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can read [v phrase] Tom could read by the age of four. Very few people in the rural areas can read or write.

able to read 9 can read literate good/competent reader literacy

good/competent reader [n C] someone, usually a child who who can read well. Children are expected to be competent readers by the time they leave this class.

able to read 9 can read literate good/competent reader literacy

literacy /ˈlɪtərəsi ; US / noun [uncountable] the ability to read and write ▶ umiejętność czytania i pisania; OPPOSITE illiteracy ⇨ look at numeracy

able to read 9 can read literate good/competent reader literacy

literate /ˈlɪtərət ; US / adj. 1 able to read and write ▶ piśmienny; umiejący czytać i pisać OPPOSITE illiterate ⇨ look at numerate ⇨ noun literacy

able to read 9 can read literate good/competent reader literacy

literate /ˈlɪtərət ; US / adj. 2 having education or knowledge in a particular areacomputer-literate znający się na komputerach ▶ wykształcony; obeznany z czymś

able to read 9 can read literate good/competent reader literacy

able to read 9

can read literate good/competent reader literacy

difficult or impossible to read 12

can't read sth can't make out illegible indecipherable; unreadable scrawl

not able to read 10

cannot/can't read illiterate slow reader illiteracy

can't make out [v phrase] informal use this to say that you are unable to read a particular word because it is not written clearly. I couldn't make out the name at the bottom of the letter.

difficult or impossible to read 12 can't read sth; can't make out illegible indecipherable; unreadable scrawl

can't read sth [v phrase] especially spoken use this to say that you are unable to read someone's writing. I can't read the next word. She couldn't read the name on the envelope.

difficult or impossible to read 12 can't read sth; can't make out illegible indecipherable; unreadable scrawl

illegible /ɪˈledʒəbl ; US / adj. difficult or impossible to read Your handwriting is quite illegible. ▶ nieczytelny; OPPOSITE legible

difficult or impossible to read 12 can't read sth; can't make out illegible indecipherable; unreadable scrawl

indecipherable /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪfrəbl ; US / adj. (used about writing or speech) impossible to read or understand His signature is indecipherable. There was an indecipherable message on the answering machine. ▶ nie do rozszyfrowania

difficult or impossible to read 12 can't read sth; can't make out illegible indecipherable; unreadable scrawl

scrawl noun [sing.] sth that someone has written in a very untidy way which is very difficult to read. Her signature was just a scrawl. I couldn't read the doctor's scrawl. ▶ bazgranina; gryzmoły ⇨ look at scribble

difficult or impossible to read 12 can't read sth; can't make out illegible indecipherable; unreadable scrawl

unreadable [adj] writing that is unreadable is impossible to read because it is very untidy or unclear. The photocopy was poorly produced and almost unreadable.

difficult or impossible to read 12 can't read sth; can't make out illegible indecipherable; unreadable scrawl

legible /ˈledʒəbl ; US / adj. that is clear enough to be read easily His writing is so small that it's barely legible. legible handwriting ▶ czytelny; OPPOSITE illegible ⇨ look at readable

easy to read 11 legible

be a good read [v phrase] informal if a book is a good read, it is enjoyable - use this when giving your opinion about a novel etc Her latest book is clever, funny, and well-written - a very good read.

enjoyable or interesting to read 13 readable; well-written worth reading make interesting reading be a good read; page-turner unputdownable

make interesting reading [v phrase] if you say that sth makes interesting reading, you mean that it is interesting to read because it contains new or surprising information. The story of their journey makes interesting reading. The latest report on educational standards in our schools makes very interesting reading.

enjoyable or interesting to read 13 readable; well-written worth reading make interesting reading be a good read; page-turner unputdownable

page-turner [n C] spoken a book that has an interesting or exciting story that makes you want to continue reading it to find out what happens next. Stephen King's latest novel is, as usual, a real page-turner.

enjoyable or interesting to read 13 readable; well-written worth reading make interesting reading be a good read; page-turner unputdownable

readable [adj] easy and interesting or enjoyable to read. This is a well-written and readable introduction to the subject of linguistics. Her articles are always readable and informative. Simpler language would make the report more readable. ▶ dający się miło/łatwo czytać

enjoyable or interesting to read 13 readable; well-written worth reading make interesting reading be a good read; page-turner unputdownable

unputdownable [adj] use this to talk about a book that is so interesting and exciting that you do not want to stop reading it until you get to the end. 'Unputdownable', raved the literacy critic Helen Jewson.k

enjoyable or interesting to read 13 readable; well-written worth reading make interesting reading be a good read; page-turner unputdownable

well-written [adj] sth that is well-written has been written in a good, clear style that makes it enjoyable or interesting to read. This article was well written, informative and enjoyable. This is a clever and well-written play.

enjoyable or interesting to read 13 readable; well-written worth reading make interesting reading be a good read; page-turner unputdownable

worth reading [adj phrase] a book or piece of writing that is worth reading is good enough or interesting enough to make you want to read it. Have you seen Amis' latest book? It's worth reading.

enjoyable or interesting to read 13 readable; well-written worth reading make interesting reading be a good read; page-turner unputdownable

to read only parts of something 3

leaf/flick/thumb through dip into browse through

easy to read 11


cannot read/can't read to be unable to read at all. A new report says that 25% of all 7-year-olds cannot read.

not able to read 10 cannot/can't read illiterate slow reader illiteracy

illiteracy /ɪˈlɪtərəsi ; US / noun [uncountable] adult illiteracy ▶ analfabetyzm; OPPOSITE literacy

not able to read 10 cannot/can't read illiterate slow reader illiteracy

illiterate /ɪˈlɪtərət ; US / adj. 1 not able to read or write ▶ niepiśmienny; analfabet(k)a OPPOSITE literate

not able to read 10 cannot/can't read illiterate slow reader illiteracy

illiterate /ɪˈlɪtərət ; US / adj. 2 (used about a piece of writing) very badly written ▶ niegramatyczny; niepoprawny językowo

not able to read 10 cannot/can't read illiterate slow reader illiteracy

illiterate /ɪˈlɪtərət ; US / adj. 3 not knowing much about a particular subject He's computer illiterate. Jest komputerowym analfabetą. ▶ niedouczony

not able to read 10 cannot/can't read illiterate slow reader illiteracy

slow reader someone, especially a child, who can read, but not very well. At first Katy was a slow reader, but now she reads all the time.

not able to read 10 cannot/can't read illiterate slow reader illiteracy

badly written [adj] if sth is badly written it is not enjoyable to read because the style of the writing is not good. The book was so badly written that I didn't get further that the first chapter. The report was inaccurate and badly written.

not enjoyable to read 14 unreadable badly written

unreadable [adj] sth that is unreadable is not enjoyable to read because it is not written in an interesting way. The text was dense and unreadable. The inclusion of so many figures and statistics makes the article virtually unreadable.

not enjoyable to read 14 unreadable badly written

to read something long or boring 5

plough through wade through

to read something 1

read read out read aloud/read out loud

to read something carefully 4

read through/over pore over

to read a lot about something 6

read up on

enjoyable or interesting to read 13

readable; well-written worth reading make interesting reading be a good read; page-turner unputdownable

the people who read a particular newspaper, book etc 8

reader readership circulation

to read something quickly 2

skim scan have a look at

bookworm /ˈbʊkwɜ:m ; US / noun [countable] a person who likes reading books very much ▶ mól książkowy

someone who reads a lot 7 voracious/avid reader bookworm well-read

voracious/avid reader also great/keen reader British someone who enjoys reading and reads a lot. I was an avid reader as a child.

someone who reads a lot 7 voracious/avid reader bookworm well-read

ˌwell ˈread adj. having read many books and therefore having gained a lot of knowledge ▶ oczytany

someone who reads a lot 7 voracious/avid reader bookworm well-read

circulation [countable] the number of copies of a newspaper, magazine, etc. that are sold each time it is produced This newspaper has a circulation of over a million. ▶ nakład

the people who read a particular newspaper, book etc 8 reader readership circulation

reader /ˈri:də(r) ; US / noun [countable] 1 a person who reads sth (a particular newspaper, magazine, type of book, etc.) She's an avid reader of science fiction. ▶ czytelni-k/czka 2[with an adjective] a person who reads in a particular way a fast/slow reader osoba szybko/wolno czytająca ▶ czytelni-k/czka

the people who read a particular newspaper, book etc 8 reader readership circulation

readership /ˈri:dəʃɪp ; US / noun [sing.] the number of people who regularly read a particular newspaper, magazine, etc. The newspaper has a readership of 200 000. ▶ liczba czytelników

the people who read a particular newspaper, book etc 8 reader readership circulation

read up on sth to find out everything you can about a subject I'm going to read up on the company before my job interview. ▶ poczytać (na jakiś temat)

to read a lot about something 6 read up on

browse through sth [intransitive] to look through a book or magazine without reading every part or studying it carefully I enjoyed browsing through the catalogue but I didn't order anything. ▶ przeglądać; wertować

to read only parts of something 3 leaf/flick/thumb through dip into browse through

dip into [phr v T] to read parts, but not all, of sth I've only dipped into the book. I haven't read it all the way through. ▶ zaglądać do czegoś; wertować (np. książkę)

to read only parts of something 3 leaf/flick/thumb through dip into browse through

flick/flip through sth PHRASAL VERB to turn over the pages of a book, magazine, etc. quickly without reading everything ▶ przerzucać kartki czegoś

to read only parts of something 3 leaf/flick/thumb through dip into browse through

leaf2 /li:f ; US / verb PHRASAL VERB leaf through sth to turn the pages of a book, etc. quickly and without looking at them carefully ▶ kartkować

to read only parts of something 3 leaf/flick/thumb through dip into browse through

thumb (through) sth to turn the pages of a book, etc. quickly ▶ przerzucać (szybko) kartki; kartkować

to read only parts of something 3 leaf/flick/thumb through dip into browse through

read out loud to read sth and say the words so everyone can hear it. After he went blind, she would read out loud to him from his favourite books.

to read something 1 read read out read aloud/read out loud

read sth out to read sth to other people Read the numbers out and I'll write them down. ▶ czytać coś na głos

to read something 1 read read out read aloud/read out loud

read1 /ri:d ; US / verb (past tense, past participle read /red ; US /) 1[intransitive, transitive] to look at words or symbols and understand them He never learnt to read and write. Have you read any good books lately? Did you read about what he did last week? Can you read music? ▶ czytać

to read something 1 read read out read aloud/read out loud

pore over sth PHRASAL VERB to study or read sth very carefully He was sitting at his desk poring over old maps of the area. ▶ ślęczeć (nad czymś); zagłębiać się (w czymś)

to read something carefully 4 read through/over pore over

read sth through / read over to read sth to check details or to look for mistakes I read my essay through a few times before handing it in. ▶ przeczytać coś

to read something carefully 4 read through/over pore over

plough through /plaʊ ; US (figurative)The book was long and boring but I managed to plough through it (przez nią przebrnąć).

to read something long or boring 5 plough through wade through

wade through sth PHRASAL VERB to deal with or read sth that is boring and takes a long time She had to wade through three thick books before she could write the essay. ▶ (przen.) brnąć przez coś Oxford Wordpower: słownik angielsko-polski / polsko-angielski © Oxford University Press 2007

to read something long or boring 5 plough through wade through

have a look at (British) / take a look at (Am) to read sth quickly to check that there are no mistakes or problems. Would you mind having a look at this report for me?

to read something quickly 2 skim scan have a look a

scan /skæn ; US / verb [transitive] (scanning; scanned) 1 to look at or read every part of sth quickly until you find what you are looking for Vic scanned the list until he found his own name. The sailors scanned the horizon for signs of land. ▶ badać (wzrokiem); przebiegać wzrokiem po czymś

to read something quickly 2 skim scan have a look a

skim 3[intransitive, transitive] skim (through/over) sth to read sth quickly in order to get the main idea, without paying attention to the details and without reading every word I usually just skim through the newspaper in the morning. ▶ przerzucać (strony); pobieżnie czytać

to read something quickly 2 skim scan have a look at

not enjoyable to read 14

unreadable badly written

someone who reads a lot 7

voracious/avid reader bookworm well-read

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