Religion Chapter 4 Test

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one flesh

"I take you to be my..." are the words that bind the couple to each other, making them as God intended from the beginning of creation "________ __________" (Gn 2:24).


(catholic with non-catholic) The minister might read from Scripture or bless the couple; however, the _________ would receive the couple's vows.


A ____________ law marriage is a legal contract regulated by the government


A _____________ is an agreement initiated by people that can be terminated by people.


A ________________ is an agreement that is initiated by God. In a marriage covenant, the couple agrees to love each other until death.


A ccording to cultural or family traditions, there are some other special ____________ to the liturgy. For example, at some point in the ceremony the parents of the couple may offer them a special blessing

attach; together

A meaning of the word engage is "to __________ or bring _____________."


A priest interviews the couple separately to find out if ___________ exist.

deeper level

After meeting, the couple makes the crucial choice to determine if the feelings of infatuation can lead to a friendship and allow them to get to know each other on a ____________ __________.

nuptial; love; graces

After the Our Father, the priest faces the couple, who have joined their hands, and gives them a _________ or wedding blessing. This blessing is intended to bring the _________ of God and all of his ________ on the couple throughout their marriage.


After the inventory, a second component of marriage preparation would be participation in a program of some kind such as Engaged Encounter or ________-__________.


All of these forms of preparation are directed explicitly at the __________— not simply the day of the wedding. Often couples get wrapped up in the peripheral tasks for the wedding day and do not focus on the really important elements that are necessary for a long and successful marriage.

pragmatic approach

Also, sometimes people do take a more ___________ ___________ to searching out a potential spouse, determining qualifications based on categories like a person's educational background and financial stability.

prayers; blessings

Also, the couple may choose various ___________ and ______________, as well as select the music for the wedding with the help of a liturgical musician. Most dioceses and parishes have rules (or strong suggestions) for appropriated music.

natural; Church

Also, to be valid, there can be no impediment according to __________ or _____________ law.


Also, when one of the partners is not Catholic, permission for the marriage must come from the local ____________.

engagement period

An ______________ __________ is intended to bring the man and woman closer together before they are married, and also to bring their families into closer contact with one another


Asking permission for daughter's hand in marriage shows the parents that the man __________ their feelings and their daughter.


Author Donald DeMarco defines _______________ as "the virtue that allows us to persevere in living out an unswerving commitment."

-the couple must be of mature age -unmarried -not closely related by blood or marriage -willing to have children if they are of child-bearing age -they must be freely giving consent to marry

Basic requirements for marriage:

Florence; Trent

By the twelfth century, the Church made it explicit that marriage is one of the Seven Sacraments. This understanding was later affirmed and taught as doctrine at both the Council of ___________ (1439) and the Council of __________ (1563).


By traditional dating process, a man and woman get to know each other by sharing a wide spectrum of activities and experiences together. They discover whether they are ____________.

maid of honor; best man

Catholics must marry in the presence of a priest or deacon and in the presence of two witnesses. Typically the _____________ of __________ and _________ ___________ serve in the role of witnesses.

divine institution

Christian marriage was modeled on the relationship between Christ and the Church; hence it became a __________ ________________, not a secular one.


During the wedding liturgy, they are the _________ to receive Holy Communion under both species, bread and wine

liturgical rite

Eventually the wedding ceremony developed into a ____________ ________ performed at church rather than in a home

agreement; themselves; God

For Catholics, marriage is a sacred covenant, that is, an _________________ or pact between the couple _____________ and the couple and _________.


For a marriage between two baptized Catholics, the Church also strongly recommends that they have each received the Sacrament of __________________ or plan to be confirmed before the wedding.


For the words of consent for marriage to be valid, they must be given ______________.


In a contract, each party's ______________ are spelled out, and the contract is good for a certain period of time.

-the Liturgy of the Word, which shows the importance of Christian marriage in the history of salvation -the consent of the spouses to marry, which the couple gives to each other -the special nuptial blessing -the reception of Holy Communion by the groom and bride, and by all present.

In the celebration of marriage, certain elements of the wedding Mass are emphasized, especially:

-the father of the bride handing his daughter over to the groom -the bride wearing a ceremonial gown with a veil -their joining of right hands -the exchange of rings

In the early Church, marriages were celebrated in much the same way that local cultures had for centuries:

-the procreation of children by the conjugal act -the chastity of the spouses and their fidelity to one another -the indissoluble union of the marriage.

In the fifth century, Saint Augustine wrote some of the most definitive work of the Church fathers on marriage, emphasizing that marriage is good because God creates it and that it offers three good things:


It is appropriate for the man and woman, who have just been joined as one, to drink from a __________ cup.

-every person should have a healthy under-standing of himself or herself, including the aspect of sexuality -sexuality is a part of a person's being; we relate to each other through our personalities, which include our sexuality -from creation, God made man and woman for each other and complementary as masculine and feminine -God decreed that sexual intimacy is between a man and woman and is reserved for marriage -marriage involves a total self-giving of the husband and wife to each other, emotionally and physically -healthy sexual relations in marriage are expressions of mutual love, not selfish pleasure.

It is in the family that we learn how to give gen-erously of ourselves. We also learn that:

communicates; nourishes

It is the Holy Eucharist that ___________ and ____________ their love and is to be the center of their entire married life.

flesh; separate

Jesus blessed the relationship between a husband and wife and restored the ideal of marriage, which God intend-ed from the beginning: "So they are no longer two, but one __________. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must _________________" (Mt 19:6)


Marriage is an institution established by God from the time of ____________.

lives; month

Marriages are typically permitted in the parish where one of the persons _________ or has established at least a _________ long residence.

prayer; spiritual preparation

Much more importantly, especially for a Catholic wedding, engagement is a special time for _________ and further ___________ ___________ for the Sacrament of Marriage.

respect; trust

Occasionally the parents may express some reservations about the impending engagement, but in the large majority of cases this is a genuine way to build _________ and __________ in the family and will be well-appreciated by the parents.

priest or deacon

One of the first things a couple seeking a Catholic wedding will do is contact their Catholic parish and meet with a __________ or ____________.

arranged marriages

One of the ways two people have been brought together for marriage in the past or in other cultures is through ________________ _____________.

-Mixed marriages -Inactive Catholics -Premarital Pregnancy -Youthful Marriages -Divorce and Remarriage

Out of pastoral concern, the Church will take special care before permitting the marriage of couples that fall in several "high risk" categories. Some are:

Church; state

Part of the initial preparation for marriage involves understanding both __________ and __________ requirements for a valid marriage

freedom; faithfulness; willingness

Priest's questions on consent of the couple begins by asking them about their _________ to make the choice to be married, their __________ to each other, and their __________ to accept and raise children.

disposed; Penance

Prior to the wedding, the bride and groom make themselves ___________ for the celebration of their marriage and for the reception of Holy Communion by receiving the Sacrament of ___________.

John Chrysotom

Saint ________ __________ wrote more extensively on marriage than any other Church father to that point.

-Are the music and lyrics liturgical in nature? -Is it a well-written piece of music? -Can the assembly sing it? -Does it correspond to the rite of marriage or to a particular part of the liturgy?

Some of the questions a couple may be asked to consider regarding music:

Scripture readings

Special focus for ceremony is placed on the choice of ____________ ______________.

-marriage is not an obstacle to salvation; otherwise God would not have initiated it. -God established marriage for the procreation of children. -marriage was a means of salvation for the couple, as it had the capacity to replace evil desires and promiscuity with service to the spouse and to family life.

St. John Chrysotom's Three main ideas on marriage:


T/F: Also, when a Catholic marries a non-baptized person, the wedding may take place during a Mass


T/F: In the case of a Catholic marrying a baptized non-Catholic, the bishop may also make an exception allowing the minister of the non-Catholic partner to participate at the wedding along with the priest or deacon.


T/F: Those who are in love may even think they can change the other person after the marriage. They usually end up regretting their choice.


T/F: With permission of the bishop, the marriage may be celebrated in the church of the non-Catholic partner. In that case, the priest would be allowed to participate but the minister of that church would preside, and receive the couple's vows.

death; divorce; remarriage

The Church also taught that marriage was to be a sacrament lasting until the ___________ of a spouse and prohibited ____________ and ____________.

trial marriages

The Church does not permit such "_________ ___________"; they are one of the offenses against the dignity of marriage (see CCC, 2391).


The Church puts a great deal of emphasis on suitable marriage preparation, not only of the variety that takes place in families and through catechetical programs (e.g., like the course you are enrolled in now), but through ___________ participation by the couple in a parish-or diocesan-sponsored conference, retreat, or workshop during the months of engagement.


The Sacrament of _____________ is usually celebrated by the couple near to the wedding date, often along with the wedding rehearsal a day or two befor

mutual consent

The Second Vatican Council continued to emphasize the ___________ _____________ of the couple as the essential element of the sacrament.

matrimonial consent

The __________ _________ is the most important element, since it is the quality of that consent that determines the validity of the marriage.


The ___________ themselves are the ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Liturgy of the Word

The ____________ of the _____________ reminds a man and woman being married today that Jesus is with them, not only on their wedding day, but through-out their marriage.

eternal love

The circular ring is a sign of the __________ _____________ of the couple and of the marriage that will last until death.


The couple can also compose the specific _______________ prayers that are a part of the Liturgy of the Word.

simple; excessive

The couple takes an active role in planning the marriage liturgy while being careful to keep the wedding ________ and not burdened by ___________ display.

parish or diocesan

The engagement time is necessary to discuss with a priest how well the couple meets the requirements for marriage and allows for sufficient time to complete a _____________ or __________-sponsored marriage preparation pro-gram.

-"I take you to be my wife." -"I take you to be my husband."

The essential rite of the Sacrament of Matrimony takes place directly after the Liturgy of the Word. It is when the couple literally gives themselves to each other by consenting to enter marriage:

marital consent

The exchange of the vows, or ____________ _____________, is an essential part of the Sacrament of Matrimony.

-The Catholic partner must declare that he or she is prepared to remove dangers from falling away from the faith and promise to do all in his or her power to have the children baptized and raised in the Catholic Church -The non-Catholic partner is informed of the promises made by the Catholic party. -Both the Catholic and non-Catholic are instructed in the essential requirements and Church teachings on the Sacrament of Matrimony and family life.

The fol-lowing are necessary conditions for a mixed marriage:


The history of Christian marriage in every era emphasizes the fidelity of one spouse for the other and the _____________ of marriage that Jesus proclaimed.


The more common method for finding a partner in our culture begins—for better or worse—with a feeling of _______________.


The most important part of the wedding is the celebration of the Sacrament that brings two people and two families into ______.


The person may be pressured into speaking the words of consent, but if the words are not freely expressed, the marriage is ____________.

parish church

The place where the marriage takes place—the __________ ___________—is another important sign.

visibly; publicly

The presence of the priest, the Church's minister, the official witnesses, and the other guests __________ and ___________ expresses that the marriage is a reality.


The priest may direct the couple to take a "pre-marriage inventory" that helps the couple gauge the effectiveness of their _____________________ with one another as well as ways to improve on it.


The remote preparation for marriage begins in the family during __________ and extends through childhood and adolescence.

-The marriage leads the couple to certain rights and responsibilities within the Church, both toward each other and to their children. -The public and official nature of the couple's consent "protects the 'I do' once given and helps the spouses remain faithful to it" (CCC, 1632). -The consent requires the certification of wit-nesses. As soon as the wedding concludes, the pastor of the parish records in the marriage register the name of the spouses, the name of the priest or deacon, the names of the witnesses, and the date and place of the wedding.

The wed-ding takes place in a church because the marriage is a sacrament of the Church. Some other reasons a Catholic marriage must follow Church form include:

union; indissoluble

Their sharing sexual intercourse after marriage consummates their __________ and makes the marriage ______________.

lectors; extraordinary; altar servers

There is also opportunity for family members and friends to participate in some of the special liturgical ministries like _______________, _____________ ministers of communion, ____________ ___________, gift bear-ers, musicians, and more.

-commitment to a task -to an ideal -to another person (marriage)

Three different levels of fidelity:


Through the couple's mutual consent, they enter a lifelong covenant of ________.


Typically in the United States and in many other places, after the couple gives their consent to marriage and it is received and accepted by the priest in the name of the Church, the priest blesses the ____________ of the bride and groom and they exchange them.

six; eight; year

Usually the engagement period lasts for at least ____ to ________ months and up to one _________, though it may be longer or shorter depending on events in a couple's life.

-And Jesus was there in person -Jesus listened to Mary's request -Jesus was the solution to the problem. -Jesus' presence in the marriage was an occasion to come to believe in him.

Wedding of Cana:

civil; Church

_________ laws determine the legality of marriage. _________ laws set the conditions for the Sacrament.

-How does my partner treat me? -How does my partner treat others? -Is this person someone I will be proud to marry in front of my family and friends? -Is this person someone with whom I want to have and raise children?

a person who is getting serious about a dating partner should ask himself or herself questions like these:

-man under age sixteen years and a woman under fourteen years cannot validly enter marriage. -If either the man or woman is physically incapable of sexual intercourse, the marriage is not valid. If there is doubt about this impediment, the marriage should not be impeded or declared null as long as the doubt exists -priest may not be validly married; neither may a publicly pro-fessed religious who has taken lifetime vows of chastity -relationships by marriage (e.g., a man and his second wife's daughter) or adoption (e.g., siblings) are not valid

major impediments to a valid Catholic marriage:

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