Random Trivia
How many gold medals did Michael Phelps win at the 2008 Olympics?
3 (syllables 5, 7, 5)
How many lines are in haiku?
How many people have walked on the moon?
How many periods are in an ice hockey game?
How many strings are on a standard guitar?
Is the equator a longitude or latitude?
Is the prime meridian a longitude or latitude?
How many rings are on the Olympic flag?
(Daniel) Radcliffe
What actor starred as Harry Potter?
In what year did the Titanic sink?
sea urchin
How many teeth does an adult human usually have?
(It's) head
Where is a shrimp's heart located?
Which American state is nicknamed The Diamond State?
(Benjamin) Franklin
Who founded the first public library in the U.S.?
(JK) Rowling
Who wrote the Harry Potter series?
Buzz Lightyear
What special toy does Andy receive for his birthday in the original "Toy Story" movie?
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Brown Black
What were the original colors in the 1903 box of Crayola Crayons?
(William) McKinley (discontinued in 1969, last printed 1945)
Who appeared on the $500 bill?
(Thomas) Jefferson
Who appears on the $2 bill?
Electoral College
Who in the U.S. officially elects the President and the Vice President?
Katniss Everdeen
Who is the main character in The Hunger Games
(Amelia) Earheart
Who was the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?
Ushuaia (Argentina)
What is the southern most city in the world?
Mount Kilimanjaro (19,341 ft volcano)
What is the tallest mountain in Africa?
Denali (20,322 ft formerly McKinley in the Alaska Range)
What is the tallest mountain in North America?
string, brass, woodwind, and percussion
What are the four sections in an orchestra?
Kookaburra (Australia)
What bird makes the noises heard in many jungle scenes?
What company's logo is called the "swoosh"?
What is a baby kangaroo called?
Superior (actually the Caspian is larger but it's status as sea or lake is in dispute; Victoria is the next largest)
What is the largest freshwater lake in the world (by area)?
The Simpsons (27 seasons, 592 episodes & counting)
What is the longest running scripted TV series?
What is the name for the colored part of an eye?
What is the name of the Disney movie about Rapunzel?
Vince Lombardi Trophy (named in 1970 for the famed Packers coach)
What is the name of the Super Bowl trophy?
What is the name of the crab in Disney's "The Little Mermaid"?
What is the number of Great Lakes?
(Southern) Cassowary (the emu is second by height).
What is the second largest living bird, by weight?
igneous sedimentary metamorphic
Name the three types of rock.