Religion Test 1

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"6th pillar" unofficially

greater jihad

-of the heart(inner morality) -of the tongue (proclaiming gods word) -of the hand (ethical or compassionate action)

revealed scriptures, composed scriptures

2 general types of scripture: __________________________: (revelation), words of God is (with human messengers) ___________________________: words about god (s) (with human authors)

what is ultimate reality, how should we live in this world, what is our ultimate purpose

3 Prominent questions recurring in nearly every system:


After Ali was _______, Mu'awiya claimed the caliphate


Arab Muslims make up less than ____ percent of the total Muslim population worldwide


Because the unity of God is the central tenet of Islamic belief, it follows that denying or compromising this oneness is the ______________ sin


Began preaching in mecca and his preaching was not welcomed, however, that was even _____________ in some quarters of Mecca


Belief in many gods


Belief in one primary God and many secondary ones (middle ground)

unchanging, forgetting, individuals

Common Insider Biases: -Seeing one's religion as ______________ over time (way people practice) -________________ (or silencing) internal diversity -usually dont know full global scope (as a whole) -only what family/friends practice -only know how religion is to them personally -attributing problems to ______________, not the religion (might be right/wrong depending on the case) ex. christianity has had shady moments... the KKK

literal, reducing, all

Common Outsider Biases: -Assuming ________ readings of sacred texts (most religions dont follow exactly/interpret it differently.... outsiders dont know those interpretations) EX: human male cutting off tesitcles (enunchs), more metaphorical - ____________ religious behavior to money and power ex. people voluntarily give up money, sex, houses, etc -attributing ______ choices religious people make to their religious beliefs (most decisions you make arent based off religion ex. picking what to wear)


Denies the existence of God/Gods


Even today, printed copies of it bear the stamp of approval of a person known as _________ or "keeper of the Qur'an", a person who knows the entire Qur'an by heart

narrative, snad, matn

Hadith: Islam's "composed scriptures" -hadith are ____________- accounts of the sunnah (life example, traditions) of Muhammad - 2 essential components: chain of transmission (_______): must be traceable to one of Muhammad's close companions or family members; content (______): the message must not conflict with the teachings of the Qur'an

where people from different religions come together and talk about certain causes and other (etc)

How does inter-religious understanding best occur?

mosques, uncommon

In some parts of the Muslim world women regularly pray in _____________ · In Zanzibar, particulartly in rural areas, it is ______________ for women to do so

cognitive, experiential, cultural

Inter-religious belonging: Lindbeck's 3 typologies -________________: propositional: "believe", "explain", "true", theyd be debating -________________: expressive: "feel", "experience", "transdent" -________________: linguistic: "tradition", "culture", "way of life"

Arabian peninsula

Islam developed in the ____________________ and rapidly spread through the middle east, asia, and Africa


Islam has always been ___________

many, authority, interpreting, fatwa, differing yet correct

Islamic law is mulit-vocal and ambiguous: -______ readings of the Qur'an -Differing sources of ___________ -different techniques, each correct, for ___________ the sources -each _______ issued by an ulama is a case-specific opinion -this islamic law is a collection of multiple; _____________________________ interpretations


Levels of "____________________" vary widely (devotion/adherence to religious norms)


Life of Muhammad (____-_____CE)


Like women, most Zanzibari men _________ their heads when praying, often a brimless, embroidered cap

reveal internal diversity within each religion, create bridges between religions, experiential expressive seems to characterize more people who claim dual religious belonging

Lindbeck's typologies serve to:

immature, mature, black, nation of islam

Malcom X's hajj is a rite of passage: -from _________ to __________ muslim -from _____ supremacy to hope for racial unity -from the "______________" to Sunni Islam

South and Southeast Asia

Most of the world's muslims live in ________________________, not in the Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East.


Most well known surah is the first one called _________ or the opening

Umayyad Dynasty, century

Mu'awiya leadership gave birth to what is known as the ____________________ · This marked the end of the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs · The institution of the caliphate survived, but the divisons in the community of believers that had worsened under 'Ali remained · Umayyad period lasted over a ________ o Leaders ruled from the city of Damascus in Syria o Was controversial


Muhammad as the ideal man: _______________ -religion -family/relationships -business -politics -military experience -manners -hygiene

mecca, orphaned, Khadija, retreats, 40

Muhammad's Life: - born in _______ to ruling Quraysh clan -_____________ as a baby -works in trade caravan; marries his boss __________(a woman) -has several children with Khadja, happy marriage -frequent prayer _______ -receives 1st revelations at age ____ (610CE)

Medina (Hijra), several, non-violent, battles, death

Muhammad's Life: -preaches in mecca, endures prosecution -Khadija dies (620CE) -seeks refuge in _______ (jewish city) with followers in 622 CE (_____); Islamic calander begins -marries ______ wives (all widows and relatives of his followers) -both ______________ treaties and ________ with meccans -quranic revelations continue until Muhammads _______ in 632

politically, Trade, Ka'ba

Muhammad: § At the time of his birth, the peninsula was not __________ united § _______ fairs regularly took place in Mecca, and people passing through often left representations of deities ar the temple called _______, a large cube-shaped building in the center of town; today, this is the site to which all muslims turn as they pray, and towards which they make a hajj at least once in their lives, as you learned in the preceding section


Once completed prayer, she rolls up her prayer mat and sets it aside for later, then begins her first ______ for the day

1. must contextualize within time/place its written 2. sometimes read literally, sometimes figuratively 3. not all parts of scripture are paid equal attention 4. internal contradictions 5. religious people use different parts of scripture to help interpret other parts 6. religious people also use reason and judgement in interpreting scripture 7. interpretations vary among followers

Problems/challenges with reading other people's scriptures:


Qur'an is an ______ text, long in arabic and translation isnt accurate


Qur'an requires all muslims women and men, to live a _____________ life


Quran encourages both men and women to dress and behave ___________


Quran: Consists of 114 chapters, each of which is called a _______.


Raids did not involve ____________


Ramadan Fast - fasting is a practice of remembrance or purification -from sunup to sundown, no eating, drinking, smoking, sex -only required if physcially able 9th month of lunar calander commemorates relevation of the Qur'an (idal-fitr feast breaks the ramadan fast)

beliefs, narratives, practices, laws/ethnics, institutions/communities, places, art/music..... that compromise the "depth dimension" of culture

Religion includes:

standing, kneels, kneels, hand

She begins prayer ______________, then _______________, bows her forehead to the ground, and ____________ again in accordance with her recitation. __________ movements accompany the bodily postures


Sunnism did not develop into a distinct branch of Islam until about ______ years later

polytheistic, oral, unifying, women, tribal, trading, exploitation

The Arabian peninsula in 7th cent. CE: -__________________ culture (also Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians) -low literacy but beautiful _____ poetry - politically disorganized tribes, no __________ law -_____________ had no legal rights, especially babies (killed them) -_______ warfare, infanticide -wealthy ________ centers, usury - ________________ of the poor/widows/orphans


The country with the largest Muslim population in the world is the Southeast Asain nation of ____________, followed closely by Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.


The majority group became known as the _______, which remains the larger of the two branches


The word _______ comes from this emphasis on the Sunnah of the prophet


They prayers are called ___________ and consist of the recitation of verses from the Qur'an, the sacred text of Islam, accompanied by specific bodily movements.


Through _____________, Amina is acknowledging to herself and her community that she is submitting herself to the will of God - an important tenet of the Islamic faith.


Together, the cycles of prayer and movement are called ______

ummas, not, opressed

War in the Qur'an: -different instructions on war for different times in the early _____ history -conquest by war typically did ____ involve conversion -most commmentaries on the Qur'an include that war is justified in self defense or to defend the _________

oral or written, community, eternally, ritual

What is scripture? Texts (_____ or ___________) that are: -given authority by a __________ -believed to __________ valid -interpreted by specialists -engaged through ________


When the Qur'an was eventually written down, the text was corrected by the oral knowledge of those who had committed it to _________

Shi'a islam, 20

___% of muslims predominant in Iran and Iraq Authority is centralized in the imam (descended form the prophet)

sunni islam, 80

______ % of muslims "mainstream" but also includes extreme ideologies (wahhabism/salafism) -authority decentralized; community consenses is a source of authority -"my community will never agree on an error"=


______ countries actually apply Islamic law in full, either today or in the past


______ is regarded as the first imam.

legal, religious

_______ administration (of caliphs, rulers) was separate from _______ administration (of ulama, scholars)


__________ encompasses more than western law -4 alms are to protect faith, life, intellect, lineage, and property includes what is prohibited/ discouraged/neutral


__________ prayer is an essential part of Muslim worship


_____________ make observations about what is "descriptive"/ "outsiders" hard to see whats infront of you *bias*

prophet (primarily in Arahamic Religions: Judahism, Christianity, Islam), adam, muhammad

_______________: -human being not divine -receives message from god for humanity -critiques the unrighteous, warns of doom -often oppressed by the powerful -in islam, 1st prophet=_______________ last prophet=__________________


__________________ make claims about what should be "insiders"


a religion ______, serve to promote social unity


all reality is ultimately one


almsgiving, charity, once a year _____% of assests above a subsistence amount -money goes to the poor or community institutions -changing interest on loans is prohibited in Islam -excessive uncertainty in contrasts is prohibited -mutual cooperation is encouraged


any place you bow becomes a mosque cant do in bathroom


belief in only one god


categories drawn from one religion might not be _______________ in another religion


categories drawn from one religion might not be __________________ in another religion ex. tennis vs soccer


central pillar (faith/belief) -sincere belief, oral declaration, infront of other muslims


court judges who issue rulings on various matters


daily prayers (practice) -5 daily prayers "connection" 7 steps of prayer, 7 heavens -ascend int the miraj: prostration in closeness to God

pluralistic system

difference of opinion among my community is a sign of the bounty of God- hadith saying


does not = war it means to struggle or strive in gods cause


each religion or culture has its own _________________ of "religion"


example of a rite of passage


from greek theos or god belief system

individual culture

gender, education, experience, age

Night Journey

greatest of all muhmmads spiritual experiences § Mentioned in Qur'an and hadith literature


islamic legal interpretations quickly diversified as the caliphates __________


middle ground of religions


most cultures throughout history have had neither the conceptual category nor a term meaning "_________"


o According to Islamic belief; women and men are viewed as __________ in the eyes of God and will be judged on their own accord

primary, poetry

o After Rabi'as' time, this ideal of intense love for god became a __________ focus for Sufis Love is often expressed in sufi _________


o After the first ____________, Muhammad began a life of preaching in Mecca

1.6 billion

o Amina is one of about _____________ Muslims living in the world today; Islam is second only to Christianity in numbers of adherents.

mosque, imam

o Amina prays alone in her modest home, but men in her community typically gather at the local _________ for each of the daily prayers, which are led by a prayer leader called an ___________.

recitation, orally

o Arabic word means "_________" and the book is called such because Muhammad received the Qur'an _______ and taught it to his followers in the same way

not, Oral, written

o At time of muhammad's death: § Revelations of Qur'an had ___ been collected into a book § _____ teaching § During the rule of the caliph, they were organized into a _______ text


o Comes from an Arabic verb meaning to struggle or strive and has hisortically had complex meanings o Often distorted in contemporary westen media o Means exerting oneself in the same of hod o Can reger to several tpes of stuggle on both personal and social levels o The rerm is used only rarely in the quran, and nowhere is it explicitly linked to armed struggle § It was early in silamic history that the term became associated with defensive military endeavors against the enemies of the frowing muslim community o There has been some Muslim groups both today and thoruhgout history that have called for a military jihad against nonbelievers, even out of the context of dense of the muslim community o Greater jihad: ones striggle to become a better person by striving aginst ones own sinful tendencies and live in accordance with the will of god o Although we often see the term jihad translated into English as "holy war" muslims regard the miliray connotations of the term as the lesser jihad

marriage and family

o Cornerstones of Muslim communities


o Do not sider all haith to be ________ valid Complex science developed in the centuries following the death of the prophet to evaluate their reliability as true reports of muhammads life

· Shari'ah: Islamic law

o Encompasses a much broader range of law and legal activity than what is normally associated with law in the western world Regulates almost every aspect of daily life for believers

sufism, Sufi, spiritual

o For many muslims however there is also an inner way to god § This is the mystical tradition of islam which is known as __________. · Like traditons of mysticism in other religions, the goal of a follow of sufism, a ______, is to draw close to and personally experience God. o Sufis base this __________ quest on the sources of islam, namely the Qur'an and the axample of Muhammad

contractual, mahr

o In islam a marriage is considered a ________________ relationship § Bride, groom, and witness must sign marriage contract § Contract designates the ______: which is the gift a bride will receive from the froom and his family · The gift may be cash or other property · The marriage contract may be considered invalid without the mahr, though the amount may vary greatly from family to family and culture to culture · Mahr is solely the property of the bride

marriages, shari'ah, Consent

o In some areas _________________ are arranged by their parents and in other areas women and men select their own marriage partners § According to the ____________: young men and women may reject a marriage partner they deem unsuitable § ___________ of bride and groom is needed to marry


o Islamic calander begins with the _________: which as noted earlier in this chapter was the migration of Muhammad and the early muslim community from mecca to medina in 622 o People use both lunar and solar calanders


o Majority in Iran and Iraq, and they form significant minorities in other countries, including Pakistan and India o Believe that Muhammad passed on special religious knowledge to his relatives through Ali § Therefore this, only muhammads family and their descendants should lead the muslim community


o Make up the majority of Muslims worldwide, about 80 percent, and the Shi'a make up about 20 percent.


o Many muslims live in accordance with Islamic law in their ___________ lives, even if they do not live in a country with Islamic courts


o Muhammad __________ only prophet, the Qur'an mentions several prophets by the name and refers to the existence of many others.


o Muhammad eventually encouraged his followers to leave and make a new home elsewhere due to troubles in mecca § The people of a little settlement north of Mecca with a small jewish population welcomed him, and he encouraged his followers to go there § This town become known as __________ (from the term medinat al-nabi, which means "city of the prophet")


o Muhammad ibn Abd Allah was bron around the year 570 CE, in the town of ________, a city in the southern Arabian Peninsula.

2, several, arabia, rapidly

o Muhammad lived for only ___ years after his victorious return to Mecca § At the time of his death, he had a large family § Khadija has died several years earlier, and after her death Muhammad married _________ more wives · Some of his marriages were contracted for political alliances, and others to care for widowed and divorced women who had no one else · By the time of his death, Muhammad was the political and religious leader of much of ______ o After move to medina, muslim rule spread ________ across the Arabian peninsula


o Muhammad was born into a tribe called ______________, a powerful extended family that was very influential in Mecca § Father died before he was born, and his mother died as a young child § Then raised by grandfather, then uncle


o Muhammad's wife. § A wealthy and successful business woman § That he told about his revelations § She listened carefully and believed his message § She is considered to be the first convert to Islam since she was the first to believe the truth of the message received

seal of the prophets

o Muhammad, however, is known as the "_________________" which means that the door of prophecy was closed or "sealed" with him because he was the final prophet. § Revelations came at a time when it was necessary to reawaken understanding of God's message to humanity


o Muslim men are allowed to marry up to _______ wives § Only under certain conditions, and only if he can support all his wives and treat them equally

al-insan al-kamil

o Muslims do not believe that Muhammad was divine, but rather consider him to be _________________, the ideal human.

saint veneration

o Not all Sufi practice takes place in formal context of the orders § Practice of ______________________


o Occasional ______________ has arisen between Sufis and other muslims


o On the wedding day, the bride and groom may be ___________ for most of the festivities § Groom usually signs marriage contract in mosque in the company of his male freidns and relatives § Marriage official, imam, then takes the contract to the bride in her family's home , where she is accompanied by her female relatives and friends

Islamic law

o One of the differences between sunni and shi'a islam: § Concerns the sources of ___________________ § In short, both branches agree on the importance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah

Mawlid al-Nabi

o Prophets birth is also an occasion for celebration in many parts of the Muslim world, such as North Africa, east Africa, and south asia § ______________________: takes place around the twelfth day of the third month of the Islamic calander

daily, Arabic, adulthood, learning, all

o Qur'an in daily life: § Important part of the _______ life of muslims, treated with great reverence and respect § Authentic only in the origin of ______ § In most communities, both boys and girls stuy the quran and people will often continue to study the quran through _______________. · Encouraged all muslims to pursue a life of __________ § Muslims areound the world learn to recite the queran in Arabic, even if they do not speak or understand the language § Recided during the daily prayer, and the queran is also recited at numerous other occasions, including weddings, funerals, ith celevrations, holidays, and the political events § Hearing it recited can be a moving experience for people of ____ faiths


o Sacred text of Islam, and considered the literal word of God


o Several types of ___________ are permitted in islam: § Come from both the Qur'an and hadith literature § One type is divorce by male unilateral repudiation · Man writes or pronounces the formula "I (the mans name) divorce you, (the wifes name)." · This type of divorce does not need the approval of the wide or a legal authority · In many countries today, unilateral divorce is no longer permissible, and men and women must both file for divorce in court § Common in some countries, not common in others · In some places a divorced man or woman is dishonored and finds it difficult to remarry, whereas in others ther eis little or no stigma attached to a divorced man or woman

several, Largest, unbroken

o Shi'a community has ____________ branches § ________ branch is known as the twelvers, who make up the majority of muslims in Iran and Iraq · Believe that the line of imams went through several generations until the twelfith imam disappeared in the nineth century § Another branch Ismailis, believes that there has been an __________ line of imams from Ali until the present da

Umayyad Dynasty.

o Sufism arose in the years after the death of Muhammad as a response to the worldly excesses and materialism of the ________________


o Sunni and Shi'a split began over the controvery surrounding leadership of the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet _______________

isnad, Aisha

o The ______ always originates with one of muhammads close companions or family member Muhammads wife ______ was one of the most important transmitters of hadith as she passed on many reports about muhammad's lfie.


o The __________ introduced many legal rights and privileges to women that they had not previously enjoyd


o The ____________ did not enjoy all the privileges of muslims - they were not allowed to bear arms, for example - but they were entitled to the protection of the Islamic state


o The authority of the Shi'a _______ has a special role in Shi'a law that we do not see in Sunni approaches to Islamic law § Shi'a schools do not recognize consensus as a sourc of law but focus instead on the infallibility of the imam.

the sunnah

o The example of the prophet § Refers to the "tradition" or way of life of the prophet Muhammad § Encompasses Muhammad's actions and words § It includes the way he handled disputes in the early community, the way he dealt with his wives, friends, and children, and the way he went about the daily business of life.


o The leaders who came after Muhammad were not viewed as prophets. They were known rather as __________, who ruled as representitives of God and the prophet and had both religious and political authority.


o The literal translation of the Arabic term __________ is the "road" or "way" in English § In English it is most often translated as "law"

Muharram, tenth, Ashura

o The month of the Islamic calander known as ______________ is especially significant to Shi'a Muslims § This is because the martyrdom of muhammads grandson Husayn, discussed earlier in the chapter, is recalled on the _______ of the month · This date is called the __________, and the entire month of Muharram is recognized as an important and somber time


o The natural world is mentioned throughout the Qur'an, and elements of nature are referred to as _____, or signs of God: "we shall show them Our signs in every region of the earth and in themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth"


o There is a more _________ religious authority structure in Shi'ism that we do not fin in Sunni islam


o This belief in a continuing spiritual leadership of the Muslim community through the line of successors is the most significant ____________ between sunni and shi'a islam


o Well known Muslim that resisted persecution was _____, and Abyssinian slave who had converted to Islam

forty, messenger, recite

o When Muhammad reached the age of ________, in the year 610 CE, the Angel Gabriel visited Muhammad while he was praying in an isolated cave outside Meccas § He heard a voice that told him he was the ______________ of God and commanded him to "_______"

Sufis, miraj, miraj

o ________ consider Muhammad the ideal human, and they strive to emulate the way he lived his life § Emphasize the story of the miraculous night when Muhammad journeyed from mecca to jeruselum and from there ascened to heaven to meet god · The ascention is known as the _______ o Muslims learn of the _____ thorugh epic poems, which are recited on special occasions like mawlid al- nabi because Muhammad ascended to heaven from Jerusalem it is recognized as a hol city for muslims, along with mecca and medica


o ________ is considered one of the Abrahamic religions, along with Judaism and Christianity, and the three religions share a great deal.


o ________ primary source of law, Islamic scholars thoruhgout history have recognized that it does not address every legal situation Ex: sunni islam= Sunnah as important additional legal source


o ______________: a common prayer usedby muslims in many different contexts § first one they learn as child/ adult § devout muslim wil recite it several times during the day many prayers § evokes the oneness in god, the all-powerful nature of god, the day of judgement, and god's guidance for a righteous life

African American, 10 to 30

o ______________________ Muslim population grew significantly in the twentieth century § Scholars estimate that form _____________ percent of the Africans who were enslaved and brought to the United States from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries were muslims

Shari'ah or Islamic law

o _________________________ as the outer way to god because it regulates a person's outer existence: how he or she should handle relationships with other people, hw he or she should live in a community, and how he or she should worship.

Modest women's dress

o __________________________ takes many different cultural forms § Modest dress is interpreted as long pants and modest top § In other contexts, women wear a type of cloak over their clothing when they leave the home § Some muslim women choose to cover their head sna hair with a scarf, but this is not solely a muslim practice § Many muslim women dress modestly strictly out of religious commitment · For others wearing modest dress is an important move toward gender equality in the workplace and the public sphere o Such women believe that when they are dressed modestylu, they are valued by others on their merit lone, not on their appearance o To other manintaining modest dress makes a statement of resistance to wearer scholars and activits by demonsrtarin that feminism can be defined in mayraid ways in different cultural and religious contexts


o _____million muslims live in the United States, and close to 1 million love in Canada


o an expert in Islamic law who is quealified to give nonbinding legal opinion, known as fatwas

Hadith quasi

o are not reports of Muhammad life but are believed to be words of God § Succienct and beautuifl, focus on god love for humanity, fods mercy, and the closeness of god to creation


o essential component of Islamic belief, and it is mentioned several times in the Qur'an

unique and external

o muslims regard the holy text has _______________________

muslims in north america

o not limited to one particular city or even one particular region § live everywhere


o or master, directs the spiritual training of the novices § Would guide several ppils, and as a result of a numer of sufi order, tariqas developed around particular sufi masters

Id al-adha

o primary holiday of the muslim year § Feast of sacrifice § Takes place at the end of the hajj season, and it is celebrated by all muslims - not just those who ma eth eplfrimage that year § Commemorates albrahams willingness to sacrifice his son at gods command


o seclusion of women, in south asia and is practiced by some Hindus and Sikhs, as well as some muslims

Id al-fitr

o second most significant holiday § Feast of fast-breaking § Marks the end of the month of ramada § Time of joy and forgiveness and is celebrated in many different ways around the world

lesser jihad

of the sword (warfare)


people are ___________: behavior does not directly reflect religious doctrine or ideals ex. 80 5 of US christians aged 20-24 who identify as "born again", evangelical, or fundamentalist, have sex before marriage


prayer is ___________: -muhammad said, "I bear witness that there is not God but God." -God replies: "And I bear withness that muhammad is the messenger of God"


prayer outside (personal prayers) can do in bathroom


pre-existing legal traditions were (and still are) incorporated into __________


refers to Islamic legal scholars


religion is ______ the only factor that influences the behavior of religious people


religion is ___________ in culture


religion is only one factor of many that influences ________ behavior


religion, social class, special needs, sexuality


right belief


right practice "rules"

separation(detachment or "cutting away" of the former self; often marked by clothing/appearance), liminality (threshold or in between status; normal sound barriers often dissolve), incorporation (re-entering society with symbols of ones new identity; public recognition)

rite of passage 3 stages:

rite of passage

ritual ceremonies intended to mark the transition from one phase of life to another (leaving one group and joining another)


social norms, values and behaviors, laws, social rules

ultimate reality

somehow the divine and explanation of the nature and role of the divine takes center stage in a religion's belief system


studying god(s) (or ultimate truth) (theos: greek word for god)

religious studies

studying people


the Qur'an means "_______________"


the academic study of religion is generally distinct from _________


the belief that the divine is identical to nature or the material world


the field of inquiry that focuses on considering the nature of the divine Important example of doing and being religious, which naturally invites consideration of the supernatural and of the "truth" of religious claims


the name comes from the term shi'at 'Ali, which means the "party of Ali" The the smaller of the two major branches of islam.


the study of religion requires ________________ competency

half 1/2

today roughly what proportion of US Muslims are African American


what percent of africans brought to north america as slaves were Muslim?


when it is not from the greek theos or god belief system


you can be ______ at the same time, most scholars are religous


you have to look for things that youre not _______________ to see


you must also acknowledge values that youre not conditioned to __________

not required, inter-religious dialogue

~_____________________~ -progressive theology -belief that all relgions are true or good -authoratative or "best example" of each tradition.=

required, inter-religious dialouge

~________________~ - care for the other -desire to learn and listen -authenticity -adaptivity (as you learn more about the other, make your questions better)


§ "recollection" § refers to Sufi mediation in which he believer strives to recollect God so completely that he forgets himself § can take many forms and varies from order to order § as simple as the recitation of the shahadah, and sometimes it is much more elaborate.

Battle of Badr

§ 624 CE, Meccans learned of the plan, and sent a force of more than 900 men to protect the caravan Muslims at only 300 strong, soundly defeated the meccan forces, even through they were outnumbered


§ : supernatural being, created from fire · Can take various forms, and, like humans, they can be both and good and evil and Muslim or Non-Muslim. · Much folklore has developed surrounding the jinn, and they are represented in tales like one thaousent and one nights as both helping and harming humans


§ Although muhammad was a prophet, in many respects he lived the life of a ________ man.


§ Because of its global prescence, Islam is practiced, understood, and ________________ in diverse ways in many different countries, cultures, and communities.

several, longest to the shortest, short, 300, title

§ Each surah consists of _________ verses § Not organized around specific topics or time periods, and they are not arranged in the order of revelation, as one might expect. § Arranged ______________________, with exception to the opening surah, which is quite _______. · Some are only a few verses long, and the longest has almost _______ verses § Each surah has a _______, based on a distinctive element of the surah


§ For shi'a the rightful leaders of the muslim community are known as _________, the same term used fro someone who leads prayer

mecca, medina

§ IN ________, Muhammad had primarily preached and taught the revealations to his followers · In __________, however, he took on a wie variety of new roles and oversaw political, social, and religious matters


§ In muslim belief, all _________ are solely human - not divine


§ In shi'a Islam the _______ is both the political and the religious leader of the community and he possesses the special religious knowledge that Muhammad passed on to the members of his family


§ It is important to note that, although the _________ has a very prominent role in Shi'a Islam, he is not a prophet


§ Many argue that the quran must be ______________ in an attempt to eradicate cultural practices that are detrimental to women but have been justified as appropriate Islamic practice

line of Muhammad

§ Many muslims who were opposed to the dynasty felt that the leadership of the umma should come from the __________________ through Fatima and Ali. · They argued that therefore their sons, Hasan and Husayn should lead the umma o With the support of the Shi'a Husayn


§ Muslims have knowledge of Muhammad's life through a literacy tradition know as the ________

book, right, left

§ On judgement day, each person will have a ______ that details the deeds of his or her life · The book is held in the _____ hand indicates a righteous life, and the book held in the _____ hand indicates a sinner.

the day of judgement

§ Reality of the afterlife is another central teaching of the Qur'an Teaches that after death, a person resides in the grave in a sleeplike state until the end of days, at which time the judgement will take place. The end of days is described in the Qur'an as a time when the world turns upside down in great calamity


§ Reports come from the obervations of muhammads close friends and family, known as his "companions" · His companions realized his importance as an example of righteous behavior · They strove to remember his actions and words, and then passed them on through the generations in hadith reports

whirling dervishes

§ The Mevlevis have an elaborate dhikr. · Often called _________________: o Their dhikr inloves controlled whirling


§ The Qur'an also names _______ as an important prophet (and indeed says that Jesus will return to herald the Day of Judgement), and the Gospels are considered part of God's revelation


§ The _____ for all Sufis is to lose the sense of self entirely in complete remembrance of God

Battle of Badr

§ The battle is mentioned in the Qur'an, which reports that angels helped the outnumbered muslims win the battle · Also notes this as a critical moment in the development of the sporit and destiny of the muslims · After this dramatic battle, muhammads reputation as a great leader grew


§ The belief is revealed scripture goes hand in hand with the belief in prophecy, because Muslims believe that it is through ____________ that humanity obtains scripture


§ The general Arabic term for commentary on the Qur'an is ______, which is translated in English as "interpretation"


§ The minority group became known as the _______

Gabriel or Jibril

§ The most well-known of the angels in Islamic tradition is __________________ · This angel is mentioned several times in the Qur'an and was instrumental in bringing the revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad from God.


§ The muslims moved from mecca to medina in the year 622 CE and this mgration is called the _____

shirk, shirk, denies

§ This sin of assosciating anything or anyone else with God is called ________ · In Qur'an _________ is noted as the only unforgivable sin in the eyes of Allah · This is because it _________ the existence of God and the true nature of God


§ Tradition holds that at the time of Muhammad, more than 300 deties and spirts were represented by idols in the Ka'ba. · Muslims call this period before the revelation of the Qur'an the _________, or the "age of ignorance"

dhimmi, dhimmi ,

§ Under Muslim rule, these minority communities were governed by what are termed _________ laws; the term _______ refers to their status as protected people · These laws allowed non-muslims in muslim territories to worship how they chose, provided they paid taxes and submitted to muslim authority

spider, spider

§ When his pursuers reached the cave, they did not look inside because a kindly ___________ had spun a web to hide the entrance, thus saving Muhammad · Even today, some Muslims will not kill spider because of their appreciation for the ________ important role in protecting the prophet form the Meccans


§ ____________ is a form of literature that records in brief reports the detail of the life of the prophet, including his sayings and his deeds


§ most important of theseis the monotheistic belief in the oneness of _______, which is the Arabic term for God

Muhammad, Islam

§ muslims recognize ___________, who received the message of the Qur'an from God, as the final prophet in a long line of prophets sent to humanity by God. The Qur'an is believed to be the word of God and is the holy text of Muslims. In addition, Muslims around the world share the observance of the five pillars of worship practice. The term "_____" reflects Muslim Belief in the importance of submitting to God's will

Huda Shaw'rawi

§ one of the most famous of these early Muslim feminists · Educated upper class Egyptian who symbolically removed her face veil in an Alexandria train station in 1923 · Was president and founder of the Egyptian feminist union and did not velieve that veiling was an Islamic requirement


§ religious and political leader of the early Muslim community and, even today - fourteen countries after his death - his life is considered an example for all Muslims to follow.


· After Uthman's death, Ali was named _______ o Alis supporters grew in numbers o Despite this growing support, "ali's time as caliph saw many fractures in the muslim community

isnad, matn

· Hadith Consists of two parts: o The ____________: § Or the chain of transmission of the hadith o The _______: § The report itself § Relates muhammad's words or deeds, and the isnad names those people who transmitted the hadith from the time of the prophet

sunni islam

· In _____________, however, an additional source is the consensus of the community o This became source of law because of a hadith that reported the prophet saying "my community will never agree upon an error." Of course, it is impossible to solicit the opinion of every muslim on a particular legal question, so sunnis have generally agreed that the community question consist fo the ulama, or legal scholars.

one who submits

· In fact, the term "Muslim" means "______________________" in Arabic.


· Muslims also make up significant minority populations in many parts of Western Europe, especially in France, where they make up nearly ____ percent of the population.

Virgin Mary

· Muslims believe that Jesus was born of the ____________, who is also mentioned in the Qur'an and is held in very high regard by Muslims. However, Muslims do not believe that Jesus was divine or the son of god.

3 million

· Nearly ______________ Muslims in the United States, and the number of Muslims in North America is increasingly rapidly, most through immigration


· The English term "_______" derives from the Arabic word Jinn


· The _____ now reached beyond Arabic -speaking lands, there was a great deal of cultural and linguistic diversity among the muslims

Rightly Guided Caliphs

· The designation of Abu Bakr as caliph started a historical period that came to be known as the time of the _____________________, who were Abu Bakr and his successors; 'Umar, 'Uthman, and finally Ali'


· The reason is that the hijra marked the beginning of a distinct muslim community, or _____, with Muhammad as its leader

crisis of succession, The sunni and the Shi'a

· This controversy over leadership of the Muslim community is often known as the __________________, and it led to the development of the two major branches of Islam:


· This was a new form of government called a ____________, and it remained the model for Islamic society for several hundred years

study groups, sessions

· Women often gather together at mosques for other reasons, such as Qur'an ________________ and ___________ in religious instruction


· _______ is a very important even in Islamic history; as you have learned, the Islamic lunar calendar behins not with Muhammad;s birth , but with this

Speculative tafsir

· ____________________: muslims should use their own reason and rationality as believers to interpret the meaning of the verses

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