research methods final exam

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Dr. Kushner is planning on conducting a study next semester. He is curious as to whether sleep deprivation is associated with poorer cognitive performance. For example, if you sleep poorly the night before a big exam, will you do worse? Dr. Kushner is especially curious about selective sleep deprivation, where people are kept from entering REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Using an electroencephalograph (EEG) to monitor brain waves, he plans to let participants sleep until they enter REM sleep and then wake them. After the participants are awake for one minute, Dr. Kushner plans to let them return to sleep. As they enter REM sleep again, he will wake them again and follow the same procedure. He plans to do this through the entire eight-hour sleep session. The following morning, participants will be asked to take a sample SAT test. He is most concerned with what apa standard of ethucs


what is the difference between a ratio scale of measurement and an interval scale of measurement

A ratio scale of measurement has a zero value that actually means "nothing" or "the absence of something," but an interval scale does not.

which of the following is true of probability sampling

It is the best way to obtain a representative sample

which of the following events did not occur in the tuskegee study

Participants in the study were given/infected with the disease.

which of the following is true of the distinction between scientific journals and popular magazines

Scientific journal articles are peer-reviewed; popular magazine articles are not.

which of the following is not a research claim

Teens spend too much time texting and driving.

which of the following is true of moderators

They can inform external validity.

which of the following is not true of control variables

They help define the control group.

when conducting an experiment what is provided by the undependent variable

a comparison group

although this is unterestunf his experiences is limited because he does not have

a comparison group that did not receive the drug

a type one error is which of the following

a false positive

todd is studying the effect of popularity on academic success for his research methods project. he decides to measure popularity by asking each elementary school students to tell hi how many friends he or she has. he assume that more friends means the student is more popular. which of the following best describes this variable

a ratio scale of measurement

which of the following is an example of translational research

a sport psychologist who uses information on how we emotionally process victory to design an intervention for improving mental stamina during althetuc performance

in which of the following studies is self report the data best collection option

a study examining the i intensity of pain during natural birth

which of the following is true of sampling size

affect statistical validity

establishing construct validity is most important for which of the following

an abstract concept

IRB (Institutional Review Board) would probably be require for all of the following studies expect

an anonymous survey asking whether students want the campus mascot changed

if a study uses an unrepresentative sample, which question should you ask for assessing external valaoty

are the characteristics

in a normal dustruovuntuob why isn't the percentage of scores between 0 and 2 sd above the same as the percentage of scores between 2/3 above mean

as you move away from the mean the scores occurs progression less frequently

which of the questions above is an example of a uestuon that uses a luokert scale


which of the following is true between basic and applied research

basic and applied research have different goals

why should anton not interrogate the internal validity of the study

because the study claim is an association claim

scientific journals and magazines are similar in which of the following ways

both are trying to inform their reader

from an ethical standpoint in what way is researcherong prisoners with tuberculosis similar to researching children w ADHD

both groups of participants have less autonomy than other types of participants

which of the following allow us to make strong predictions using association claim

both strong outside associations and strong negative associations

what is cyril experiencing

buas blond spot

To evaluate how well a study supports a frequency claim, you need to focus on evaluating which of the following validities?

construct validity and external validity

what is the most common sampling techniques in behavior research

convenient sampling

beverage association claim failure to set the temporal precedence means that

covaruance estabkushed

according to its conception definition a variable should be related to a particular behavior. if a researcher is able to demonstrate that his measure of the variable is related to the behavior then he established which of the following

criterion validity

the problem of type one and type two errors occur because

decusuon makoung based on the inferential statistics depends on probabilities

which of the following is not a step in null hypothesis significant testing

determined the effect size

if you were concerned that tim was making the present/present buas what would you ask him

did you go into conversations where you opened w jokes

the temporal precedence criterion is also known as the


which of the following questions assesses internal validity when evaluating causal claims

does the study establish temporal precedence

what is a problem w the question

double barred

based on this study de kang can make which of the following claims

emotion enhances memory

is the approach of collecting data and using it to develop, support, and or challenge a theory


which of the following is the reason that scientific journals use review

ensures that the study published are of the highest quality

why might a researcher choose purposive sampling over systematic sanmplung

external validity is not vital to the researchers study

dr guidry will be most able to accurately predict liked satisfaction from the experience of daouky stress because the relationship

has a largest effect size

which of the following in dr lushness study

he needs to obtain informed consent because there is a likelihood of risk to his study

Dr White reads about a new theory, "depressed ondvduals will have higher estrogen levels" was the


the quality of journalist coverage of a science story will be determined by two factors

importance and accuracy of the story

generally what is the man prodigy for experimental studies

internal validity

he must establish the of their measures

interrator reliability

which of the following questions is not necessary to ask when interrogating statistical validity

is random assignment affecting the fundings

all of the following are advantages of within group designs except

it is less films consuming for the participants

empirical journal articles, where would she go to look for a hypothesis

last paragraph of the introduction

researchers conducting an experiment can ensure temporal precedence by doing which of the following

manipulating the cause before measuring the effect

the variance and sd are based on how much each score deviates from the




what type of size effect has dr guidry found for the association between number of frilends and life status faction


matthew, inventory section would be found where


joseph's would like to find a measure of central tendency he should use


if our statistics results occur often by chance we conclude it is

not significant

whuch of the following allows dr lonsvary to conclude that she met the covaruance rule for causality

noting that there is a difference between the number of words recalled by the happy and neutral people

which of the folllowing statements is an operational definition of "fear of snakes" that could be a structural questions

on a scale of 1 to 10 how scared of snakes are you

which of the following is not a section or subsection commonly found in an emperucal journal article


dr guidry should probably consider these scores


Occam's razor states that the simplest solution is the best, all things being equal. This speaks to a theory's:


which of the following is true of debriefing

participants must be told the reasons for the deception

which of the following ethical violations proposed by the Belmont report was not committed in the tuskegee study

participants were not given monetary payments for their time

why would behavioral observation be a good research method for studying high feuesbcy behavior

participants would not be able to accurately eep track of so much data

this preliminary study is known as a study


another teens for probably sampling us

random sampling

he is concerned about


the researcher should

reject the null of no doffeeence

advice that is based on is most likely correct


your professor says that researchers do not make ethical decisions alone. Why does this mean

researchers must consider the opinion of others, including URB members and peers

which of the following increases accurate responding

reverse worded questions

two researchers tell you they study the same thing. however when you look at their research papers, they do not use similar methodology or measures. how is the possible

same conceptual definition

a helpful tool for visualizing test retest reliability and interrater reliability is a


what does a large number for variance mean

scores are spread out

faking good is also knowns as

socially desirable responding

operational definition

some psychologists concepts are more difficult to operationally define than others

a threat to internal validity occurs only if a potential confound varies with the independent variable


which of the following produces information about the statistical validity of dr lonsbery study

the d coefficient

which of the following is a benefit of using wiki to review psychological research

the page can be corrected quickly

ethical decisions making done by researchers can change in response to all of the following except

the possibility of additional grant funding

which of the following means a study used in a buvaruate correlational design

the presence of measured variables

which of the following statements can you make when rejecting the null hypothesis

the probability is less than 5%

which of the following conclusions can she draw based on her analysis

the probability of obtaining the result by chance is less than 5%

which of the following statements can you she retaining the null hypothesis

the result is not statistically significant

variable in the study

the sex

Deci and Ryan's proposed, susan thinks there's an autonomy but it was not supported, what does this mean

the theory may need to be amended

when evualtung the external validity of an assucuatuon claim which of the following is the most important issue to consider

the way the sample was selected from the population

Benjamin is a social psychologist who studies marriage. He believes that marital satisfaction has two components: the ability to trust one's partner and a belief that one can be a good spouse. This is known as:


which of the following is true of her fundings

there appears to be good internal reliably in the scale

under what circumstances should you calculate the median instead of mean

there are a limited number of extreme scores

What does a ".05 level of significance" mean?

there is less than 5% chance that the result would occur when the null hypothesis is true

which of the following of the following is not a reasonable explanation for dr smuthermans response

there were no ethical guidelines 5 years ago

dr guidry , which of the following is not true

these scores are more likely to have an effect because of the large sample size

How many subcategories of quantitative variables exist?


why is it important to adopt the mindset of a scientific reasoner

to avoid falling into the pitfalls of personal biases

in this study depicted in the figure above why might researchers have measured blood pressure twice

to make sure the two groups were equal before manipulation

a buased sample consists of too many cases


which of the following is Not an advantage of using the standard deviation oveee variance

using the standard deviation is a more accurate easier of variable

single number that represents the total amount of variation in a distribution is known as the


which of the following is true of a no representation sample in a research claim

you should ask whether it is relevant to what the researchers are sampling

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