Research Foundations

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Is used to refer to extraneous variables that were not controlled for by the researcher and are the reason a particular result occurred.

Confounding variables

Inductive analysis

Creative synthesis works in conjunction with which analysis strategy?

identify participants who meet the defined criteria; select a group of five or so participants to collect data from

Criterion Sampling Techniques


Cultural themes are at the heart of narrative reports when following which theoretical framework?


Deductive reasoning holds that in order for a conclusion to be true, the ________ must first be true.


Deductive reasoning is used to determine a conclusion utilizing ________.

Is there a need for this type of program?

Describe the following fundamental evaluation question: Needs assessment

Is this program cost-effective?

Describe the following fundamental evaluation question: efficiency assessment

Did this program have an impact on its intended targets?

Describe the following fundamental evaluation question: impact assessment

Is this program conceptualized in a way that it should work?

Describe the following fundamental evaluation question: theory assessment

Attention is paid to process. Researcher assumes change is ongoing whether the focus is on an individual, an organization, a community, or an entire culture; therefore, the researcher is mindful of—and attentive to—system and situation dynamics.

Dynamic systems

identify; objective

Education researchers first ____________ issues to explore and then determine a research ____________.

Researcher adopts an empathic stance in interviewing seeks vicarious understanding without judgment (neutrality) by showing openness, sensitivity, respect, awareness, and responsiveness. In observation this means being fully present (mindful).

Empathic neutrality and mindfulness


Empirical knowledge is primarily developed through observation and _____________.

A statement based on observation, experiment, or experience.

Empirical statement

The idea that all knowledge comes from experience.


Known as the "theory of knowledge and its justification."


- Relativism - Individual/group justification - Varying standards - Social construction

Epistemology (theory of knowledge)

AKA Random Sampling

Equal probability of selection method =

Inferential statistics

Estimation is a branch of __________ _________.

Describing cultural characteristics of a group of people.


The use of ______________ is used to support a theory or concept.


Enables researcher to identify causal relationships because it allows researchers to observe, under controlled conditions, the effects of systematically changing one or more variables.

Experimental research

involves manipulating variables in a controlled environment to isolate the causal effects of a particular variable or set of variables. Experimental and Quasi-experimental fall into this class of research methods. They are used to address causal research questions.

Experimental research

Generalizability of the study to the population

External Validity

Confounding variables

Extraneous variables that become intertwined with the independent variable are know as ____________.

Rating scales

For researchers looking to gather information regarding study participants opinions, which of the following tools would be recommended?

Is concerned with developing judgments of how a program can be improved and aids developers and staff design and implement programs.

Formative evaluation

Inductively generating a theory describing a phenomena

Grounded Theory

select a small group of participants who fit a narrow topic; collect data from chosen participants

Homogeneous Sampling Techniques


If a sample resembles the population from which it was drawn in all respects, except for total size, it is considered

A biased sample

If quantitative researchers utilize a nonrandom sample, it is also known as what?

Rating scales - rating scales provide a quantitative fram for data that would otherwise be more qualitative in nature.

In conducting survey research studies, what tool is often used to collect data on participants attitudes?

Lack of extraneous variables

In considering two-variable correlational and causal-comparative research studies, which of the following is not an important problem to consider?

Independent Dependent

In correlational research, both the ____________ and _________ variables are quantitative.


Independent Variable


Inductive / Deductive All books sold at that store are new, and all the books I bought came from that store. Therefore, all the books I own are new.


Inductive / Deductive Every day, I leave for work in my car and arrive 45 minutes later. This has been the case when I leave at 7:00, 7:30, and 7:45. Therefore, if I leave for work at eight o'clock, I will arrive at approximately 8:45.

Deductive reasoning

Inductive / Deductive The two leading premises are true and verifiable, and since the conclusion is directly drawn from both, this is an example of __________ ___________.


Inductive / Deductive Today, I left for work at eight o'clock and I arrived on time. Therefore, every day that I leave the house at eight o'clock, I will arrive to work on time.

Mediating variable

Intervening variables are also known as what?

Understanding Description Descriptive Explanation Prediction Influence Integration

List research objectives

Qualitative studies can often suffer from which limitation?

Lower credibility with some authorities

An intervention studied by an experimenter


planned a strategy for working through the course

Margot does not give much thought to how she approaches Research Foundations; she just goes to a unit, tries a few activities, then does the Checkpoint. Sometimes she does well, sometimes she does not. She is really not sure how she will do on the final exam. Margot has not


Match each description with the method of data collection it describes. Data gathered by researcher talking to individual participants

designs include correlational (studies that look at relationships between variables), predictive (studies that examine prediction of future levels of a variable), and causal-comparative methods (studies that examine how different pre-existing groups vary on a variable or variables).

Non-experimental research


Nonexperimental methods tend to be ________ for establishing definitive conclusions without the presence of manipulation.

No manipulation of an independent variable, no random assignment to groups by the researcher - as random assignment is only possible in the strongest of the experimental designs.

Nonexperimental research

Causal comparative & correlational

Nonexperimental research is traditionally separated into what 2 main categories?


Nonrandom samples are said to be_______ samples because they are almost always systematically different from the population on certain characteristics.

- Subjective - Mental - Personal - Constructed


complex situations

Qualitative approaches are very useful in exploring ___________ __________.

Supply method (fill in the blank)

Qualitative instrument =

Discovery oriented; conducted in natural setting; tends to use the exploratory scientific method to generate hypotheses and develop understandings about particular people, places, and groups

Qualitative research


Qualitative research focuses on studying particular people, groups, schools, and places


Qualitative research is just the opinion of the researcher and is based only on idiosyncratic and anecdotal information

emergent fluid

Qualitative research is often said to be an _____________ or ____________ type of research.

in repeated cycles over time

Qualitative researchers often conduct data collection and analysis _______________ during the study process

exploratory method

Qualitative researchers typically pursue an __________ ________ which allows them to move from observations to data to descriptions/patterns and possibly to theory.

criterion-based or purposive

Qualitative sampling is often referred to as ____________ or ____________.

Selection method (choose an option)

Quantitative instrument -=

In qualitative data collection, which term refers to participants' self-reporting instruments?


Is the philosophical idea that reason is the primary source of knowledge.

Reasoning or rationalism

Inductive method

Reasoning that something will happen based on past experience is an ____________ _________, and one that often involves the word "probably".

Numerical data

Researchers choosing a quantitative research approach collect what type of data to test hypotheses?


Researchers conducting a qualitative study focus on exploring the world as it __________ occurs in order to capture participants' perspectives

1. Randomly select a sample from a defined population. 2. Determine the sample characteristics 3. Infer the characteristics of the population based on the sample.

Researchers doing descriptive research commonly follow these three steps:

Inductive reasoning

Since previous experience is providing the premise for expectations, this is an example of __________ _____________.

decide how many participants are needed, let initial participants recruit additional participants that fit the researcher's requirements until the desired number is reached

Snowball Sampling Techniques

Examining how individuals interact and relate to one another and how groups and individuals effect one another. Example: Middle school cliques

Social psychological factors

Examining how groups from and change; documenting the characteristics of groups; studying intergroup relations; and studying group-level phenomena, such as cultural, social, political, familial, and economic institutions. example: High school student government relations.

Sociological factors

outcome variable

Sometimes researchers call the dependent variable an __________ ________or a _______ _______ because it is used to measure the effect of one or more independent variables.

Statistical relation between variables (analysis)

Statistical Conclusion Validity


Studies seeking to explore unique phenomenon are endeavoring to provide a clear and defensible ___________ of the situation to researchers and peers.

Literature review, research design, data analysis, and report research

The domain of educational research consists of what four essential phases?

logic of discovery

The exploratory method follows a "__________ ___ _______" that advocates looking at the world and attempting to generate ideas and construct theories about how it operates.

inductive method

The exploratory method is sometimes call the ___________ _________ because it moves from the "particular to the general."


The exploratory method is the ____________-__________ approach.


The results of a study showed that as daily cholesterol consumption increases, life expectancy tends to decrease. What type of correlation can be seen in this result?


The ultimate _________ of most social, behavioral, and educational research is improvement of the world or social betterment.


The ultimate goal of exploratory research is to provide what for researchers?

The rule of parsimony

Theories A and B provide explanations for variance in students' academic performance. Both theories explain performance well; however, Theory A is more concise and succinct. Which approach for evaluation quality is applied to determine that Theory A is preferred for explaining the phenomenon?

The Happy Days Past

Theory ⇒Hypotheses, Predictions ⇒ Observations, Data ⇒ Patterns, Descriptions

1. Outcomes that would support (or "confirm") the theory. 2. Outcomes that would not support ("not confirm") the theory.

There must be what 2 possible outcomes for empirical research?


True / False It is crucial to remember that inductively based conclusions have not been proven to be true.


True or False Qualitative analysis is a narrowly-focused process

1. Ontology 2. Epistemology 3. View of Thought & Behavior 4. Research Focus

What 4 general categories make up the underlying assumptions relevant to all qualitative studies?

1. Personal experience and engagement 2. Empathic neutrality and mindfulness 3. Dynamic systems

What are the 3 Principles of Qualitative Data Collection?


What is the emphasis of action science (AS), as a form of action research?

Statistical generalizations about populations - Radom samples are very useful for creating statistical generalizations about populations.

When based on random samples, quantitative research is very useful for making what?

Sample relationship; Time order

When designing a mixed methods study, which two factors must a researcher consider when combining qualitative and quantitative approaches? Choose 2 answers

Changes in the independent variable causing changes in the dependent variable.

When determining a cause-and-effect relationship between variables, what has to be present?

Evaluation research

When interventions aimed at improving various conditions are implemented, ___________ ___________ is often carried out.


When quantitative researchers establish the rate of environmental factor rates, which of the following processes take place?

Voice, perspective and reflexivity

Which analysis strategy contends that "complete objectivity is impossible"?


Which research activity is occurring when a researcher assigns numerical scores to achievement tests by adding up the total number of correct answers?


Which research approach views research with the attitude of being both a practitioner and a researcher?


Which scale of measurement has a true zero point?

Peer-reviewed journal article; Research proposal; Research report

Which three documents would include an APA-style literature review? Choose 3 answers

Distribution is negatively skewed; Mean is less than the median

Which two properties can be attributed to this distribution? Choose two answers

David Hume

Who pointed out the problem of induction?


____________ in qualitative research empahsizes individuals' personal realities and truths rather than objective or universal ones.


____________ research seeks to consolidate the insights and opinions of insiders (emic perspectives) to understand the entirety of a situation.


____________ research studies seek to determine cause-and-effect relationships among variables, and pattern creation is indicative of this.

Creative synthesis

______________ ____________ occurs after a researcher has inductively analyzed available data for patterns and themes, thereby providing content for synthesis.

These notes would later be condensed for analysis; this process of condensing qualitative data for analysis is referred to as coding.


refers to the use of multiple forms of data to capture a single phenomenon.

data triangulation

presumed to be influenced by one or more independent variables

dependent variable

Examples of research objectives...

describe, understand or explain a phenomenon, or to influence and integrate a new policy or change.

studies are interested in testing hypotheses and theories that explain the functions of a phenomenon in detail

explanatory research

Educational researchers first __________ ________ to explore and then determine a research ______________.

identify issues objective

occurs between two other variables in a chain of cause-and-effect.

intervening (or mediating) variable

involves the use of multiple observers to record and describe the research participants' behavior and context.

investigator triangulation

refers to the use of a mix of methods for organizing the study and collecting data with an objective of combining different methods that have non-overlapping weaknesses and strengths.

method triangulation

The researcher's inherent understanding of reality and truth as perceived by the researchers themselves.


studies in order to predict the future status of one or more dependent (or criterion) variables on the basis of one or more independent (or predictor) variables.

predictive research


relationship is bidirectional with both the cause and the effect affecting one another in a relationship in which neither can be assigned as causes or effects.

resembles the population that it came from on all characteristics (the proportions of males and females, teachers and non-teachers, young and old people, and so forth) except total size. In other words, a representative sample is like the population except that it is smaller.

representative sample

Throughout the next two phases—_______________ _________ and ___________ ____________ —researchers plan out and collect data related to their research objectives.

research design and data analysis

The process of drawing a sample from a population


"Positivism" is a belief that all true knowledge must be based on __________________.


An approach to the generation of knowledge holding empirical data in high regard and follows certain norms and practices that developed over time, because of their usefulness.


is defined as a condition or characteristic that can take on different values or categories such as age, grade point average, test scores, and gender.


A constant is a single value of the larger variable group.

A constant represents what in relation to a variable?

Amount of variables

A correlation coefficient provides valuable information, except for which of the following?

mixes research methods with nonoverlapping strengths and weaknesses

A researcher who utilizes methods triangulation __________.

Focused on addressing and solving specific problems which local practitioners confront in their schools and communities, conducting research directly within the classroom or work environment.

Action research

Where was the study conducted?

All of the following are example of a critical thinking question in educational research, except ___________?

Used mixed methods to align both the strengths and limitations of each approach.

An action researcher designs a study that has weak internal validity. What might the researcher do to help strengthen the research?

External validity

An analysis of how well a study is designed to rule out alternative causal factors looks at a study's __________.

what efforts were taken to reduce the effects of bias, as prejudice can seriously hinder the results and validity of the study.

An important critical thinking question to ask regarding research studies is __________________________.

Educational research

An important task of __________ ________ is to identify the predictable part of the world in order to generate findings that will apply to more than one person, group, context, or situation.

wanting to determine cause-and-effect relationships under controlled conditions

An investigator decided that a quantitative research study would be appropriate. Which of these factors would have led to this decision?


An overall limitation of external validity in qualitative research is the use of ______________ sampling techniques.


An overall strength of qualitative research is the yield of ______________.

purposive sampling

Another term for criterion-based selection is -Select-

Focuses on answering real-world, practical questions in order to provide relatively immediate solutions.

Applied research

Experimental studies

As explanatory research seeks to clarify specific situations or events, __________ _________ are the most consistent and strongest form.

Changes in the independent variable cause changes in the dependent variable.

Assuming the effects of extraneous variables have been accounted for, a cause-and-effect relationship between variables is present when what occurs?

Compare different variations of some phenomenon to identify the cause of something. Example: Does variation in amount of homework assigned produce a change in students' test performance.

Causal questions...

Empirical statement

"I know the car is blue because I saw it." is an example of an _____________ __________

1. Purpose 2. Research Questions 3. Assumptions 4. Sampling Methods 5. Data Collection Methods 6. Research Methods 7. Quality Criteria 8. Data Analysis 9. Report Writing

(Qualitative) Components of the Research Process

Why is educational research important?

- the development of evaluation and critical thinking skills. - gain knowledge of and learn how to apply these techniques.

Inferential statistics use data gathered through sampling to estimate characteristics of the larger population.

1. In inferential statistics, sample data are used to estimate what?


1. Quantitative research is most useful for determining cause-and-effect relationships when _________ assignment is used.

The domain of educational research (the big picture) consists of four essential phases:

1. literature review 2. research design 3. data analysis 4. report research

No correlation

3. A researcher conducted a correlational research study on the change in technology prices and homelessness rates in inner city areas. The resulting data showed a correlation of 0.0. This is an example of what?

negative correlation

A ___________ __________ is present when the scores on two variables tend to move in opposite directions - one variable goes up, the other tends to go down.

A constant is a single value of the larger variable group

A constant represents what in relation to a variable?

Directional is not the answer

A correlation coefficient provides valuable information, except for which of the following?

positive correlation

A number greater than zero indicates a _________ ________.

negative correlation

A number less than zero means there is a __________ __________.

Narrative data

A primary goal of quantitative research is to test hypotheses, which is accomplished through the employment of which of the following?

A question about the relationship that exists between two or more variables. Common forms are descriptive, predictive, and causal research questions,

A quantitative research question is...

Where was the study conducted?

A question that is NOT an example of critical thinking is?

TRUE, By focusing on the effectiveness of the program in the specific situation, this study clearly demonstrates an influence objective.

A research study examining the effectiveness of a new pilot program in TSB University's College of Arts & Humanities is reflective of an influence objective.

positive correlation

A researcher conducted a correlational research study on the relation of texting while driving and traffic accidents. The results showed that high amounts of texting was associated with high amounts of traffic accidents. This is an example of a __________.

Grounded Theory

A researcher interviews 20-30 women who are in abusive relationships and from this research she develops a theory to explain the dynamics of abusive relationships. This would likely be an example of which type of qualitative research?


A researcher interviews college students to learn more about their experiences of learning from bad instructors. This would be an example of which type of qualitative research?

Research literature

A researcher is seeking out multiple studies on a specific topic. What is the most applicable to their search.

source, unexplained, arbitrarily

A researcher plans a study to investigate the _________ of an ___________ sinkhole problem in a geological region where this has occurred ____________.


A researcher wants to test a specific hypothesis and applies random assignment for the study. Which quantitative research method should be used for this study?


A study that intends to describe the shared beliefs and practices of individuals living in a community in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains would be an example of which type of qualitative research?


A team of educational researchers plan to conduct a local study in the community in order to resolve a critical problem at hand. What variety of research does this represent?

purposive sampling

A type of sampling in which the researcher specifies the characteristics of the population of interest and locates individuals with those characteristics is called

Moderator variable

A variable which controls the change in relationship between the IV and DV is known as which of the following?

Moderator variable

A variable which controls the change of relationship between the IV and DV is known as ___________ ___________.

Overly abstract theories

A weakness of quantitative research studies is the possibility of producing what?

Focus group

A/An ____________is a small group of research participants discussing issues in one setting at the same time.

American Educational Research Association


provide a concise breakdown of article goals, methods, and tentative results researchers choose to include.


- Selection of educational and social problems in need of attention. - Collection of empirical data - Open discussion of finding, integrity, honesty, competence, systematic inquiry, empathic neutrality - Respect toward research participants - A healthy skepticism toward results and explanations - A sense of curiosity and openness to discovery - The active search for negative evidence (e.g., instances that do not fit your emerging or current explanation of a phenomenon. - The careful examination of alternative explanations for the findings. - Adherence to the principle of evidence

Agreed-on Norms and Practices

1. Was this study conducted as an experiment? 2. Were study participants purposefully selected or outside volunteers? 3. How were participants assigned to observation groups?

All the following are examples of a critical thinking question in educational research.


Applied research (e.g., action research) seeks to answer questions in a ______-________ setting.

Is aimed at generating fundamental knowledge and theoretical understanding about primary human function and other natural processes.

Basic research

What method of research allows qualitative studies' explanations to develop throughout the process?


Focuses on solving local problems that practitioners face

Bubble Definition: Action

Focuses on real-world questions and applications

Bubble Definition: Applied

Focuses on generating fundamental knowledge

Bubble Definition: Basic

Focuses on deciding the worth/quality of intervention programs

Bubble Definition: Evaluation

Focuses on reducing inequality and giving voice to disadvantaged

Bubble Definition: Orientational

critical; evidence; bias

By studying educational research, students develop ___________ thinking skills. This allows them to ask questions regarding ____________ presented. We can evaluate other elements of the studies as well, such as efforts to reduce effects of _________ or steps taken to control influence of outside variables.

critical, evidence, bias

By studying educational research, students develop _____________ thinking skills. This allows them to ask questions regarding ____________ presented. We can evaluate other elements of the studies as well, such as efforts to reduce effects of _________ or steps taken to control influence of outside variables.

Addressing research questions through in-depth analysis

Case Study


Causal-comparative research is a _____________ research method

Qualitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. CASE STUDY

Qualitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. ETHNOGRAPHY

Quantitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. EXPERIMENTAL

Qualitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. GROUNDED THEORY

Quantitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. NONEXPERIMENTAL

source; unexplained; arbitrarily

Complete the following research study statement with terms that would indicate the use of an exploratory objective. A researcher plans a study to investigate the __________ of an ___________ sinkhole problem in a geological region where this has occurred ____________.

ascertain patterns regarding preschool attendance and effectiveness of preschool instruction in kindergarten performance

Complete the following statement with the most appropriate predictive research objective. A school district asked researchers to collect data from two schools' kindergarten students and parents regarding preschool attendance and experience in order to __________.

The degree the study measures what it is intended to measure.

Construct Validity

Critical thinking

Consumers of research can evaluate the strength of a study's evidence by using __________ _____________.

Researcher places findings in a social, historical, and temporal context and is careful about, even dubious of, the possibility or meaningfulness of generalizations across time and space. Emphasizes instead careful comparative case analyses and extrapolating patterns for possible transferability to and adaptation in new settings.

Context sensitivity


Data collected in qualitative research are analyzed and interpreted and then written using a _______ report style that is less formal and includes description and direct quotations.

triangulated and thematic

Data collection and analysis in qualitative studies are often ______________________.

Process of drawing a conclusion that is essentially true if the underlying premises are true.

Deductive reasoning


Dependent variable

Was this program implemented properly and according to the program plan?

Describe the following fundamental evaluation question: implementation assessment

an attempt to describe the characteristics of a phenomenon


Identify the degree of relationship Example: What is the relationship between amount of time studied and grades for high school students?

Descriptive questions seek to ___________ that exists between two or more variables.

takes the description objective to a deeper level, seeking to provide an accurate description or picture of the status or characteristics of a situation or phenomenon.

Descriptive research

How much? How Often? What changes over time or over different situations?

Descriptive research questions seek to answer questions such as...

After selecting a research topic, what is the next major step in the process of a qualitative study?

Determine research questions

Insider's perspective; Meanings and views of people being studied; getting inside the heads of group members; ex. local languages, forms of expression, jargon/slang,

Emic Perspective

External, social scientific perspective; perspective of objective researcher; use social scientific concepts, terms and procedures to describe and explain behavior; used to bring research questions from outside.

Etic Perspective

Is often carried out to determine how well social or educational programs work in real-world settings, as well as any improvement possibilities.

Evaluation Research

Nonexperimental research

Evidence gathered ___________ ________ is severely limited and much weaker than evidence gathered in ___________ _________.

Major Premise: Socrates is dead. Minor Premise: Socrates was a man. Conclusion: Therefore, Man Is mortal.

Example of inductive reasoning

Empirical knowledge

Experience and observation are the fundamental basis for __________ ____________.

Which theoretical framework utilizes coding to build explanatory models during the data analysis phase?

Grounded Theory

The whole phenomenon under study is understood as a complex system that is more than the sum of its parts. The focus is on complex interdependencies and system dynamics that cannot meaningfully be reduced to a few discrete variables and linear, cause-effect relationships.

Holistic perspective

The purpose statement names variables to be studied while the research question asks what type of relationship exists between variables.

How does a statement of purpose differ from a research question in a quantitative study?

Test specific hypotheses about populations based on their sample data

Hypotheses testing

Inferential statistics

Hypotheses testing is a branch of ________ _________.


Identify whether the following are strengths or limitations of qualitative research. Examination of complex processes


Identify whether the following are strengths or limitations of qualitative research. Explanatory theory


Identify whether the following are strengths or limitations of qualitative research. Influence of researcher's bias


Identify whether the following are strengths or limitations of qualitative research. Time-consuming


Identify whether the following are strengths or limitations of quantitative research. Constructed theory validation


Identify whether the following are strengths or limitations of quantitative research. Nomothetic causation

Strength Being able to collect quantitative data in a relatively quick manner adds a definite strength to the overall research method.

Identify whether the following are strengths or limitations of quantitative research. Relatively quick data collection


Identify whether the following are strengths or limitations of quantitative research. Unobserved phenomena


If random sampling is required to test a given hypothesis, which method of quantitative research would be most effective?


If someone is using inductive reasoning to conclude something will happen based on many previous observations, they are using __________ form of reasoning.


In a quantitative research report, evaluation of the study results is found in the _________ section.


In data collection of quantitative studies, nonrandom samples are also referred to as what?

Summative evaluation

In deciding on whether a particular community program should be continued, what technique should a policymaker employ?

1. Were the researchers applying knowledge to make something useful happen in the world? 2. Were the researchers checking a "demonstration program" to see if it works in practiced

In examining a possible influence objective study, what two questions should be considered?


In experimental studies, researchers manipulate the independent variable?


In order to focus in on a single or select few factors of a given situation, quantitative researchers use a _______________ lens.

Instrument of data collection

In qualitative research the researcher is said to be the __________ ____ ______ _________.

research methods

In qualitative research, "theoretical frameworks" refers to

Perfect negative correlation

In research study results in a correlation of -1.00, what relationship is present between the independent and dependent variables?


Inductive / Deductive The water at the beach has been about 75 degrees anytime I visit in July. Today is Juy 15th, so I expect the water will be about 75 degrees when I go to the beach tomorrow.

Researcher seeks immersion in the details and specifics of the data to discover important patterns, themes, and interrelationships. Begins by exploring, then confirming; is guided by analytical principles rather than rules. Study ends with a creative synthesis.

Inductive analysis and creative synthesis

Holds that the foundational premises act as helpful, but not decisive reasons towards acceptance of a conclusion.

Inductive reasoning


Inductive reasoning often involves ___________ reasoning.

Attempting to apply research to make certain outcomes occur, is an objective, which refers to the application of research knowledge to control various aspects of the world.


attempting to apply research to make certain outcomes occur, is an objective, which refers to the application of research knowledge to control various aspects of the world.


Involves consolidating insights from multiple investigators, theories/perspectives, sets of data, methods in order to understand a given entity of study, such as a school, or a classroom, or populations.


compare two or more levels of the topic (e.g., good vs. bad students); select two groups of about 20 participants from each of the two levels

Intensity Sampling Techniques

The strength of the research design in ruling out other possible causes to the outcome.

Internal Validity

Internal validity refers to the strength of the design in ruling out alternative causes and allowing the researcher to draw conclusions about the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Internal validity

Mediating variables

Intervening variables are also known as what?

Which of the following is NOT a common objective of qualitative research?

Laboratory experimentation

- knowledge produced might not generalize - difficult to make quantitative predictions

Limitations of Qualitative Research

1. There is a world that can be studied. 2. Some of the world is unique, some of it is regular or predictable, and much of it is dynamic and complex. 3. The unique, the regular, and the complex in the world can all be examined and studied by researchers. 4. Researchers should try to follow certain agreed-upon norms and practices. 5. It is possible to distinguish between more and less plausible claims and good and poor research. 6. Science cannot provide answers to all questions.

List the 6 basic assumptions to research

- Theory - Hypotheses, Predictions - Observation, Data - Patterns, Descriptions

List the Key Features of Science

Focus group

Match each description with the method of data collection it describes. Data gathered by discussing issues with multiple research participants at the same time in a small-group setting


Match each description with the method of data collection it describes. Data obtained by having participants fill out an instrument or perform a behavior designed to measure their ability or degree of skill


Match each description with the method of data collection it describes. Data obtained by having research participants fill out self-report instruments

Narrative inquiry

Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Account that includes patterns, connection, and insights uncovered


Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Extensive description of physical and social settings aimed at holistic understanding

Case study

Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Holistic narrative that triangulates data and places study into a meaning context.

Grounded Theory

Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Methodological description followed by proposed idea built during the study


Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Rich narrative that lets readers experience phenomenon through eyes of participants

Intervening variables

Mediating variables are also known as what?


Metacognition: Jump straight to the activities without reading the text. For each activity, select different answer choices to see if they are right or wrong and read the feedback that appears.


Metacognition: Jump straight to the first activity and, if he cannot answer it, go back to the beginning of the unit to read the text.


Metacognition: Read the unit straight through from the beginning and do the activities as they come up.


Metacognition: Read the unit straight through from the beginning, but skip the activities.

plan an effective strategy for working through the course.

Metacognition: Rudolfo anticipates a very busy semester, so he completes the entire Research Foundations course in the first month of the semester, passing each Checkpoint easily. While this frees up his time for other courses, he finds that when he goes to take the final exam a few months later, he has forgotten a lot of what he learned. Rudolfo failed to

Describing people's lives/stories to add to our understanding

Narrative Inquiry

An established "strength" of qualitative research occurs when data collected in what kind of setting?


Studying real-world situations as they unfold naturally in a non-manipulative and non-controlling way (without predetermined constraints on findings)

Naturalistic inquiry


Of the different forms of explanatory research, __________ studies are generally believed to be the strongest for establishing cause-and-effect relationships.


On which principle do mixed methods researchers base their design and research?

Whether mixed research is appropriate for the research question.

Once a mixed approach has been selected, what must researchers consider in constructing their research design?

Focuses on collecting information to aid in advancing a specific ideological, political position or orientation, which a researcher believes will improve society.

Orientational research

"giving voice"

Orientational research focuses on "_________ ________" and increased power to the parties considered disadvantaged in society, with researchers concerned with such issues as social discrimination and the inequitable distribution of power and wealth in society.


Overly abstract theories are considered what in terms of quantitative research strengths and limitations.


Overly abstract theories are considered what in terms of quantitative research strengths and limitations?

properly assess the task

Pablo has a busy semester, and he does not want to give too much time to Research Foundations. So he puts off working through the course, figuring that he will spend a couple of weeks at the end of the semester doing it all at once. In the end, he fails the final exam. His principal mistake was that he did not

adjust her approach

Penelope has worked her way through the entire Research Foundations course by skipping the text and jumping straight to the activities, which she enjoys. When she does not get an answer right on one of the activities, she tries the other answers until she discovers the correct one. Unfortunately, she does not pass the final exam and has to retake it. "Oh well," she sighs. "Back to the drawing board." Once again, she opens the first unit, skips the text, and goes straight to the activities. Penelope has failed to

Researcher has direct contact with and gets close to the people, situation, and phenomenon under study. The researcher's personal experiences and insights are an important part of the inquiry and critical to understanding the phenomenon.

Personal experience and engagement

Thought & Behavior

Perspectives on _________________ in qualitative studies are fluid and highly contextualized in qualitative research, providing researchers with many situational perspectives.

Purpose: Describing individual(s) experience of phenomena Disciplinary Origin: Philosophy Data Collection & Analysis: Interview data are searched for significant statements that capture the essence of participants' perceptions and experiences. Research Report: Rich narrative allowing readers to vicariously experience the phenomena through the eyes of the participants.


~ Historical intellectual movement that constructs its self-image in opposition to modernism ~ Emphasizes the primacy of individuality, difference, fragmentation, flux, constant change, lack of foundations for thought, and interpretation.


Historical intellectual movement that rejects universal truth and emphasizes differences, deconstruction, interpretation, and the power of ideas over people's behavior.


As a research objective seeks to forecast a phenomenon, where in there is an association made between two points in time.


as a research objective seeks to forecast a phenomenon, wherein there is an association made between two points in time.


Whether one or more variables can be used to predict some future outcome. Example: Does parental education level predict students' propensity to drop out of high school.

Predictive questions ask...

Studies in order to predict the future status of one or more dependent (or criterion) variables on the basis of one or more independent (predictor) variables.

Predictive research

variable (patterns)

Predictive research focuses heavily on the establishment of _____________.

Stating what is probable to occur, not what will necessarily occur, thereby opening himself or herself up to a risk of being wrong.

Probabilistic form of reasoning

Although something might have happened many times in the past, it is still possible that it will not happen in the future. In other words, the future might not resemble the past.

Problem of induction

Characteristics of individuals and individual-level phenomena. Example: disabilities

Psychological factors

involves the standardization of observational procedures in order to obtain reliable quantitative data, such as counts or frequencies and percentages.

Quantitative observation

Why observations take place.

Quantitative observation involves the standardization of all observational procedures, including all of the following except what?

Who is being observed

Quantitative observation involves the standardization of all observational procedures, including what 2?

Completed under controlled conditions; uses confirmatory scientific method focusing on hypothesis testing and theory testing; hope to find common patterns in thought and behavior and to generalize broadly

Quantitative research

Experimental research & Non-experimental research

Quantitative research can be divided into two broad classes of research methods

Non-experimental & Experimental

Quantitative research is divided into what two broad categories of design.

One or two causal factors are focused on

Quantitative research is often noted for using a "narrow-angle" lens on study topics. Which of the following would be an explanation for this?

Truth is objective

Quantitative research's ontology has many characteristic, including which of the following

Empirical data

Quantitative researchers are tasked with testing hypotheses through the application of what?

Myth - quantitative researchers avoid including personal bias in their studies, as this can interfere with experimental situations or survey results.

Quantitative researchers focusing on individual phenomena make a concerted effort to incorporate as much personal bias as possible.


Quantitative researchers most often follow what scientific method to test hypotheses?

confirmatory method

Quantitative researchers traditionally follow the _________ __________ as they move from theory to hypotheses to data to conclusions.

given a pool of participants, decide how many of them can reasonably be dealt with in the study, and randomly select this number to participate. (small samples)

Random Purposive Sampling Techniques

is a procedure that makes assignments to groups or conditions on the basis of chance and in this way maximizes the probability that the comparison groups will be equated on all extraneous variables.

Random assignment

Analysis, logic

Reason involves thinking about an idea or situation and developing an understanding through ___________ and ___________.

-Wide-angle and "deep-angle" lens - Examining breadth & depth of phenomena - Not interested in generalizing beyond individuals/groups studied

Research Focus

The Exploratory arrow

Research Wheel Figure: Which arrow represents the inductive method?

Emic Perspective and Etic Perspective

Researchers seeking an integration objective must consider what two key perspectives?

Qualitative researchers try to understand multiple layers of reality in research settings. Which of the following is NOT an example of one of these layers?

Results from outside studies

criterion of falsifiability

Sir Karl Popper is know for what?

- naturalistic settings - describing complex phenomena -cross-case comparisons - embedded in local contexts - dynamic processes - explanatory theory - interpret constructs - changes that occur during conduct of study - words and categories of participants - idiographic causation

Strengths of Qualitative Research

Focuses on cultivating judgments of a program's effectiveness and any decisions regarding continuation.

Summative evaluation

A. How anxious do you feel when you go to the dentist? (A) Not anxious at all (B) A little anxious (C) Somewhat anxious (D) Very Anxious

Tests are a common means of data collection in quantitative research. There are times when an interview or questionnaire is used to collect data in a quantitative study. For each of the following sets of questions, select which one would be more likely to be part of an interview protocol or questionnaire for a quantitative research project.

A. In your opinion, typically how fresh is the produce at your grocery store? (A) very (B) average (C) poor (D) do not know

Tests are a common means of data collection in quantitative research. There are times when an interview or questionnaire is used to collect data in a quantitative study. For each of the following sets of questions, select which one would be more likely to be part of an interview protocol or questionnaire for a quantitative research project.

1. Phenomenology 2. Grounded Theory 3. Case Study 4. Narrative Inquiry 5. Ethnography

The Five Major Theoretical Frameworks or Qualitative Research Methods

exploratory method

The ______ ______ focuses on theory discovery, generation, and construction.

confirmatory method

The ________ ________ can be thought of as a top-down approach.

confirmatory method

The ________ _________ focuses on theory testing or justification.

Research Focus

The _________ _______ of qualitative studies involve a "wide-angle" lens to capture the entirety of a phenomenon.


The _________ of qualitative research contends that knowledge is socially constructed and relativistic.

The Big Picture

The binding force amongst all of the concepts, activities, units, and courses.

general theory, testing

The confirmatory method emphasizes the process of starting with a ________ ______ and ________ it with particular data.

logic of justification

The confirmatory method follows a "________ ___ _______" that promotes testing theories and hypotheses with new data to see if they are justified.

deductive method

The confirmatory method is sometimes call the ________ ______ because it moves from the "general to the particular."


The objective of the majority of educational research is __________________.


The process by which environmental factors are isolated in order to determine rate of a specific process is known as what?

1. Tests 2. Questionnaires 3. Interviews 4. Focus groups 5. Observation 6. Constructed and secondary or existing data

The six most common methods of data collection by quantitative researchers

1. Were the researchers trying to develop a theory about a phenomenon to explain how and why it operates as it does? 2. Were the researchers trying to explain how phenomena operate by identifying cause-and-effect relationships?

To determine whether EXPLANATION was the primary objective of a particular research study, what 2 questions can be asked?

1. Were the researchers primarily describing a phenomenon? 2. Were the researchers documenting the characteristics of some phenomenon?

To determine whether description was the main objective of a particular research study, what two questions can be asked?

1. Were the researchers studying a phenomenon or some aspect of a phenomenon about which little was previously known. 2. Did the researchers choose to study a phenomenon without any preconceived notions? 3. Were the researchers trying to "discover" important factors or "generate" new ideas for further research?

To determine whether understanding was the objective of a particular study, what three questions could be asked?

Informally describe any observations made during the investigation

To obtain results that are defensible and trustworthy, what should action researchers do?


Triangulation is a validation approach based on the search for the _____________ of results obtained by multiple sources and perspectives


True / False Induction only provides statements of probability, not ccertainty.


Understanding research objectives, otherwise known as ___________ research, seeks the underlying cause or previously unknown factors of a phenomenon.

The researcher assumes that each case is special and unique. The first level of analysis is being true to, respecting, and capturing the details of the individual cases being studied; cross-case analysis follows from—and depends on—the quality of individual case studies.

Unique case orientation


Using _________ research, researchers attempt to show how and why a phenomenon operates as it does.

Discrediting experiments

Variables serve many functions in quantitative research studies, except for which of the following?

positively correlated

Variables that move in the same direction are __________ ___________.

- Personal - Social - Contextual/Situational - Fluid - Unpredictable

View of Thought & Behavior

The qualitative analyst owns and is reflective about her or his own voice and perspective; a credible voice conveys authenticity and trustworthiness. Complete objectivity being impossible and pure subjectivity undermining credibility, the researcher's focus is on balance—understanding and depicting the world authentically in all its complexity while being self-analytical, politically aware, and reflexive in consciousness.

Voice, perspective, and reflexivity

Methods used, concise results & purpose or goal

What 3 things are usually found in a research study's abstract?

1. There is no manipulation of the independent variable by the researcher. 2. It can be difficult to determine the temporal order of the variables (i.e., which of the variables occurs first). 3. There are usually too many extraneous variables that are left unexplained and act as rival or alternative explanations for why something occurs in the world.

What are the 3 key problems with two-variable cases of both correlational and casual-comparative research?

1. Observation (Data) 2. Patterns (Descriptions) 3. Theory

What are the 3 major steps of the exploratory method?

data methods investigator theory

What are the 4 types of triangulation?

1. Tests 2. Questionnaires 3. Interviews 4. Focus groups 5. Observation 6. Constructed and secondary or existing data

What are the 6 major data collection methods?

1. Title page 2. Abstract 3. Introduction 4. Method 5. Results 6. Discussion 7. References

What are the 7 major sections required for inclusion in a quantitative research report

1. Class stratification 2. Gender inequality 3. Racial and ethnic inequality 4. Sexual orientation inequality 5. International inequality (i.e., rich and poor nations) 6. Disability rights and inequality.

What are the common areas of orientation research:

Needs assessment, theory assessment, implementation assessment, impact assessment, efficiency assessment.

What are the five varieties of evaluation?

1. Science is broadly progressive. 2. Science is compelling. 3. Science is critical. 4. Science is never-ending.

What are the four dynamics of Science?

Deductive & Inductive

What are the two kinds of reasoning?

Formative evaluation & summative evaluation

What are the two types of evaluation research

It provides stronger evidence for a conclusion through convergence; It provides stronger evidence for corroboration of findings through triangulation; It uses strengths of one method to overcome the limitations in another method

What are three strengths of mixed methods research? Choose 3 answers

It does not lend itself to making strong statements of cause and effect; It produces small-scale results that are different to generalize to different and larger contexts.

What are two limitations of action research?

Discuss the results of the data analysis; Develop a plan for sampling from a population

What are two primary purposes of a literature review? Choose 2 answers

To focus on solving specific problems; To engage local practitioners in inquiry

What are two purposes of action research?

Obtain the probability value; State the null and alternative hypotheses

What are two steps of hypothesis testing?

Conclusions that go beyond the evidence of the premise (e.g., going from some to more, from the examined to the unexamined, from the observed to the unobserved.

What aspect should everyone be aware of concerning inductive reasoning

It is impossible to find universal truths through research.

What belief did John Dewey hold that influenced action researchers?

those interested in studying more definitive or numerical data, as well as testing specific hypotheses

What do qualitative researchers typically focus on?

those focused on more subjective data such as personal perspectives and participant interviews

What do quantitative researchers typically focus on?


What does quantitative research attempt to test through the collection of numerical data?

Approximates casual relationships through experimental research studies

What is a main strength of quantitative research?

examining the same variables with different participants in different techniques.

What is a replication study?

A measurable characteristic

What is a variable in educational research?

The procedures that are followed to obtain data.

What is meant by a method of data collection?

No manipulation of an independent variable

What is the hallmark of nonexperimental research studies?

No manipulation of an independent variable.

What is the hallmark of nonexperimental research studies?

Leads to a complex understanding about events or phenomenon

What is the main strength of qualitative research?

Approximate casual relationships through experimental research studies.

What is the main strength of quantitative research?

Deductive reasoning

What is the name of the process where one determines the truth of a conclusion by determining the truth of the underlying premises?

Obtaining empathetic understanding of the inner worlds of people and groups, and conducting exploration to learn what is important to people in a particular place or group.

What is the objective of qualitative research

To understand

What is the primary objective of education research that studies a phenomenon about which little is known?


What is the purpose of a mixed method study that is conducted to extend the breadth and range of inquiry by using different methods for different inquiry components?

support theories

What is the purpose of evidence research?

Standardization supports the reliability of data collection.

What is the purpose of standardization of observational procedures?

A constant is a single value of the larger variable group. Example: a male is a constant of the variable gender.

What is the relationship between variables and constants?

The degree to which the researchers' explanations fit the data.

What is theoretical validity?

The type of analysis; The type of data

What must a researcher determine before conducting a mixed analysis? Choose 2 answers

External validity

What term refers to the extent to which a study's results can be generalized across populations of persons, settings, times, outcomes, and treatment variations?

Interview protocol

What tool is designed to collect data by including question items, response categories, and instructions for researchers?


What type of statistics allows quantitative researchers to draw conclusions about populations?

Inferential statistics

What type of statistics do researchers use to draw conclusions about characteristics of a population based upon a sample?

A researcher examines how closely scores correlate on two forms of the same test.

Which example addresses evidence of validity?


Which major research approach seeks to understand people's subjective and shared experiences through systematic observation?

Randomly putting 150 college athletes into three different exercise groups for a study; Randomly placing 20 administrators into one of four groups to be studied

Which of the following are examples of random assignment for a research experiment? Choose 2 answers

Ethnography; Grounded theory; Case study

Which of the following are theoretical frameworks of qualitative research? Choose 3 answers

"I know that dog is a Welsh corgi, because it has exactly the same markings at the one I saw at the dog show."

Which of the following best represents an empirical statement?

Amount of variables

Which of the following information is not provided by a correlation coefficient?

Unclear temporal order of variables

Which of the following is a key problem with two-variable cases of nonexperimental research?

Unclear temporal order of variables

Which of the following is a key problem with two-variable cases of nonexpirimental research

Because I have never eaten a red candy that did not taste like cherries, every red candy I eat will taste like cherries.

Which of the following is an example of the problem of induction?

Description of common perceptions of a unique event

Which of the following is emphasized within a narrative report of phenomenological research study?

Reality is objective

Which of the following is indicative of quantitative research ontology?


Which of the following is not typically a formal section in a quantitative research report?

Interview with 8th grade student at risk for dropping out.

Which of the following would represent the emic perspective in an integration study of an inner-city middle school?

Which aspects of the intervention worked and which didn't work

Which of these questions is most likely asked during the "reelect" phase of action research?

It is fluid; It is highly situational; It is personal

Which three views of human thought and behavior are characteristic of qualitative research? Choose 3

Context sensitive; Triangulated

Which two characteristics of data collection and analysis are common to the theoretical framework of qualitative research? Choose 2 answers

A population is a set of elements taken from a sample. Sample results are generalized to a population.

Which two statements about samples and populations are correct? Choose 2 answers

Predictable behavior allows for hypothesis development; Human behavior is regular

Which two views are consistent with the assumptions of quantitative research? Choose 2 answers

Unique case orientation

Which type of qualitative data analysis places a high priority on being true to, respecting and capturing the details of individual situations?

They help to pinpoint exactly what is being investigated.

Why are research questions essential to study?

In order to describe aspects of the study that may influence willingness to participate

Why is it necessary to obtain informed consent from research participants?

A small number of causal factors are focused on

Why is it said that quantitative researchers us a "narrow-angle" lens in studies?

Qualitative research

_____ ______ collects multiple kinds of data and uses multiple strategies to ensure the trustworthiness of its findings and interpretations.

Qualitative research

______ _____ conducts in-depth research on particular people, groups, and places.

Critical thinking

______ _________ skills involve students judiciously considering information provided for various purposes, usually to aid in future decisions or behaviors.

Empirical data

_______ ______ provides essential quantitative information, which can decisively evaluate a given hypotheses.


_______ _______ resemble populations in all characteristics, except size.

Describing established cultural norms

_______ __________ ______ ______ is an important example of a holistic approach as it can provide essential insight into a population and its behavior throughout a study


_______ research is designed around taking on problems of great concern in one's community and providing insight and solutions of great benefit.

Narrative reports

________ ______ provide vivid descriptive writing and includes participants' viewpoints, understandings, and experiences, and the researcher's interpretations and reflections.

Random assignment

________ ________to levels of the independent variable is the best way to equate groups and, therefore, control for extraneous variables.

Interviews & observations

________ and _______are primarily a data collection method for the qualitative researcher.


________ research endeavors to provide answers to real-world problems or curiosities.


________ research focuses on the general and on the relationships among variables.


________ research type is best utilized at solving pressing local issues within educational communities.


________ theories are preferred over highly complex ones, other aspects being equal.

Qualitative research

_________ ______ attempts to create an accurate account of insider perspectives and experiences.

Inductive methods, analysis and exploration

_________ ______, _____, and ______ are cornerstones of qualitative research.

Orientational researchers

_________ _________ make their ideology and political agendas very clear.


_________ are the most common data collection method used in quantitative research.


_________ is NOT a primary objective of educational research.

Purposeful sampling

__________ __________ is NOT a major qualitative research analysis strategy.

Summative evaluation

__________ __________ is especially helpful for policymakers to appraise previous future-funding decisions and make future ones.


__________ is definitely classified as a primary objective of educational research.


__________ reasoning includes probabilistic reasoning to determine expected outcomes based on previous observations.


__________ research focuses on concrete human reality in its local context, with all of its complexity.


__________ researchers prefer to study situation as they occur naturally without interference from researcher or research manipulations


__________ serve as the as statements of truth with which to deductively reason a conclusion.

Experimental research

___________ _________ with random assignment is the best method for determining cause-and-effect relationships.


___________ existing studies is NOT a function of variables in quantitative research.


___________ literature is a collective term for several studies concentrated on a shared topic.


___________ reasoning employs both major and minor premises to establish a conclusion.


___________ research objectives seek to measure effects of variables on a situation or demonstration program.


___________ research studies present evidence for readers to consume and evaluation with critical thinking skills.


______________ invoves studying knowledge itself - including its nature, process of generation, how it is necessary, and the standards that are used to judge its adequacy.


______________ research focuses on establishing a clear and comprehensive theory for why something occurs, including sources and consequences.


______________is not typically a formal section in a quantitative research report.

Explanatory, explanatory

___________research seeks answers to particular theories, and the focus on these particular students and why they excel dramatically, indicates this study's ___________objective.

Education research is a field of inquiry aimed at...

advancing knowledge of education and learning processes and development of the tools and methods necessary to support this endeavor.

is a variable that varies in type or kind, generally relating different groups.

categorical variable

examines the relationship between one or more categorical independent variables and one or more quantitative dependent variables.

causal-comparative research

is something that does not change, but takes on a single value


A numerical index that provides information about the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables.

correlation coefficient

For example, if someone said, "I do not care what the results of my research study are, because I am going to conclude that my theory is supported, no matter what," then that person would obviously not be doing the kind of research that could every reject or falsify a theory.

criterion of falsifiability

Education researchers aim to ...

describe, understand, and explain how learning takes place throughout the life cycle and how formal and informal processes of education affect learning, attainment, and the capacity to lead productive lives.

all events are fully determined by one or more causes


Case study narrative reports include a _______________.

discussion of themes, issues, and implications

The qualitative researcher constantly tries to understand the people he or she is observing from the participants' or natives' or actors' viewpoints

empathetic understanding

The overall understanding of how knowledge is created or shared.


Means that each individual in the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample,

equal probability of selection method (EPSEM)

estimate the characteristics of populations based on their sample data


In all cases of research, the question is one of _____________.


variables other than the independent variable of interest (e.g., teaching approach) that may be related to the outcome

extraneous variables

"Postmodernism" emphasizes the primacy of individuality, fragmentation, constant change and


The qualitative analysis strategy focusing on complex interdependencies and system dynamics is


presumed to cause a change to occur in another variable.

independent variable

to go beyond the immediate data and to infer the characteristics of populations based on samples.

inferential statistics

In qualitative research, the researchers can also be known as the ______________________ of data collection.


According to the module, ________________ is NOT considered a key component of qualitative research.

lab results

The idea that local languages might allow them to see distinctions of snow that we do not know.


When a specific culture's language differentiates one concept (e.g., snow) into many varied types not recognized in outside populations. This is known as


A ___________ ____________ assists researchers in developing appropriate research questions to investigate.

literature review

Quantitative researchers often use the information gathered from a __________ __________ to develop a hypothesis

literature review

changes (i.e., moderates) the relationship between other variables.

moderator variable

when a theory is simple, concise, and succinct.


Ontology and epistemology are examples of __________________ ____________ within the context of research.

philosophical assumptions

The possibility that future researchers will come up with new theories and new conclusions.

principle of evidence

In the final phase (report research), researchers often report their findings through various outlets such as...

professional conferences journal articles newspaper articles

varies in degree or amount of a given variable within a given phenomenon, usually provided in numerical form.

quantitative variable

rarely perfectly representative, random samples are almost always more representative than nonrandom samples.

random sample

The theoretical framework of "Grounded Theory" originates from


Major premise: All schoolteachers are mortal. Minor premise: John is a schoolteacher. Conclusion: Therefore, John is mortal.


An explanation (that often explains how and why).


involves the use of a variety of theories and perspectives to explain the phenomena under study (including prior theories and/or other researchers).

theory triangulation

a validation approach based on the search for convergence of results obtained by using multiple investigators, methods, data sources, and/or theoretical perspectives


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