Regional 1 Final

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the only muscle that acts as a flexor of the knee and attaches superior to the acetabulum is the: a: sartorius b. semimembranosus c. semitendinosus d. biceps femoris


which one is innervated by the lateral plantar a. flexor digitorum brevis b. abductor digit minimi c. abductor hallucis d. flexor hallucis brevis


A patient exhibits a flexed adducted and medially roatated thigh. Which one of the muscles is a medial rotator of the hip joint? A) gluteus minimis B) piriformis C) gluteus maximus D) obturator internus


A patient presents with a fracture of the next of the femur. This would result in necrosis of the femoral head, probably due to lack of blood supply from the A) medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries B) Inferior gluteal artery C) obturator artery D) superior gluteal artery


Which one of the following statements concerning the femoral canal Is NOT true A) as the femoral vein passes through it becomes the popliteal vein B) lies medial to the femoral vein C) superficial lymph nodes drain from the testicles D) contains fat and areolar tissue


football (soccer) players often sustain lateral blows to the extended knee. which ligaments and other structures are damaged as a result a. medial collateral, anterior cruciate ligaments and medial meniscus b. oblique popliteal and extracapsular ligaments c. arcuate popliteal and posterior cruciate liagments d. suprapatellar and lateral retinacula

a. medial collateral, ant cruciate

which muscle does not originate on the femur: a. plantaris b. gastrocnemius c. adductor longus d. vastus lateralis

adductor longus

a muscle that inserts on the adductor tubercle of the femur is the a. adductor magnus b. semitendinosus c. tensor fasciae latae d. vastus intermedius e. iliopsoas

adductor magnus

which one is innervated by nmoth the obturator and tibial nerves a. obturator ext b. semimembranosus c. adductor magnus d. biceps femoris

adductor magnus

The cruciate ligament of the knee A) prevent hyperextension of the knee B) are also called intracapsular ligaments C) form a cross D) all of the above


the cruciate liagments of the knee a. prevent hyperextension of the knee b. are intracapsular liagments c. cross over each other d. all of these are true statements

all true

which set of ligaments of the knee is responsible for liiting the ant-post movement of the femus and maintaining the alignment of the femoral and tibial condyles a. anterior[posterior cruciate ligaments b. patellar ligament c. popliteal ligament d. tibial and fibular liagments

ant-post cruciate ligament

the extensor hallucis inserts on a. pisiform b. middle phalanx c. base of the 4 metatarsals d. base of metatarsal one

base of metatarsal one

A patient presents with sensory loss on adjacent sides of the big toe and second toe and cannot dorsiflex the foot. These signs probably indicate damage to the A) Lateral plantar nerve B) tibial nerve C) deep peroneal nerve D) sural nerve


Extracapsular ligaments stabilizing the knee include a) the oblique popliteal crossing the knee anteriorly b) cruciate ligaments which help secure the articulating bones together c) lateral and medial collateral ligaments preventing lateral or medial displacement d) the patellar ligament extending from femur to patella


The movements occurring at the ankle joint are a) abduction and adduction b) inversion and eversion c) plantarflexion and dorsiflexion d) supination and pronation


Which one of the following is innervated by both the obturator nerve and tibial nerve A) obturator externus B) semimembranosus C) adductor magnus D) Biceps femoris


Which one of the following muscles involved in locking the knee when taking a step A) rectus femoris B) popliteus C) biceps femoris D) gastrocnemius


which one of the following statements concerning the medial menisci of the knee joint is not true a. C-shaped cartilage b. attached firmly to the medial collateral ligament c. extends bt the epiucondyle and fistula. d. lies within the joint capsule

c. extends

) A patient is unable to invert his foot. Which of the following pairs of nerves are involved a) superficial and deep peroneal b) medial and lateral plantar c) obturator and tibial d) deep peroneal and tibial


An action of the quadriceps femoris would be A) adduction of the hip B) extension of the hip C) flexion of the hip D) extension of the knee


The adductor canal A) is bounded superiorly by the semimembranosus and semitendinosus B) is a potential weak area and site for femoral herniation C) is the abdominal opening for the femoral canal D) allows for the passage of the femoral vessels into the popliteal fossa


Which one of the following can be palpated anterior to the ankle? A) popliteal artery B) anterior femoral artery C) ventral obturator artery D) dorsal pedal artery


Which one of the following is NOT true of the deep femoral artery A) medial femoral circumflex arises from it B) it arises from the femoral artery C) lateral femoral circumflex arises from it D) passes through adductor hiatus to posterior knee


paralysis of which one of the following make and individual unable to flex the knee. a. soleus b. adductor mangnus c. gluteal muscles d. hamstrings and gastrocnemius

d. gastrocnemius

All of the following are ligaments that stabilize the coxal joint and reinforce the articular capsule except: a.iliofemoral ligament b. pubofemoral lig. c. ischiofemoral lig d. ligamentum capitis teres femoris

d. ligamentum capitis teres

adductor magnus, adductor longus and adductor brevis are part of a large muscle mass of the: a. post muscle group of the thigh b. lateral rotators c. ant compartment of the thigh d. medial compartment of the thigh

d. medial compartment of the thigh

the muscle group of the hip that laterally rotates it is a. deep 6 b. gluteal c. adductors d. hamstings

deep 6

the muscles in the anterior leg are supplied by the: a. deep peroneal n b. pudendal nerve c. medial plantar nerve d. tibial n

deep peroneal

the anterior compartment of the leg includes the a. popliteus b. ext. hallicus longus c. peroneus longus d. sartorius

ext hallicus

which one of the following is NOT true of the iliopsoas a) iliacus part originates on iliac crest and fossa b) extends the trunk c) iliopsoas inserts on the femur d) flexes the hip

ext trunks

which one of the following is not contained in the femoral sheath a, femoral nerve b. femoral artery c. femoral canal d. femoral vein

femoral nerve

The lateral Boundary of the femoral ring is the a) femoral vein b) Sartorius muscle c) inguinal ligament

femoral vein

which muscle inserts on the lateral sides of middle phalanx of toes 2-4. a. flexor accessorius b. flexor digitorum brevis c. adducotr digit mini d. lumbricales

flex. digit

which muscle has a tendon that slips under sustentaculum tali a. plantaris b. flexor digitorum longus c. flexor hallucis longus d. flexor accessories

flexor hallucis longus

a lesion on the superior gluteal nerve may affect all but which one of the following a. gluteus max b. tensor fascia lata c. gluteus medius d. gluteus minimus

gluteus maximus

the prominence of the buttocks is formed by the bipedal muscle this is the: a. gluteus maximus b. tensor fasciar latar c. piriformis d. gluteus medius

gluteus maximus

which one is innervated by lateral plantar nerve a. flexor digitorum brevis b. tensor fascia lata c. gluteus medius d. gluteus minimus

gluteus maximus

Abduction of the thigh is NOT an action of a) gracilis b) TFL c) gluteus maximuis d) gluteus medius


Whicin one of the following muscles form the boundaries of the adductor canal except: a. vastus medialis b. adductor longus c. gracilis d. satorius


The vein that begins in the foot near the big toe and becomes a tributary of the femoral vein is the a. subscapular b. external jugular c. internal thoracic d. great saphenous

great saphenous

which one is of the following is also known as the Y ligament of bigelow: a. ischiofemoral b. pubofemoral c. iliofemoral d. ligamentum teres capitis femoris


A muscle that inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur is A) Adductor magnus B) semitendinosus C) TFL D) Vastus intermedius E) iliopsoas


Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex his thigh? a) Vastus medialis b) soleus c) iliopsoas and rectus femoris d) biceps

iliopsoas and rectus femoris

the common origin of the hamstrings is: a. medial proximal tibia b. ischial tuberosities c. lateral epicondyle d. radial tuberosity

ischial tuberosities

the muscles of the hamstrings group originates on the: a. ischial tuberosities b. head of the fibular c. patella d. anterior inferior iliac spine

ischial tuberosities

the medial boundary of the femoral ring is the: a. femoral vein b. sartorius mm c. inguinal ligament d. lacunar lig

lacunar lig

the extensor digiti minimi had its origin on: a. medial epicondyle b. ulnar styloid process c. olecranon process d. lateral epicondyle

lateral epicondyle

the common insertion for the medial femoral compartment muscular is a. pectoneal line b. gluteal tuberosity c. intertrochanteric line d. linea aspera

linea aspera

Which one of the following is not innervated by the femoral neve. a. satorius b. iliacus c. obturator interrnus d. rectus femoris

obt int

An injury to the femoral sheath may damage all but which one? A) femoral artery B) femoral vein C ) obturator nerve D) genitofemoral nerve brance

obt n.

a lesion of the obturator nerve would affect all of the following except. a. pectineus b. gracilis c. adductor longus d. popliteus


a muscle that does not belong to the triceps surae group is the a. soleus b. plantaris c. gastrocnemis d. popliteus


the calcaneal tendon is not used as a tendon of insertion by which of the following a. gastrocnemius b. popliteus c. soleus d. plantaris


Which one of the following is NOT a boundary of the popliteal fossa? a) gastrocnemius b) semitendinosus c) biceps femoris d) quadratus femoris e) semimembranosus


which one of the following is not a boundary of the popliteal fossa. a. gastrocneius b. semitendinous c. biceps femoris d. quadratus femoris e. semimembranosus

quadratus femoris

The extensor muscles that act on the knee joint are known collectively as the a. hamstrings b. quadriceps femoris c. gluteal muscles d. iliopsoas


a football player broke his patella in an heroic touchdown play. which one of the following muscle groups would be mist affected by this trauma a. quadriceps b. triceps surae c. deep six rotators d. hamtrings


Compared to the shoulder, displacements of the hip joints are A) common in all people who are overweight b) common due to the weightbearing the hip endures c) rare because of the ligament reinforcement d) rare because the rotator cuff stabilizes the hip joint

rare because lig reinforcement

Which muscle inserts on the tibia via the patellar ligament A) sartorius B) Adductor longus C) biceps femoris D) Rectus femoris

rectus fem

the prime flexor of the coxal joint is the: a. sartorius b. iliopsoas c. rectus femoris d. vastus lateralis

rectus femoris

which one does not insert on the medial proximal tibia a. semitendinosus b. sartorius c. rectus femoris d. gracilis

rectus femoris

the muscle that originates on the anterior superior iliac spine is the: a. rectus femoris b. pectineus c. psoas major d. sartorius


which of the following muscles or muscle group is involved in crossing one leg over the other while in a sitting position: a. all of the harmsting b. quadriceps femoris c. the sartorius dd. gastrocnemius


) A lesion on the obturator nerve would affect all but which of the following? a) pectineus b) adductor brevis c) semimembranosus d) gracilis


Menisci refers to a) semilunar cartilage pads b) a small sac containing synovial fluid c) a cavity within a long bone d) a tendon sheath


each of the following muscles contributes directly to movemnt at the knee joint except a. soleus b. semimembranosus c. sartorius d. biceps femoris


a patient walks with a waddling gait that is characterized by the pelvis falling toward on side at each step. which of the following nerves is damaged. a. femoral b. obturator c. superior gluteral d. tibial

sup gluteal

which one of the following is not a part of the deltoid liagment a. tibiocalcaneal b.tibionavicular c. talocalcaneal d. tibiotalar


which one is most often injured in a sprained ankle? a. talonavicular liagment b. spring liagament c. calcaneofibular liagment d. posterior talofibular liagment

talonavicular ligament

which muscle does not assist in lateral rotation of the hip a. superior gemellus b. gluteus maxius c. tensor fascia latae d.obturator internus

tensor fasciar latae

the terms inversion and eversion pertain only to A) the heel B) the hips C) the ankles D) the knees

the heel

A patient presents with loss of cutaneous sensation and paralysis of muscles on the plantar aspect fo the medial side of the foot. Which nerve is damaged? a) superficial peroneal B) common peroneal c) tibial d) anterior tibial


Which one of the following does not aid in plantar flexion of the foot. a. peroneus longus b. soleus c. tibialis anterior d. gastrocnemius

tib ant

a true statement about extracapsular ligamensts that stabilize the knee would be: a. oblique popliteal crosses the knee anteriorly. b. fibular collateral prevents abduction of the leg c. tibial collateral is a remanant of the insertion of the adductor magnus d. patellar retinaculum only reinforces the joint capsule posteriorly

tib collateral

which nerve supplies the muscles of the sural side of the leg a. tibial b. deep peroneal c. superfical peroneal d. sural


which of the knee ligaments function to force the medial and lateral regions of the joint to tighten only at full ext of the joint in this position act to stabilize a. patellar ligament b. tibial and fibular collateral ligaments c. popliteal ligaments d. anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments

tibial and fibular collateral ligaments

the muscle group of the posterior compartment of the thigh is supplied by the a. deep peroneal nerve b. superficial peroneal nerve c. tibial nerve d. inferior gluteal nerve

tibial nerve

the insertion of the obturator externus is a. trochanteric crest b. trochanteric fossa c. greater trochanter d. obturator membrane

trochanteric fossa

a muscle that originates along most of the shaft the femur is: a. vastus intermedius b. semitendinosus c. adductor magnus d. iliopsoas

vastus intermedius

which one of not a boundary of the femoral triangle: a. sartorius muscle b. inguinal lig c. vastus lateralis muscle d. adductor longus muscle

vastus lateralis muscle

The anterior compartment of the thigh includes A) adductor magnus B) semimembranosus C) vastus medialis D) gracilis

vastus med

most of the muscles that dorsiflex the foot are in the: a. dorsum of the foot b. sural region of the leg c. plantar region of the foot d. ventral region of the leg

ventral reg.

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