Reign Quotes

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"I pray the day will come, when I no longer regret that I loved you."


"If your heart wants to sleep, let it. Many things can be forced out of duty. But not the heart."


"Look at us. Look at where our hearts have led us."


"A compromised king is not a king at all."


"A wise man once told me, yesterday as a matter of fact, that we fight for those that we love. I'm just like you. I want to go home. There must be someone that you'll fight to see again."


"And you my brother. I envied you for so long. And look at us now. You have what's mine, and I have your freedom. Well I, I plan to take full advantage of it."


"Do not threaten the crown. And if what you say is true. We will find these explosive. Even if I have to bleed it out of you."


"I see a future for us quite clearly. We would be happy. I would give anything to spend my life, however long, at your side."


"Let it be so. May our feuds die with our fathers."


"Long may you reign."


"She's not just an alliance! She is a girl, under your care!"


"The truth is, that child is whoever I say he is."


"The word can be dark, Mary, and uncertain and cruel. The only thing that matters is that we face it together. No matter what happens, you are my light."


"This could mean the end of our reign."


"War is nearly upon us, I will pray for your safety."


"We are royals. We have the power to do terrible things. Without trust, we're nothing."


"Yes! I worry because as a King and as a man I want heirs. Is that what you want to hear? Does it bring us closer for you to know that your failure disappoints me beyond words? Have I answered you fully? Are we done with this relentless interrogation?"


"Yes, you would. You'd kill everyone in this room to get me on the throne. To protect me. In hope that I would then protect you."


"You mean, why when you were about to leave France, and turn your back on the country that shielded you as a child, and abandoned the crown you were given. And me. A husband you swore an oath to."


"You're my puppet now. And should you outlive your usefulness, I'll have you slaughtered in the dead of night."


"Contrary to public opinion, I do not relish in destroying other people's homes."


"Good morning. How's the happy trinity? Father, mother, unborn son - oh, I'm hoping for a son! Plenty of time for daughter's later."


"Happiness is the one thing we queens can never have."


"Henry's fondness for anyone is eclipsed by his love of power."


"Honestly, is Greer dragging out the suspense to make a grander entrance? Will she be arriving on flying swans?"


"I don't attempt to do anything. I do it."


"I know that you think I belittle your marriage by comparing it to mine, but that is not why I talk to you the way I do. I walked this road first, that's all, and I learned if you hold on to foolish romantic expectations, it will make it that much harder."


"I know you don't want to be touched, that's alright. But, you're safe. I don't know how you managed to escape but you did. You are alive. You will survive this. I know this because I survived. You know that. They try to destroy you by taking your pride and your strength, but those things cannot be taken, not from you. Not ever."


"I learned long ago that a secret known by only one person remains a secret."


"I suppose there are other monsters in the world, and there mothers have to lie for them too."


"I was always taught that love was a delusion. That people love what you can give them."


"I'm too high-spirited to be a widow! People will talk."


"My dear, never give up a crown. To anybody."


"Nostradamus always said you would be the cause of Francis's death. I never imaged you would kill him by breaking his heart."


"Nothing bothers me more than problems I've already solved coming back to be problems again."


"Off with you child, you've killed me enough for one day."


"Say that I died of consumptions while helping orphan!"


"She has a childlike belief that a woman should trust her husband. I find I wish it were true."


"She's looking for her rapist. And if you don't catch him soon that's what she'll be doing for the rest of her life. In every room, and in every crowd."


"So he is mad... And a mad king incites chaos and rebellion."


"Take my hand. Trust that I can get you through this, because I swear to you I can."


"The first lesson I ever learned was to never wait for a man's rescue. History is written by the survivors and I am surely that."


"Truly Francis I don't know why she is in this conversation. Didn't you promise the nobles you'd muzzled her."


"Where are you going? I'm not done abusing you!"


"You may have the authority, but I will move Heaven and Earth to stop you."


"You're a queen. Don't beg."


"And one of us utterly failed to protect her, just when she needed it most."


"I know what it is, to make a mess of love."


"My treason was in loving you."


"Or are we chess pieces that no longer need to be moved?!"


"When I'm near you, I am aware of every breath you take. And when I'm away, even the wind in the trees reminds me of you."


"I thought we could count on our love for one another. That's what I've always believed, but you..Never have."


"No one risks their lives for some lord's strategy. We do it for those we love."


"One thing I will never do, is risk getting on Catherine de' Medici's bad side."


"Saint Michael. He slew Lucifer, who's sold vanity, pride and shame. Which, is why we wear these masks. So on this one day, No one is better than anyone else. We're all the same."


"When you are alone and miserable , remember this is the moment that you threw your happiness away and I will remember you as the woman who told me I wasn't enough. I will become everything you are so convinced you need, I will rise, and rise and rise until I am rich and powerful but I will never be yours again. "


"Enough, enough! I gave you a chance, I waited for the man I fell in love with to return, but that man is dead and I am finished waiting for him!"


"Forgive the sins of my body my Lord, they give my heart the strength it needs to heal."


"How do we know what's normal. All I have to go on is Catherine. If there are any other noble woman who have been... Well they're keeping it to themselves. As am I. All of us, alone. "


"I always knew Francis had a past. Men are allowed to have them whereas we have our reputation ruined. Hardly seems fair.


"I am with child. Our child, at last!"


"If I learned one thing at French Court it's worth keeping a dagger on you."


"It isn't fair, the privileges we are given... Or the prices we must pay for them."


"It's terrible. Especially if we think we can save each other. We can't. We can only love each other."


"Look where that love has brought us."


"Love is irrelevant to people like us, a privilege that we do not share. You told me that. I'll remember it all--every word, every moment-- for the rest of my life. I love you. But I won't let other people die for me."


"My mother will understand because I can't bring home armies if I am dead!"


"None of us are responsible for our hearts, only our actions."


"Out of all the people you could have slept with, did it have to be one of my ladies? One of my closest friends?!"


"Politics, back-stabbing, murder... just another day at French court."


"Remember your son. Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury."


"Safe choices don't always make us safe."


"Trust is a luxury I can no longer afford."


"What we once had was so natural. I miss how easy it was. We'd make love and fall asleep in each other's arms like branches growing together. We didn't have to think about anything and now it's so complicated. I don't know if I'm ready."


"You will be hang for what you did to me. You will suffer and die and I will live."


"Believe me. If they're anything but the picture of health, I'm the one your going to have to restrain!"


"Dark and dangerous times, Your Grace. But your presence brings light."


"I'm sorry. Brave Mary. I'm sorry."


"Killing isn't supposed to be easy. If your hands weren't shaking, you'd be him."


"There is always a reckoning and human or devil I think the riders play a part. Dark times are upon us. Plague, famine, King's following. The reckoning has begun."


"The shadows are the only life she has."


"When the body endures a trauma, it's hard for the mind to let go."


"You think you're untouchable, that your sins will stay buried, but they don't."


"I know I can be my own worst enemy, but I don't want to be your worst enemy."


"I know you think I don't notice anything that isn't a fancy dress or jewel, but strangely enough, I give a damn about my country."


"I want to be with you completely. As a woman, but as a girl...I need more time."


"I want to remember you like this. As the girls we once were. I hope you'll remember me that way too."


"Is that what you want to hear? Is that what I should have said when we married? That, yes, I loved him; before he went mad."


"Why would I? You asked me to give us a chance, so I did. Bash, you have no idea what it's like to be a girl in this world. Owning nothing, having no power, except the effect that you have on men. The King noticed me and for the first time I mattered. What was I supposed to do? Throw it away? Did you throw away Mary's love when you had it?... Besides, why are we even fighting about this?... Everybody makes mistakes. It's in the past!"


"Betraying someone you love, it blackens your soul! It's a weight you carry all of your days!... Can I let it go now?"

King Henry

"I am intrigued by how much you care for a girl you claim you don't want to marry."

King Henry

"I grew weary of YOU a decade ago."

King Henry

"She will come after you, whether you reach for the crown or not."

King Henry

"Do not seek to take before I give!"


"Don't be ashamed of your pain. It does you credit. You have a true heart. It will mend."


"No you are wiser. And stronger. Remember that strength that so many people have tried to take from you. It is still in you. My friends. My queen."


"You are my Queen and we are your subjects. We're here in service to you. Whatever that means, whatever that costs us."


"I'm immune to the plague my Queen, but not fire."


"I've seen your death. You suffer too."


"If you're looking for a weapon, some say there is no greater than the scriptures themselves."


"That's all I was given, you know no more that I. Serving the truth at court is a crooked path."


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