RAD 227 Practice Exam #12 (Skeletal System)

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What is the typical length of the adult external acoustic meatus?

2.5 cm

Which bone is best demonstrated in the anteroposterior axial projection (Towne method) of the skull?

occipital bone

Which vertebrae are movable vertebrae? Select all that apply.

Lumbar vertebrae CorrectC Cervical vertebrae CorrectD Thoracic vertebrae

Which condition involves the dissolution of the vertebrae?


What pathological condition is characterized by loss of bone density?


The image shows the bones of the orbit. Which bone is indicated?


How many bones does each orbit consist of?


What is the name of the pathological condition where the maxillae are fractured bilaterally and horizontally?

Le Fort fracture

What structures are identified in an anteroposterior projection scoliosis series? Select all that apply.

Lumbar vertebrae CorrectD Thoracic vertebrae CorrectE 1 to 2 inches of iliac crests

What are the clinical indications for the lateral position of the facial bones? Select all that apply.

Neoplastic processes. Correct4 Inflammatory processes.

What cranial bones are demonstrated when the patient is supine, the sagittal plane of the skull is perpendicular to the IR, the orbitomeatal line is perpendicular to the IR, and the CR is angled 30 degrees caudad?

Parietal bones and occipital bone

The width of a patient's head is measured through skull radiography. Which point of the head should the radiographer measure?

Parietal eminence

What projection best demonstrates a lateral deviation of the nasal septum?

Parietoacanthial (Waters method)

What projection demonstrates tripod and Le Fort fractures?

Parietoacanthial projection (Waters method) of the facial bones.

Which are preparations for an open-mouth anteroposterior projection of the cervical spine? Select all that apply.

The central ray should be perpendicular to image receptor. CorrectD The midsagittal plane should be centered to the midline of the grid. CorrectE The patient is advised to open his/her mouth and phonate, "ah", softly

Where is the CR directed for an AP axial projection (Towne method) of the skull?

Through the foramen magnum at a caudal angle of 30 degrees to the orbitomeatal line.

Which are causes of a herniated nucleus pulposus? Select all that apply.

Trauma CorrectB Degeneration CorrectC Improper lifting

Which is the upper horizontal portion of the ethmoid bone?

cribiform plate

Which condition is associated with a "humpback"?


What is the shape of the palatine bones?


Which bones in the skull are the smallest?


Which projection will be demonstrate anterior-posterior displacement of a fracture of the lowermost part of the spine?

lat coccyx

What projection of the skull requires the sagittal plane to be parallel to the IR, and the interpupillary line to be perpendicular to the IR?


Which projection of the lumbar spine will best demonstrate spondylolisthesis?


Which part of the atlas bears the weight of the head?

lateral masses

Which facial bone appears as a horseshoe shape on a submentovertex projection?


Which paranasal sinuses are part of the facial bone structure?


What positioning line is placed perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor for the parietoacanthial projection (Waters method) of the facial bones?


Where does the central ray enter for a projection of the anteroposterior (AP) open mouth?

mid-open mouth

If the petrous ridge is projected over the floor of the maxillary sinuses on the parietoacanthial (Waters method) projection, how should the position be modified to clearly demonstrate this area?

more extension of the neck

What is the name of the firm and fibrous outer supporting coat of the eyeball of the posterior segment?


Which skull bone resembles the shape of a bat?


Which condition is characterized by partial or incomplete dislocation of a vertebra?


Which part of the lumbar vertebra is indicated in the image?

superior articular process

What are the most common positioning errors related to cranial, facial bone, and paranasal sinus positioning? Select all that apply.

tilt rotation

When the patient is lying supine, how should the chin be manipulated in order to place the lips-meatal line perpendicular to the IR?

tilted up

Which part of the intervertebral disk is indicated in the image?

vertebral body

During which part of human life does the cranium develop rapidly in size and density?

0 to 6 years

Which projection demonstrates C3-T2, the interpediculate spaces, the superimposed transverse and articular processes, and the intervertebral disk spaces?


Which projection should use the anode heel effect principle?


Which cervical spine projection demonstrates the zygapophyseal joint between C1 and C2?

AP open mouth

What are the clinical indications for an SMV projection of the skull? Select all that apply.

Basal skull fracture. Advanced bony pathology of the base of the skull.

What is the name of the angle of the mandible?


Which cranial bone is indicated in the image?

Frontal bone

What are the concavities or half-moon shapes in the superior and inferior surfaces of the pedicles called?

vertebral notches

Which is the term for the lower end of the sternum?

xiphoid process

Which is the landmark for locating the ninth and tenth thoracic vertebrae?

xiphoid tip

How many cranial and facial bones are articulated with the palatine bone?

2 cranial bones and 4 facial bones

What is the average caliper measurement between the parietal eminences of the adult skull?

15 cm

Which central ray angle and direction is recommended for an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the sacrum?

15 degrees cephalic

An imaginary line is drawn between the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the symphysis pubis. How should the radiographer use this line to localize the central ray location for an anteroposterior (AP) projection of a unilateral hip projection?

2.5 inches distal to the midpoint of this line.

How many skull bones are present in the human body?


How many degrees should the patient be rotated to demonstrate the sacroiliac (SI) joints?


Which projection best demonstrates the left sacroiliac (SI) joint?

25-degree right posterior oblique (RPO)

What is the average angular increase between the second and third lumbar vertebrae from the cephalad to the caudad in the zygapophyseal joint angle?

30 degrees

State the number of processes that project from the body of the maxilla.


Which range of degrees of rotation may be required to demonstrate the zygapophyseal joints of L5/S1?


Which projection of the cervical spine demonstrates the pedicles in profile?

45-degree obliques with a 15-degree angle

What is the average angular difference that exists in adults between the orbitomeatal and infraorbitomeatal lines?

7 degrees

What is the average angular difference between the orbitomeatal and the infraorbitomeatal lines in an adult skull?

7 to 8 degrees

Which projection of the thoracic spine demonstrates the zygapophyseal joints?

70 degree oblique

A female patient's spine is not horizontal for a lateral projection of the L5/S1 joint interspace. On average, how much should the central ray be angled and in which direction?

8 degrees caudal

The zygapophyseal joints of the second through seventh cervical vertebrae are located at what angle to the midsagittal plane?


At what angle is the zygapophyseal joint of the second to the seventh cervical vertebrae located?

90 degrees

What projection requires the patient to be supine, the sagittal plane of the skull perpendicular to the IR, the orbitomeatal line perpendicular to the IR, and the CR angled 30 degrees caudad?

AP axial projection (Towne method)

Which condition appears as a widened internal auditory canal in radiographic procedures, such as MRI or CT?

Acoustic neuroma

What are the functions of the paranasal sinuses? Select all that apply.

Act as shock absorbers in trauma CorrectD Possibly control the immune system CorrectE Serve as resonating chamber for the voice

Which parts of the sacrum can be viewed from its anterior perspective? Select all that apply.

Alae Pelvic sacral foramina

Identify which patient is most likely to require an 8-degree caudal angle for a lateral projection of the lumbar spine.

An adult female with a narrow waist and wide hips

What can be done to provide better visualization of the superior orbital fissures, the foramen rotundum, and the inferior orbital rim region on a PA axial projection (Caldwell method)?

Angle the CR 25 to 30 degrees caudad

What compensation can be made when obtaining a SMV projection of the skull in the erect position if the patient is unable to extend the neck sufficiently?

Angle the CR to remain perpendicular to the infraorbitomeatal line

What compensation can be made when obtaining an SMV projection of the skull in the erect position if the patient is unable to extend the neck sufficiently?

Angle the CR to remain perpendicular to the infraorbitomeatal line.

Which projection of the cervical spine should not be attempted in case of suspected cervical fracture?

Anteroposterior (AP) dens (Fuchs method)

What is the purpose of the PA axial projection (Haas method)?

As an alternative to the AP axial projection (Towne).

The radiographer evaluates the image of a 45-degree anterior oblique projection of the cervical spine and observes the mandible superimposed over the upper cervical spine. What should the radiographer do next?

Ask the patient to elevate the head.

Where does the CR enter for a SMV projection?

At the midsagittal plane of the throat.

Which breathing instructions should be given for a lateral projection of the thoracic spine?

Breathe normally.

If a trauma patient is unable to hyperextend the neck far enough to place the orbitomeatal line 37 degrees to the IR and the mentomeatal line perpendicular to the plane of the IR, how can the acanthioparietal projection (reverse Waters) be achieved?

By adjusting the CR so that it enters the acanthion while remaining parallel with the mentomeatal line.

Where does the central enter for an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the cervical spine?


Where does the central ray enter for a lateral projection of the cervical spine?


When performing the PA projection of the skull to image the frontal bone, what must occur? Select all that apply.

CR is directed perpendicular to the IR. Correct4 Orbitomeatal line is perpendicular to the IR

What are alternative modalities used in evaluating fractures in a person's skull? Select all that apply.

CT and MRI

Which cervical vertebrae have unusual and distinct features?

Cervical vertebrae 1, 2, 7

Which are evaluation criteria for a lateral projection of the paranasal sinuses? Select all that apply.

Clearly visible sinuses CorrectD Superimposed orbital roofs CorrectE Evidence of proper collimation

What is the name of the shallow depression that begins in the posteroinferior aspect of the dorsum sellae of the sphenoid bone?


Why is a 72-inch source-to-image-receptor-distance (SID) preferred for a lateral cervical spine projection?

Compensate for increased object-to-image-receptor-distance (OID).

Which part of the mandible is indicated on the image of the submentovertex projection?


Which are positioning considerations for the open mouth anteroposterior projection cervical vertebra of the spine? Select all that apply.

CorrectA Ensure the head is not rotated. CorrectB The mouth should be kept wide open. CorrectE Align the midsagittal plane to the midline of the table.

Identify the median sacral crest in the diagram showing the lateral view of the sacrum and coccyx.


Identify the spinous process in the posterior superior view of the axis


Identify the transverse process in the diagram depicting the anterior view of the coccyx


Which image shows the anteroposterior axial skull of the Towne method with 30-degree central ray angulation?


Which is the coronal-computed tomography image of the ethmoidal sinuses?


Which term refers to freely movable joints?


Which anatomy should be included for an anteroposterior (AP) pelvis?

Entire pelvis and proximal femora

What variables should be taken into consideration when a radiographer is deciding to perform the examination with the patient in the recumbent or upright position? Select all that apply.

Equipment available. Correct4 Preference of the radiologist. Correct5 Age and condition of the patient. Correct6 Whether upright images will increase diagnostic value.

What are the evaluation criteria for the PA axial projection (Caldwell method)? Select all that apply.

Evidence of proper collimation. Correct3 Symmetric petrous ridges lying in the lower third of the orbit. Correct4 Entire cranial perimeter showing three distinct tables of squamous bone.

What is the evaluation criteria for the PA axial projection (Caldwell method)? Select all that apply.

Evidence of proper collimation. Correct3 Symmetric petrous ridges lying in the lower third of the orbit. Correct4 Entire cranial perimeter showing three distinct tables of squamous bone.

An image of a 45-degree oblique projection of the cervical spine demonstrates the mandible superimposing the upper cervical spine. What should the radiographer do next?

Extend and protrude the patient's chin

Which situation creates magnification of the fourth and fifth vertebrae during an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the lumbar spine?

Extending the legs on the table

Which cervical vertebra is termed the atlas?

First cervical vertebra

Which projections demonstrate normal anterior/posterior movement of the cervical spine?

Flexion/Extension laterals

If the eyeball were to sustain a direct hit, which is the most likely bone to break or fracture?

Floor of the orbit

Why should a horizontal beam be directed perpendicular to the IR when positioning a patient for a lateral trauma skull?

For visualization of intracranial air-fluid levels

Which describes the radiographic appearance of spondylolisthesis?

Forward slipping of one vertebra in relation to another

Before attempting an SMV projection of the skull on a trauma patient, what must be ruled out?

Fracture or subluxation of the cervical spine

Which bones are classified as calvarium bones in the skull? Select all that apply.

Frontal CorrectD Occipital CorrectE Right parietal

The patient is positioned with the mentomeatal line (MML) perpendicular to the image receptor (IR). The central ray is directed parallel to the MML, entering just below the mentum. Which projection is described?


Which anatomy should be included on an anteroposterior (AP) unilateral hip?

Head, neck, and proximal third of femur, and trochanters.

Which condition is commonly known as slipped disk?

Herniated nucleus pulposus

Why is sonography preferred over computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of premature infants? Select all that apply.

Highly portable B Highly expensive C Gradual evaluation CorrectD No ionizing radiation No sedation of patient

How should the patient be positioned for a PA axial projection (Caldwell method)? Select all that apply.

In a prone or seated position. Correct3 Elbows flexed and placed in a comfortable position. Correct4 Forehead and nose against the table or upright Bucky. Correct5 Midsagittal plane of the body centered to the midline of the grid.

During image analysis, the radiographer notes intervertebral foramina on a 70-degree oblique projection of the thoracic spine. What should the radiographer do next?

Increase patient obliquity

How should the radiographer adapt the procedure if an anteroposterior (AP) projection (Ottonello method) is replacing the standard AP projection?

Increase the exposure time

Why is the modified Waters method a good projection to demonstrate blowout fractures?

Inferior displacement of the orbital floor is shown.

Which are demonstrated in ankylosing spondylitis? Select all that apply.

Intervertebral and costovertebral joints fuse CorrectD Inflammation progresses up the vertebral column

Which is categorized as a symphysis joint?

Intervertebral joints

Between which two lumbar vertebrae is a zygapophyseal joint that forms an average angle of 15 degrees with the midsagittal plane?


Where should the central ray enter for an oblique projection of the lumbar spine?


Where does the central ray enter for an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the lumbosacral spine?


Which part of the typical vertebra is indicated in the image?


What projection of the skull requires the sagittal plane to be parallel to the IR and the interpupillary line to be perpendicular to the IR?


Which projection demonstrates the intervertebral foramina of the lumbar spine?


Which projection best demonstrates the first two thoracic vertebrae?

Lateral cervicothoracic.

Which projection will demonstrate anterior-posterior displacement of a fracture of the lowermost part of the spine?

Lateral coccyx

Which position is used to assess mobility of a spinal fusion site?

Lateral positions-hyperextension and hyperflexion

A male patient is positioned supine on the x-ray table. The central ray is angled 30 degrees cephalic and enters the patient's body two inches distal to the anterior superior iliac spine. Which anatomy is demonstrated by this projection?

Lumbosacral joint

Which imaging procedure is best used in the evaluation of soft tissues?


A patient comes to a radiologic technologist with a clinical history of acoustic neuroma. Which imaging modality will provide the best assessment for this tumor?

Magnetic resonance Imaging

What should occur when the skull is radiographed in the lateral position?

Midsagittal plane and the infraorbitomeatal line are parallel to the IR, and the interpupillary line is perpendicular to the IR.

What positioning guides are used most often when positioning for the facial bones? Select all that apply.

Mentomeatal line (MML). Correct4 Acanthomeatal line (AML)

Which plane of the cranium divides the body into left and right halves?

Midsagittal plane

Where does the central ray enter for an oblique projection of the sacroiliac joints?

One inch medial to the anterior superior iliac spine of the elevated side

How is improper rotation evident on an anteroposterior (AP) pelvis?

One obturator foramen is larger than the other

How will the orbits appear on an image if tilt occurs during a lateral projection of the facial bones?

One orbit will appear superior to the other

What is the frequently used cranial positioning line that is located between the outer canthus and external acoustic meatus?

Orbitomeatal line

In which part of the ear are the cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canals present?

Osseous labyrinth

Which disease is characterized by abnormally dense bone?


What is the average shape of the normal cranium of the skull?


What is the main reason that unobstructed radiographic images of the facial bones and paranasal sinuses may be difficult to obtain?

Overall shape and structures of the skull.

What projection of the skull requires the CR to be centered to exit at the glabella?


What pathological conditions can be demonstrated while performing an anteroposterior wagging jaw projection of the cervical spine?

Pathology involving the dens CorrectC Pathology involving the entire cervical column CorrectE Pathology involving the surrounding bony structures of the cervical vertebra C1 ring

Which pathological condition can be demonstrated while performing an anteroposterior wagging jaw projection of the cervical spine?

Pathology involving the entire cervical column

Which parts of the sacrum can be viewed from its anterior perspective?

Pelvic sacral foramina

A lateral cervical spine projection to rule out fracture does not clearly demonstrate the C7-T1 articulation. What is the best action the radiographer should take next?

Perform a lateral cervicothoracic (Swimmer's method) projection.

How is the CR positioned for a parietoacanthial projection (Waters method)?

Perpendicular to the IR and exiting the acanthion

What is the central ray (CR) for a parietoacanthial projection?

Perpendicular to the image receptor (IR) and exit the acanthion

What can the technologist do to help the patient maintain a true lateral position of the skull while recumbent?

Place a radiolucent support under the chin.

A lateral cervical spine image demonstrates the intervertebral foramina. What should the radiographer do next?

Place the patient perpendicular to the image receptor.

Which region of the cranial floor protects the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata?

Posterior cranial fossa

Which projection would best demonstrate the structure of a possible erosion of the foramen rotundum?

Posteroanterior axial with a 30-degree caudal angle to orbitomeatal line

Which projection demonstrates the right zygapophyseal joint of the lumbar spine?


During image analysis of a lateral projection of the cervical spine, the radiographer notes that the mandibular rami are not superimposed. What should the radiographer do?

Rotate the patient so the midsagittal plane is parallel to the plane of the image receptor

During image analysis of an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the pelvis, the radiographer notes the obturator foramen on the right side is smaller than the obturator foramen on the left side. What should the radiographer do?

Rotate the patient to the left

What projection of the skull best demonstrates the foramina ovale and spinosum?


What is the prominent ridge present at the base of the superior anterior margin of the sacrum called?

Sacral promontory

Which joints of the skull are immovable? Select all that apply.

Sagittal suture CorrectB Coronal suture CorrectD Alveolar sockets CorrectE Lambdoidal suture

What pathological conditions can be best identified when performing an anteroposterior projection of the lumbar spine? Select all that apply.

Scoliosis CorrectB Fractures CorrectE Neoplastic processes

What are the advantages of orthopantomography of the mandible compared with conventional mandible positioning? Select all that apply.

Shorter examination time. Correct2 Low patient radiation dose. Correct3 Convenience of examination. Correct4 More comprehensive image of the mandible

What are the evaluation criteria for a lateral projection of the skull? Select all that apply.

Superimposed TMJs. Correct3 Sella turcica seen in profile. Correct4 No overlap of cervical spine by mandible. Correct5 Radiographic penetration of parietal region

What is the evaluation criteria for a lateral projection of the skull? Select all that apply.

Superimposed TMJs. Correct3 Sella turcica seen in profile. Correct4 No overlap of cervical spine by mandible. Correct5 Radiographic penetration of parietal region

What is the evaluation criteria for the lateral image of the facial bones? Select all that apply.

Superimposed orbital roofs. Correct3 Evidence of proper collimation. Correct4 Superimposed mandibular rami. Correct5 Zygoma in the center of the facial bones

What are the evaluation criteria for the lateral image of the facial bones? Select all that apply.

Superimposed orbital roofs. Correct3 Evidence of proper collimation. Correct4 Superimposed mandibular rami. Correct5 Zygoma in the center of the facial bones.

For fractures of the nasal bones with medial-lateral displacement, what special projection is used?

Superoinferior axial

What are guidelines to alleviate strain and facilitate accurate positioning for radiography of the skull? Select all that apply.

Support any elevated part on a pillow or sandbags. Correct3 Elevate the patient's chest on a small pillow when the patient is recumbent. Correct4 While adjusting the body, stand in a position that facilitates estimation of the approximate part position. Correct5 Place the patient's body so that its long axis coincides with or is parallel to the midline of the radiographic table, depending on the image.

What are the functions of the vertebral column? Select all that apply.

Support the trunk CorrectC Protect the spinal cord CorrectE Provide lateral attachment of the ribs

What are the evaluation criteria for the SMV projection? Select all that apply.

Symmetric petrosae. Correct2 Mandibular condyles anterior to petrous pyramids. Correct4 Superimposition of the mental protuberance over the anterior frontal bone. Correct5 Equal distance from the lateral border of the skull to the mandibular condyles on both sides.

Which vertebrae contain facets on transverse processes for rib articulations?


Which statement is true regarding the posteroanterior axial projection of the paranasal sinuses? Select all that apply.

The frontal and ethmoidal sinuses are visible. The orbitomeatal line forms a 15-degree angle with the central ray.

Which is true regarding the cervical and lumbar? Select all that apply.

The lumbar curve develops when the child begins to walk. CorrectC The cervical and lumbar curves are called secondary, or compensatory curves. CorrectE The cervical and lumbar curves which are convex anteriorly are called lordotic curves.

Which maneuver ensures the femoral neck will be demonstrated without foreshortening during an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the hip?

The patient's leg should be internally rotated 15-20 degrees

Which description applies to a correctly positioned anteroposterior (AP) projection of the lumbar spine?

The spinous processes are demonstrated in the middle of the vertebral bodies.

Why should projections of the sinuses be performed with the patient in the upright position? Select all that apply.

To demonstrate air-fluid levels if they are present. Correct5 To differentiate between fluid and other pathologic conditions.

Where does the central ray enter for an L5/S1 lateral projection of the lumbar spine?

Two inches posterior to the anterior superior iliac spine and 1.5 inches inferior to the iliac crest.

Where does the central ray enter for an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the sacrum?

Two inches superior to the symphysis pubis

Why is radiographic density more critical and misleading in the sinuses than in any other region of the body? Select all that apply.

Underpenetration can simulate pathologic conditions that do not exist. Correct4 Overpenetration diminishes or obliterates existing pathologic conditions. Correct5 Cells of one group may encroach on and resemble those of another group.

What should be done to obtain the best recorded detail to detect and localize minute foreign particles within the orbit or eyeball? Select all that apply.

Use a close OID. Correct3 Use a small focal spot. Correct4 Apply close collimation. Correct5 Immobilize the eyeballs

When performing cranial images on a geriatric patient, what should be considered when choosing exposure factors? Select all that apply.

Use a high mA. Correct4 Decrease kV by 15%. Correct5 Use a short exposure time.

How can the radiographer reduce the radiation dose to a female patient during a scoliosis series? Select all that apply.

Use breast shadow shields. Correct3 Use gonadal shadow shields. Correct5 Expose the patient in the posteroanterior (PA) position.

How can radiation exposure to the patient be reduced when obtaining images of the skull, facial bones, and paranasal sinuses? Select all that apply.

Using proper collimation. Correct2 Immobilization of the patient. Correct4 Giving detailed instructions to the patient. Correct5 Using lead shields to reassure the patient

Which are characteristics of cervical vertebrae? Select all that apply.

Vertebrae contains dens. CorrectB Vertebrae contains three foramina. CorrectC More dominant articular pillars are present.

Which joints are found between the articulation processes of the vertebral arches?


Which are diarthrodial joints? Select all that apply.

Zygapophyseal CorrectC Costotransverse CorrectD Occipitoatlantal CorrectE Medial atlantoaxial

What facial bone is most likely to be affected by a blow to the face that causes severe cheek pain?


During image critique of an anteroposterior (AP) unilateral hip, the radiographer observes the greater trochanter in profile on the lateral aspect of the patient's hip. What should the radiographer do next?

accept the image

The radiographer evaluates the image of a lateral projection of the thoracic spine. T1-T3 are not well demonstrated. What should the radiographer do next?

accept the image as appropriate

What is the name for the opening between the epitympanic recess and the mastoid portion of the temporal bone?


In which part of the orbital cavity is the eyeball located?


Which part of the cervical vertebra is indicated in the image?

articular pillar

Which condition presents as a fracture in the dense inner structures of the temporal bone?

basal fracture

What type of fracture is best projected by the modified Waters method?


What are the two main parts of the vertebrae?

body and vertebral arch

At which point does the spinal cord taper?

conus medullaris

Why is a lateral projection of the cervical spine typically done at a 72-inch source-to-image-receptor distance (SID) when an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the cervical spine is usually done at a 44-inch source-to-image-receptor distance?

decrease magnification

What bones of the cranium contain the paranasal sinuses? Select all that apply.

frontal. Correct2 Maxilla. Correct4 Ethmoid. Correct6 Sphenoid.

The radiograph of a patient's vertebral column shows a fracture of the second anterior cervical (C2) arch, with anterior subluxation of C2 on C3. Which is the most likely diagnosis?

hangman's fracture

Which bone in the human body does not articulate with any other bone?


In an oblique projection of the lumbar vertebrae, which structure forms the front legs of the "Scottie dog"?

inferior articular process

Which positioning line is placed perpendicular to the tabletop in the lateral projection of the nasal bones?


What is the small hole in the sphenoid bone that is located posteriorly at the apex of the orbit called?

optic foramen

What is the term used for a tumor that is composed of bony tissue?


A patient with severe kyphosis needs a thoracic spine exam. How can the radiographer make the patient more comfortable for the anteroposterior (AP) projection of the thoracic spine?

perform exam in the upright position

Describe the general central ray orientation to the femur for an axiolateral projection of the hip.

perpendicular to the femoral neck

How can the radiographer reduce distortion of the vertebral bodies during an anteroposterior (AP) projection of the lumbar spine?

pt flex knees

Which curves of the vertebrae are called the primary curves? Select all that apply.

sacral pelvic thoracic

What is the term used to indicate the vertebrae located in the pelvic region?

sacral vertebrae

Which part of the cross-section of the costovertebral and costotransverse joints—ribs 1 thru 10—is indicated in the image?

synovial capsule

A patient's thoracic spine is imaged while the patient is in the upright position. How will the image of the anteroposterior (AP) projection appear if the patient does not stand with the weight equally distributed on both feet?

the spine may be rotated

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