RAH exam 4 study set

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Palmer Raids

A 1920 operation coordinated by Attorney General Mitchel Palmer in which federal marshals raided the homes of 6000 suspected radicals deporting 556 of them without trial. They only found 3 guns. People who tried to protect them were arrested as a "solicitude for revolutionaries"

Agent Orange

A Herbicide dumped on massive amounts of Vietnamese jungle to destroy the forests. It caused massive environmental damage, killed livestock, and caused birth defects in Vietnamese children. This practice and Zippo raids caused the Vietnamese to hate the US and support the NLF.

Operation Rolling Thunder

A campaign of sustained bombing of North Vietnamese targets. Not super successful due to complexity of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and because of the heavy foliage and cloud cover.

Ho Chi Minh Trail

A complex system of roads, tunnels, bridges and paths that went south through Laos and Cambodia. It was used to get supplies from North to South Vietnam. It was maintained primarily by Vietnamese women, and was constantly bombed, although little real damage was done.

General Westmoreland

A general who came to Washington and said that, " in 1965 the enemy was winning, today he is certainly loosing." He was part of the Success Offensive effort to convince Americans that they were winning.


A party of revolutionary Marxists, led by Vladimir Lenin, who seized power in Russia in 1917. People in the US were called Bolsheviks if they did Collective Bargaining or joined a Union shop.

Sedition Act

Act passed along with the Espionage Act due to paranoia that made it illegal to protest or write against the war efforts. Some thought it was unconstitutional since it was against freedom of speech, and it is sent to the Supreme Court: Schenck v. United States.

Espionage Act

Act passed along with the Sedition Act due to paranoia that made it illegal to protest or write against the war efforts. Some thought it was unconstitutional since it was against freedom of speech, and it is sent to the Supreme Court: Schenck v. United States.

Emergency Banking Act

Act that Roosevelt put into action to weed the unhealthy banks out from the healthy, dependable banks. This is because unhealthy banks wouldn't be able to recover after 4 days being closed.

Alphabet Agencies

Agencies set up by Roosevelt in his first 100 days of presidency meant to help in the Depression. All except the TVA were meant to be temporary. The Alphabet agencies were: 1. Civil Works Administration (CWA) 2. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 3. National Recovery Administration (NRA) 4. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) 5. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 6. Public Works Administration (PWA) 7. Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

Agency designed to take care of surpluses in agriculture and raise prices, mostly helping farmers. Producers of wheat, cotton, rice, tobacco, hogs, cattle, and dairy products received benefits if they agreed to cut production. Cattle and pig kills reduced surplus of sickly and malnourished animals, and what meat was recovered was distributed to the hungry. The problem was that cutting down on production caused unemployment.

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Agency directed by Harry Hopkins that employed 2.1 million Americans to do various to build nearly 600 airports, 110,000 public buildings, 0.5 million miles of roads, 0.5 million miles of sewer lines, and over 100,000 bridges. It also may have saved America's cultural legacy because it employed musicians to record folk songs, artists to to illustrate maps and state guidebooks, and journalists to interview former slaves who were now elderly.

Public Works Administration (PWA)

Agency directed by the secretary of the interior, Harold Ickes. It contracted with private companies to construct new bridges, dams, hospitals, and other public buildings. It constructed a new sewer system for Chicago, built an auditorium in Kansas City, and constructed the aircraft carriers: the Yorktown and the Enterprise.

Christian Front

Agency started by Father Charles Coughlin to represent his beliefs.

National Recovery Administration (NRA)

Agency that set the first idea of minimum wages, to combat the low wages and long hours caused by unemployment. It set the minimum wage at 30 to 40 cents per hour, and a work week of 35 to 40 hours a week. Although the Gov. couldn't legally enforce these, people were encouraged to only do business with the companies which displayed a poster of a blue eagle, which showed consumers that the business was doing its patriotic duty in helping the recovery.


American destroyer that reported that it was attacked by unprovoked Vietnamese, along with the C. Joy Turner. This wasn't true; they were in direct conflict with the Vietnamese, which was later exposed by the Pentagon Papers.

C. Joy Turner

American destroyer that reported that it was attacked by unprovoked Vietnamese, along with the Maddox This wasn't true; they were in direct conflict with the Vietnamese, which was later exposed by the Pentagon Papers.

Social Security Act

An act supported by Frances Perkins. It gave assistance to the elderly, giving $15 dollars a month to the poor, and gave annuities from taxes to those who were working. It also provided unemployment insurance, aid for the blind and crippled, and insurance for dependent mothers and children.

A. Mitchell Palmer

Attorney General who was very concerned about a Bolshevik revolution in US. He is so unreasonably afraid and paranoid that he leads the Palmer raids, where 6000 supposed Bolshevik spies were arrested, and 556 deported without trial. There homes were raided, and anyone who lived in the same homes of the revolutionaries where arrested for giving "solitude for Revolutionaries." All of this was driven by fear.

Bonus Bill

Bill that proposed that the money which had been set aside for WWI veterans would be distributed now instead of waiting till later. This because the veterans needed the money now due to the Depression. Veterans gathered in Washington D.C. to support the bill, and they were known as the Bonus Army. The bill didn't pass, causing the eventual riots of the Bonus Army.

Jesse Washington

Black man who was arrested for the murder of Lucy Fryer just because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is convicted despite no evidence, and then is seized by a mob and slowly tortured and lynched. This is a good representation of the race riots in the US at the time due to the fear and hatred of blacks. Approx. 10,000 people witnessed the lynching, but none were arrested.

War Guilt Clause

Clause in the Treaty of Versailles saying that Germany was entirely responsible for the war. Wilson disagreed with this Clause.

Reparations Clause

Clause in the treaty of Versailles that stated that if Germany accepts the responsibility of the war, they had to pay for it. Later it was decided that they owed $33 billion. They are unable to pay this debt, and to make things worse, there was major inflation in Germany, causing there to be 13 trillion marks to the dollar. This weight on Germany's shoulders set the stage for Hitler and WW2. Wilson disagreed with this Clause.

Frances Townsend

Critic of Roosevelt: a Californian dentist who thought that Roosevelt wasn't doing enough to help the elderly. He proposed a plan that the government would provide $200 dollars a month to each elderly person. Popular among the elderly, but the plan would have bankrupt the country.

Huey Long

Critic of Roosevelt: senator and Governor from Louisiana who proposed "Share Our Wealth." He was extremely popular, and had the election been in 1935, he would have won by a landslide. He was assassinated.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Democratic nominee in the 1933 election, who was nominated instead of Al Smith and John Nance Garner. He represented all of the american people, not just the democrats. He was a totally new type of politician, which can be seen when he goes to the convention to accept his nomination, and address the american people in a speech, offering them a "new deal." Roosevelt was incredibly fast to respond to problems, although not everything he did worked. He had to deal with environmental crisis, economic crisis, a lack of trust in the government, and the upcoming WWII. He started the alphabet agencies and many other programs to help with recovery, but only intended for the Social Security and TVA to be permanent.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

Effort started by the Hoover administration to help jump start the economy by pouring loads of money into the big businesses. This failed because corporations wouldn't hire more people or make more products with the money if no one was there to buy it. Also, the trickling effect of injecting money into the top didn't get money to those at the bottom fast enough.

Bay of Pigs

Failed CIA invasion of Communist Cuba, which humiliated Kennedy, and caused him to take a firmer stance against Communism.

"Inherit the Wind"

Film made to depict the "monkey trial"- the Scopes trial.

Frances Perkins

First woman in a presidential cabinet, who was appointed as secretary of labor by Roosevelt. She supported the Social Security Act.

Maxwell Taylor

General who is sent by Kennedy to Saigon and recommends increasing US aid to the Saigon Gov. Kennedy listens and does so.

John Scopes

HS teacher arrested for disobeying the Butler Act and teaching evolution in a class in Dayton TN. This brings up many questions such as freedom of religion, separation of church and state, and what teachers can teach.His trial becomes a massive affair and people from all around come to see it. The A.C.L.U. puts together a team to defend Scopes. His attorney is Clarence Darrow. The prosecuting attorney was William Jennings Bryan.

Henry Kissinger

Harvard professor who secretly met with north Vietnamese officials under the office of both Johnson and Nixon. He said that the US would temporarily stop bombing North Vietnam if they would agree to hold talks with the US about ending the war.

American Plan

I concept that reflected the fear of Bolshevism. that provided ways of telling if someone was a Bolshevik revolutionary or Marxist. It said if someone was involved in Collective bargaining or Union Shop, they were Marxist.

Collective Bargaining

If the masses want change there will be change. A fundamental tool of labor unions based on strength in numbers .


In racial rioting, it is when the mob becomes judge and jury and killing a black man or woman. 76 people were lynched between 1919-1920.

Clarence Darrow

John Scopes' attorney. He was a famous attorney, but was greeted terribly because he was for evolution. Although Darrow did lose the trial, he smashed Bryan, and trapped him/made him think when he asked, "how long is a day?" Bryan was so devastated, he died a few days after the trial.Willo

Robert McNamara

Johnson's Secretary of defense who announces that the US will still be aiding the Saigon Government.

Harry Hopkins

Man who Roosevelt puts in charge of FERA. He is a gambler, womanizer, and chain smoker, but he is appointed because he gets stuff done.

Daniel Elsberg

Man who smuggles the Pentagon Papers out of the Pentagon.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Often considered the most bold and original of Roosevelt's agencies. It bought and built new dams in the Tennessee River Valley, which was historically the most impoverished place in the US because flooding made farming difficult. The dams provided flood control and hydroelectric power to those in the area. It, unlike the other agencies, were meant to be permanent.

Lucy Fryer

Old white woman who is murdered in Waco TX, causing the arrest and slaughter of Jesse Washington.

Union Shop

One cannot work in certain industries unless they are a member of the union that represents that class of workers. Silly to think this is a sign of Marxism because you were required to be in it just because of the industry you worked in.


One of the three countries that made up french idochina, along with Laos and Vietnam.


One of the three countries that made up french indochina, along with Cambodia and Vietnam.


One of the three countries that made up french indochina, along with Laos and Vietnam.

Pueblo Colorado

One of the towns that Wilson visited while pleading his case about the treaty of Versailles being "lost." He even had support there, despite it being mostly populated by a working class, industrial population that was poorly educated. On the way out of the city, Wilson had a stroke.

The Pentagon Papers

Papers smuggled out of the Pentagon by Daniel Elsberg, revealing that the Maddox and C. Joy Turner weren't attacked with out cause (they were engaging in combat).

Disarmament Clause

Part of the treaty of Versailles that required Germany to demilitarize. It humiliated Germany.

Fourteen Points

Points made by Wilson to prevent another war from occurring. They are a reflection of his intellectualism. He created them by considering what caused the war in Europe, and thinks that if he can get the world to accept them he can make his Liberal Capitalist World a reality. Three of his points are: 1. Redrawing the world map so that people live under governments that they choose 2. Nations should agree to reduce their armaments; Enough to defend, but not invade or attack 3. Oceans should be neutral highways. He also realizes that sometimes nations go to war because they have no other choice. He preposes starting the League of Nations to help nations settle differences and solve problems peacefully.

Share Our Wealth

Policy proposed by Huey Long, through which the government would have to provide every family with $2500 annual income, house and car. This would be paid for by taking millionaires 100% of whatever they had over million dollars. Massively supported.

Richard Nixon

President after Johnson. He secretly expanded the war into Cambodia and Laos. He worked with his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to conduct secret diplomacy, but that fails, so he orders civilians to be targeted.

Herbert Hoover

President in the 1920's who, along with Harding and Coolidge , supported the businessman's government, and helped define what it is to be an american. He promised prosperity would be greater in the future, just before the depression hit.

John F. Kennedy

President of the US, whose position against Communism became firmer after the bay of pigs. This is evident in the Cuban Missile Crisis and how he will deal with Vietnam. Listening to Maxwell Taylor, he sends more aid to the Saigon Gov., but starts to second guess himself because the Diem regime is so corrupt. Due to American support, Diem is then replaced by Duong van Minh. Kennedy is assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.

David Loyd-George

Prime Minister of England who represented them at the Paris Peace Conference. Also disagreed with Wilson, but not as angrily as Clemenceau.

Civil Works Administration (CWA)

Program proposed by Harry Hopkins that put 4 million people to work at emergency projects (leaf raking, etc.) What their jobs were wasn't as important as the fact that they were working, which gave them a sense of purpose, self-esteem, and respect.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

Program started by Roosevelt to help people financially in the Depression. It distributed money directly to those who needed it, and worked much better than Hoover's RFC. It was directed by Harry Hopkins.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Program that reflected Roosevelt's interest in the environment. It created a grant of $300 million that put 300,000 poor and veterans to work on environmental projects like reforestation, flood control, and mosquito control.

Fireside Chats

Radio talks broadcast by Roosevelt. The real brilliance of the chats were in the name. It painted a picture that calmed people down, gave hope, confidence, humanness, and personal connection. The talks were serious but had an attitude that made it sound like they could get through their struggles together.

Zippo Raids

Raids where US and Army of the Republic of Vietnamese soldiers would burn down peasant villages.

Georges Clemenceau

Representative of France at the Paris Peace conference. He doesn't agree with Wilson about moving on for peace, he is angry and blames Germany for the war. He wants them to pay.

Schenck v. United States

Supreme court case about whether the Sedition and Espionage Acts were unconstitutional, since they were against Freedom of speech. Schenck decision is made, which said that in times of clear and present danger, freedom of speech and press could be suspended. The problem that clear and present danger isn't defined clearly.

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Tariff set in place by Hoover, originally meant to help farmers. It added heavy taxes to imported goods, so that foreign markets either stopped trading with the US, or put high tariffs on US goods as well. This greatly worsened the Depression instead of helping.

Father Charles Coughlin

The "radio priest" who blamed Jews and bankers for the Depression. He thought that Roosevelt should have nationalized big industries. He started the Christian front to represent his ideas. He held massive rallies where he verbally attacked the Jews and bankers, and sent the money earned to Hitler. He was massively popular.

Army of the Republic of Vietnamese

The US's South Vietnamese allies that helped them conduct massive search and destroy missions.

Lyndon Johnson

The Vice President of Kennedy who takes over after his assassination, and he is the one who announces that the Maddox and The C. Joy Turner were attacked by unprovoked Vietnamese. This wasn't true. The result was that the Gulf Tonkin Resolution was passed, allowing the president a free hand in dealing with the crisis in Vietnam, and the US becomes militarily involved.

Bao Dai

The Vietnamese Catholic who the French put in charge of the puppet government, ruling form the southern city of Saigon. He lived in Paris most of his life and was kept in power by the French. He was forced to leave Vietnam when French were forced to surrender at Dienbienphu. The USA replaced him with the Ngo Dinh Diem.

Lee Harvey Oswald

The assassin of Kennedy in Dallas. He is then killed by Jack Ruby.


The city in Northern Vietnam, where the Vietminh had their center. It became the capital of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.


The city where Oswald shot Kennedy.


The city where the climactic battle between the French and the Vietminh took place, and where the French army was trapped and forced to surrender.

Geneva Convention

The convention during the Vietnam conflict that decided to split Vietnam along the 17th parallel, and that put into place the elections between the two halves.


The followers of Ho Chi Minh, and wanted independence for Vietnam, later announcing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The french tried to defeat them and failed

National Liberation Front (NLF)

The group that formed out of the Vietminh and the Viet Cong to combat the Saigon Government.

French Indochina

The grouping of French territories that would later become Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.


The irrational fear of all things foreign. Very strong after the war. Reflected the belief that we needed to protect the american way of life, and reflected the question, who is american, or rather who isn't american? Jews, Blacks, Catholics, radicals, college students (they had different beliefs) and unions were all feared as not american.

Ho Chi Minh

The leader of the independence movement in Northern Vietnam. He was a soviet trained communist, and led the Vietminh.

Jack Ruby

The man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald.

Bonus Army

The massive group of veterans that gathered in D.C. to support the Bonus Bill. The bill didn't pass, and half of the veterans went home, but the other half rioted with such force that Hoover thought it would be the end of the US as they knew it. He commanded General Douglas MacArthur and his army to stop the veterans, and the Bonus Army was crushed by the troops.

George Ball

The only one who didn't agree with Maxwell Taylor about sending aid to Saigon, thinking that the US would soon be militarily involved.

William J. Bryan

The prosecuting lawyer at the Scopes Trial. He was greatly supported because he was seen as for God. He won the trial, but was so devastated at what Darrow had made him think about, he died a few days after the trial.

Viet Cong

The resistance group that formed against the brutal nature of Ngo Dinh Diem's rule. It later joined the Vietminh to form the NLF against the Saigon Government and the US.


The southern city where the French set up their puppet government in response to the rise of the Vietminh and Ho Chi Minh. It was also where the US put Ngo Dinh Diem in power after France left.

Waco TX

The town where Jesse Washington was lynched.

Ngo Dinh Diem

The tyrant leader that the US put into power in South Vietnam, based in Saigon. He was put in power because the US didn't want the communist Vietminh to take control of Vietnam.

Dayton TN

Tiny town that became the focus of the world during the Scopes town.

Carlisle, England

Town that Wilson Got a hero's welcome in on the way to the Paris Peace Conference. People loved him because they wanted what he represented (his 14 points).


Town where a black man is arrested for burglary, is put in prison and then seized by a white mob. He is shot over 1000 times. his is a good representation of the race riots in the US at the time due to the fear and hatred of blacks.

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty between Britain, France and Germany that ended the war. It eventually caused Hitler and WW2 because of the guilt and strains it placed on Germany. It included the War Guilt Clause, Reparations Clause, and the Disarmament Clause. Wilson's fourteen points were his basis for negotiating during the Treaty. Although it ended up supporting many of Wilson's beliefs, the Treaty was never ratified in the U.S. due to its "loss" by Henry Cabot Lodge.

Hubert Humphrey

Vice President who went onto the Today show to support the Success Offensive, saying that we were winning.


Where the "13 day race riot" took place. It started in July of 1920, when a group of whites hit a black man in Lake Michigan, drowning him.

Duong van Minh

Who the US supports and puts into power after the overthrowing of Diem, who was a tyrant.

Robert Lansing

Wilson's Secretary of State when he had his stroke. He is fired for no reason, and this is probably because Edith didn't like him.

Thomas Marshall

Wilson's Vice president when he had his stroke. Despite being near death, and definitely not coherent, Marshall never assumed power because Edith did such a good job at making it sound like he was fine/recovering.

Colonel Edward House

Wilson's best friend and adviser. Wilson used him to settle labor disputes before the war, and during the war he lead Peace Without Victory for Wilson. He never had an actual position, but just helped when most needed. He was told that he was told that Wilson no longer needed him by Edith, which supported the evidence that Wilson was no longer in control.

Edith Galt Wilson

Wilson's second wife. She was beautiful, popular, talented, and social. She became very protective of him after his second stroke, and was one of only two people who could access him when he was ill: only her and Cary Grayson. She convinced people Wilson was of sound and strong mind, but was most likely making decisions and answering questions by herself since he wasn't.

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