-file employees may legally engage in_______.

Pursuit of work-simplification or methods improvement projects

Typical philosophical premises in healthcare planning include all of the following EXCEPT:

Requirements for reimbursement practices

The practice of having an employee report to two different managers is referred to as______.

Split reporting

An acute care hospital has received a major grant for a five-year research project in neighborhood healthcare services. The continuance of the research project after the five years is uncertain. The most likely pattern of organization for the research project is_____.

Temporary departmentation

An occupational therapy group develops a pattern of departmentation for home care services based on catchment area requirements. This is an example of departmentation by________.


Which of the following is NOT true for temporary departmentation?

The life of a temporary department must not extend longer than six months.

The standard classification of expenditures and other budget transactions is called _______.

The uniform code of accounts

The standard classification of expenditures and other budget transactions is called_____.

The uniform code of accounts

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines defining an independent contractor state that_______

The using organization decides whether a particular service provider is an employee or an independent contractor

All of the following situations generally involve a wide span of management, EXCEPT:

The work group is decentralized

In the decision-making process, critical, nonprogrammed, root decisions are made b-

Top-level management

True/False: Incremental decisions do not usually involve in-depth evaluation of goals, policies, or underlying philosophy?


True/False: A committee can never take place of individual managers who accept specific responsibilities and exhibit leadership.


True/False: A disadvantage of committees is the committee that continues to exist and to meet long after its basic charge has been fulfilled and it has outlived its usefulness.


True/False: A health information manager chooses off-site commercial storage for hard copy records and eliminates the space and staffing associated with in-house storage. This is an example of root decision making.


True/False: A team is ordinarily seen as less formal or structured than a committee, although it is possible for each to exist for a specific purpose.


True/False: An advantage of committee activity is that the situation of shared thinking may lead to a better decision than might be reached by an individual.


True/False: Any employee, professional or otherwise, is more likely to contribute to short-term turnover if he or she has not been adequately oriented.


True/False: Contract management of a service may involve the provision of management only or the entire service, including all involved employees.


True/False: In reviewing budget variances for the current budget year, a manager would give special attention to a line item that is over budget for the review period as well as over budget for the year.


True/False: Incremental decisions do not usually involve in-depth evaluation of goals, policies, or underlying philosophy.


True/False: Rank and file employees have input in decision making through collective bargaining representatives, as specified in the collective bargaining agreement.


True/False: Some important and highly disruptive effects on teams occur because most rewards and compensation systems focus on individual effort rather than on team performance.


True/False: Telecommuting may not be appropriate for an employee who copes only marginally with the absence of traditional supervision.


True/False: The Stark Law is federal legislation that makes it illegal for physicians to refer Medicare or Medicaid patients to other providers in which they hold a financial interest.


True/False: There is always a chance that a team composed of mostly rank-and-file employees could be considered an illegal labor organization.


True/False: a committee can never take the place of individual managers who accept specific responsibilities and exhibit leadership


True/False: a disadvantage of committees is the committee that continues to exist and to meet long after its basic charge has been fulfilled and it has outlived its usefulness.


According to straightforward interpretation of most organizations' codes of conduct, which of the following does not constitute an ethical violation?

Using one's own cell phone to place personal calls at one's work station during lunch hour

According to straightforward interpretation of most organizations' codes of conduct, which of the following does not constitute an ethical violation?

Using ones own cell phone to place personal calls at ones work station during lunch hour

an ad hoc committee is created for the express purpose of:

dealing with one issue and disbanding when that issue is resolved

active employee participation in conducting the business of the organization can be encouraged by_____

getting employees together occasionally to solicit their observations and brainstorm ideas.

All of the following are external mandates for training programs, except

mission and values statement of the organization

The planning approach usually associated with budgeting is


An acute care hospital has received a major grant for a five year research project in neighborhood healthcare services. The continuance of the research project after the five years is uncertain. The most likely pattern of organization for the research project is________.

temporary departmentation

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines defining an independent contractor state that:

the using organization decides whether a particular service provider is an employee or an independent contractor

According to straightforward interpretation of most organizations' codes of conduct which of the following does not constitute an ethical violation?

using ones own cell phone to place personal calls at ones work station during lunch hour

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