RAD 142
Appropriate patient preparation for an upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series should include: 1. NPO after midnight prior to the examination 2. No gum chewing prior to the procedure 3. No smoking prior to the procedure
The biologic effect on an individual is dependent on which of the following? 1) Type of tissue interaction(s 2) Amount of interactions 3) Biologic differences
nvoluntary patient motion can be caused by1) posttraumatic shock.2) medication.3) low room temperature.
Which of the following are recommended for the pregnant radiographer?1) Continue monthly dosimeter readings.2) Wear a second dosimeter under the lead apron.3) Wear two dosimeters and switch their position periodically.
According to the chart section of the ARRT, which of the following quality factors are affected by OID? 1. Spatial Resolution 2. Distorition 3. Receptor exposure
An increase in SID will do which of the following?1. Reduce IR exposure 2. Decrease size distortion 3. Decrease spatial resolution
Sources of secondary radiation include1 background radiation.2 leakage radiation.3 scattered radiation.
Using magnification mode in flurosocopy will result in 1. The object being imaged appearing larger on the screen 2. An increase in patient dose 3. Less of the input phosphor being used
Which of following bones form the acetabulum?1. Ilium2. Pubis3. Ischium
Which of the following accounts for the x-ray beam's heterogeneity?1 Incident electrons interacting with several layers of tungsten target atoms2 Energy differences among incident electrons3 Electrons moving to fill different shell vacancies
The psoas muslces should be well visualized on which of the following?
AP abdomen
How is SID related to IR exposure?
As SID increases, IR exposure decreases.
Which section of the ARRT Standards of Ethics are mandatory and enforceable?
Code of Ethics
The system which stores images and receives them from the x-ray imaging units is called
DICOM (wrong)
Which of the following projections of the ankle would best demonstrate the distal tibiofibular joint?
Medial oblique 45°
Linear energy transfer:
Varies for different types of radiation
During digital image processing, dead pixels are corrected by:
being filled using data from surrounding working pixels
During a patient transfer, the patient's urinary drainage bag should be placed:
below level of bladder
The smallest signal difference that can be detected by an image receptor is referred to as
contrast resolution
A fracture or contusion that occurs opposite from the site of impact or trauma is called a:
contre-coup injury
Which of the following is NOT a bone found in the elbow
The plane which passes throught the center of the body and separates it into anterior and posterior halves is the
In the above image, the letter A represents the
costophrenic angles
Which bone lies along the lateral border of the navicular bone?
A vector may be which of the following?
d. insect
A lateral projection of the rectum was obtained. When the technologist evaluated the image, she noticed the rectum was anterior to the sacrum, the femoral heads were directly superimposed, and most of the sigmoid colon demonstrated self-superimposition. What should the technologist do?
d. Accept the image; it was done correctly
To be in compliance with radiation safety standards, the fluoroscopy exposure switch must
dead man type
The most inferior part of the scapula is the
inferior angle
The temporal bone articulates with the
An environment that allows an organism to thrive is called a:
Electromagnets which surround the x-ray tube enclosure and power the induction motor are the
The exposure for a PA chest x-ray should be made after
the second full inspiration
A mechanical respirator is also known by what term?
The most inferior part of the sternum is the
xiphoid process
The zygomatic arch is formed by the
zygoma and temporal
Carcinogenesis may be caused by:
-tobacco -alcohol -viral infection -inherited genetic defects
When performing radiographs on a trauma patient, the radiographer should:
. be continually assessing the patient's condition
The protective curtain which hangs from the image intensifier must be a minimum of ______ mm of lead equivalent
The NCRP guidelines state that the bucky slot cover and fluoro curtain/drape should contain at least which of the following?
Lead aprons worn by personnel must be a minimum of ____mm of lead/eq and NCRP report 102 recommends that they be ____ mm of lead/eq.
0.25 and 0.5
Although ______ is the minimum required lead equivalency for lead aprons and gloves, _______ is the preferred amount and is commonly found in practice.
0.25 mm, 0.5 mm
A thyroid shield used in fluoroscopy should have at least what thickness?
0.5 mm Pb
An axiolateral inferosuperior projection of the femoral neck is particularly useful 1) when the axiolateral is contraindicated.2) for patients with bilateral hip fractures.3) for patients with limited movement of the unaffected leg.
What is the radiation weighting factor for x-ray radiation?
Which of the following could be used to correct quantum mottle on the image? 1 Increase mAs2 Decrease kVp3 Increase focal spot size (FSS)
Which of the following examinations require(s) restriction of the patient's diet?1) GI series2) Abdominal x-rays3) Pyelogram
Which of the following illustrates the inverse square law? 1) Distance is a most effective protection from radiation. 2) Distance is a rather ineffective protection from radiation. 3) As distance from the radiation source decreases, radiation decreases.
Which of the following is likely to improve image quality and decrease patient dose?1 Beam restriction2 Low kV and high mAs factors3 Grids
Which of the following is true of a PA projection of the barium filled stomach?1. Air is in the fundus2. Air is in the body3. The stomach moves superior when the patient is prone`
Which of the following is true of the scintillator used in indirect digital imaging? 1. It is made of cesium iodide (CsI) 2. It functions to change light into electrons 3. It is made of barium fluorohalide
Which of the following will increase IR exposure?1 A decrease in SID2 An increase in OID3 Using a larger focal spot
Which of the following is true of the mAs linearity test? 1. It uses the same mAs with different combinations of mA and time 2. The accuracy must be within +/- 10% 3. It demonstrates the mAs reciprocity law
1 (wrong)
A high energy Brems ray would be characterized by which of the following? 1. The incident electron has a drastic change in direction 2. The incident electron ejects a K-shell electron 3. The incident electron slows down slightly
1 and 3
X-ray beam quality can be increased by doing which of the following? 1. Increasing kVp 2. Increasing mAs 3. Increasing the generator type (i.e. moving from single phase to high frequency)
1 and 3
The central ray for an AP shoulder projection is:
1 inch inferior to the coracoid process
According to National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) regulations, leakage radiation from the x-ray tube at 1 meter must not exceed
1 mGy/hr
According to the NCRP, the annual occupational whole-body dose equivalent limit for students under age 18 is
1 mSv
A technologist forgets to secure a patient on the x-ray table. After leaving the room, the patient rolls off the table and lands on the floor. Which of the following legal terms best classifies this scenario? 1. Unintentional tort 2. Negligence 3. Battery
Creation of a characteristic x-ray involves 1. The ejection of a K-shell electron 2. Ionization of the tungsten atom 3. The incident electron interacting with the nuclear field
The law of Bergonié and Tribondeau states that cells are more radiosensitive if they are 1) highly mitotic. 2) undifferentiated. 3) mature cells.
Which of the following sites are commonly used for an intravenous injection?1) Median cubital vein2) Basilic vein3) Popliteal vein
Which of the following statements apply to Bremsstrahlung radiation: 1 It can be created from energy levels ranging from 0 to the set kVp 2 No ionization takes place in the creation of a Brems ray 3 It can only be created at 69 kEv
All drug packages must provide certain information required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Some of the information that must be provided includes1) the generic name.2) contraindications.3) the usual dose.
Which of the following conditions must be met in order for patient consent to be valid? 1) The patient must sign the consent form before receiving sedation.2) The physician named on the consent form must perform the procedure.3) All the blanks on the consent form must be filled in before the patient signs the form.
Which of the following must be included in the patient's medical record or chart?1) Diagnostic and therapeutic orders2) Medical history3) Informed consent
Which of the following radiation exposure responses exhibit a nonlinear threshold dose-response relationship? 1) Skin erythema 2) Hematologic depression 3) Lethality
Instruments required to assess vital signs include a1) thermometer.2) tongue blade.3) watch with a second hand.
When caring for elderly patients, which of the following physical changes should be expected? 1. Skin atrophy which can lead to injury 2. Decreased hearing ability 3. Increased pain tolerance
An image with few shades of gray and few differences between those shades would be called 1. High contrast 2. Short-scale 3. Long-sclae
Examples of synovial pivot articulations include the1) atlantoaxial joint.2) radioulnar joint.3) symphysis pubis
Which of the following contribute(s) to inherent filtration?1 X-ray tube glass envelope2 X-ray tube port window3 Aluminum between the tube housing and the collimator
Which of the following is true of the laser used in CR processing? 1. It returns electrons to their ground state 2. It causes the trapped electrons to give off light 3. It turns x-rays into light
Which of the following criteria is (are) required for visualization of the greater tubercle in profile?1) Epicondyles parallel to the IR2) Arm in external rotation3) Humerus in AP position
Which of the following factors influence(s) the production of scattered radiation?1) Kilovoltage level2) Tissue density3) Size of field
Which of the following is true regarding an AP projection of the leg?1. The knee and ankle joint must both be demonstrated2. The CR enters perpendicular to the center of the leg3. The entire fibia and tiba should be overlapped
Which of the follwing are fundamental properties of x-rays? 1. They travel the speed of light 2. They travel in straight lines 3. They are capable of ionizing atoms
A patient is seated with the CR directed through the elbow joint. The patient's arm is extended over the IR, palm pronated medially, elbow rotated 45 degrees. Which of the following is best demonstrated?1. Olecranon process within the olecranon fossa2. Radial head, neck, and tuberosity3. Coronoid process in profile
A patient is usually required to drink a barium sulfate suspension in order to demonstrate which of the following structures? 1) Pylorus2) Sigmoid3) Ilium
Rotating the feet medially 15-20 degrees on an AP Pelvis will do the which of the following: 1. Place the femoral necks parallel with the IR2. Place the femoral necks perpendicular with the IR3. Rotate the lesser trochanters behind the femur so they are not visible
The axiolateral, or horizontal beam, projection of the hip requires the cassette to be placed 1) in contact with the lateral surface of the body.2) in a vertical position and exactly perpendicular to the long axis of the femoral neck.3) with top edge slightly above the iliac crest.
The ribs articulate with the spine via the 1. Costovertebral joint 2. Costochondral joint 3. Costotransverse joint
Which of the following are part of the bony thorax?1) 12 thoracic vertebrae2) Scapulae3) 24 ribs
Which of the following have an effect on spatial resolution?1) Focal spot size2) Type of rectification3) SID
Which of the following is true regarding a medial oblique projection of the foot?1. The tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal should be visualized2. The medial and intermediate cuneiforms are well visualized3. The central ray is perpendicluar to the base of the third metatarsal
Which of the following is true regarding the amount of tissue imaged and scatter radiation? 1. Imaging more tissue will increase scatter 2. Imaging less tissue will increase scatter 3. Scatter will degrade image quality if not controlled
Which of the following statements is (are) correct regarding the parietoacanthial projection (Waters' method) of the skull?1) The head is rested on the extended chin.2) The orbitomeatal line (OML) is perpendicular to the (IR).3) The maxillary antra should be projected above the petrosa
Primary barriers should contain _____ inch lead equivalent.
ALARA principles state that personnel who receive what percent of the annual dose must be supplied with a monitor?
Epilation may begin to occur in most people following a radiation exposure of atleast:
100 mGy
All of the following are true of an PA chest image except:
12 posterior ribs are visible above the diaphragm
The central ray an AP axial projection of the toes is
15 degrees posterior entering at the 3rd MTP joint
The minimum source-to-skin distance for fixed fluoroscopes is:
An AP Pelvis should have the lower limb rotated
15* internally
In order to project the sternum in to the heart shadow, the following positioning is used:
15-20 RAO
The central ray for an AP C-spine is directed
15-20 cephalic to C4
An AP projection of the hip should have the lower limb rotated
15-20 degrees medially
If a patient is unable to assume the lordotic position for an AP clavicle, what will the CR angulation be?
15-30 degrees cephalic
Early symptoms of acute radiation syndrome include 1 leukopenia 2 nausea and vomiting .3 Cataracts.
How many times per cycle must a signal be sampled to stay within the Nyquist Criterion?
The annual dose limit for medical imaging personnel includes radiation from 1) medical x-rays.2) occupational exposure.3) background radiation.
Which of the following patient rights is violated by discussing privileged patient information with an individual who is not involved with the patient's care?1) The right to considerate and respectful care2) The right to privacy3) The right to continuity of care
Which projection(s) of the abdomen would be used to demonstrate pneumoperitoneum?1) Right lateral decubitus2) Left lateral decubitus
In order to include the diaphragm on the upright abdomen, where should the central ray be directed?
2 inches (5 cm) above the iliac crest
The collimated light field must be within what percentage of the SID?
The advantages of using nonionic, water-soluble contrast media include1) cost-containment benefits.2) low toxicity.3) fewer adverse reactions.
A thin film transistor (TFT) could be found in which imaging systems? 1. CR 2. Indirect DR 3. Direct DR
Characteristics of digital radiographic imaging include1 chemical processing2 direct-capture imaging systems.3 immediate image display.
During an upper gastrointestinal (GI) examination, the AP recumbent projection of a stomach of average shape will usually demonstrate1) anterior and posterior aspects of the stomach.2) barium-filled fundus.3) double-contrast body and antral portions.
Which of the following is (are) possible long-term somatic effects of radiation exposure?1) Nausea and vomiting2) Carcinogenesis3) Leukemia
The total filtration required for an x-ray tube operating above 70 kVp is
2.5 mm Al
The axiolateral TMJ (Schuller's view) uses a tube angulation of approximately
25-30 degrees caudal
A bit depth of 8 means how many individual shades of gray will be available for each pixel?
The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter may be worn for:
3 mos....
For an AP projection of the knee, the central ray is angled
3-5 degrees cephalic or caudal based on the pelvic thickness
A 3-inch object to be radiographed at a 36-inch SID lies 4 inches from the image receptor. What will be the image size?
When performing a barium enema, the AP axial projection should use a:
30-40 degree cephalic angle
A matrix size of 1000 x 1000 with a field of view (FOV) of 300mm will have what pixel size?
300/1000 = 0.3
The central ray for a PA projection of the hand is:
3rd MTP
A primary barrier located in a wall must extend at least how many feet?
4 Ft
The voltage ripple of a 3 phase, 12 pulse x-ray system is approximately
For the axial projection of the calcaneus, the central ray is directed how many degrees to the long angle of the foot?
The CR for a plantodorsal projection of the calcaneus is
40 degrees cephalic entering at the base of the third metatarsal
The proper degree of obliquity for a PA oblique wrist projection is
What is the established fetal dose limit guideline for pregnant radiographers during the entire gestation period?
5 mSv
The timer in the x-ray system must be accurate within _____ of the actual exposure time.
A satisfactory image is produced using 20 mAs at 40 inches. If a repeat image was acquired at 72 inches, what mAs would be needed to maintain exposure
In order to create a characteristic x-ray, your kVp must be set to a minimum of
Which minimum kVp setting must be used in order to produce characteristic x-rays?
A TFT with a fill factor of 75% would mean that
75% of the TFT is used for sensing and storage
All of the following are true of a correctly positioned PA chest x-ray EXCEPT
8 posterior ribs are visible above the diaphragm
A particular radiograph was produced using 6 mAs and 110 kVp with an 8:1 ratio grid. The radiograph is to be repeated using a 16:1 ratio grid. What should be the new mAs?
For a lateral projection of the wrist, the elbow must be flexed:
The use of gonadal shielding for males may reduce gonad dose by as much as
A normal temperature for a child, age 6, would be
All of the following are true regarding digital fluoroscopy EXCEPT
A 5 minute alarm timer is not required
Which of the following is NOT true regarding magnification mode during a fluoro exam
A larger amount of the input phosphor is used
Which of the following scenarios would require the use of the axiolateral (Clemets-Nakayama) method to image the hip?
A trauma patient with two injured legs
The function of the fluoroscopic system that compensates for changing patient size to maintain brightness is called the
Voltage rectification is required to change
AC to DC
Which of the following will best demonstrate the size and shape of the liver and kidneys?
AP abdomen
Effective dose (Efd) is the product of the following
Absorbed Dose (D) Radiation weighting factor (WR) Tissue weighting factor (WT)
Which of these effects occur only after very high doses of radiation?
Acute radiation syndrome
What type of precautions prevents the spread of infectious agents in aerosol form?
The American Hospital Association (AHA) Patient Care Partnership allows for which of the following?
All of the above
While performing venipuncture, if a vein is not immediately apparent, which of the following can help to increase visibility of usable vein?
Allow the arm to hand down for a few seconds
The AP lordotic position of the chest can be used to demonstrate the _____ of the lung free from superimposition.
The small focal spot cannot be used for every exam because:
At higher techniques, the heat load would be too much on the anode
When scheduling multiple imaging studies for the same day, which of the following is true?
Barium studies are performed first since the patient is fasting.
The vertebral prominens is found on which cervical vertebra?
A "Swimmer's" view of the spine may be required in order demonstrate which of the following?
Which of the following is responsible for changing the analog signal into a digital signal?
CDC (wrong
Which acute radiation syndrome requires the largest exposure before any effects become apparent?
Which of the following is a negative contrast agent?
CO2 gas producing crystals used in an Upper GI
Sampling frequency of the laser determins the pixel pitch in which type of x-ray imaging?
The right and left main stem bronchi divide from the trachea at the
Which of the following would be the most appropriate method of identifying a patient?
Checking a patient's wristband and verifying their name and date of birth against the paperwork for the exam
An inflammatory disease which effects the bowel and may be separated by normal segments of bowel is:
During the direct action of radiation, the x-ray photon interacts directly with the:
The master molecule that directs all the other cellular acitiviy is:
The ability of an image receptor to capture and use incoming x-rays is called
In a Fuchs view of the upper cervical spine, which of the following is best demonstrated within the foramen magnum?
Amorphous selenium (A-Se) is the photoconductor in which x-ray imaging system?
A PA axial oblique C-spine will demonstrate
Downside intervertebral foramina
Which of the following should be used as the primary method of reducing exposure to the patient?
Effective communication
ERCP stands for:
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (
A Dobhoff tube (NG tube) would be used for which of the following?
Feeding a patient that has lost swallowing function
Which of the following is NOT an auditory ossicle?
Fovea Capitis
Select the term that best describes the multiple pouches found throughout the colon.
Patient's medical information is protected through which legislation?
Which of the following is an example of nonverbal communication?
Having an innapropriate facial expression while the patient is discussing their history
All of the following will reduce noise caused by scatter EXCEPT
Imaging a thicker body part
How should a chest examination to rule out air-fluid levels be obtained on a patient having traumatic injuries?
Include a dorsal decubitus lateral chest projection
Which of the following would increase the probability of a photoelectric interaction?
Increase in atomic number
Using the smaller focal spot will do which of the following?
Increase spatial resolution
Which of the following would reduce the presence of scatter on the image?
Increasing grid ratio from 5:1 to 10:1
Which of the following is NOT part of the cycle of infection?
Incubation period
What is the position of the gallbladder in an asthenic patient?
Inferior and medial
The esophagus originates:
Inferior border of cricoid cartilage (C6)
Radiation with a high LET
Is highly ionizing
A solid-state laser is preferred over the helium-neon gas laser in CR readers because:
It has a longer wavelength and won't interfere with the emitted light
How does filtration affect the primary beam?
It increases the average energy of the primary beam
Increasing the collimation will have what effect on image quality?
It will reduce receptor exposure because less scatter is produced
How will x-ray photon intensity be affected if the SID is doubled?
Its intensity decreases four times.
Of the factors listed below, which one affects BOTH x-ray beam quality and quantity?
Which of the following is a pre-reading device in the x-ray circuit?
Kvp meter
The inferior costal margin corresponds to which of the following?
Which of the following exams would demonstrate the right side intervertebral foramina?
LAO C-spine
In which projection of the foot are the sinus tarsi, cuboid, and tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal best demonstrated?
The frontal sinus would be be best demonstrated on which of the following images?
The right zygapophyseal joints would be best demonstrated on which of the following exams?
Free air in the abdomen would best be demonstrated on which of the following views?
LT LAT decubitus
The Waters view of the skull requires which of the following lines to be perpendicular to the IR?
Which of the following stages of Acute Radiation Sickness would the exposed individual likely not be suffering with any symptoms?
The most important anatomy a radiologist will review on a Waters view of the skull would be
Maxillary sinus
Which of the following will decrease patient dose in fluroscopy?
Moving the image intensifier closer to the patient
Which of the following is the medical term which means kidney?
What must precede any examinations involving iodinated contrast media?
Nephrotoxicity assessment
The intertrochanteric crest is located:
On the posterior aspect of the proximal femur
After using the AEC for a PA chest, the technologist notices that the EI indicates the image was greatly overexposed. The most likely cause for this is:
Only the center cell was used
You are performing timed images for a small bowel follow through on a 25 year old female patient. Which of the following projections would be the SAFEST way to image the patient?
A patient who is diaphoretic has
Pale, cool, and clammy skin
When performing a cross-table lateral hip, how is the IR situated?
Parallel to the femoral neck
Which situation would NOT require the use of gloves?
Performing a chest x-ray on a mobile out patient
When performing AP oblique projections for an IVU, the kidney closer to the IR is _________ with the plane of the IR.
How is the central ray directed for an AP projection of the hip?
Perpendicular to a point 2" medial to the ASIS at the level of the superior margin of the greater trochanter.
Which of the following would not be provided on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?
Physician's name
The AP axial "outlet" pelvic projection best demonstrates which of the following structures
Pubic and ischial rami
The process which assigns numbers to the digital signal produced by the ADC
In order to prevent the sternum from being superimposed on the spine, the _____ position is used.
The axillary ribs closest to the image receptor will be best seen on which of the following projections?
The left axiallary ribs would be best demonstrated on which of the following?
When performing a double contrast lower GI study, which of the following positions would be the most useful in demonstrating polyps on the lateral side of the descending portion of the large intestine?
RT LAT decubitus
Magnification on the image can be reduced by doing which of the following?
Reducing the OID
Which of the following is true of the ribs?
Ribs 11-12 are floating ribs
In an AP proximal femur the neck is placed parallel by having the patient
Rotate the leg internally 10 to 15 degrees
The joint which connects the spine to the pelvis is the
SI joints
Which of the following views best demonstrates the structures of the cranial base?
Biohazard materials contain instructions for the safe use of the product, handling, clean up and disposal directions. This documentation is called:
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Which of the following accurately describes sampling?
Sampling the incoming analog signal to convert it to a number (digital)
When performing a lower GI study, the enema tip should be inserted with the patient in what position?
The purpose of the stators is to
Spin the rotor through induction
The philosophy that there is no safe dose of radiation refers to what kind of radiation effects?
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using tungsten as the target on the focal track?
Strong magnetic field
Which of the following blood pressure measurements might indicate shock?
Systolic pressure higher than 140 mmHg
The manubrial notch is at approximately the same level as the
The central ray of an AP thoracic spine is directed at
Pixel pitch, the distance between the center of one pixel to the center of the next, is determined in DR imaging by the
TFT array
Diagnostic imaging examinations do not normally impose radiation doses sufficient to cause early tissue reactions.
All of the following are true of a parietoacanthial (Waters) view EXCEPT
The IR is directed perpendicular to the glabella
Which of the following best describes the remnant beam?
The beam that exits the patient
Which of the following is true of an AP hip that has been correctly positioned?
The greater trochanter will be superimposed behind the femur
After reviewing a CR image, excessive quantum mottle is noticed. This could interfere with accurate diagnosis for which of the following reasons?
The image will be too dark on the monitor
All of the following statements regarding an exact PA projection of the skull, with the central ray perpendicular to the IR, are true except
The midsagittal plane (MSP) is parallel to the IR.
is its shortest possible exposure time.
The minimum response time of an automatic exposure control (AEC)
Which of the following is considered inherent filtration?
The mirror in the collimator (wrong)
Which of the following is NOT a condition for valid patient consent
The patient speak fluent English
An LPO for the sacroilliac joints will best demonstrate the
The side up SI joint
How can radiation rate influence biologic damage?
The slower the dose is deliver, the more biologic damage will occur
The legal doctrine res ipsa locquitur means which of the following?
The thing speaks for itself
All of the following are true of x-ray photons EXCEPT:
The travel the speed of sound
Which of the following is NOT true regrading care of a patient with a urinary catheter?
The urine collection bag must be kept above the level of the bladder
A fracture of the zygomatic arch, orbital floor and dislocation of the frontozygomatic suture is known as what type of fracture?
What portion of the humerus articulates with the ulna to help form the elbow joint?
The intercondular fossa is best demonstrated on which view of the knee?
Tunnel view
An AP oblique cervival spine best demonstrates which of the following:
Upside intervertebral foramen
Which of the following represents proper body mechanics?
Use the leg and abdominal muscles to lift
A graph which shows an imaging system's ability to represent the spatial resolution of objects being imaged is called:
Using the incorrect SID on a focused grid (wrong
All the following positions may be used to demonstrate the sternoclavicular articulations except
Any SID can be used
Which of the following is NOT true of focused grids?
As electrons impinge on the target surface, less than 1% of their kinetic energy is changed to
Which of the following projections or positions will best demonstrate subacromial or subcoracoid dislocation?
Y view
A high signal-to-noise ratio indicates that
You will have higher image quality and less noise
The phosphor used in computed radiography is
a barium fluorohalide doped with europium
Which of the following may be used to reduce exposure to the pediatric patient?
a.appropriate immobilizationb.accurate positioing skillsc.all of thesed.pulse progressive fluoroscopy
A disease spread by vehicle transmission could occur by which of the following?
a.contact with food, water, medication or equipment
The head of the femur articulates with the pelvis at the
Pathologies which are ______ would require ________ in exposure technique.
addictive, increase
Kinetic energy transferred from photons to electrons during ionization and excitation best describes which of the following?
air kerma
A Compton scattered x-ray will retain
all of its energy
A patient who has had an organ transplant may have which of the following isolation precautions?
all of the above
Anaphylaxis is the term used to describe
allergic shock
Brems are created when
an electron is slowed by the nucleus
Which of the following terms implies a life-threatening event?
An MRI procedure is contraindicated for a patient having
aneurism clip
Which of the following is NOT a common area to administer an intramuscular injection?
antecubital area
The midcoronal plane separates the body into
anterior and posterior
The energy of characteristic x-rays is dependent on the
atomic number of the filament material
The quickest effective method of sterilization for items that can withstand heat and moisture is
Which ethical principle is related to the theory that patients have the right to decide what will or will not be done to them?
A Compton scattered x-ray that is deflected at 180 degrees is called
back scatter
Because of the linear response, digital radiography is more sensitive to
background radiation
Which of the following procedures may require a cleansing enema prior to the exam being performed?
barium enema
For the AP projection of the foot, the central ray enters at the:
base of the 3rd MT
A common site for IV injection is the anticubital region utilizing the _____ vein
Taking an x-ray of the wrong body part could be considered
In order to reduce occupational exposure during a fluoroscopic exam, where would be the best place for the technologist to stand?
behind fluoroscopist
The annual dose limit for occupationally exposed individuals is valid for
beta, x-, and gamma radiations.
Located between the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus is (are) the:
bicipital groove
Which of the following tissues is the most radioresistant?
A patient transfer from stretcher to radiographic table and back to the stretcher should be performed:
by two or more persons for patient safety
Which of the folllowing are potential effects of radiation exposure to the gonads? (select all the apply)
cancer, genetics effect, temporally sterility
Which bone is located in the wrist, between the trapezoid and the hamate?
Which of the following is the largest carpal bone?
A vasodilator would most likely be used for
cardiac arrest
The type of shock that occurs when the heart is failing is called:
Which of the following are considered somatic effects of radiation? (select all that apply)
cataracts, cancer
When performing CPR, the acronym "CAB" stands for
circulation, airway, breathing
Which of the following x-ray interactions happens at low energies and does not ionize the atom
Which organ has mucosal folds that are referred to as haustra?
Which of the following interactions produce radiation that may expose others in the room during fluoroscopy?
A high enegy x-ray ejects an outer shell electron which leads to
A high energy x-ray interacts with an outer shell and ejects it while the x-ray is deflected and travels a new direction. This scenario best describes which interaction?
The photon-tissue interaction that produces a recoil electon and a scattered photon in diagnostic radiography is:
Which of the following interactions does not ionize the atom?
The first task that must be performed when beginning a radiographic examination is to:
confirm pt ID
If the requisition does not match the patient's complaint, what should you do?
confirm the examination with the ordering physician
The difference between adjacent shades of gray on the image is referred to as
In digital imaging, the overall lightness and darkness of an image is no longer called density but is now referred to by this display monitor property:
contrast (wrong)
Which of the following is a violation of correct sterile techniques?
d.Persons in sterile dress should pass each other face to face.
Decreasing field size from 14 × 17 into 8 × 10 inches will
decrease IR exposure and decrease the amount of scattered radiation generated within the part.
Which of the following adjustments would be appropriate for a destructive pathology such as degenerative arthritis?
decrease Kvp
A 15% increase in kVp accompanied by a 50% decrease in mAs will result in a(n)
decrease in patient dose
Which of the following is located in left lower quadrant (LLQ)?
Emphysema is a ______ pathology which requires a/an _______ in technique
destructive, decrease
The image receptor can be a source of infection by which of the following?
direct contact
The best way to view a digital image is:
directly in front of the monitor
Which of the following is NOT a method of sterilization?
Before positioning a patient for an upright chest x-ray, you should perform which of the following?
disinfection of the upright bucky
Which of the following is a quantity that reflects not only the dose but also the volume of tissue irradiated?
dose area product (DAP)
The range of grays that an x-ray system is able to capture is called the
dynamic range
The shades of gray available for display on an imaging system can also be called the
dynamic range
The total range of exposures that an IR is able to capture and convert into a useful image is called the
dynamic range
The upper dose that can be absorbed and carries a negligible risk of somatic or genetic damage to a person is called:
effective dose
Which dose measurement is used to predict stochastic effects such as cancer?
effective dose
Electrons are guided across the image intensifier by the
electrostatic focusing lens
"Flattening" of the hemidiaphragms is characteristic of which of the following conditions?
The condition in which pulmonary alveoli lose their elasticity and become permanently inflated, causing the patient to consciously exhale, is
Which of the following pathologic conditions would require a decrease in exposure factors?
If the x-ray tube is angled so that it is no longer perpendicular to the part, what sort of distortion will occur?
The flap located at the entrance of the larynx which serves to keep swallowed items from entering the trachea is the:
Another name for a nosebleed is
A CR image that appears to have a double exposure, but no other patient has been exposed.What is the most likely cause of this equipment malfunction?
erasure thoroughness
Which of the following represents the skin's response to radiation exposure?
An UGI with barium in the lower body, pylorus and duodenum with air in the fundus was done PA.
You receive a request that states, "Hx of talipes equinovarus". What exam will you be performing?
The ratio of light photons at the output phosphor to light photons at the input phosphor is called the
flux gain
All of the following affect patient dose except
focal spot size
A pit is described anatomically as a:
Lower ribs are done on which respiration?
full expiration
Upper ribs are done on which respiration?
full inspiration
Complete removal of all organisms from equipment and the environment in which patient care is conducted describes:
gas sterilization
Radiation effects that show up in the next generation are called:
Which of the following organs is/are the most radiosensitive?
What unit of measurement expresses the amount of energy deposited in tissue?
When comparing one type of radiation to another, the unit of measurement that can be used to describe the biological effects is the:
Which of the following has NO effect on on the creation of Compton scatter?
grid ratio
You receive a request that states under Reason for Exam, "R/O Boxer fracture". What part of the body will be imaged?
When performing patient care in radiology:
hands should be washed after each patient
The most effective means of preventing the spread of infection involves the use of:
Bile passes through the ______ and empties in to the duodenum during digestion
hepatopancreatic ampulla
The most common radiographic finding of myelography is:
herniated disk
For radiation protection purposes, which of the following exposure techniques should be used?
high Kvp, low mAs
An oral temperature will be _________ an axially temperature
A graph of exposure values which can be rescaled best describes the
Sampling the incoming signal and quantizing it happens in the
histogram rescaling (wrong)
A nosocomial infection is a (n)
hospital acquired infection
Which of the following projections will demonstrate the duodenal bulb and c-loop?
A patient whose systolic blood pressure is less than 90 mmHg is usually considered
The device that receives the remnant beam, converts it into light, and then increases the brightness of that light is the
image intensifier
Additive pathologies, such as pneumonia, would require what change to technique?
As x-ray energy increase, frequency will
Magnification mode in fluoro has what effect on patient dose?
All of the following will increase receptor exposure EXCEPT
increase SID
Which of the following actions would reduce patient dose?
increase collimation
Upon examining a digital image you notice that the image has quantum mottle and is also under penetrated. Which of the following would be the best way to correct this?
increase mAs
Assuming appropriate penetration of the body part, quantum mottle would be fixed by
increase mas
Amorphous silicon (A-Si) is the photodiode used in which type of imaging system?
Most cellular damage in the body is a result of
indirect effect
Which of the following causes about 95% of the cellular response to radiation?
indirect effect
Which of the following groups has the highest resting pulse rate?
In the image intensifer, which of the following helps guide the eletrons towards the output phosphor?
input phosphor (wrong)
Sterile technique is required when contrast agents are administered
Administration of contrast agents for radiographic purposes is usually performed by which of the following parenteral routes?
Which of the following urologic procedures introduces contrast media in the normal direction of blood flow?
intravenous urography
"Telescoping" of the bowel where one segment prolapses onto another is called
X-rays may remove an electron from an atom in the body by a process called:
Foreshortening of an anatomic structure means that
it is projected on the IR smaller than its actual size
Which portion of the bowel has numerous mucosal folds that give it a "feathery" appearance on contrast-enhanced studies?
Which of the following is not an appropriate site for venipuncture?
jugular vein
In fluoroscopy, the automatic brightness control adjusts the
kvp and mA
For the same field of view, an imaging system with a ______ matrix will have ______ pixels.
larger, smaller
The energy stored in an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter is released when the dosimeter is exposed to:
Positive beam limitation refers to
limiting the collimator to the IR size when using the bucky
The dose-threshold model of __________ best describes a condition which can occur at any dose and the degree of response is directly proportional
linear non threshold
A quality control test is being performed by taking a series of exposures using the exact same technique for each and measuring the exposure. Which test is being peformed?
Which of the following procedures requires that the patient be placed in the lithotomy position?
lithotomy position
A PA axial skull (Caldwell) requires that the petrous ridges be
lower third of the orbit
Which of the following cells are the most radiosensitive?
All of the following are related to recorded detail (spatial resolution) except
Which of the following is the correct formula for determining heat units for a three-phase, 12-pulse x-ray machine?
mA × time × kVp × 1.41
When using the automatic exposure control (AEC), which factors are set by the technologist?
ma and Kvp
Which of the following is NOT one of the bones of the skull?
The arrangement of individual pixels into rows and columns describes the
Which of the following bones contains an alveolar process?
The average dose to active bone marrow as an indicator of somatic effects on a population is called:
mean marrow dose
The central ray for an upright AP abdomen is
midline, 2 inches above the iliac crest
The central ray for a supine AP abdomen is
midline, at the level of the iliac crest
If the x-ray tube and IR are perpendicular but the body part is out of the plane of alignment, which of the following will occur?
The process of somatic cell division is called:
When somatic cells divide, they undergo:
On a PA chest x-ray, the shoulders are rolled forward in order to
move the scapulae out of the lung field
Which of the following tissue types would be most radioresistant?
The most frequently used device to deliver oxygen is the
nasal canula
The pars interarticularis is represented by what part of the "scotty dog" seen in a correctly positioned oblique lumbar spine?
Which of the following is true of the focusing cup?
negative charge
Which of the following cells would be least radiosensitive?
A neoplasm describes which of the following?
new, abnormal growth
The following image was taken as part of a small bowel follow thru study. The radiologist wants to be notified when barium has reached the cecum. Based on the image below, do you contact the radiologist?
A radiation effect that is associated with a specific dose threshold is called a:
non-stochastic effect
Which of the following is NOT an oxygen delivery device?
nonrebreathing mask
X-ray exams could be ordered by all of the following groups except
Which of the following cranial bones contains an external protuberance?
The QC technologist turns off the monitor and examines the screen. The technologist is evaulating which of the following?
optical density (wrong
Cells concerned with the formation and repair of bone are
In an image intensifier, electrons are converted to light by which of the following?
output phosphor
A patient experiening cyanosis will need
Biologic material is most sensitive to irradiation under which of the following conditions?
Which of the following bones contains a coronal suture?
Which of the following bones has a coronal suture?
The serous membrane that lines the lungs is the
parietal pleura
When preparing to move a patient from a wheelchair to the x-ray table, the wheelchair should be positioned
The eye of the Scotty dog corresponds to which anatomical part?
For radiography of the fingers, the central ray enters:
perpendicular to the distal interphalangeal joint
In the image intensifier, light is converted to electrons by the
Total absorption, where the x-ray ceases to exist, describes which interaction?
A higher atomic number will lead to an increase in
photoelectric interactions
The proximal radioulnar joint has has what type of movement?
The distance between two pixels is called the:
pixel pitch
The test that measures a display monitor's contrast and brightness levels describes:
plate uniformity
Free air in the abdominal cavity is termed
Which of the following conditions describes free air in the abdominal cavity?
Which of the following is an indication for a barium sulfate upper GI?
possible duodenal perforation
The first step in pouring liquids into a container in a sterile field is to:
pour a small amount into the waste container to clean the lip of the bottle
What is the most important reason for collimating and using gonadal shielding?
prevent mutations in the human population
What period of acute radiation syndrome (ARS) is characterized by the full onset of systemic illness?
Which phase of the Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) is considered the body's initial reaction to a high dose of radiation?
Some patients, such as infants and children, are unable to maintain the necessary radiographic position without assistance. If mechanical restraining devices cannot be used, which of the following should be requested or permitted to hold this patient?
pt's dad
Digital fluoroscopy makes use of ________ in order to reduce patient dose.
With the patient RAO, a PA oblique projection performed during an upper GI exam will best demonstrate a barium filled
pylorus and duodenal bulb
A grainy appearance on the image, typically caused by under exposure is called
quantum mottle
The gray(Gy)is described as
radiation energy absorbed per unit mass.
X-ray photons that deposit their energy in the water of cytoplasm may cause:
Congruence of the x-ray beam with the light field is tested using
radiopaque objects.
A particular mAs, regardless of the combination of mA and time, will reproduce the same radiographic density. This is a statement of the
reciprocity law
To demonstrate esophageal varices, the patient must be examined in
A surgical instrument is left in a patient and discovered on a post-op x-ray. This would fall under which legal doctrine?
res ispa loquitur
A radiograph demonstrates a surgical instrument that was left inside the patient during a medical operation. This is an example of which legal doctrine?
res ispa losquitur
As long as your technique is within reason, which of the following will adjust the brightness of the image by comparing the exposure to a reference histogram?
Which of the following contains 5 fused segments?
For a barium enema, the contrast agent should be mixed with:
In direct digital imaging, the pixel size is determined by the
sampling frequency ( wrong
Place the following digital processing steps in order from first to last
sampling-quanzination-histogram formation-histogram rescaling
Radiation exiting the patient in very divergent paths describes:
The physical piece of equipment which represents one pixel in a DR image is called a:
scintilator ( wrong
Protective apparel such as Pb aprons and gloves are considered what type of barrier from radiation?
The primary function of histogram rescaling is to
set final image contrast (wrong)
A common device used to measure display monitor quality control and characteristics is a(n):
All of the following can be used to test focal spot size EXCEPT
slit camera (wrong)
The movement of the laser as it scans the IP in the CR reader is called
slow scan (wrong
As the matrix of an imaging system gets larger, the pixels get ______ and spatial resolution _______.
smaller; increase
Which of the following bones resembles a "bat" or "butterfly"?
Logrolling is a method of moving patients with suspected
spinal injury.
According to the CDC, the principle that all patients could potentially be a source of infection and therefore appropriate protective measures should be taken is called
standard precautions
The electricity applied the filament in order to heat it and release an electron cloud is delivered by the
step down
The complete killing of all microorganisms is termed
The process in which a digital system combines two images, such as with a scoliosis study, is referred to as
A nasogastric tube will terminate in the
The palpable, conic projection on the distal end of the radius is a
Nitroglycerin would be administered by which of the following routes?
During myelography, contrast medium is introduced into the
The apex of the patella is found on the
Which of the following is an example of the synarthrosis joint type?
sutures of the skull
For a lateral esophogram, the CR enters:
the midcoronal plane at the level of T5-T6
The AP axial (lordotic) chest, with a cephalic angle of 15-20 degrees, is used to demonstrate
the pulmonary apices projected below the clavicles
All of the following statements regarding respiratory structures are true except
the right lung has two lobes.
To take advantage of the anode heel effect, the _______ part should be under the _______ end of the x-ray tube.
thicker, cathode
For an AP projection of the toes, the central ray enters at the:
third metatarsophalangeal joint
Embryological effects are least likely to occur during which of the following?
third trimester
Since cataracts do not form at low levels of radiation, they are best described by which of the following dose-response relationships?
The risk of cancer is estimated by calculating the:
tissue weight factor
The primary function of the look-up table (LUT) is
to establish the values of interest (VOI) (wrong)
The purpose of appropriate brightness and contrast is
to make geometric details visible
The primary reason to use a grid when taking an x-ray is
to reduce the amount of the scatter that reaches the image receptor (IR) and improve contrast
During atrial systole, blood flows into the right ventricle by way of what valve?
A PA projection of the stomach in a UGI study will show barium in the fundus and upper body.
If the center cell on the automatic exposure control (AEC) was accidentally used for a chest x-ray, the resulting image would be
under (wrong)
Quantum mottle, appearing as a grainy image, indicates that
The hollow tube that connects the kidneys to the bladder is known as the:
The amount of time the beam is on and is directed at a particular barrier is called:
use factor
A mosquito passing malaria to a human through its bite is an example of transmission by a
Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by deer ticks. The tick bite may cause fever, fatigue, and other associated symptoms. This is an example of transmission of an infection by