Religion Chapter 3

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Fruits of transformation:

(Becoming a Christ like) Humility, wisdom, and charity

Incorporation into the life of a Christ enables us

,ales it possible for us to obey the new commandment of love

The life of a Christian

A Christian should lead a simpler and sober life with no attachment to material things

What is a mystery?

A mystery is a reality of death and meaning that can never be comprehended fully by reason.

Christ appears on earth to

According to St. John the apostle Christ on earth to destroy the works of the devil. We learn that in chapter 2 about protoevangelium

What justification does for us:

According to the catechism it reconciles is with God. It brings us out from enslavement of sin and heals us.

The rift between God and the human race

Adam and Eve created a rift between God and the human race. They tried to become like God but they instead turned against God by breaking his command and sinning.

The Blessed Virgin Mary conceives a child without a husband

Angel Gabriel comes to Mary and says Hail Mary full of Grace, he assures Mary that she had flavor with God: good grace, He explains that God was calling her to be the facilitator of his plan. Blessed Mary would conceive a child without a husband via the power of the Holy Spirit.

Meditating on Christ's words:

As we're examining our conscience, we meditate on Christ's words. We are able to examine our conscience, noticing discrepancies between our conduct and Christ's teachings. This makes us want to exercise contrition and conversion. We should be contrite and repent and we should try to change (conversion)

Detachments reflection on Christ's redemption mission:

Attachment reflects Christ's redemptive mission. Christ came from poverty an dame to save the poor. We need voluntary detachment from created things in order to be united to Christ.

God reconciles himself to the human race to himself

Because Jesus Christ is Hod, his sacrifice on the cross has infinite value, because he is man and takes in human nature he can offer sacrifice on behalf of his fellow human beings.

St. Joseph, a "Just Man"

Because he is a holy man faithful to God's will

The Nativity took place in


Mary and Joseph's role in bringing salvation to the world

Both brought salvation to the world. They educated and trained Jesus

Archangel Gabriel demonstrates that Mary's child would be divine

Calls child: son of God God with us God saves

The reason Christ didn't heal every person:

Christ didn't heal every person. He primarily came into this world/creation to bring forgiveness of sins which would lead to everlasting life.

Christ's Life of Redemption

Christ enters life from his incarnation through his ascension into heaven. His entire life is part of the mystery of redemption.

Christ associated with the Jewish Passover

Christ represents the Passover lamb because he died to save us.

Obedience reflects Christ's redemptive mission by

Christ saved us by his complete obedience to the will of his father. We obey the new law of Christ. This is Howe we can participate in his redemption. Obedience is the key to living a good life through God.

The significance of Christ's example of the vine and the branches

Christ says that we must stay united to Christ like a branch has to be united to its fine in order to bear fruit

Christ's hidden years

Christ spent most of his time on earth engaged in ordinary daily life during his hidden years. This is important is his plan of redemption. His hidden life reveals that every persons every day life can be means of union with God.

Christ born into poverty

Christ was born into poverty. He died stripped of every material possession. He came in with nothing and they left him in a piece of cloth. He had not material possessions left.

What is recorded in the New Testament fulfills in the Old Testament Promise

Cousin of Jesus. First to encounter Jesus in the womb, Left for Joy in St. Elizabeth's womb

Christ's words bring grace in:

Directly into us in the sacraments. The words perform what they signify. For example, Communion "this is my body" the bread is changed to body. It signifies exactly what Christ wants us to know.

Redemptive Value for the salvation of man

Every act of Christ has a redemptive value for our salvation. This means that every act that Christ does is going to be an act of a divine person.

What it means to speak of justification by grace is:

Free and underserved help God gives you us so that we respond to his call to be sons and daughters and take part in the divine nature and eternal life.

Redemption began to unfold

From the moment of Christ's conception, in Mary his mother's womb


Gift of transformation from unrighteousness to righteousness. Through Christ's sacrificing and our atonement for our sins we are transformed.

God chooses to suffer and to die to save human beings

God demonstrated his love for his creatures had no limit. Greater love had no man than this for a man who laced down his life for his friends.

Act of Cooperation

God wanted Virgin Mary to play a substantial role in plan of redemption, Mary's yes to god.

God's creation shows love

God's creation itself shows love. God created to share his goodness and happiness.

Christ's greatest example of love

He sacrificed himself. He suffered and die don the cross, we are to follow this example by picking up our own crosses daily and follow Christ. Our daily crosses might be very small compared to his. We learn to follow him through this.

Christ is obedient

He showed obedience to his Heavenly Father. He is also obedient to his earthly parents

God shows his love for human beings

He wants people to serve him out of love not fear

Christ remains in the Temple

He was 12 years old when he remained in the Temple. He was showing obedience to his Heavenly Father.

According to the Epistle, Where can we see God the Father?

Hebrews say we can see God the father through Christ who reflects the glory of god and bears the very stamp of his nature.

Christ's role is essential to the Kingdom of God in the world

His role in establishing the kingdom of God in the world was to take the throne of the Davidic Kingdom (David the warrior, his father) forever.

Human Nature

Human nature is an instrument of redemption. The Son of God used human nature as an instrument of redemption.

According to Christ, whom should we look for in order to see God the Father?

If we want to see god the father we have to look at Christ himself. He who has seen me has seen the father. Speaks works and is seen through Christ.

Mary's Fiat

In Latin means: Let it be done Refers to her constant consent to God's will be to the mother of God. Necessary mission that Mary gave free consent to be the mother of a god in order for redemption to take place. Fiat refers to her consent to God's will to be the mother of Jesus

The Annunciation took place in

In a little town in Nazareth Galilee the Angel Gabriel goes to Mary saying "Hail Mary full of Grace" meaning Mary was conceived without the stain of Original Sin and possesses the fullness of sanctifying grace in virtue of her creation as the mother of the redeemer.

The Word of shoe becomes effective by

In order for the Word of Hod to become effective we need to put Christ's teachings into practice.

Compassion as a special kind of love:

In which a person identifies with the suffering servant of another with a desire to receive his or her pain. When you show compassion you're identifying with a suffering person and you're helping them by relieving his or her pain.

Christ's redemptive mission with regard to mercy or compassion

Is that he saved us from misery of sin. He has given suffering a redemptive meaning though his mercy and compassion.

Reparation for Sin

It is necessary that human beings offer reparation to ahold for sin because the human beings brought sin into the world

Union with Christ in our daily lives

It tells us to do all things for the love of God with as much human perfection as possible.

Go wanted the Blessed Virgin Mary to play a substantial role in the plan of redemption. Why?

It was God's plan because Eve was the woman who freely had a plan in the coming of death and Hod wanted a woman to take a part freely in the coming of life. Be of Eve. Contribute freely to the coming of life.

We imitate Christ

It's important to imitate Christ he)s our model of love. We are to love one another as Christ has loved us.

God's self revelation is:

Jesus Christ

Divine Sonship

Jesus is going to take on the role of Divine Sonship. He is a divine person with two nature's

The role of the Beatitudes plays in learning holiness

Kind of Manuel that we use to reach true spiritual greatness. Help us learn holiness

Betrothal and the time of Christ

Marriage in the time of a Jesus: Means a formal and legally binding period of engagement in which the man and the woman would live apart and they would remain celibate until the wedding when the wife was brought into the home of the husband.

Mary the New Eve

Mary is called the New Eve because of her complete obedience to a god which is a contrast and reversal of the disobedience of Eve.

What does the name Jesus mean?

Means God saves and that's what he was there for to save us/redeem us, be our messiah

"Full of Grace" in reference to Mary

Means Mary was conceived without the stain of Original Sin. Possesses the fullness of sanctifying grace in her vocation as the mother of Christ.

According to St. John, who is the only person who has ever seen God?

No man has ever seen God, the only begotten sin has known him.

Death Exeter the world by

Not part of God's Original world. Death entered the world through consequences of sin.

Seriousness of Sin

Original sin in fact every mortal sin offends against God who has infinite dignity. Because of the seriousness of Original which is infinite sufficient reparations cannot be made by any finite being. This is why it is impossible for human beings to offer sufficient reparation for sin.

Two step process to transform a person into another Christ?

Pray to the gospel and put it into practice

How we receive sanctifying grace

Primarily: Seven Sacraments Actual Grace: Holy Spirit

What redemption does for a person:

Redemption takes away all sin. Infused the soul with sanctifying grace. Jesus helped us with redemption.

Christ's words in Sacred Scripture are:

Redemptive. They had the power to purify consciences. Those words have a redemptive mission.


Refers to a payment for what is owed for a penalty for what is done wrong. A change

The Word became Flesh

Refers to the incarnation in which the second person of the Blessed Trinity: God the Son took on the human nature and lives amount us

Christ shows mercy and compassion by:

Revealing the love of his father. Christ performs works of mercy towards the sick, possessed, down trotted, sorrowful, and sinful.

Sin enters the world through

Satan's deceit and false promises

Exempted from Original Sin

She remained sinless for her entire life. Born and died with her entire life being sinless.

What is one thing the Son of God doesn't share with every human being?


The main works if the Devil are

Sin and Death

Followers of Christ need detachment

So that they can allow Christ to truly satisfy them.

"Fullness of Time"

Something the scripture uses. Phrase meaning the time had come now when the Israelites finally prepared to accept the messiah. They had waited for centuries because they weren't willing to accept the messiah was coming. When they reached this phrase it means the time had come when the Israelites were finally prepared to accept their messiah. Necessary for there to be this long period of methodical preparation for the people of Israel so the people of God were sufficiently prepared to receive the messiah.

The essence of obedience involves

Submitting our actions to the will of another

Martin Luther's doctrine of justification

Taught that we receive justification through the act of faith apart from any works we perform

St. James teaches us about faith:

Teaches the relationship between faith and work. Says faith by itself without works is dead. Says we need faith and good works.

Christ's washing of the feet teaches us

Teaches us to live in humble service

Christ's victory over the Devil in our lives is hindered by

The Devil has influence over the world but Christ's victory over the Devil will overcome the Devil. Our free will hinders Christ's victory over the Devil because we were influenced by temptation.

The kind of savior the Israelites were hoping for at the time of Christ

The Israelites were promised a messiah and were waiting centuries for the messiah. This was told to them through the prophets, and Genesis. So Israelites are looking for the political or military messiah. Thought it would be someone like David to fight off the enemies. Messiah would not be political or military messiah. They were not clear of God's plan. Wanted Messiah to liberate them from Roman oppressors and restore Israel to the former Glory.

Christian poverty related to the first beatitude

The beatitudes are manual to reach spiritual greatness. The first one is "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". We are talking about our souls. This tells us that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor in spirit. Thus says that spiritual overtly is an essential condition for eternal salivation.

The Immaculate Conception

The dogma: From Mary's conception the Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved from all sin. By the graves she received from God she didn't have the consequences of Original Sin.

The greatest from of slavery:

The greatest form of skaters which Christ came to free people is the slavery to sin. Sin doesn't endure us as children of God to God. God doesn't want sinners. Sin causes all form of human bondage.

The intervention of Christ in the world began

The intervention of atheist in the world began with the creation of all and through the Word of God, Jesus Christ

The mystery of the incarnation is

The mystery of the incarnation is the creator of the universe actually entering into his own creation. God enters into his own creation as a human being and he still remains the divine God. He lives fully into human life but he still has the eternal and omnipotent aspects of life.

The redemptive power of suffering

The redemptive power of suffering is referred to as a person can untie himself or herself to the passion if a Christ. Through the personal suffering of a person they can untie themselves to the passion of a Christ which will bring joy and leads together with a Saintly life.

Attachment to Material Things

There is an episode of a rich young man. The chapters talk about the warning of attachment to material things. Although he was a good man and obeyed all the commandments, he turned down Christ's offer to be a man of Christ because of his attachment of material things.

Christian Poverty

This is also called detachment. Detachment is freedom from material things. This allows a person to put God first in his or her life

How we receive actual grace

Through the Holy Spirit who gives them to us as we struggle to put Christ's teachings into practice


To be put in a right relationship

Why did God become man?

To reconcile people to himself, to manifest his love, to be our model of holiness, to give us a share in divine life, and to defeat the Devil.

The Purpose of Incarnation (could be T/F)

Was to redeem fallen humanity and save us from sin.

The extent of the Devils control over the world

We are inclined to count to the pleasures and materialism which allows the deck easy access to our will and intellect. Vicious cycle

How we can grow in divine life

We can grow in divine life we can contribute with the graces god gave us by imitating Christ

We become Christlike during our earthly life by

We cannot take on divine attributes only become adopted children of God but becoming Christ like

Sanctifying Grace

We received grace first in baptism, making us children of God

We can grow in sanctifying grace by:

We received sanctifying grace first in baptism. Sanctifying grace grows through the struggle to conform our lives to the teaching of Christ

How we share in divine life

We share in divine life through the sacraments. Actual graces that Christ won for us

Share in Divine Life

We share in divine life. It means being an adopted child of God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit

Joseph's annunciation

When he learned that his betrothed wife was with a child a was perplexity troubled and confused so he it ended to break of this relationship and divorce her quietly to not draw attention to the circumstance. He changed his mind, annunciation, an angel Appleseed to him in a dream and assured him that Mary's child was conceived by the Holy Spirit and this child was going to the savior. God was asking Joseph to make a heroic act of faith and say yes like Mary. Committing self whole heartedly to God's plan the role of St. Joseph in Jesu' life. Would be Jesus' foster father. He promised in this role to take care of, educate the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus

Good works related to justification:

Works are the expression of our faith as we cooperate freely with God's Grace

Good News of redemption comes first through

the preaching of Christ. So Christ's words prompt us to examine our conscience

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