Quizzes for bio

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The circuit from sensory neuron to muscle response is called ____. Select one: a. a reflex arc b. a synapse c. extension d. flexion


A student is instructed how to measure the resting potential of a neuron. What value best approximates what she should observe? Select one: a. -65 millivolts b. -70 millivolts c. 70 millivolts d. 0 millivolts


Cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in the ____. Select one: a. dorsal root ganglia b. white matter c. ventral roots d. spinal cord


Compared to other neurotransmitters, what makes nitric oxide special? Select one: a. It is a gas. b. It is taken back up into the presynaptic neuron. c. It is an organelle. d. It is released before the action potential occurs.


If a drug such as Novocain blocks the sodium gates of a neuron's membrane, it will ____. Select one: a. block the action potential b. decrease the threshold c. eliminate the refractory period d. cause repeated action potentials


Sympathetic is to ____ as parasympathetic is to ____. Select one: a. norepinephrine; acetylcholine Correct b. acetylcholine; norepinephrine c. serotonin; dopamine d. dopamine; serotonin


The "binding problem" is the issue of how we ____. Select one: a. perceive visual, auditory and other aspects of a stimulus as a single object b. transfer information between the left and right hemispheres c. convert sensory information into a pattern that produces movement d. communicate between word comprehension and word production areas of the brain


The ventricles, central canal, and subarachnoid space are all ____. Select one: a. filled with cerebrospinal fluid b. filled with blood c. involved in cognitive functioning d. part of the forebrain


Which statement about Korsakoff's syndrome is correct? Select one: a. It is marked by severe memory impairments b. It results from lack of oxygen to the brain c. It is due to a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier d. It results from too much thiamine


Which structure provides the main source of input to the cerebral cortex? Select one: a. Thalamus b. Hypothalamus c. Medulla d. Limbic system


Damage to the basal ganglia would most likely result in ____. Select one: a. a loss of pain sensation b. a movement disorder c. problems with visual perception d. problems with auditory perception


Dendrites ____. Select one: a. are an insulating material that cover an axon b. are branching fibers that get narrower near their ends c. are thin fibers of constant diameter d. contain the nucleus, ribosomes, and other structures found in most cells


Even at rest, most neurons have periodic production of action potentials, known as the ____. Select one: a. all-or-none law b. spontaneous firing rate c. excitatory firing rate d. law of compensation


Molecules that can cross the blood-brain barrier are usually ____. Select one: a. large, charged molecules b. molecules that can dissolve in the fats of the capillary walls c. large, uncharged molecules, such as lactose d. neurotransmitters, such as dopamine


The role of the pituitary gland is to make and release _____ into ______. Select one: a. neurotransmitters; ventricles b. hormones; bloodstream c. hormones; hypothalamus d. neurotransmitters; hypothalamus


When an action potential reaches the end of an axon, the depolarization causes what ionic movement in the presynaptic cell? Select one: a. Sodium out of the cell b. Calcium into the cell c. Iron into the cell d. Lithium out of the cell


Which bests describes an IPSP? Select one: a. a gap in a myelin sheath b. a temporary hyperpolarization c. the location where a dendrite branches d. a subthreshold depolarization


Why does the brain need thiamine? Select one: a. To enable glucose to cross the blood-brain barrier b. To enable it to metabolize glucose c. As a source of fuel in case there is not enough glucose d. As a building block for making proteins


Although the primary visual cortex is in the ____ lobe, the ____ lobe helps process information about movement and the recognition of faces. Select one: a. parietal; occipital b. temporal; parietal c. occipital; temporal d. occipital; parietal


Depolarization is to ____ as hyperpolarization is to ____. Select one: a. inhibition; excitation b. decreasing the threshold; increasing the threshold c. excitation; inhibition d. increasing the threshold; decreasing the threshold


Each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex receives most of its input from the ____ side of the body and controls the muscles on the ____ side. Select one: a. contralateral; ipsilateral b. ipsilateral; ipsilateral c. contralateral; contralateral d. ipsilateral; contralateral


Exocytosis is the process by which neurotransmitters are ____. Select one: a. secreted into synaptic vesicles b. synthesized c. released from the presynaptic neuron Correct d. destroyed


What does an autoreceptor monitor? Select one: a. amount of reuptake b. extracellular sodium concentration c. amount of neurotransmitter released d. number of action potentials


Which plane shows brain structures as they would be seen from above? Select one: a. Commuter b. Sagittal c. Horizontal d. Coronal


Glucose is vital to the brain because ______. Select one: a. glial cells can only breakdown glucose into energy that the neurons can use. b. neurons and glial cells can only metabolize glucose. c. all other forms of energy are used up by the body and don't make it to the brain. d. glucose is unique and can cross the blood-brain barrier to be used by neurons.


Glutamate opens sodium gates, enabling sodium ions to enter the postsynaptic cell. What type of effect is this? Select one: a. Metabotropic b. Orthodromic c. Modulatory d. Ionotropic


What do dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine share in common? Select one: a. They are all released by the same neurons. b. They all affect the same receptors. c. They all are gases. d. They are all synthesized from the same amino acids


What keeps sodium ions from continuing to enter a cell after the peak of an action potential? Select one: a. There is no longer a concentration gradient for sodium. b. The sodium-potassium pump greatly increases its rate of activity. c. All the available sodium ions have already entered the cell. d. The sodium gates in the membrane close.


When a neuron' is at rest, the concentration gradient tends to move potassium ____ the cell and the electrical gradient tends to move it ____ the cell. Select one: a. out of; out of b. into; into c. into; out of d. out of; into


Whether a neuron experiences an action potential would depend mostly on what movement of ions? Select one: a. Potassium ions leaving the cell b. Potassium ions entering the cell c. Sodium ions leaving the cell d. Sodium ions entering the cell


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