RELS 380 Atheism

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What are the characteristics of atheists or agnostics in the U.S. in 2004

Politically liberal, democrats, independents, younger, lining in the west, students, and those who are living with someone without being roommates

Who is the first "atheist" and what happened to him

Protagoras was condemned to death

What accounts for the staggering differences in rates of un/belief between nations

Rates of unbelief are characterized by plentiful food distribution, excellent public health care, and widely accessible housing while rates of belief are characterized by a scarcity of food and shelter and generally less stable

What is Zuckerman's overall conclusion

Religion is not innate, and rather links to high levels of individual and societal security and high levels of societal health

What is some evidence that atheists are liberal and very tolerant

Religion is tied to tradition, authority, and hierarchy; and those who reject religion show less ethnocentrism than those that accept it; correlation between rejection of religious beliefs and radical political views is clearly established by studies


tied Christianity to capitalism and predicted the downfall of religion with an oncoming political revolution

What was the name of one of Protagoras' most famous essays

"Concerning the Gods"

What are the opening words of Protagoras' essay (which Bremmer discusses)

"Concerning the gods I am unable to discover whether they exist or not, or what they are like in form; for there are many hindrances to knowledge, the obscurity of the subject and the brevity of human life."

How does Hyman define modernity

"Modern" is a term that is used loosely depending on which sphere of thought one is attempting to attribute modernity to


(meaning "all-in-God", from the Ancient Greek) also known as Monistic Monotheism, [1] is a belief system which posits that the divine - whether as a single God, number of gods, or other form of "cosmic animating force" [2] - interpenetrates every part of the universe and extends, timelessly (and, presumably, spacelessly) beyond it.

What are, for Alston, "religious making" characteristics of religion

1) Belief in super natural beings 2) A distinction between sacred and profane objects 3) Ritual acts focused on sacred objects 4) A moral code believed to be sanctioned by the gods 5) Religious feelings that tend to be aroused in the presence of sacred objects during the practice of ritual 6) Prayer and other forms of communication with gods 7) Worldview as a whole and a place of the individual therein. 8) Total organization of ones life based on the world view 9) A social group bound together by the above

What are some of Overall's reasons why feminist should be atheists

1) Religion harms women: (argument from evil) the shameful and dispiriting litany of harms inflicted on women by proponents of monotheistic religions suggest that such religions are not compatible with feminism and that freeing women from involvement in or allegiance to monotheistic religions would increase women's liberty, autonomy, well being, and freedom from discrimination and stereotyping 2) Moral objection - whatever women have experienced is in accord with their second class status or is the righteous result of their failure to be obedient to God's commands or is in some cases a consequence of the fallibility of men who interpret their god given status as a license to mistreat

What are, for Beardsley and Beardsley, basic religious questions

1) What are the fundamental characteristics of human beings and the chief problem they face? 2) What are the characteristics of nonhuman reality that are of greatest significance for human life? 3) Given the nature of man and the universe, how should men try to live? 4) Given the answers to the first 3 questions, what practices will best develop and sustain in men an understanding of the nature of human and nonhuman reality and a dedication to the ideal of human life? 5) In seeking true answers to the first 4 questions, what method(s) should be used?

Brad laugh

1st atheist in parliament

About how many people in the world do not believe in God

500-750 million people


A theodicy is often based on a prior natural theology, which attempts to prove the existence of God, and seeks to demonstrate that God's existence remains probable after the problem of evil is posed by giving a justification for God's permitting evil to happen.

What are some connections between parents and atheism

Apostasy, a defection from one religion to a private secularization, is viewed as a form of rebellion against parents.


Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is the absence of belief that any deities exist.

What's Beit-Hallahmi's methodology

Based on regarding religiosity as a continuous variable, ranked on a scale of 0-100. 0 being atheist and 100 being the most devout

What does Bremmer feel about Louis Febvre's findings

Bremmer feels that the findings of Louis Febvre's might be a little presumptuous considering evidence of atheistic development during times considered ancient and medieval

If so, which ones and how so

Buddhism - believed in cycles of rebirth until reaching enlightenment Confucianism - set of ethical standards established by Confucius; no explicit reference of the existence of a higher power but rather an implied assumption that something beyond our grasp exists Jainism - differentiates "god(s)" (not free of life and death cycle) as a higher state of existence greater than our human existence but still separates godhood from supreme power that created our universe

What did Origen say about pagans

Charged them with atheistic polytheism

What three historical periods does his essay examine

Classical, Helenistic, Christian

What's the difference between "coercive atheism" and "organic atheism"

Coercive atheism is forced upon a society with political enforcement where organic atheism is more likely to develop throughout a society through education and understanding of logic and social justice

What is Critias' view of the gods

Critias viewed the gods as something that mankind had manufactured in order to establish peace and justice by instilling fear of a god into the minds of the uneducated

Who was the first atheist philosopher


Why did the first atheist philosophy become an atheist

Diderot built his foundation of knowledge off of the basis that Descartes and Newton created, but freed Descartes from what he considered unwarranted metaphysics and newton from pointing beyond his own theory to nonmechanical principles

What is Martin's conclusion

Due to the existence of atheistic religions, it follows that atheism and religio adon not necessarily stand in opposition to one another

What is "soft atheism"

Explicit "negative" / "weak" / "soft" atheists do not assert the above but reject or eschew a belief that any deities exist.

What did the Athenians charge Socrates of

Failing to acknowledge the gods and creating new deities

Is atheism, for Martin, antireligious

For martin, atheism is not antireligious because of the existence of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Jainism. Yet he does state that removing the concept of an all powerful creationist "god" would not change the foundations of all 3 atheistic religions.

Who described himself as a "secularist"

George Jacob Holyoake

Who coined the phrase "age of theism" and when did the age begin

Gerhard Ebeling; the last 40 years of the 20th century

Who invented the term atheos

Greek tem for "godless, without gods, forsaken"

Who discovered the utility of the term "atheist" as a means to label opponents

Greeks and romans, then pagans and christians

Who are some of the great atheist psychologists

Hall, Watson, Rogers, Ellis, Leuba, Maslow, SKiner, Eysenck, Cattell

What is Bremmer's overall or main argument

He outlines the development of the foundations of what we know to be contemporary atheism with a focus on how what we define as atheism has grown out of oppression and persecution

What methodological hurdles does Zuckerman acknowledge in his study

He states 4 reasons: 1) low response rate, 2) nonrandom sampling, 3) adverse political and cultural climate, and 4) a lack of agreed upon definition that establishes unified terminology.

What are some connections between Jewish identity and atheism

High levels of education, low degree of organized religion, political liberalism

What is Zuckerman's overall or main argument

His argument states that according to the numbers that religion is not innately built into the human condition. He is also able to correlate organic atheism with higher levels of academic prowess, tolerance, and social justice, where ironically those that practice religion correlate with the exact opposite.

What's Beit-Hallahmi's main argument

His argument stems from the original thoughts that religion is innate in all humans there fore anyone who doesn't believe is inherently flawed without that key to the human condition. I think his actual argument opposes that train of thought and is trying to shed light upon which demographic actually identifies as atheist.

Who coined the term "agnosticism"


What is Hyman's overall or main argument

Hyman's main argument would be that Atheism is a "symptom" of modern society and a modern way of thinking. Theism is a characteristic that modern society is losing while atheism is a characteristic that modern society is gaining.

Problem of Evil

In the philosophy of religion, the problem of evil is the question of how to reconcile the existence of evil with that of a God who is, in either absolute or relative terms, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent

Why doesn't Bremmer use Philodemus' scheme

It doesn't mention atheism as a labeling device to slander your opponents, be they philosophical or religious ones

What modern conception of God did modern atheism reject

It rejected the parallels that connected god to man; as religion was forced to incorporate rational thinking into the basics of their foundation, theists had to come up with a way to still sound possible. Determined establishing benchmarks to measure transcendence could not be done so there is no way to describe god in humanly terms

What's Beit-Hallahmi's overall conclusion

Model atheist is more likely to be a married and educated man. Likely to be less authoritarian and suggestible, less dogmatic, less prejudiced, more tolerant, law abiding, compassionate, conscientious, and well educated.

What movement did Protagoras belong to


What are the top ten countries with the largest percentage of people who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nonbeliever in God

Sweden, Vietnam, Denmark, Norway, Japan, Czech Republic, Finland, France, South Korea, Estonia

What is Hyman's final conclusion

That atheism and modernity are inextricably linked

What is Martin's main argument

That atheism is not a religion


The belief that God has created the universe but remains apart from it and permits his creation to administer itself through natural laws. Deism thus rejects the supernatural aspects of religion, such as belief in revelation in the Bible, and stresses the importance of ethical conduct.

Who discovered theoretical atheism

The greeks

What are some of the Bremmer's self-described limitations of the essay

The limitations found refer to how atheist ideologies developed, at one point the term atheist switched from a disbelief in popular belief systems to those that disbelieved in deities based on cultural and period contexts

Is worldwide atheism growing or declining

The number of atheists is increasing but is being outdone by the numbers of theists so our percentage is decreasing

What is Bremmer's definition of atheism

Thinkers and people who denied the existence of the gods or put forward theories to explain the existence of the gods

What did Huxley think about "atheism"

Thought it was too dogmatic; made definitive claims that there was insufficient evidence to back up

And what is his main reason(s) for holding the position

Using either definition of religion, atheism fails to meet the conditions of being a religion

What did Xenophanes and Anaxagoras think about the gods

Xenophanes tried to introduce new ideas of the divine rather than abolishing the idea of the divine altogether; Anaxagoras' observation stripped the sun of its divine nature

Are there, for Martin, atheistic religions


What are the characteristics of the unaffiliated U.S. population in the 70s and 80s

Younger, mostly male, with higher levels of education and income, more liberal, more unhappy and alienated from society


a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.

Positive Atheism

also called strong atheism and hard atheism, is the form of atheism that asserts that no deities exist

Negative Atheism

also called weak atheism and soft atheism, is any other type of atheism, i.e. where a person does not believe in the existence of any deities and does not explicitly assert that there are none


belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.


belief that humans as a species are unable to grasp the concept of god's representation


believed that god was in fact finite and that we shared this world, with the exception that god had much greater control over a spectrum that humans see as godlike


defined atheism as a lack of god's intervention rather than the denial of god's existnace in general

Nietzsche and Newman

foresaw that religious uninterest would increasingly characterize the educated intellect and that its influence would eventually tell upon every routine aspect of civilization


is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "unlimited or infinite benevolence".


is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.


is the capacity to know everything that there is to know. In particular, Hinduism and the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) believe that there is a divine being who is omniscient.


one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.


recognized as the 1st self-proclaimed explicit atheist; was considered intelligent enough to further the learnings of Newton and Descartes to expand upon knowledge Christians understood to be true


saw theism as a projection of humanity

Henry More

states that the traditional understanding of religion is incorrect. Instead, God is within every living and non living thing as a part of the plane of existence


the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object


the belief in or worship of more than one god.


the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.


the quality of having unlimited or very great power.

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