Reconstruction 15

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The period of Radical Reconstruction began in March 1867 with Congress's adoption of the Reconstruction Act over the president's veto and ended in 1877.


The Reconstruction Act of March 1867:

divided the South into five military districts and called for creation of new state governments, with black men given the right to vote.

One of the main purposes of the Freedmen's Bureau was to

ensure a fair and viable system of labor relations between former slaves and former slaveholders.

One of the main purposes of the Freedmen's Bureau was to:

ensure a fair and viable system of labor relations between former slaves and former slaveholders.

The Enforcement Acts

first act made it a federal crime to interfere with a citizens right to vote, second put federal elections under supervision of federal marshalls , third, klu klux klan act, outlawed the activities of the clan

In the five years following the end of the Civil War, former slaves were guaranteed the following in three amendments to the United States Constitution:

freedom from slavery; recognition as citizens; and the vote for adult black men.

In the five years following the end of the Civil War, former slaves were guaranteed the following in three amendments to the United States Constitution:

freedom from slavery; recognition as citizens; the vote for adult black men

As meant in the section on the free labor system, define "free labor":

non-slave labor in a market economy

As meant in the section on the free labor system, define "free labor."

non-slave labor in a market economy

Define "free labor," as meant in the section on the free labor system.

non-slave labor in a market economy

In President Andrew Johnson's view, African-Americans ought to play what part in Reconstruction?


13th Amendment

officially abolished slavery, prohibits involuntary servitude.

Southern Farming

property value 30% less than before, lost slaves, lost savings that they had invested in confederate bonds, some people experiencing physical labor for the first time

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race.

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution:

prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race.

Johnson's pardons

restored political and property rights except for slaves, established new governments in south, opposed by northerners

In the summer of 1865, President Andrew Johnson ordered nearly all land in federal hands

returned to its former owners.

In the summer of 1865, President Andrew Johnson ordered nearly all land in federal hands to be

returned to its former owners.

In a society that had made political participation a core element of freedom, this activity became central to the former slaves' desire for empowerment and equality.

right to vote

Some 700 blacks sat in state legislatures during Reconstruction.


The Bargain of 1877 marked the formal end to Reconstruction.


Colfax Massacre

"In 1837, armed whites assaulted the town of Colfax, Louisiana, with a small cannon, killing hundreds of former slaves and fifty black militia members after they surrendered."

Andrew Johnson

"honest yeoman" racist born in poverty Lincoln's VP took over after Lincoln was assassinated, ordered 'shermans land' (40 acres for blacks) to be given back to their original owners, super duper racist

Andrew Johnson

(12.1) 17th president of the U.S. (1865-1869). He was vice president under Abraham Lincoln and became president when he died. Before that, he was a Tennessee governor, and then senator. He was the only senator from a Confederate state to remain loyal to the Union after secession. He opposed Radical Republicans who passed Reconstruction Acts over his veto. The first U.S. president to be impeached, he survived the Senate removal by only one vote. He was a very weak president.

Ku Klux Klan

- Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party's Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.

What were the sources, goals, and competing visions for Reconstruction?

1. Lincoln wanted to reunify the north and south 2. 10 percent plan for a southern state to be readmitted into the union once 10% of voters swore an oath of allegiance 3. Johnson believed African Americans had no role to play in reconstruction 4. Johnson granted free hand and local affairs 5. North turned against Johnson due to how he handled the southern governments

Ulysses S. Grant

..., an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.

What were the main factors, in both the north and south, for the abandonment of Reconstruction?

1. High unemployment 2. hard currency scarce 3. Northerners more concerned about there own financial well being 4. Democrats capitalized on depressed conditions and took control of house of reps to stall reconstruction

2. What were the sources, goals, and competing visions for Reconstruction?

1. Lincoln wanted to reunify the north and south 2. 10 percent plan for a southern state to be readmitted into the union once 10% of voters swore an oath of allegiance 3. Johnson believed African Americans had no role to play in reconstruction 4. Johnson granted free hand and local affairs 5. North turned against Johnson due to how he handled the southern governments

What were the social and political effects of Radical reconstruction in the South?

1. Outbusts of political organization 2. Action to remedy long standing grievances 3. Union league aided blacks in public sphere 4. Union had been restored 5. Southern states held public majorities 6. 2000 african americans occupied public offices, 14 in the house of reps, 2 in senate 7. Carpetbaggers who were northerners held office in the south. 8. Established the south's first state supported public schools. 9. new government Pioneered civil rights legislation 10. Republicans took steps to strengthen the position of rural laborers and promote the souths economic recovery

1. What visions of freedom did the former slaves and slaveholders pursue in the postwar South?

1. Reconstructed South 2. Emancipated Blacks 3. Opportunity for Advancement as northern workers 4. Labor more productively 5. Own Land 6. Desired Education 7. Political Freedom 8. Freedom to vote

During Reconstruction, the black church functioned as a vital setting for:

1. political mobilization. 2. worship. 3. schooling.

Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction

10% of the voters in each Southern state had to swear an oath of loyalty to the US

Special Field Order 15 ; Freedmen's Bureau established ; Lincoln Assassinated ; Andrew Johnson becomes President


Freedmen's Bureau

1865 - Agency set up to aid former slaves in adjusting themselves to freedom. It furnished food and clothing to needy blacks and helped them get jobs

Presidential Reconstruction Black Codes


Civil Rights Bill ; Ku Klux Klan Established


Tenure of Office Act

1866 - Enacted by radical Congress, it forbade the president from removing civil officers without consent of the Senate. It was meant to prevent Johnson from removing radicals from office. Johnson broke this law when he fired a radical Republican from his cabinet, and he was impeached for this "crime".

Tenure of Office Act

1866 - enacted by radical congress - forbade president from removing civil officers without senatorial consent - was to prevent Johnson from removing a radical republican from his cabinet

Reconstruction Act of 1867 ; Tenure of Office Art


Reconstruction Act

1867 law that est. temporary military governments in ten confederate states and required that the states ratify the 14th amendment and permit freedmen to vote

Tenure of Office Act

1867 law that required the president to obtain senate approval to remove any official whose appointment had also required Senate approval

Radical Reconstruction

1867, removed governments in states not ratifying 14th Amendment, made 5 military districts, state must write a new constitution, ratify 14th Amendment, and allow African Americans to vote

Radical Reconstruction of 1867 (it's a trick question)


Impeachment and trail of President Johnson ; 14th (Fourteenth) Amendement Ratified


Inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant ; Women's rights organization splits into two groups


Hiram Revels, first black U. S. Senator ; 15th (Fifteenth) Amendment ratified


Enforcement Acts


Liberal Republicans Established


Colfax Massacre ; Slaughterhouse Cases ; National economic depression begins


United States v Cruikshank


Bargain of 1877


Confederate men deaths

260,000, 1/5 of southern white male population

The Civil Rights era of the 1950s and 1960s is sometimes called the Second Reconstruction.


Fourteenth Amendment

A constitutional amendment giving full rights of citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, except for American Indians.

Slaughterhouse Cases

A decision that rejected the claim by butchers that their right to equality before the law had been violated."


A derogatory term applied to Northerners who migrated south during the Reconstruction to take advantage of opportunities to advance their own fortunes by buying up land from desperate Southerners and by manipulating new black voters to obtain lucrative government contracts.


A derogatory term applied to Northerners who migrated south during the Reconstruction to take advantage of opportunities to advance their own fortunes by buying up land from desperate Southerners and by manipulating new black voters to obtain lucrative government contracts.


A derogatory term for Southerners who were working with the North to buy up land from desperate Southerners, southern whites who supported republican policy throught reconstruction


A derogatory term for Southerners who were working with the North to buy up land from desperate Southerners.

Thaddeus Stevens

A radical Republican who believed in harsh punishments for the South. Leader of the radical Republicans in Congress.

Woman Suffrage

A woman's right to vote, an issue raised for the first time at the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848."

Civil Rights Bill of 1866

Along with the 14th Amendment, legislation that guaranteed the rights of citizenship to former slaves

The Reconstruction Act

An act that divided the south into 5 military tracts that, under the supervision of military leaders, would have to give freedmen the vote, disenfranchise rebel leaders, and ratify the 14th amendment in order to gain readmission into the union.

Freedmen's Bureau

An agency created by the goverment that helped and protected newly freed african americans find jobs, homes, education, and a better life

The Union League

An organization that was created during the Civil War in 1862. The Union league supported the Republican Party and Abraham Lincoln and his policies. They originated in the North during the war to support the Union. The purpose was to give support to the Union both politically and economically like providing food and pensions to former northern soldiers.

Upon Lincoln's assassination, ____________ became president.

Andrew Johnson

Upon Lincoln's assassination, ____________ became president. (or, assuming it's been reworded, Upon Lincoln's assassination, who became president?)

Andrew Johnson

Who among the following was not a leader of the Radical Republicans?

Andrew Johnson

Colfax Massacre

Armed whites assaulted the town of Colfax, LA with a small cannon killing hundreds of former slaves and black militia. 1873

The victorious Republicans, the "Redeemers," claimed to have redeemed the white South from corruption, misgovernment, and northern and black control.


In the aftermath of the Civil War, the black church was a powerful influence in the South. What two denominations commanded the largest African-American following?

Baptist and Methodist

In the aftermath of the Civil War, the black church was a powerful influence in the South; what two denominations commanded the largest African-American following?

Baptist and Methodist

The women's movement split into two separate national organizations in part because the Fifteenth Amendment did not give women the vote. Explain why the two groups split.

Because the Fifteenth Amendment didn't give women the right to vote the women's movement split because some denounced their former abolitionist allies and moved to sever the women's rights movement from its earlier moorings in the antislavery tradition.

Black Codes

Black Codes Laws in the Southern States that restricted the freedoms of Blacks. Included banning blacks from voting, serving on juries and prohibiting them from testifying against whites in court. Made blacks that wanted to continue working sign yearly labor contracts


Bringing Chargers against a public official

In which of the following nations was the institution of slavery replaced by indentured servitude?

British Guiana

Under Radical Reconstruction, blacks held most of the South's top elected positions.


The Radical Republicans

Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens, disenchanted with Johnson, called for equality between blacks and whites and the right to vote for blacks.


Conservative White democrats, many of them planters of businessmen, who reclaimed control of the south following the end of reconstruction.


Conservative white Democrats, many of them planters or businessmen, who reclaimed control of the South following the end of Reconstruction."

While Reconstruction brought profound changes, the postwar South was peopled with the same social classes.


Crop lien

Credit extended by merchants to tenants based on their future crops

Bargain of 1877

Deal made by Republican and Democratic Special Congressional Commission to resolve the disputed presidential election of 1876

14th Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws


Farmers who don't own the land on which they are working but rather are working for a percentage of what they grow.


Derisive term for northern emigrants who participated in the Republican governments of the Reconstruction South

Carpetbaggers and scalawags

Derisive term for northern emigrants who participated in the Republican governments of the Reconstruction South; southern white Republicans‚ some former Unionists‚ who supported Reconstruction governments.

How did the failure of land reform and continued poverty lead to new forms of servitude for both blacks and whites?

Despite small improvements in wages and working conditions, African Americans could not justify having better jobs on plantations as their wish to own land was not surfacing. Their plight for land was only further diminished as Andrew Jackson in 1865 ordered all land previously distributed by the Bureau to be returned to its original owners causing many African Americans to be evicted and instilling a deep sense of betrayal as it would appear that any efforts to rise in the social ladder would be impossible. Forms of Servitude Blacks: task system, closely supervised wage labor, share cropping... Whites: share cropping, growing of cotton instead of other crops to make money, "crop lien." Vagrance laws- provided free labor to plantation owners as a consequence for not being employed.

Whiskey Ring

During the Grant administration, a group of officials were importing whiskey and using their offices to avoid paying the taxes on it, cheating the treasury out of millions of dollars.

The Black Codes were laws passed by southern Republicans to promote black rights.


The Fifteenth Amendment granted the vote to white women but not black women.


The Ku Klux Klan sought to uphold the American ideal of equality and justice for all.


Civil RIghts Bill of 1866

Extension of the Freedmen's Bureau and the Civil Rights Bill (got rid of black codes). A. John vetoed both, but Congress overrode his veto. Violence erupted.

"Redeemers" saved the South from the corrupt ways of Reconstruction politics and redeemed the South for fair and equal treatment for all Americans.


In consequence of the Reconstruction governments across the South, the region became a vibrant and successful hub of dynamic and expansive economic growth, allowing many African Americans to escape from poverty.


Presidential Reconstruction (1865-1867) was a success.


Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, leading figures in the women's rights movement, were strong supporters of the Fifteenth Amendment.


The Black Codes were laws passed by southern Republicans to promote black rights


The Fifteenth Amendment granted the vote to white women but not black women.


The Ku Klux Klan sought to uphold the American ideal of equality and justice for all.


Under Radical Reconstruction, blacks held most of the South's top elected positions.


While corruption was almost non-existent in the North, it was rampant in the South.


All of the victims of the Ku Klux Klan were black.


In consequence of the Reconstruction governments across the South, the region became a vibrant and successful hub of dynamic and expansive economic growth, allowing many African-Americans to escape from poverty.


Presidential Reconstruction (1865-1867) was a success.


Robert Smalls was a black senator who served one unsuccessful term before being replaced by a white senator in 1900.


Some 900 blacks sat in state legislatures during Reconstruction, yet few held local offices.


first black colleges

Fisk University in Tennessee, Hampton Institute in Virginia, and Howard University in Washington DC

What visions of freedom did the former slaves and slaveholders pursue in the postwar South?

Former slaves had a vision of a reconstructed South, emancipated blacks, enjoying the same opportunities for advancement as northern workers, would labor more productively than they had as slaves.Former slaves tried to find their loved ones that they had been separated from during slavery. Former slaves also wanted to own their own land. They also desired education. Former slaves sought out their political freedom as well and pushed for their freedom to vote

During Reconstruction some 2,000 African Americans held public office, among them fourteen in the United States House of Representatives and two U.S. Senators.


The 1865 agency responsible for the attempt to establish a working free labor system was called the

Freedmen's Bureau.

Fourteenth Amendment

Gave all people born in US citizenship in the US.

Ku Klux Klan

Group organized in 1866 to terrorize former slaves who voted and held political office

Fourteenth Amendment

Guaranteed rights of citizenship to former slaves, in words similar to those of the Civil Rights Act of 1886.

Liberal Republicans

In 1872, Republican reformers, alarmed by the corruption and scandals in the Grant administration, organized this branch of the Republican Party and nominated Horace Greeley for president. They were laissez faire liberals who opposed legislation that benefited any particular group.

During Reconstruction, a number of state governments initiated civil rights legislation that made it illegal for railroads, hotels, and other institutions to discriminate on the basis of race.


During the 1872 elections, the Liberal Republicans argued that Reconstruction was a failure.


Bargain of 1877

In the aftermath of a close presidential election, an Electoral Commission declared Rutherford B. Hayes president contingent a variety of compromises and agreements upon his taking office.

Bargain of 1877

In the aftermath of a close presidential election, an Electoral Commission declared Rutherford B. Hayes president contingent a variety of compromises and agreements upon his taking office."

In 1866, the Civil Rights Bill became the first major law in American history to be passed over a presidential veto.


Black suffrage

Included in the 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America

In 1873, the country was plunged into an economic depression and support among Republicans for further reforms in the South weakened.


Which of the following was not a major effect of Reconstruction (at its height) upon southern society?

It inspired a mass exodus of southern blacks to lands that had never known slavery.

Why did ownership of land and control of labor become major points of contention between former slaves and whites in the South?

Land: Slaves idea of freedom directly related to land ownership and the opportunity to build up communities free of white control. African Americans felt they deserved land because they were the ones who kept the land alive which led to some cases of slaves claiming to be "join heirs" and seizing land. The fight for land was part of the continual, open ended process to obtain the same sorts of freedom White people were simply and undeniably given at birth. Labor: Whites used and implemented a very narrow definition of labor that supported their interpretation of freedom that is tied to them being able to create hierarchy and be "masters" of their own land and the people on it. African Americans interpreted labor freedom as economic autonomy in addition to civil/political equality but were not granted this freedom due to Whites continuous battle to keep "free labor" as close to slave labor as possible. **Freedmen's Bureau failed at land distribution and advocating equal treatment

Civil Rights Bill of 1875

Last piece of Reconstruction Legislation which outlawed racial discrimination in places if public accommodation i.e. hotels and theatres

Black Codes

Laws passed from 1865-1866 in southern states to restrict the rights of former slaves

Black Codes

Laws passed in southern states to restrict the rights of former slaves; to nullify the codes, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1886 and the 14th Amendment.

Civil RIghts act of of 1875

Made racial discrimination illegal in hotels, restaurants, and other places of public accommodation; strengthened voting rights legislation;

In the Slaughterhouse Cases (1873) the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment had not altered traditional federalism.


black churches

Mostly Methodist and Baptist, 250 black ministers where in office during Reconstruction

Which of the following was not a major effect of Reconstruction (at its height) on southern society?

NOT: It inspired a mass exodus of southern blacks to lands that had never known slavery. Was: 1. It saw the federal government take a direct role in the relations between black and white southerners. 2. It saw the spread of schools and churches across the South, built by and for African-Americans. 3. It helped restrain southern whites from exploiting the labor of former slaves.

Which was not true of Liberal Republicans in the post-Civil War era?

NOT: They believed the growth of federal power needed to be expanded. Was: 1. They nominated Horace Greeley for president. 2. They formed their own political party. 3. They were less committed to equal rights for blacks than the Radical Republicans had been.

Which of the following was not a central thrust of the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution?

NOT: redistribution of the former slaveowners' land among the freed slaves Was: 1. equal citizenship for blacks and whites 2. the right to vote, regardless of race 3. empowerment of the federal government to protect citizens' rights

Which was not a principal task of the Freedmen's Bureau (1865-1870)?

NOT: to support black churches and businesses Was: 1. the establishment of schools 2. to secure former slaves equal treatment before the courts 3. to provide aid to the poor and aged

The KKK was founded in 1866 as a social club in Tennessee and served, in effect, as a military arm of the Democratic Party


Prior to ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights applied only to laws made by the federal government, not to laws made by individual states.


Ku Klux Klan

Organized in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866 to terrorize former slaves who voted and held political offices during Reconstruction; a revived organization in the 1910s and 1920s stressed white, Anglo-Saxon, fundamentalist Protestant supremacy; the Klan revived a third time to fight the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s in the South."

Civil rights act of 1875

Outlawed racial discrimination in places of public accommodation like hotels and theaters."

Rreconstruction Act

Passed by the newly-elected Republican Congress, it divided the South into five military districts, disenfranchised former confederates, and required that Southern states both ratify the Fourteenth Amendment and write state constitutions guaranteeing freedmen the franchise before gaining readmission to the Union.

Civil Rights Bill of 1866

Passed over Andrew Johnson's veto, the bill aimed to counteract the Black Codes by conferring citizenship on African Americans and making it a crime to deprive blacks of their rights to sue, testify in court, or hold property.

Opposition to Reconstruction resulted from the distaste many southerners had for tax increases that were needed to fund public schools and other improvements, and also because many white southerners could not accept black Americans voting, holding office, and enjoying equality before the law.



Post-Civil War Democratic leaders who supposedly saved the south from Yankee domination and preserved the primarily rural economy


Southern white Republicans who supported Reconstruction governments

Robert Smalls, a black representative in the United States House of Representatives, was elected to five terms in Congress


Fifteenth Amendent

Prohibited governments to not allow someone to vote because of their race

Before the Civil War, American citizenship had been closely linked to


Charles Sumner

Radical Republican against the slave power who insults Andrew Butler and subsequently gets caned by Preston Brooks

Black Codes sometimes assigned black children to work for their former masters without parental consent.


14th Amendment

Ratified in 1868; guaranteed rights of citizenship to former slaves

15th Amendment

Ratified in 1870; prohibited states from discriminating in voting privileges on the basis if race

Freedmen's Bureau

Reconstruction Agency Established in 1865 to protect the legal rights of former slaves and to assist with their education, jobs, healthcare, and landowning.

Freedmen's Bureau

Reconstruction agency established in 1865 to protect the legal rights of former slaves and to assist with their education, jobs, health care, and landowning

The phrase "forty acres and a mule" is derived from

Sherman's Field Order 15.

The phrase, "forty acres and a mule," derived from

Sherman's Field Order 15.

The phrase, "forty acres and a mule," derived from:

Sherman's Field Order 15.

Special Field Order 15

Shermans response to meeting with black leaders, set aside large area of South Carolina and Georgia coasts for black families to settle with 40 acres of land and broken-down mules . "40 acres and a mule" 40,000 freed slaves settled here in hopes of building black independence.

The Liberal Republicans

Short-lived third party of 1872 that attempted to curb Grant administration corruption. Nominated Horace Greeley

Black Codes

Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves. Granted: legalized marriage, property ownership, and limited access to the courts. Denied:ability to testify against whites, serve on juries, serve in state militias, and ability to vote.

Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens argued that planters' land should be confiscated and redistributed among former slaves.


The Black Codes

Southern states passed these to control the freed slaves. They were oppressive laws aimed at keeping the Black population in submission and to regulate their affairs. Blacks were forbidden to serve on a jury, vote, or rent or lease land. The harshness of the laws varied from state to state. They had to sign annual labor contracts and were severely punished if they were violated. The conditions of the blacks made many abolitionists wonder if the price of the Civil War was really worth it.

During Radical Reconstruction, following ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, the vast majority of eligible African Americans registered to vote.


"Scalawags" were southern white Republicans.


After emancipation, many freedwomen elected to withdraw from work in the fields and focus their energies at home.


Among the important accomplishments of Reconstruction in state governments was the establishment of the South's first state-supported public schools.


Between 1880 and 1940 there were more white sharecroppers than black sharecroppers.


Black Americans continued to hold offices in the South into the 1890s.


Black Codes denied black Americans the right to testify against whites, serve on juries or in state militias, or vote.


Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Tenure of Office Act; impeachment of Johnson; election of Grant

Fifteenth Amendment

The 15th Amendment to the constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Reconstruction's Opponents

The Souths - planters, merchants, and Democrats. Bitterly opposed new govt.

Reconstruction's Opponents

The Souths - planters, merchants, and Democrats. Bitterly opposed new govt. Opposed to Black Supremecy

The House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment against President Andrew Johnson for violation of what law?

The Tenure of Office Act

What caused the confrontation between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction policies?

The Tenure of Office Act was enacted, which prohibits the president from removing certain officeholders, including cabinet members, without the consent of the Senate. Johnson considered this unconstitutional and proceeded to do exactly that. In February 1868, he removed Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, an ally of the Radicals. He then faced Congress and was impeached. At first the vote was only 35-19, one vote short of 2/3 to impeach him, and then 7 republicans joined democrats in acquitting him, so he was not impeached.

What national issues and attitudes combined to bring an end to Reconstruction by 1877?

The huge economic depression the nation was in distracted attention away from Reconstruction, as well as a desire to reduce the power the national government gained during and after the Civil War. An inability for people to accept former slaves voting and holding office prompted escalating levels of violence spearheaded by the KKK. Eventually, through the Bargain of 1877, Rutherford B. Hayes agreed to recognize Democratic control of the South and removed national troops from the former Confederate states.

Lyman Trumbull

The moderate Republican senator who pursued the extension of the Freedmen's Bureau and submitted a proposal for a civil rights bill in 1866 was

crop lien system

The system that allowed farmers to get more money/credit. Farmers used harvested crops to pay back their loans.

Radical Republicans

These were a small group of people in 1865 who supported black suffrage. They were led by Senator Charles Sumner and Congressman Thaddeus Stevens. They supported the abolition of slavery and a demanding reconstruction policy during the war and after.

Which was not true of Liberal Republicans in the post-Civil War era?

They believed the growth of federal power needed to be expanded.


allowed a black family to rent part of a plantation, with the crop divided between worker and owner at the end of the year.

In 1866, the civil rights bill became the first major law in American history to be passed over a presidential veto.


"waving the bloody shirt"

This was a campaign tactic used by post-Civil War Republicans to remind northern voters that the Confederates were Democrats. The device was used to divert attention away from the competence of candidates and from serious issues. It was also used to appeal to black voters in the South.

Waving the bloody shirt

This was a campaign tactic used by post-Civil War Republicans to remind northern voters that the Confederates were Democrats. The device was used to divert attention away from the competence of candidates and from serious issues. It was also used to appeal to black voters in the South.

In 1865, the former Confederate general Robert Richardson remarked that "the emancipated slaves own nothing because nothing but freedom has been given to them." Explain whether this would be an accurate assessment of Reconstruction twelve years later.

This would be an accurate assessment of Reconstruction twelve years later because the majority of rural freed people remained poor and without property, men doing hard labor, women working in homes without the way to rise in the social scale through work, still giving the ex-slaves nothing but freedom.

Enforcement Acts

Three acts outlawing terrorist societies and allowing the president to use the army against them."

Enforcement Acts

Three laws passed in 1870 and 1871 that tried to eliminate the KKK by outlawing it and other terrorist societies

By what methods did Southern whites seek to limit African-American rights and civil liberties? How did the federal government respond?

Through the Black Codes, blacks were not allowed to testify against whites, serve on juries or to vote. Blacks who did not sign yearly labor contracts with planters could be arrested. Some states limited job opportunities, barred them from acquiring land and even allowed judges to assign black children to work for their former owners without their parents consent.

In relishing their newfound freedom, blacks acquired dogs, guns, and liquor, activities previously barred to them under slavery.


In the Slaughterhouse Cases (1873), the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment had not altered traditional federalism.


"Scalawags" was a derogatory term used to describe southern white Republicans.


Among the important accomplishments of Reconstruction state governments was the establishment of the South's first state-supported public schools.


Between 1880 and 1940 there were more white sharecroppers than black sharecroppers.


Black Codes denied black Americans the right to testify against whites, serve on juries or in state militias, or vote.


Black Codes sometimes assigned black children to work for their former masters without parental consent.


Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens argued that disloyal planters' land should be confiscated and redistributed among former slaves.


During Radical Reconstruction, following ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, the vast majority of eligible African-Americans registered to vote.


During Reconstruction, a number of state governments initiated civil rights legislation that made it illegal for railroads, hotels, and other institutions to discriminate on the basis of race.


During Reconstruction, some 2,000 African-Americans held public office, among them fourteen in the United States House of Representatives and two U.S. senators.


During the 1872 elections, the Liberal Republicans argued that Reconstruction was a failure.


Opposition to Reconstruction resulted from the distaste many southerners had for tax increases that were needed to fund public schools and other improvements, and also because many white southerners could not accept black Americans voting, holding office, and enjoying equality before the law.


The KKK was founded in 1866 as a Tennessee secret society and served, in effect, as a military arm of the Democratic Party.


The civil rights era of the 1950s and 1960s is sometimes called the "Second Reconstruction."


The country was plunged into an economic depression in 1873, and support among Republicans for further reforms in the South weakened.


The once prosperous Confederate General Braxton Bragg returned from the Civil War to find he had lost everything and lived for some time with his wife in a slave cabin.


There were cases of freed slaves returning to the land they had previously worked demanding that they were "joint heirs" of the estate.


Naturalization Law

an act passed by Congress at the beginning of Jefferson's presidency that reduced the requirement of fourteen years of residency to the previous requirement of five years

freedom to former slaves

an open ended process, a transformation of every aspect of their lives and of the society and culture that had sustained slavery in the first place


Type of farm tenancy that developed after the Civil War in which landless workers farmed land in exchange for farm supplies and a share of the crop

Ulysses S. Grant

U.S. president 1873-1877. Military hero of the Civil War, won against Horatio Seymour

The Reconstruction Act of March 1867

divided the South into five military districts and called for creation of new state governments, with black men given the right to vote.

Johnson's program

White Southerners would have to take a loyalty oath to get back their civil, political rights and property, high confederate officers and the rich had to ask for a pardon, once a constitution was drafted and congress and officers were elected there would be no more martial law and he would recognize the state, suffrage was given to white citizens accepting the loyalty oath,

Thaddius Stevens

Who was the radical republican US house of represetatives member for the state of Pennsylvania who wanted to destroy the polictical power of the former slaveholders and wanted former slaves to be given full citizenship and the right to vote?

How important were black families, churches, schools and other institutions to the development of African-American culture and political activism in this period?

With the stabilization of home life by women being able to spend more time taking care of their families, a new type of pride developed for the black man based on how well he was able to provide for his loved ones. This ability to focus on family life for both men and women became central to the newly freed black community, Being able to have independent black churches allowed blacks to have a place to worship however they liked without white control dictating what is or is not appropriate. Churches also served as buildings that could serve as schools, house social events and political gatherings. Schools gave blacks an opportunity to learn to read which empowered them to able to participate in politics.

The struggles over land and labor united the postemancipation experience in many countries, yet this one aspect made the United States unique.

Within two years after the end of slavery, black males were given the right to vote.

Which of the following was not a major cause of the decline of Reconstruction?

a deepening of mutual respect between black and white southerners, making Reconstruction seem no longer necessary

A "carpetbagger" is

a northerner who settled in the South after the war.


a result of many AA not having work and working for their former owners. landowners change workers rent and crops for living expenses an using the land and tools

During Reconstruction, the black church functioned as a vital setting for

all of the above (political mobilization, worship and schooling)

During Reconstruction, the black church functioned as a vital setting for:

all of the above.


allowed a black family to rent part of a plantation, with the crop divided between worker and owner at the end of the year.

In the summer of 1865, President Andrew Johnson ordered nearly all land in federal hands

be returned to its former owners.

In the summer of 1865, President Andrew Johnson ordered nearly all land in federal hands:

be returned to its former owners.

15th Amendment

citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude

The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871

defined crimes that deprived citizens of their civil and political rights as federal offenses, and under these laws President Grant sent federal marshals to arrest hundreds of accused Klansmen.

The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871:

defined crimes that deprived citizens of their civil and political rights as federal offenses, and under these laws President Grant sent federal marshals to arrest hundreds of accused Klansmen.

The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871

defined crimes that deprived citizens of their civil and political rights as federal offenses; and under these laws President Grant sent federal marshals to arrest hundreds of accused Klansmen.

In the five years following the end of the Civil War, former slaves were guaranteed the following in three Amendments to the United States Constitution:

freedom from slavery; recognition as citizens; the vote for adult black men.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony opposed the Fifteenth Amendment because

it did not enfranchise women.

Barrow Plantation

kept detailed records of whippings for 2 years there were 160 whippings and 200 slaves

The Black Codes were

laws that sought to regulate the lives of former slaves.

The Black Codes were:

laws that sought to regulate the lives of former slaves.

Freedmens Bureau

lead by O.O. Howard 1865-70, aided distressed freedmen (freed slaves) through legal food and housing, oversight, education, health care, and employment contracts with private landowners.

Ku Klux Klan

meant to control newly freed slaves through threats and violence; other targets: Catholics, Jews, immigrants and others thought to be un-American. Against Republican leaders. Wore white robes and hood, lynched and tortured 'un' Americans

Which of the following was not a widespread activity among newly emancipated blacks?

moving to the North in search of greater freedom and opportunity

In consequence of the "Bargain of 1877," President Rutherford B. Hayes:

ordered federal troops to be withdrawn from the South.

In consequence of the "Bargain of 1877," President Rutherford B. Hayes

ordered federal troops to stop guarding the state houses in Louisiana and South Carolina.

In consequence of the "Bargain of 1877" President Rutherford B. Hayes

ordered federal troops withdrawn from the South.

Enforcement Acts

outlawed terrorist societies and and allowed the president to use the army against them (mostly for KKK)

Many women saw the opportunity to insert their issues into the reforming nation. Their immediate main concerns were all of the following except

outlawing the sale and manufacture of liquor.

"The destruction of slavery led feminists to search for ways to make the promise of free labor real for women." Define "feminists" in this context.

persons who held a view advocating social, political, and other rights for women equal to those of men

Question: "The destruction of slavery led feminists to search for ways to make the promise of free labor real for women." Define "feminists" in this context.

persons who held a view advocating social, political, and other rights for women equal to those of men

wage labor

predominated on the sugar plantations, closely supervised, survived in rice kingdom of south Carolina and Georgia

The Fifteenth Amendment

prohibited any state from denying citizens the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

The Burlingame Treaty reaffirmed China's national sovereignty, and

provided reciprocal protection for religious freedom and against discrimination for citizens of each country emigrating or visiting the other.

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

ratification of Thirteenth Amendment; Tenure of Office Act; impeachment of Johnson; election of Grant

Which of the following was not a central thrust of the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution?

redistribution of the former slave owners' land among the freed slaves

Which of the following was not a central thrust of the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution?

redistribution of the former slaveowners' land among the freed slaves


rented land owned by others

The Reconstruction Act

reorganized the South into five military districts., Divided the South into five districts, each commanded by a union general and policed by Union soldiers to maintain order and protect civil rights. It temporarily disfranchised tens of thousands of former Confederates, required states to ratify the 14th Amendment if they wanted to be re-admitted to the Union, and states' constitutions had to allow former adult male slaves to vote.

Great Constitutional Revolution

repudiated the idea that citizenship was only an entitlement of whites, transformed relationship between the federal government and the states, assumed rights needed federal government to enforce them, Constitution became a vehicle for members of minorities to seek protection

Civil Rights Act of 1866

said all people born in the United States are citizens and have the right to our freedoms, A bill passed as a measure against the Black Codes to reinforce black rights to citizenship. It was vetoed by Johnson and was later passed as the 14th Amendment.

Following the Civil War, white and black farmers in the South

saw the price of cotton fall steadily.

Following the Civil War, white and black farmers in the South:

saw the price of cotton fall steadily.

Which was not a principal task of the Freedmen's Bureau (1865-1870)?

support black churches and businesses

The Slaughterhouse Cases

supreme court contradicted 14th amend. by decreeing most citizens rights reamianed under state and not federal law

The House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment against President Andrew Johnson for violation of what law?

the Tenure of Office Act

Radical Republicans in the Reconstruction Era shared the view that

the Union victory created a golden opportunity to institutionalize the principal of equal rights for all, regardless of race.

Radical Republicans in the Reconstruction era shared the view that:

the Union victory created a golden opportunity to institutionalize the principal of equal rights for all, regardless of race.

Radical Republicans in the Reconstruction era shared the view that

the Union victory created a golden opportunity to institutionalize the principle of equal rights for all, regardless of race.

Black officeholders

the fact that some 2,000 African Americans occupied public offices during Reconstruction represented a fundamental shift of power in the South and a radical departure in American government; some 700 blacks sat in state legislatures during Reconstruction and scores held local offices ranging from justice of the peace to sheriff, tax assessor and policeman

Which were central elements in the lives of post-emancipation blacks in the twenty years following the end of the Civil War?

the family, the church, the school

Which were central elements in the lives of postemancipation blacks in the twenty years following the end of the Civil War?

the family, the church, the school

What was being reconstructed (constructed again) in Reconstruction?

the nation


the period after the Civil War in the United States when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union

After emancipation, many freedwomen elected to withdraw from work in the fields and focus their energies at home.


Bargains of 1877

was a purported informal, unwritten deal that settled the intensely disputed 1876 U.S. presidential election, pulled federal troops out of state politics in the South, and ended the Reconstruction Era.

Black Americans who refused to sign labor contracts to work for whites during Reconstruction

were often convicted of vagrancy and fined; sometimes they were then auctioned off to work for the person who paid the fine

Black Americans who refused to sign labor contracts to work for whites during Reconstruction

were often convicted of vagrancy and fined; sometimes they were then auctioned off to work for the person who paid the fine.

Black Americans who refused to sign labor contracts to work for whites during Reconstruction:

were often convicted of vagrancy and fined; sometimes they were then auctioned off to work for the person who paid the fine.

the task system

workers were assigned daily tasks after completed they were free to do whatever

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