Research Methods Exam 3

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Recent research shows that higher dietary fiber intake in young women may reduce the risk of breast cancer


Research indicates that the average American is sleeping less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night. On average, Americans are only sleeping 7.2 hours per night.


If a researcher uses a 4 x 2 within-subjects design, how many groups of subjects would there be?

1 group. Whenever the design is within subjects you will only have 1 group of participants who will be tested in all conditions.

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If an experimenter plans to use complete counterbalancing with five levels of an independent variable, this will take a minimum of ____ orders? Explain your answer.

120 orders. You use the K! (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120)

An experiment comparing preferences of men and women for soft rock, hard rock, and alternative music would most likely use a _____ design (e.g., 2x2 between-subjects, etc.). Explain why you would use this design.

2 x 3 mixed-factor design. Gender has to be between-subjects and I feel that there might not be large differences on music preference, so I want a more power design, so I would test that within-subjects.

If a researcher uses a 4 x 2 between-subjects design, how many conditions will there be?

4x2= 8 conditions (though some will tell you not to use conditions for between-subjects, we will allow it).

If a researcher uses a 4 x 2 between-subjects design, how many groups of subjects will there be?

4x2= 8 groups

Kelly wants to conduct a between-subjects study with four levels of a drug. If she would like to evaluate 20 participants for each drug condition, how many participants would she test?

80 (20 participants x 4 groups)

Dr. Loomis has been asked by Colgate to test market 4 new flavors of toothpaste: spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint, and peanut butter. Dr. Loomis has decided to use a within-subjects design to test subjects. In order to conduct this study, Dr. Loomis needs to make sure that he adequately controls for any carry over effects.

A= spearmint B= peppermint C= chocolate mint D= peanut butter a. Provide the complete counterbalancing. 4x3x2x1= 24 orders ABCD ABDC ACBD ACDB ADBC ADCB BACD BADC BCAD BCDA BDAC BDCA CABD CADB CBAD CBDA CDAB CDBA DABC DACB DBCA DBAC DCAB DCBA b. Provide a randomized partial counterbalancing. *Please note that there are numerous right answers for a randomized partial counterbalancing* BACD CADB CDAB DACB c. Provide a Latin-square counterbalancing. *Please note that there are numerous right answers for a Latin-square* ABCD BCDA CDAB DABC d. Provide a Balanced Latin-Square counterbalancing. *Please note that there is only 1 correct solution for a Balanced Latin-Square * ABDC BCAD CDBA DACB

If you work for a company that has developed a new drug that should provide a permanent cure from baldness, what kind of design would you use to test this drug (i.e., between or within-subjects). Explain your answer.

Between-subjects design. Anything that has uncontrollable carryover effects (like permanently curing baldness) would require the design to be a between-subjects design.

An experiment in which each subject was asked to evaluate three kinds of kitchen appliances in both white and almond colors would most likely use a _____ design (e.g., 2x2 between-subjects, etc.).

Explain why you would use this design. a. I would do a within-subjects design. I don't expect there to be carryover effects and I also think there will be small differences so I want a more powerful design.

A researcher is interested in better understanding how many times a parents speaks to 2-year-old children when the children are playing. Therefore, the researcher brings the children and adult into a controlled, playground environment equipped with many toys to measure the number of interactions between the adult and child.

Laboratory observation

a recent study found that the older we get the quieter we are in social situations. participants were invited to several social get together at a local community outreach center. The number of times that they spoke as well as the number of words that they used was recorded. The study found that the older the participants were the fewer times they spoke with other individuals and the fewer words that they used.

Naturalistic observation

Dr. Wenger has been asked by Mazda to test brake lights. They are specifically interested in which color is the most effective for drivers to detect (red, yellow, orange, and blue). Therefore, Dr. Wenger decides to use a within-subjects design where he presents each of the different brake light colors to each subjects. Subjects are required to press a brake pedal as soon as they see the brake light turn on. Dr. Wenger has decided that some type of subject-by-subject counterbalancing would work best for this study.

Red = A, yellow = B, orange = C, blue = D a. Provide the Reverse Counterbalancing for this study. ABCDDCBA b. Provide Complete Block Randomization for this study. ABCD ABDCACBDACDB ADBC ADCB BACD BADC BCAD BCDA BDAC BDCA CABD CADB CBAD CBDA CDAB CDBA DABC DACB DBCA DBAC DCAB DCBA c. Provide Partial Block Randomization for this study. *Please note that there are numerous right answers for a Partial Block Randomization * BDCA CABD CADB DCBA

Ryan wants to conduct a study where she gives subjects a list of words to remember. After the list, she wants them to recall as many words as possible. Once they finish this task, she gives them special training instructions to help them remember more words. She then gives them the same list of words again and gives them a recall test once they've seen all the words. What are your thoughts concerning this study?

There will be a carryover effect of testing, specifically practice effects since the same list of words is used again. You would not be able to determine if the training had an impact or if it was the fact that they were exposed to them before.

When should NOT use a repeated-measures design? Explain your answer.

When you are not able to control for your carryover effects, meaning that participation in one condition will lead to changes in the performance on subsequent condition

If a researcher uses a 3 x 5 between-subjects design, how many groups of subjects would there be?

a. 15 groups. Each participants will only be exposed to 1 level of each IV, so 3x5=15.

Pete wants to conduct a within-subjects study with 4 treatment conditions. What is the minimum number of subjects he'll need if he uses a complete counterbalancing procedure? Explain your answer.

a. 24 participants. Using the K! you calculate that there is a minimum of 24 orders (4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24 orders). You have to have at least one participant per order, so you need at least 24 participants.

What are two advantages of using a within-subjects design?

a. Each participants serves as their own control b. Fewer participants needed c. Minimized differences between conditions d. More statistical power

What are two advantages of using a between-subjects design?

a. Easier to conduct b. Easier for people to think about c. No issue of carryover effects

What is the primary issue to take care of when conducting a study using a between-subjects design?

a. Making sure your groups are equal at the start of the study

What are two disadvantages of using a between-subjects design?

a. Need more participants b. Individual differences between participants c. Need a separate control group d. Less statistical power

Dr. McDermott, who works in the marketing department for the GAP, would like to conduct a within-subjects study where he exposes subjects to 3 different marketing ideas to see which one is the most appealing to potential customers. Please explain how he could do this using the following counterbalancing procedures:

a. Provide the complete counterbalancing. 3x2x1= 6 orders ABC ACB BCA BAC CAB CBA b. Provide a randomized partial counterbalancing. *Please note that there are numerous right answers for a randomized partial counterbalancing* ACB CBA ABC c. Provide a Latin-square counterbalancing. *Please note that there are numerous right answers for a Latin-square* ABC BCA CAB d. Provide a Balanced Latin-Square counterbalancing. *Please note that there is only 1 correct solution for a Balanced Latin-Square * ABC BCA CAB

What are two disadvantages of using a within-subjects design?

a. Takes more time for the participants b. Subject attrition c. History d. Instrumentation e. Statistical regression f. Not always possible as a design g. Carryover effects

If a researcher uses a 4 x 3 mixed-factor design, how many groups of subjects will there be?

a. We don't have enough information to answer this fully- for instance, if the 4 is our within-subjects variable then the answer would be 3 groups (1 group for each of the between-subjects variable). But if the 3 is the within-subjects variable then we would have 4 groups. So the answer is either "not enough information to tell" or you can answer with "either 3 or 4 groups"

Mr. Lommis has been asked by Colgate to test market 4 new flavors of toothpaste: spearmint, chocolate mint, peppermint, and peanut butter. Mr. Loomis has decided to use a within-subjects design to test subjects.

a. What is the primary advantage of using a within-subjects design for this study? i. There will probably be small differences between conditions, so having a more powerful design will be beneficial b. What is the primary disadvantage of using a within-subjects design for this study? i. The potential for carryover effects- maybe the taste of peanut butter permanently changes your taste of the others. c. Is counterbalancing necessary for this study? Why? i. Definitely. Order effects could have an impact so that there is a preference for the first flavor tried.

Dr. Blackwell is interested in testing three new computer programs. He'd like to conduct the studies using a within-subjects manipulation but needs to counterbalance the orders that he presents each computer program to each subject.

a. What technique would you recommend Dr. Blackwell use? Across-subjects counterbalancing b. Please explain the counterbalancing you would use Partial block counterbalancing c. Provide the actual orders that you would use for the technique selected 123312231

researchers were interested in whether jersey color of professional football teams had an impact on the number of penalties that were called against the teams. it was shown through data kept by the football league that teams wearing black jerseys were much more likely to be penalized than teams wearing nonblack jerseys

archival research

researches conducted a study where they were interested in evaluating how the desired female body style has changed over the years. in order to do this they evaluated the published height weight and measurement of playboy centerfold models for the past 50 years. Their research found a general trend that modern men prefer women with smaller breast, smaller hips and lower body mass index compared to those from the 1960s and 1970s

archival research

A young man with severe epilepsy had his corpus callosum severed, making it so that the right and left hemispheres of his brain were no longer able to communicate with each other. In order to better understand his capabilities, and in-depth study was conducted to evaluate what tasks he was able to still engage in as well as those he had difficulty with. Additionally, his friends and family members were also asked about any personality changes or other changes that may also be relevant to better understand how he may have changes following the surgery.

case study

Mary is an older women who was approximately 64 years old and working as a nurse prior to her automobile accident/.she was having a minor memory issues which was normal for women her age following the server automobile accident she suffered some brain hemorrhaging that was undiagnosed. as a result of the accident and the undiagnosed hemorrhaging her memory issues and subsequent dementia became progressively more sever this study evaluated Mary every 6 months for the next 10 years to document her progression

case study

Researchers were interested in determining if keeping preelection promises had an effect on politicians later approval ratings, in order to answer this question, the preelection promises of the last 10 presidents was analyzed to determine if the president kept these promises three years into their presidency. The public approval rating were the evaluated to see if there was a relationship between these variables

correlational research

a recent study found that the older we get the quieter we are in social situations. participants who were 50, 60, 70, and 80 years of age were invited to several social get togethers at a local community outreach center, the number of times that they spoke as well as the number of words that they used was recorded. the study found that the oldest participants spoke the least amount and the 50- year old spoke the most

correlational research

researchers asked people how much of their income they spent on others or donated to charity, and then asked them how happy they are. the researchers found that the more money people spent on others, the happier

correlational research

researchers were interested in determining if there was a relationship between mathematical abilities and income levels for men and women. the researchers evaluated individuals who had strong quantitative SATs cores with those who had lower scores. the income levels o these groups was the compared. it was found that men with stronger mathematical abilities had higher income levels, but that there was no difference in income levels for women based on their quantitative SAT scores

correlational research

A group of researcher wished to elevate the ability of high schooler to effectively verbally communicate information in a professional manner. Each high school student was given a page of fairly complex information to look at and then was asked to provide a brief summary of the information, The number of pauses, breaks, or filler words (i.e., "um") were recorded to indicate their fluency. Their responses were also evaluates for their clarity.

laboratory observation

a recent study evaluated the impact of weather and aggressive behavior in children playing on playgrounds. the study found that children were more likely to behave aggressively toward other children when the temperatures were extremely hot (i.e., above 95f) but not when the temperature was cold or moderately hot

naturalistic observation

researchers divided individuals into high, medium, low income groups these individuals were then given a questionnaire that evaluated their level of happiness in order to see if money can bring happiness. their finding indicated that the medium income group had the highest level of happiness, where ass the low income group had the lowest level of happiness

quasi- experiment

a study evaluated whether there was a relationship taking vitamins and overall general health indicators such as body mass index, cholesterol levels, and bone density. the study found that individuals who take vitamins scored better on each of the general health indicators than individuals who do not take vitamins


numerous studies have evaluated the face recognition abilities of witnesses. It has generally been shown that individuals remember faces from their own race better than faces of individuals from another race. in order to test this, white and black participants were shown faces of both white and black individuals


research indicated that the average American is sleeping less than the recommend 8 hours of sleep per night. Scientist believe that this might lead to a decrease in academic performance in high school students. In this study, students who get less than 7 hours of sleep per night and those who got more than 9 hours of sleep per night were evaluated on various cognitive functioning tests


Although 90% of the students indicated they did not like wearing uniforms, various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported in a recent study, including decreases in indiscipline, gang involvement and bullying; and increase in safety, ease of going to school, confidence, and self-esteem .


Although fruits and vegetables can be rich sources of antioxidants, recent research indicated that coffee is the primary source of antioxidants for most Americans


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