Reasoning and Argumentation

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A valid argument can never have false premises

Indicator Word

A(n)_________________ is a signal within an argument that the author is going to present either a piece of evidence or a conclusion.


A(n)_______________________argument is an argument which incorporates the claim that it is impossible for the conclusion to be false if all the evidence is true and the argument is put together properly.


All sound arguments have a true conclusion.


All valid arguments must have a true conclusion


An argument consisting of exactly two pieces of evidence and one conclusion is referred to as a(n)


An argument contains both premises and a conclusion


An argument is a set of propositions related in such a way that one of the propositions is claimed to follow from the others.


Claims are statements that are either true or false


Cognitive meaning conveys information.


Conclusions can be either valid or invalid


Conclusions can be implied but unstated.


Critical thinking is a process that emphasizes a rational basis for beliefs and provides a set of standards and procedures for analyzing, testing and evaluating them. Critical thinking is concerned about the quality of our beliefs.


Deductive argument is intended to provide logically conclusive support for its conclusion.


Every conditional statement is made up of two component statements.


A syllogism is an inductive argument that has two premises and a conclusion.


A synonymous definition substitutes a word that is understood for the word we are attempting to understand.


A tautology is a logical truth. A tautology is always true. Denying a tautology creates a logical a contradiction.


A term in a categorical proposition is said to be _____________________ when the proposition refers to every member of the class of objects identified by the term


A term in a categorical proposition is said to be ________________________ when the proposition refers to only a portion of the members of the class of objects identified by the term.

Signal Word

A(n) _________________ is a word (expression) that indicates the presence of a premise or a conclusion.


A(n) __________________ is an evaluation of someone or something as good or bad, right or wrong.


A(n) _____________________ argument is intended to provide probable - not conclusive - support for its conclusion.


A(n) _______________________ definition specifies an unconventional meaning of a term for use in a specific context or discourse.


A(n) ______definition is a definition by example.


A(n)____ is an unsupported claim

Argument; conclusion: As such, Enron's collapse is a scandal.

The distinctive characteristic of the Enron fiasco is that the wrongdoers have not paid any consequences. The executives who cooked up Enron's crooked schemes made hundreds of millions of dollars while their employees have borne the brunt. The broader victim is the public's trust that ordinary people won't be victimized by insider dealings—a trust upon which capitalism depends. Bush has failed to recognize this larger issue. As such, Enron's collapse is a scandal not because it impugns Bush's character but rather because it impugns his ideology. (Editorial Board, The New Republic)


The extensional meaning (extension) is the members of the class that the term denotes.


The form of the verb "to be " that is used to connect the subject class of objects and the predicate class of objects in a categorical proposition is known as the______________

World View

The organized body of accumulated beliefs that we rely on to interpret new experiences and to guide or behavior is known as our


______________________ involves overgeneralization and oversimplification.


Valid deductive arguments are said to be truth-preserving.


Validity has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of the evidence


What we mean by _______ is the relationship between a word and the object it "points to".


Whenever language is used to arouse or vent feelings it is said to perform a(n) ___________ function.


You must be a linguist to realize that a given communication need not employ just a single language use.


______________ about the results of our problem solving attempt is an invaluable aid for checking the success of the solution to our problem we have decided to implement. It adds a social dimension to our problem solving enterprise.


_________________ describes a term or expression with an indefinite extension.


_________________ describes a term or expression with more than one conventional meaning.


____________________ refers to our ability to view ourselves and the world without distortion.


_____________________ is the process of unpacking or taking arguments apart into their structural elements. By doing this we see how arguments are intended to work.


A stipulative definition assigns the meaning of the word for use in a particular context.


A strong inductive argument guarantees the certainty of the conclusion


A strong inductive argument is one in which the truth of the premises establishes a relatively high

Categorical Proposition

A proposition that relates two classes (categories) of objects is called a(n) ________________


A sound argument is a deductive argument that is both valid and has all true premises.


A sound argument may have a false conclusion


A sound argument will never have a false conclusion.


A categorical proposition states a relationship of either inclusion or exclusion , partial or total between two groups of objects.

O Form

A categorical proposition that states the relationship of partial exclusion is called a(n) _____________________ proposition.

I Form

A categorical proposition that states the relationship of partial inclusion is called a(n) ___________________ form proposition.

E Form

A categorical proposition that states the relationship of total exclusion is called a(n) a. A form b. I form c. E form d. O form proposition.


A cogent argument is an inductive argument that is both strong and has all true premises.


A contingent truth is a statement that can be verified to be true by an appeal to empirical evidence.


A lexical definition reports the meaning that a word has within a community of users.


A lexical definition should never avoid effective terminology.


A possible explanation or solution to a problem is called a(n) ________________________ by the scientific community.


A proposition is a statement capable of being assessed as either true or false.


An assumption is a claim that is taken to be true without argument.


An etymological definition assigns a meaning to a word by appealing to the history of the word (disclosing the ancestry of the word).


An expository passage is a kind of discourse that begins with a topic sentence followed by one or more sentences.


An intentional definition is one that assigns a meaning to a word by indicating the quality or attributes that the word connotes.


Bismarck, chancellor of Prussia, harnessed the conservative agenda of keeping the aristocracy in power while promoting the liberal nationalist aim of German unification. He also proved successful at diplomacy with the other great powers. Through three quick and successful wars against Denmark, Austria, and France, he united Germany in 1871 under Prussian leadership. (Steven L. Spiegel, World Politics in a New Era)


Following authority blindly blocks critical thinking and undermines intellectual autonomy.


For the purpose of this class we will reserve the definition of a "necessary truth" as that truth or belief that is required in order for a particular belief system to remain coherent.

Argument; conclusion: High school health clinics across the nation . . . medication.

High school health clinics across the nation should be permitted to dispense Norplant, the new birth control medication. Teenage pregnancy today is at an all time high, and Norplant is 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Furthermore, a single dose ensures protection for a full five years.


If a deductive argument is valid and has true premises, then we can say that this argument is _______________.


In 1956 in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus, as required by segregation laws at that time. She was arrested and convicted of violating the law. Her defiance touched off a boycott in which the black citizens of Montgomery refused to ride city buses until they were integrated. (Carol Tauris, Psychology in Perspective)


In a standard form categorical proposition the words "all", "no" and some are known as the ____________


In an inductive argument the conclusion is said to follow necessarily from the evidence provided.


In an inductive argument, the premises are intended to make the conclusion inevitable.


In the second phase of problem solving it is crucial that we gather only the facts that we think will support the defense of our position.


Inductive arguments admit to varying degrees of strength and weakness.


It is a flaw in the argument's structure or form that causes it to be invalid.


Labels highlight similarities but ignore distinctive nuances and individual differences.


Language serves a(n) ________________________ function when it is used to provide statement that may be used for evidence or premises. This function may be identified as having truth value.


Language serves a(n) ______________________________ function when it is used in an attempt to influence the behavior of another person in a straightforward manner.


Language used to make claims is said to perform a(n) _______________________________ function.


Moral convictions should never arise out of careful deliberation. Moral convictions are only matters of faith and tradition.


No valid argument can have a false conclusion if the premises are true


Only a small portion of a person's belief structure functions unexamined below the threshold of awareness.

Argument; conclusion: Students often do the adults' work.

Tests can become a kind of automated supervision tool, an impersonal way of determining what happens in each classroom. Direct observation by teachers probably would be more beneficial. To date schools have been unwilling to invest in such a labor-intensive approach. As a result, students often do the adults' work. (Cleveland Plain Dealer)


The "A" form categorical propositions states a relationship of total inclusion between the subject and the predicate class of objects..


The "I" form categorical propositions states a relationship of partial exclusion between the subject and the predicate class of object.


The "O" form categorical propositions states a relationship of partial inclusion between the subject and the predicate class of object.


The ________________ definition of an argument defines an argument as a composition consisting of a set of assertions, one of which, called the "thesis" or "conclusion", is said to be supported by the others.


The _________________ of arguments are the propositions or claims offered in support of the conclusion.


The ____________________ definition of argument claims that the argument's primary purpose is to persuade (read convince) a person by appealing to a person's reasoning capacity.


The ____________________ is that proposition which is said to depend on the other propositions in the argument.


The conclusion of an argument is also known as the ________________ of the argument.


The critical and creative aspects of thinking can be easily distinguished.

George Boole

The eminent mathematician and philosopher who developed his own branch of Algebra was ______________.


The purpose of an expository passage is to prove the topic sentence. An expository passge is an argument.


The study of Categorical Logic originated 2000 years ago in the philosophy of _______________.


The two types of propositions in an argument are premises and conclusions.


There are four types of standard form categorical propositions.


There is always something wrong with the evidence provided in an invalid argument.


There is no simple way to determine how much support is needed to substantiate a premise.


To ask a question about the validity of an argument is to ask about its content. (i.e. the evidence or premises)


explicit assumptions are hidden assumptions.

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