Research & Program Evaluation

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In its ideal form, the scientist-practitioner model has a _____ split of performing science and practice activities


Which of the following research designs is an example of an independent variable with two conditions?

A treatment group and a control group

Under the second phase of program evaluation, which of the following is a step in creating a focused program evaluation?

Creating a consolidated data collection plan to assess progress

Which of the following is true of single-subject experimental designs?

Different treatment phases need to be included in them to demonstrate change due to the independent variable.

In counseling, the segregation of science and practice is essential in order to maintain updated knowledge that practitioners can integrate in their clinical work.


Which of the following is the difference between intensive single-subject designs and single-subject experimental designs?

In intensive single-subject designs, the independent variable is observed, whereas in single-subject experimental designs, the independent variable is manipulated.

Which of the following is true of the scientist-practitioner model of training in counseling?

It emphasizes systematic and thoughtful analyses of human experiences and judicious application of the knowledge and attitudes gained from such analyses.

Which of the following is a characteristic of early research on ethnic minorities?

It pathologized ethnic minorities.

Which of the following is true about the uncontrolled case study?

It provides ambiguous information, which is difficult to interpret clearly.

Which of the following is a characteristic of descriptive laboratory studies?

Low internal validity and low external validity

in the context of qualitative research phases and their associated tasks, which of the following tasks belongs to the phase "The Researcher as a Multicultural Subject"?

Recording biases, assumptions, and values throughout all stages of the research process

Which of the following describes the most essential rules of research as expressed by Kerlinger's MAXMINCON principle?

Researchers try to maximize the systematic variance of the variables under study, minimize error variance, and control extraneous variables.

Which of the following courses of action is recommended in order to assess and weigh the risk/benefit ratio of a study?

Selecting only those participants who have certain characteristics that make them more resistant to the risks involved in the study

Which of the following is a difference between independent variables and status variables?

Status variables cannot be manipulated, whereas independent variables can be manipulated.

Which of the following is true of survey research designs?

Survey research designs typically use self-reports to identify facts, opinions, attitudes, and behavior.

Which of the following is a reason to pay particular attention to the discussion section of articles when specifying research questions and hypotheses?

There may be explicit discussion of future research needs.

In the constructivist paradigm, there can be no predictions based upon hypothesized truths or tests of conjectures.


Which of the following is considered riskier for inexperienced counselors and researchers?

Using their own observations about a topic as a source of ideas for research topics

Gelso's bubble hypothesis states that:

all research designs will have some limitations.

In a true experimental design:

an independent variable is manipulated by the researcher to assess the effect of the manipulation on a dependent variable

Counselors have a responsibility to conduct research that contributes to welfare for their clients. This statement corresponds to the ethical principle of _____.


According to the hourglass format of writing a research report, the _____ section is depicted at the bottom of the hourglass.


Which of the following components of a research paper includes an overview of the study's limitations?


Cross- sectional survey studies are like filming a video that documents how changes occur over time.


Even though structured observations and participant observations provide two different data sets, it is common to use both observation methods simultaneously in counseling research.


Identifying a topic of research is the same as developing a specific research question or hypothesis that can guide research.


In statistical tests, an alternative hypothesis states that there is no relationship between the variables in the study.


In the context of dependent sample designs, all the extraneous variables should be included in the study as independent variables in order to determine their effects.


Nominal data involved the use of variables that have been rank ordered.


Once a research question enters the formative stage and an investigator continues to develop the design and methodologies of a particular study, the original research question cannot be changed.


Research in the social sciences should indicate that reliability estimates in excess of .30 are sufficient.


According to some researchers, findings from analogue research tend to lack _____.


In the context of qualitative research strategies, memo writing, constant comparative method, and theoretical sampling are primary features of _____.

grounded theory

The construct validity of a study is concerned with:

how well the variables chosen represent and capture the essence of a hypothetical construct.

Identify a main component in the process of selecting a research topic and developing a research idea into a testable hypothesis.

identifying research variables

Karen is interested in studying the prevalence of suicidal ideation in her clients who are suffering from schizophrenia. She selects a random sample from the list of clients she had treated in the previous year. Although she engages in the random selection of participants, when she begins to analyze her data, she realizes that the clients in her sample are generally younger than those who did not participate in the study. This finding:

impacts the generalizability of the results to all her clients who are suffering from schizophrenia.

The _____ focuses on how clinicians develop and test hypotheses in the session while working with their clients.

local clinical scientist model

_____ explore the degree to which two or more research constructs are related or vary together.

relationship questions

When reporting results, it is a researcher's responsibility to:

report findings and present them in a way that is clear and understandable to readers.

Technically, a(n) _____ is a subset of the target population.


The foundation of counseling and counseling psychology is based on the integration of:

science into practice and of practice into science

Which of the following of the following is ideally the next immediate phase of program evaluation after setting the boundaries of the evaluation?

selecting appropriate evaluation methods

The method section in a research report should ideally include a:

summary of the participants, materials, procedures, and design used to conduct the study.

Even though the analysis of status variables is often identical to that of independent variables, it is more difficult to establish causal inferences because _____.

they are not manipulated

A great deal of research in counseling involves extending the results of previous research


A program evaluator's responsibility is to determine if there is a match among the counseling treatment, the anticipated outcomes, and the outcome measures


An experimental laboratory study relies upon the researcher setting up a situation to resemble one that is naturally occurring rather than observing participants in real-life settings.


Belief in the utility of research is a critically important factor in the process of becoming a competent counselor


Correlational designs are one of the most commonly utilized designs in counseling process research.


Descriptive studies can suggest possible causal connections among variables that can be examined in experimental designs.


Early counseling research tended to focus solely on either client outcome or counseling process.


Even when a researcher has carefully designed an independent variable, there is no assurance that the experimental manipulation will achieve its purpose.


Experimental procedures such as randomly assigning clients to placebo groups or to waiting-list control groups can cause problems in real-life counseling.


Getting stakeholders actively involved in the process of program evaluation is one of the most counterintuitive steps of evaluation.


In context of the issue of confidentiality, if someone other than the experimenter will have access to data, this should be explained to the participants along with plans for maintaining confidentiality


In unstructured interviews that are used as part of qualitative research, an interviewer has great latitude to explore a phenomenon of interest and ask probing questions to get a more complete description


It is essential for researchers to focus on investigating a few constructs only and not to try to do too much in developing an original contribution


Operational definitions are referred to as a sort of manual of instructions that spells out what an investigator must do to measure or manipulate research variables during the procedures of a study.


Ordinal data is distinguished by having the characteristics of both identity and magnitude


Program evaluators ideally want to be involved while counseling programs are being designed.


Scientific research can advance researchers' understanding of human behavior by providing data that can be used to understand these behaviors. This contributes to the ability to alter such behaviors through counseling and consultation interventions.


Single-subject designs involve a longitudinal perspective achieved by repeated observations or measurements of the variable.


Technically, a population consists of the observations or scores of the people, rather than the people themselves.


The discussion section in a research report includes a summary of the findings of the study in the context of prior research and theory, an overview of study limitations, future directions, and implications.


histograms are often used with ordinal, interval, or ratio data


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