Research Methods in Psychology

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Case Studies

An in depth study of one or few participants consisting of information gathered by observation, interview, or psychological testing. Pro: Advance knowledge in rare situations Can provide a hypothesis that can be tested later Con: Cannot establish cause and effect Cannot generalize to a larger population Results vulnerable to experimentar

Correlational Studies

Compare two variable to show relationships Pro: Both variables move in the same direction (up or down) Generated predictions for further research experiments Con: One variable increases while the other decreases

Cross-Sectional Studies

Different age groups at the same time in order to understand changes that occur in the life span Pro: Samples are usually representative of population as a whole Less expensive and less time consuming Con: Not appropriate of studies on development

Longitudinal Studies

Method of research that studies the same group of people over an extended period of time Pro: Necessary for research on development Con: Expensive (funding) Time consuming (people could die or quit)

Psychological Testing

Observation and measurement of the subject using objective measures Pro: Overcome the bias of interview Fixed questions and answers Con: Limited in results

Laboratory Observation

Researches observe and record behavior in a lab Pro: You have control of your surroundings Con: Behavior may be different than natural setting/observer bias potential

Naturalistic Observation

Researches observe and record behavior without trying to influence/control it. Subjects are not aware of observation Pro: Behavior should be natural Con: Researcher has no control Cause and effect is difficult to determine Observations are subjective

Cross-Cultural Studies

Study more than one culture to see how a variable affects behavior Pro: Provides information on cultures Con: Can have an ethnocentric researcher


The goal: To describe and measure + to explain and predict Things to consider and avoid: Hindsight bias: Tendency to believe something that's been predicted or "I knew it all along" Overconfidence: We tend to think we know more than we do


Using data to study relationships Historical: Primary and Secondary Sources Content: Sources on a certain subject Pro: provides information Con: Limited sources


Using interviews and/or questionnaires to gather self reported information about a group Questionnaire: Faster and less expensive than interviews Interview: Skilled interviewer uses well-worded questions Pro: Quick and easy Not expensive Con: People aren't always honest This screws the results Can't determine cause and effect

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