Regular Expression Options

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Denotes a sub-expression. (abc)+ matches 'abcabcabc'.


Makes the regular expression case insensitive. Therefore, /test/i matches positively against strings containing 'TEST', 'TeSt', 'tESt', 'test', or any other combination of lowercase and uppercase letters making up the word "test."


Makes the regular expression ignore whitespace. This allows you to format the regular expression in a more readable way without worrying about whitespace becoming part of the regular expression. For example, /t e s t/x matches against "test." This option is particularly useful if you want to spread out your regular expression over multiple lines for easier reading.


Matches a character range or set.


Matches a word boundary (but not a specific character).


Matches any alphanumeric character or underscore.


Matches any character except the newline character.


Matches anything \b doesn't match.


Matches anything \d doesn't match (non-digits).


Matches anything \s doesn't match (non-whitespace).


Matches anything \w doesn't match.


Matches digits (0 through 9).


Matches one or more of the previous.


Matches one or more, but as few as possible, of the previous.


Matches the beginning of a line (or string).


Matches the beginning of a sting.


Matches the end fo a string.


Matches the end of a line (or string).


Matches whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines, form feeds).


Matches zero or more of the previous.


Matches zero or more, but as few as possible, of the previous.


Matches zero or one of the previous.


Puts the regular expression into multiline mode where the special character "." (usually meaning "any character except newline") matches newlines. Therefore, /.*/m matches the whole of a multiline string, whereas /.*/ alone would only match the first line within that string.


Separates alternate choices. t|x matches 't' or 'x'.

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