Research Final

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A school counselor conducts a health and wellness needs assessment of her students. She is likely employing which survey research design? A. Trend B. Cohort C. Panel D. Cross Sectional

Cross Sectional

First drafts of surveys are typically amenable to pilot testing prior to review by others True or False


Reporting effect size is optional and not advisable for most empirical manuscripts True or False?


Methods of determining a research topic include A. Studying personal interests B. Studying Topics mentioned in academic courses C. Replicating a previous study D. All of the above E. A and B only

A and B only

Narrative research is especially applicable to counseling because A. Primary counseling theories are rooted in narrative theory B. Skills of counseling are useful skills for the narrative researcher C. Stories told by participants are frequently new to the field of counseling D. All of the above E. A and B only

A and B only

A good reason to use a case study approach is A. A desire to contribute to the deeper understanding through exploration of a phenomenon B. A desire to predict behavior based on existing variables C. An interest in developing or building upon a new theory D. Both A and C

A and C

"How did you decide to move to this area?" is an example of A. An open question B. A closed question C. A question appropriate for interview only D. A question appropriate for pencil and paper only

An open question

An important consideration about traits is that they A. Are always changing B. Are constant C. Can be changing or constant D. Are always categorical

Can be changing OR constant

Groupings of related concepts that emerge throughout the coding of data in Grounded Theory are referred to as A. Coding B. Concepts C. Categories D. Properties


Cost is not a factor in determining survey research design True or False


In general, potential sources of bias include ALL BUT WHICH of the following? A. Unintentional errors B. Expectations of the researcher C. Having too large of a sample D. Observation recording methods

Having too large of a sample

Coding A. Organizes field notes and memos B. Is used when developing diagrams to visually and accurately represent the research findings C. Helps organize concepts and develop categories D. The exclusive use of focus groups as the primary data gathering techniques

Helps organize concepts and develop categories

Case study design is most useful to answer the following types of questions A. What? B. Who? C. How or why? D. Where?

How or why

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are true regarding the use of focus group interviews in survey research A. Participants are selected because of their knowledge about the topic B. Participants can offer all opinions in the discussion format of focus groups C. It is relatively straightforward to determine group consensus D. Non-verbal behaviors can be noted

It is relatively straightforward to determine group consensus

A combination of feelings, thoughts and self-awareness is experienced by an individual at any given moment is known as A. Epoche B. Bracketing C. Essence D. Life World

Life World

Which of the following is most true about survey design? A. The researcher can allow the research questions to evolve throughout the process B. Methodological decisions are contingent on the research questions addressed by the survey C. Sampling procedures are consistent across survey designs D. All of the above

Methodological decisions are contingent on the research questions addressed by the survey

The section often referred to as the "how to" component of the research report is A. Introduction B. Methods C. Results D. Discussion


Quotations are best utilized when A. the information can be summarized or paraphrased B. The original tone of the author is irrelevant C. Phrases of interest are idiosyncratic in nature D. They are in abundance throughout the body of the manuscript

Phrases of interest are idiosyncratic in nature

Critical to research report writing is A. Ensuring the manuscript is 15 pages in length B. Reporting of both supportive and contradicting studies in the overview of relevant research C. Including previous research from all co-authors of the study D. None of the above

Reporting of both supportive and contradicting studies in the overview of relevant research

Data analysis in narrative research is A. Something that is less discussed in the literature on narrative research B. Actually conducted by the participant C. A standard process which means the procedures do not have to be outlined in the final report D. None of the above are true regarding data analysis in narrative research

Something that is less discussed in the literature on narrative research

A mean of 50 is used when calculating A. T Scores B. Normal distribution C. Z scores D. Stanine scores

T scores

Which of the following is most true about reference citations in APA style A. Reference style is not addressed in APA style B. The author and title of the work are cited on the reference page and the author is cited in the body of the paper C. Authorship is to be listed alphabetically when written into the body of the paper D. Proper citations of paraphrased information is still plagiarism

The author and title of the work are cited on the reference page and the author is cited in the body of the paper

Group interviews offer phenomenological researchers A. The opportunity to legitimize findings B. Ways to expedite the research process C. Impersonal methods of data collection D. All of the above

The opportunity to legitimize findings

A primary rationale for utilizing qualitative designs in the field of counseling is A. Qualitative designs are easier to replicate for future research B. The skills taught in counselor training programs are useful in this form of research C. Researchers who use qualitative methods typically receive larger funding opportunities D. Quantitative research has lost the respect of the profession in recent years

The skills taught in counselor training programs are useful in the form of research

According to the text, one type of research question specifically used to guide case study research is the A. Theory building question B. Mixed method question C. Quantitative question D. Compound Question

Theory building question

Which of the following is true about nominal scales A. They range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and rate people's attitudes B. They divide observations into categories and provides measurement by order and rank C. These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value D. The distance between scale points are equal E. They have a true zero point

These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value

Which of the following is true about Likert scales? A. They range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and rate people's attitudes B. They divide observations into categories and provides measurement by order and rank C. These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value D. The distance between scale points are equal E. They have a true zero point

They range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and rate people's attitudes

A single case is best used when the case under consideration is A. previously validated B. extreme or unique C. critical to the validation, expansion, or challenge of a theory D. Able to studied longitudinally

extreme or unique

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are methods to increase survey response rate A. Ensure invited participants are knowledgeable about the subject B. Determine and implement follow up procedures C. Give each participant a chance on a DVD player D. Be sure to pre-notify so that participants will respond reflexively

Be sure to pre-notify so that participants will respond refelxively

Good interviews who conduct research are able to A. Build rapport with participants B. Alter the questions to suit the movement C. Interject their own opinions to help draw out the opinions of others D. A and B

Build rapport with participants

When a researcher wishes to provide a comparison between cases, the best context-oriented type of case study is A. Intrinsic B. Instrumental C. Collective D. Collaboratitive


Ideas that emerge from the phenomena being studied are referred to as A. Coding B. Concepts C. Categories D. Properties


A graduate's score on the NCE is considered a measure of their knowledge and relates to A. Content validity B. Construct validity C. Convergent validity D. Discriminant validity

Content validity

When scores on one test of a variable correlate highly with scores on another test of the same A. Content validity B. Construct validity C. Convergent validity D. Discriminant validity

Convergent validity

The APA style manual directs researchers in ALL BUT WHICH of the following A. Data analysis methods B. Grammar and syntax C. Language bias D. References

Data analysis methods

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are roles of the related literature found in a literature review A. Defining the perimetersof the investigator's field B. Providing perspective for the research question C. Helping the researcher avoid unintentionial replication of previous studies D. Defining APA style

Defining APA style

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are forms of analytic process A. Retelling an individual's story B. Developing implications for further research C. Identifying themes D. Situating the story within a specific setting

Developing implications for further research

When scores on the 16 Personality Factor test do not highly correlate with the Wide Range Achievement Test, one can assume A. Content validity B. Construct validity C. Convergent validity D. Discriminant validity

Discriminant validity

The section most appropriate for drawing conclusions between the current study and existing research is A. Introduction B. Methods C. Results D. Discussion


Important questions to ask when selecting a case include A. Is this case conveniently accessed? B. Does the case represent a culture other than my own? C. Has the case been studied before? D. Does the case represent a unique situation?

Does the case represent a unique situation?

One method suggested in your text of improving scholarly writing ability is to A. Edit the work of others B. Ensure that you are the only editor of your work C. Hyper intellectualize your writing D. Send first drafts to journal editors

Edit the work of others

Theoretical sensitivity specifically refers to the researcher A. Understanding that theory is indefinable and difficult to detect in research situations B. Knowing the direction of inquiry, subtle nuances within the area of study, and what questions to ask C. Knowing when categories are thick or saturated and when data gathering should cease D. Ensuring that he or she is kept up to date on current research in his or her chosen field of study

Knowing the direction of inquiry, subtle nuances within the area of study, and what questions to ask

Characteristics of a given category that add to the contextual understanding are known as A. Coding B. Concepts C. Categories D. Properties


The scientist-practitioner model A. Focuses on the objective assessment of data only B. Focuses on the subjective experience of counseling only C. Provides direction for developing evidenced based treatment practices D. None of the above are true

Provides direction for developing evidence based treatment practices

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are true regarding research reports A. Published reports are occasionally poorly written B. The written report is the permanent record of the research C. Research reports are archival documents for other scientist practitioners D. Research reports are based solely on papers presented at professional conferences

Research reports are based solely on papers presented at professional conferences

Statistical analyses are included in which section of the research report? A. Introduction B. Methods C. Results D. Discussion


Sources that use an extensive review process are generally A. Web based B. Scholarly journals C. Government documents D. Not available to counselors

Scholarly journals

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are considered values of grounded theorists A. The need to get out into the field and discover what is really going on B. The realizations that persons act on the basis of meaning C. The relevance of theory grounded in data to the development of a discipline D. The belief that phenomena and human action are static concepts

The belief that phenomena and human action are static concepts

Survey research is generally conducted for ALL BUT WHICH of the following purposes A. To identify problems or concerns B. To make comparisons or evaluations C. To support current practices D. To capture the lived experiences of participants

To capture the lived experiences of participants

A community counseling program coordinator in a CACREP master's program surveys graduating students annually regarding program perceptions. This is most closely aligned with which survey research design? A. Trend B. Cohort C. Panel D. Cross Sectional


A rule of thumb for survey design is to keep the wording as simple as possible True or False


Cross sectional designs are the most common in survey research True or False


Survey research is a form of descriptive research True or False


Which of the following defines characteristics with more than one attribute or value that can be observed or manipulated A. Hypothesis B. Research Question C. Variables of Interest D. Design

Variables of interest

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are acceptable case study design lines of inquiry? A. What is the racial and ethnic makeup of an elementary school? B. What contributes to the morale of graduate students? C. What factors impact resilience following a hurricane? D. What is the role of the supervisor in the supervisory relationship?

What is the racial and ethnic makeup of an elementary school?

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are reasons to use case study design A. You want to understand how or why a phenomenon exists B. It is important to study the phenomenon within a particular context C. You intend to manipulate the context or behavior of participants D. The study will employ multiple sources of data

You intend to manipulate the context or behavior of participants

ALL BUT WHICH of the following types of data sources are useful in case study research A. Archival Document review B. Interviews and conversations C. Surveys D. All of the above

All of the Above

Participant profiles A. Present data in context B. Can present comparisons among participants C. Create a narrative about categories D. A and B only E. All of the Above

All of the Above

The chapter authors give some guidance to research report writers including A. Practice writing and getting feedback B. Anticipate writing C. Begin to write to overcome writer's block D. All of the Above

All of the Above

Which of the following is true regarding descriptive statistics? A. Mean and standard deviation are forms of descriptive stats B. They serve as a way to understand numerical data C. They indicate basic features of data D. All of the above

All of the Above

The most important component in survey research is A. Developing the research questions B. Determining sample size C. Determining data analysis methods D. Designing survey items

Designing survey items

The constant comparative process suggests that A. Researchers compare their findings to the body of published research within the focus of study B. Continually seeking outside sources ensures that objectivity is preserved during the research process C. Checking out a research idea with other ideas that have been researched prevents duplication of findings D. Emerging themes are held up to the data to strengthen validity of findings

Emerging themes are held up to the data to strengthen validity of the findings

A researcher is interested in studying rural farmer' opinions about cooperative extension services. The researcher is aware that the majority of the target population is lower socioeconomic status. T he best method of survey for this project is A. Mailed B. Electronic C. Both D. Neither


Which of the following types of data typically require larger sample sizes? A. Nominal B. ordinal C. Interval D. Metric-level analysis


Variables such as height, weight, and test score are considered A. Categorical B. Numerical C. Population setting D. Bias reduction


When phenomenological researcher record their thoughts and reactions to the research process, participant responses, and participant non-verbals, they are engaging in what is best known as A. Extraction B. Observations C. Reflective Journaling D. Triangulation


The most complex organizing process in narrative research is A. Ordering themes in a sequence B. Ordering events in a sequence C. Organizing data sequentially D. All of the above

Ordering themes in sequence

When a researcher surveys a group of ten infants who enter into an early intervention program at two months and then again upon their exit from the program at age 5, the method is known as A. Trend B. Cohort C. Panel D. Cross Sectional


The methods section of a research report contains A. Results of the study B. Relevant literature C. Participants, measures, and designs D. The introduction

Participants, measures, design

The Belmont principle that references the concepts that individuals should be treated as autonomous agents and provides protection those with diminished autonomy is A. Respect for persons B. Beneficence C. Justice D. Veracity

Respect for persons

When data points on a particular variable do not conform to a normal curve they are best known as A. A frequency distribution B. Skewed C. Positively skewed D. Negatively skewed E. Symmetrical


ALL BUT WHICH of the following are advantages to electronic surveys over pencil and paper surveys? A. Completed surveys are automatically stored in electronic format B. Survey data is automatically analyzed for the researcher C. Access to larger as well as more culturally diverse samples D. Ease and speed of administration

Survey data is automatically analyzed for the researcher

A form of bias that allows a typically irrelevant trait to influence perceptions of another, typically more relevant, trait is known as A. Halo effect B. Experimenter effect C. Hawthorne effect D. John Henry effect

The Halo Effect

The concept that research participants are more motivated to perform when they know they are being studied is known as A. Halo effect B. Experimenter effect C. Hawthorne effect D. John Henry effect

The Hawthorne effect

One of the major strengths of developing theory through Grounded theory methodology is A. The discovery of action and process B. Existing theory drives the research process C. Data serve as one important source for theory and formulation, but not central to the research process D. The exclusive use of focus groups as the primary data gathering techniques

The discovery of action and process

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are true regarding the use of interviews in survey research? A. High degree of interaction between researcher and participants B. Psychological connection between researcher and participants results in increased depth of information C. The participants are free to make additional comments D. They are less expensive than other means of survey research

They are less expensive than other means of survey research

Which of the following is true about interval scales? A. They range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and rate people's attitudes B. They divide observations into categories and provides measurement by order and rank C. These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value D. The distance between scale points are equal E. They have a true zero point

They distance between scales points is equal

Which of the following is true about ordinal scales? A. They range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and rate people's attitudes B. They divide observations into categories and provides measurement by order and rank C. These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value D. The distance between scale points are equal E. They have a true zero point

They divide observations into categories and provides measurement by order and rank

Which of the following is true about ratio scales? A. They range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and rate people's attitudes B. They divide observations into categories and provides measurement by order and rank C. These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value D. The distance between scale points are equal E. They have a true zero point

They have a true zero point

Researchers may be accused of bias in their writing meaning A. They have reviewed only those studies that support the argument they hope to make with their findings B. The language is gender neutral C. Methodology is incomplete D. All of the Above

They have reviewed only those studies that support the argument they hope to make with their findings

A researcher calculates standard scores using the population mean and standard deviation. The researcher is calculating A. Raw scores B. T scores C Stanine Scores D. Z Scores

Z scores

The 'bridge' in research report writing refers to A. An organized overview of literature that builds an argument for conducting of the study B. Results of the current study C. How the writer answers the question "Why this, why now?" D. A and C only

A and C only

Case study design is most thorough when it is A. Qualitative in nature B. A mixed methods design C. A quantitative design D. Conducted with multiple cases and multiple researchers

A mixed methods design

Some limitations of survey research include A. It does not determine causation B. Heavy reliance on self-report C. Bias is inherent D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is most true about error measurement? A. Some tests contain no error B. All tests contain some error C. Reliability is not influenced by random error D. None of the above are true regarding error in measurement

All tests contain some error

Operationalizing variables simply means that they A. Are categorical B. Are well defined C. Can be manipulated D. Can be easily entered into SPSS

Are well defined

One of the primary applications of counseling research is A. Controlling cognitive distortions B. Improving weight loss C. Smoking cessation D. Improving/controlling behavior

Improving and controlling behavior

Which of the following is true about the literature review in grounded theory? A. It is exhaustive B. It develops an interest in the topic and stimulates questions C. It helps build an argument for hypotheses and lay the foundation for a study D. All of the above

It helps build an argument for hypotheses and lay the foundation for a study

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are true about theory A. It provides a basis for action B. It is applicable only within the context of a particular research study C. It accounts for consistency and variation D. It has both explanatory and predictive power

It is applicable only within the context of the particular research study

When studying the effect of maternal alcohol use and disruptive behavior in children, maternal alcohol use is likely A. A manipulated variable B. Unrelated to the child's disruptive behavior C. Controlled by the researcher D. A selected variable

A selected variable

A transcript in narrative research is A. An exact replication of a spoken conversation B. A translation from one symbol language to another C. Considered analyzed data D. A task that can be delegated to other researchers

A translation from one symbol language to another

Writing about the experience includes A. Exploring literary forms B. Applying literary techniques C. Reading about the experience D. All of the above

All of the Above

Researchers are remiss if they do not include _____________ in the results section A. Discussion points B. A discussion of statistical versus clinical significance C. Effect size D. Both B and C

B and C

An overview of relevant research, also known as a literature review, is important because A. It is an exhaustive and thorough integration of all related research B. The literature review strengthens the framework the researcher uses to approach the study C. It addresses relevant empirical and theoretical research on the topic at hand D. All of the above E. B and C only

B and C only

The strongest implication related to unethical research practices in counseling is A. Concern for client or human participant harm B. Poor research writing/reporting C. Data storage procedures D. A well documented history of client death in counseling research practices

Concern for client or human participant harm

The extent to which a test is an accurate measure of a particular variable is known as A. Content validity B. Construct validity C. Convergent validity D. Discriminant validity

Construct validity

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are competencies to guide researchers who work with individuals from diverse backgrounds A. Counselor use of appropriate intervention strategies B. Counselor fluency in multiple languages C. Counselor awareness of client's world view D. Counselor awareness of own cultural values and biases

Counselor fluency in multiple languages

Narrative research includes a focus on the foreground of the story which is also known as the participant's A. Narrative B. Background text C. Blind area D. Cover story

Cover story

Which of the following is not true about phenomenological research? A. Participants are often considered co-researchers B. Participants must be protected and remain anonymous C. Criterion sampling is employed D. Random sampling methods are employed

Random sampling methods are employed

A step to establish validity in qualitative research that includes incorporating multiple forms of data collection, theories or researchers is known as A. Member checking B. Reflexivity C. Triangulation D. Researcher bias


Existing counseling research is largely based on A. Non-white, low SES participants B. White, middle class, educated participants C. White, under educated participants D. Non-white, middle class, educated participants

White, middle class, educated participants

A primary concern of using a large sample is A. As the number of participants increases, the risk of finding true significance increases B. As the number of participants increases, the risk of finding significance where none exists increases C. It is less likely to be a representative sample of the target population D. None of the above

As the number of participants increases, the risk of finding significance where none exists increases

Responsible conduct of research (RCR) is A. Exemplified in the counselor who follows the ethical codes and maintains research integrity B. Defined as "conducing research in ways that fulfill the professional responsibilities of researchers, as defined by their professional organization, the institutions for which they work, and when relevant, the government and public." C. Required by law D. All of the above D. A and B only

A and B only

Measurement is best defined as A. A classification proposed to describe the nature of information contained within numbers assigned to objects and, therefore, within the variable B. A management system for data C. How a researcher classifies ordinal and nominal data D. The manner in which data is transformed into descriptive statistics

A classification proposed to describe the nature of information contained within numbers assigned to objects and, therefore, within the variable

A researcher is interested in the reliability of a new instrument he has developed. One way of determining reliability is to A. Rank the scores of all participants who pilot the instrument B. Have an expert panel review the content C. Compare scores on the instrument that measures the same constructs D. Administer the same test on two occasions

Administer the same test on two occasions

Which of the following is true regarding triangulation in narrative research? A.It involves the use of multiple methods or investigators to confirm findings B. While recommended, it is rarely discussed C. It is assumed to reduce bias D. All of the above E. A and C only

All of the Above

The narrative researcher relies heavily on language because A. Language Describes Reality B. Language Creates reality C. It is a transparent medium D. All of the Above E. A and C only

All of the above

The authors discuss three types of research reports. Which of the following is not considered a type of research report? A. A. Journal articles B. Dissertations/Theses C. Book Chapters D. Dissertation/Thesis proposals

Book chapters

Characteristics of quality research include ALL BUT WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING A. A focus on a small slice of a large problem B. Being limited in scope C. Broad research questions in order to maximize generalization D. Clearly defined research problem

Broad research questions in order to maximize generalizability

Variables such as religion and sexual orientation are considered A. Categorical B. Numerical C. Quantitative D. Constants


An intentional process whereby the researcher attempts to extract their own biases is known as A. Epoche B. Lebenswelt C. Essence D. Life World


The commonality of lived experiences in phenomenological research is known as A. Epoche B. Lebenswelt C. Essence D. Life world


A common mistake in writing research reports is A. Failing to include the results section B. Failing to follow the publication guidelines C. Co-authorship D. Length

Failing to follow the publication guidelines

Typical manuscript initial review time for journal consideration is 18 months True or False?


Methods of obtaining and recording data including notes, conversations, and artifacts are collectively known as A. Memory boxes B. Field Texts C. Field observations D. Autobiographical writing

Field texts

Important considerations in the development of a methodological plan include ALL BUT WHICH of the following? A. Funding source B. Variable selection C. Population sampling D Bias reduction

Funding source

The SP model was formulated as a way to A. Integrate research and therapy B. Redefine the helping professions C. Increase PhD's in counseling D. Integrate qualitative and quantitative processes

Integrate research and therapy

ALL BUT WHICH of the following are true relative to research report abstracts A. It is a brief but thorough summary of the article B. It is a rarely read element of the research report C. Individual journal guidelines for abstracts may differ from APA manual guidelines D. Abstracts never include information that is not included in the research report

It is a rarely read element of the research report

An important consideration of the research report title is A. It should reflect the desired outcome of the research B. It should ensure that the research can be accessed by those interested in the topic C. Titles are not important in the research report writing process D. The APA manual contains no guidelines relative to titling the research report

It should ensure that the research can be accessed by those interest in the topic

Which of the following is true? A. Small sample sizes are encouraged for studies that may lead to serious consequences if results are incorrect B. Larger sample sizes are recommended when studying homogeneous populations C. Larger sample sizes are recommended when studying heterogeneous populations D. Small sample sizes are recommended when studying heterogeneous populations

Larger sample sizes are recommended when studying heterogeneous populations

Phenomenological researchers do ALL BUT WHICH of the following? A. View people and their world as inextricably linked B. Observe interaction between the person and the world C. Manipulate the variables in the interaction between the person and world D. Focus on the essence of lived experience

Manipulate the variable in the interaction between person and the world

Reporting results of research A. Contains no inherent ethical pitfalls B. Requires accuracy as well as responsibility to report both significant and insignificant results C. Does not require the researcher to be concerned about plagiarism as journal editors will address citation issues D. None of the above

Requires accuracy as well as a responsibility to report both significant and insignificant results

A researcher gives a class of 8th graders a test on basic concepts of conflict resolution at the end of a 6 week psychoeducation group on the topic. The average score on the test is 82. This is known as the A. Mean B. Mode C. Indicator of success of the group D. Normal distribution


A researcher administers an anxiety inventory to group of soldiers returning from active duty. Of the 17 soldiers in the group studied, all score below 30. The 9th person in the study has the next to last lowest score. This score is known as A. Mean B. Mode C. Median D. Outlier


Four levels of measurement proposed by Stevens include ALL BUT WHICH of the following A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Metric E. Ration


The easiest measure of central tendency to calculate is the A. Mean B. Mode C. Median D. Normal distribution


ALL BUT WHICH of the following are primary roles of the phenomenological researcher A. To be the primary instrument of data collection and analysis B. To be the voice of reason during contentious group interviews C. Being open to biased values and beliefs in themselves D. Validate the perspective of the participants

To be the voice of reason during contentious group interviews

Blind review simply means that the reviewers are unaware of who authored the manuscript True or False?


Highlighting a specific case example is typically a goal of what type of research? A. Predictive designs B. Educational research C. Qualitative research D. Quantitative research

Qualitative research

A primary consideration in selecting relevant literature is A. Availability B. Quality C. Multiple Authorship D. Seminal


Obtaining a representative, random, and generalizable sample is typically a goal of what type of research? A. Single subject design B. Educational research C. Qualitative research D. Quantitative research

Quantitative research

An overview of a study that does not go into the methodology in depth is known as a A. Scholarly journal B. Database C. Primary source D. Secondary source

Secondary Source

An introduction to a research report should contain A. Statement of the problem, overview of relevant research, and research questions/hypotheses B. Statement of the problem, participants, and research design C. Research design, procedures, and instruments D. Research design, overview of relevant research, and results

Statement of the problem, overview of relevant research, and research questions/hypotheses

Considerations in determining appropriate sample size for a study generally include ALL BUT WHICH of the following? A. statistical program used to analyze data B. Type of statistical analysis to be employed C. sample sizes in previous studies D. The likelihood of finding a large effect

Statistical program used to analyze data

When a researcher unintentionally influences the study's outcome, it is known as A. Halo effect B. Experimenter effect C. Hawthorne effect D. John Henry effect

The Experimenter effect

When studying the effect of maternal alcohol use and disruptive behavior in children, the child's disruptive behavior is considered A. The independent variable B. The dependent variable C. Unrelated to maternal alcohol use D. Qualitative data

The dependent variable

Common problems in discussion sections include ALL BUT WHICH of the following? A. Failure to delineate limitations to the study B. Going beyond the data C. Weak abstract D. Failure to discuss implications and recommendations

Weak abstract

Instrument selection is largely based on A. When where why and how data will be collected B. Appropriateness of instrument to the population being studied C. Psychometric properties of the instrument D. All of the above

Where/When/How data will be collected, Appropriateness of instrument to the population being studied, and Psychometric properties of the instrument

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