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What is a conflict between Public vs. Private Spaces?

A conflict between public and private spaces is that the definition of these terms often is modified as centuries pass. Lack of knowing where the boundary is drawn causes issues for individuals and companies knowing where their land ends. Also, another issue could be that many people don't understand the true meaning of public and private spaces. Example would be schools they are a semi-public space. There is no specific owner but there are lots of people who work there, which feel the need to take care of the environment around the school.

Is Climate Change an example of scientific uncertainty?

Climate Change is not an example of scientific uncertainty. There is proof from scientists that climate change is real, but some individuals feel as even though there is a lot of statics and facts supporting climate change that there is uncertainty of it. This is an example of the boiled frog syndrome; the more humans sit and relax believing it's not going to harm them and get to comfortable not believing it the bigger the mess will be after.

* What problems can exist between the concept of public spaces and the environmental movement?

For a space to be considered public is has to be open and accessible to all people, in the US all Americans have the right to enjoy public lands and also a saying in how they should be administered. Roads, national parks and beaches are examples of public spaces. National parks are a controversial topic, because at the same as they are key to the environmental movement, they end up putting the environment in more fragile position. It is hard to keep control and protect species with the large number of visitors that come to the parks, so when people enjoy it they degrade it.

What does scientific uncertainty look like within the government's regulatory decision making process?

In an age where technology is advancing at an astonishing rate, there is a lot of scientific uncertainty that goes into the minds of government officials when deciding on regulatory matters. We are in an age where producers are experimenting with a number of chemicals and preservatives. It is not entirely known how these chemicals and preservatives will affect the health of the public. These are all things that must go into consideration when government agencies such as the FDA, are updating regulations and such.

How do these spaces play into the government, as far as environmental regulation goes?

It is much harder to regulate a privately owned space, as it is their property. Public spaces provide much more room for government involvement as far as regulations are concerned. Due to the fact that public spaces are viewed as a commons, there is no privatized owner. This allows for much easier government access to regulatize the space.

Define and give an example of public vs. private spaces?

Public space is a place that is open and accessible to people. A private place is a place that usually isn't open to the public and owned by an individual. Examples of public space would be a park, library, beaches, etc. Examples of private places would be homes, private land, etc.

Define scientific uncertainty and when is it used?

Scientific uncertainty means that there is a range of possible solutions, which each hold value of their own. Scientific uncertainty is used to consider health, safety, or environmental issues.

* What problems can exist between the concept of private spaces and the environmental movement?

The Fifth Amendment protects the right to private property, so it is extremely more complicated for the government to take action in a privately owned space. So even if environmental violations are happening, it is not simple for the government to impede for example someone to build on their property, for this to happen a legal process has to occur.

What is the difference between public and private space?

The difference between these two concepts are the extent to which the owner of the space gets to determine the rules of the area. A private space allows the owner, whether it be an individual or a corporation, to make their own rules and regulations regarding the space; the space is private to the owner. Public spaces are more or less controlled as a commons, these spaces are owned cooperatively and rules and regulations are made in ways that affect the public and those that use that space.

* What is scientific uncertainty?

This term is used to describe the knowledge scientists currently have on a certain topic. This is not a bad thing, it generally means that there is a range of possible answers to the hypothesis in question. With more research, the scientific uncertainty is able to go down, but it all depends on the findings of scientists.

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