Random Facts, Random Facts

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How many calories does chewing gum burn an hour?


A dime has how many ridges around the edge?


How many ways are there to make change for $1?


How many hearts does an Octopus have?


Wearing headphones for just an hour could increase the bacteria in your ear by how many times?


What has more vitamin C than an orange?

A Strawberry

If you sneeze too hard what could you possibly fracture?

A rib

What is the only continent in the world that has no volcanoes?


What animal can not stick its tongue out?


What it is the only mammal that cannot jump?


Where are the juiciest, most delicious oranges in the world grown?


Where is a shrimp's heart located?

In it's head

What animal can not walk backwards?


What is the only state that has a one-syllable name?


What is the only known fish that can blink with both eyes?


What planet spins backward?


Cartoon Network

What TV show has the initials of CN?

Abraham Lincon

What U.S. president was the 16th?


What continent does India belong to?

Laugh out loud

What does LOL mean?


What has the Logo of a M?


What is Taco Bell's logo?

No Such Thing

What is a Quadrasuar?

The Letter D

What is the 4th letter of the Alphabet?

The Letter E

What is the 5th Letter if the Alphabet?

Nile River

What is the only river in the world that flows north?

Flying Fish

What kind of fish can fly?

South Pole

What pole do penguins live at?

George Washington

What was the first president of the U.S.?

Steve Jobs

Who is the owner of the company, Apple?

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