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which clients could benefit from the use of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV)? select all

22 yr old with acute asthma attack 36 yr old with sleep apnea 64 yr old with acute exacerbation of COPD 72 yr old with cardiogenic pulmonary edema

Which client with a respiratory problem having a sudden onset of extreme shortness of breath causes the nurse to suspect primary pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) as a possible cause of the problem?

27 year old woman whose mother died of PAH

With which client does the nurse anticipate possible complications from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) following abdominal surgery?

28 yr old who is 80 lb overweight and has a short neck

With which client will the nurse remain most alert for development of airway obstruction from a mucoid impaction?

34 yr old client with a head injury who is comatose

How will the nurse document the pack-year smoking history for a client who reports smoking three packs of cigarettes daily for 5 years, two packs daily for 10 years, and 1 pack daily for 3 years?

38 pack yrs

with which clients who have tracheostomies will the nurse remain extra vigilant for possible tracheal tissue injury? (select all)

42 yr old taking daily corticosteroids 61 yr old with chronic alcoholism and malnutrition 78 yr old who also has early-stage prostate cancer

with which clients does the nurse anticipate probable placement of a tempoary tracheostomy? (select all)

45 yr old with facial and oral cavity burns 72 yr old with an acute airway obstruction caused by epiglottis

With which clients will the nurse be alert for an increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea OSA? Select all that apply.

48 yr old woman who has a short neck and small chin. 56 yr old man who smokes 2 packs of cigarettes daily.

with which client will the nurse expect to find a "barrel chest" on respiratory assessment?

55-year-old with chronic emphysema

Which client will the nurse educate about relevant lifestyle modifications to decrease the risk for head and neck cancer?

57 yr old man with chronic alcoholism

which end-tidal carbon dioxide level in a client being monitored with capnography after anesthesia indicates to the nurse a possible early problem affecting gas exchange?

58mm Hg

how will the nurse document the pack-year smoking history for a client who reports smocking a pack of cigarettes a day for 10 years, quitting for the last 4 years, and then smoking 2 packs a day for the last 25?

60 years

With which client who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) does the nurse suspect that chronic bronchitis is more of a problem than emphysema?

66 yr old with chronic hypoxia, paco2 of 40 mmHg, and cyanosis

Which client with asthma does the nurse consider to have the highest risk for a fatal outcome of an acute attack?

76 year old with hypertension

which statement made by a client indicate to the nurse the need for additional education regarding smoking-related health risks? (select all)

I dont worry about lung problems because unlike my wife I dont smoke daily I dont worry about lung problems because no one in my family has ever had lung cancer I am trying to get my college-age daughter to 'vape' rather than smoke because it is safer than cigarettes

Which arterial blood gas (ABG) value indicates to the nurse that a client with asthma demonstrating increased respiratory effort is in the early phase of the attack?

Paco2 of 30 mmHg

Which statements about obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are true? Select all that apply.

a main feature is hypopnea. associated with frequent nightmares. causes fragmented nighttime sleep and daytime drowsiness.

Which key elements will the nurse teach or reinforce to a client for self-management with a personal asthma action plan? Select all that apply.

a schedule for prescribed daily controller drugs and directions for prescribed reliever drugs. client specific daily asthma control assessment questions. directions for adjusting the daily controller drug schedule. emergency actions to take when asthma is not responding to controller and reliever drugs. when to contact the primary health care provider (in addition to regularly scheduled visits).

which condition does the nurse suspect when noting that a client who is receiving 40% oxygen therapy now has a new onset of crackles and decreased breath sounds on auscultation?

absorptive atelectasis

The nurse will recognize which differences in common drug therapy for a client who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from that prescribed for clients with asthma? Select all that apply.

addition of mucolytics daily use of nebulizer delivery controllers in combinations of 3 drugs

Which characteristics are most commonly associated with asthma? Select all that apply.

airway hyperresponsiveness narrowed airway lumen excessive inflammation leukocyte activation reversible airway obstruction bronchiolar smooth muscle constriction

which client conditions does the nurse recognize as the most likely to cause a "left shift" of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve? (select all)

alkalosis reduced blood and tissue levels of diphosphoglycerate (DPG)

Which factors or conditions that increase the risk for development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will the nurse include in preparing client education materials? Select all that apply.

alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency. chronic exposure to inhalation irritants. cigarette smoking. history of asthma

in what situations will the nurse consider oxygen therapy as possibly beneficial for a client? (select all)

anemia, hypoxia, pneumonia

which description of respiratory physiologic features is correct?

any problem with the right lung interferes with gas exchange and perfusion to a greater degree than a problem with the left lung

What is the priority action for the nurse to take first to prevent harm for a client whose tissue flap over the carotid artery after head and neck surgery is spurting bright red blood?

apply immediate, direct pressure to the site

What is the nurse's best first action to prevent harm for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who is 1 day postoperative and now has an SpO2 of 83%?

apply oxygen

What is the priority action for a nurse to take to prevent harm when caring for a client with fresh packing in place for a posterior nosebleed?

assessing the airway

What is the priority action for a nurse to take to prevent harm when a client who is talking and laughing while eating begins to choke on a piece of meat?

attempt to remove the obstruction with oral suction

Which assessment findings does the nurse expect to see in a client having an acute asthma attack? Select all that apply.

audible wheezing breathlessness while speaking cyanosis of the nail beds sternal retractions

Which discharge precautions will the nurse teach a client and family after extensive surgery for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Select all that apply.

avoid aspirin or aspirin containing products. drink cool liquids and eat soft foods for a week or two. examine your mouth and throat daily for any thick drainage and pus or a beefy red color.

Which interventions are most appropriate for the nurse to teach a client with a nasal fracture to reduce bleeding from the injury? Select all that apply.

avoid blowing or picking the nose. use acetaminophen for pain rather than aspirin or other nsaids.

Which precaution is most important for the nurse to teach a client who has cystic fibrosis?

avoid crowds and people who are ill

Which new-onset problem in a client diagnosed with advanced lung cancer indicates to the nurse probable metastasis?

bone pain

Which activities will the nurse indicate are safe to perform without causing lung problems for a client with cystic fibrosis (CF) who had a bilateral lung transplant 6 months ago? Select all that apply.

bowling hiking playing chest with a friend with asthma riding a bicycle sledding swimming

What is the best first action for the nurse to take to prevent harm for a client 12 hours after a modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (modUPPP) who now has stridor and excessive drooling along with an increasing end-tidal carbon dioxide level?

call the rapid response team

which factors does the home health nurse identify as safety hazards in the home of a client requiring home oxygen therapy? (select all)

candles on mantel pack of cigarettes on coffee table electric heater with a frayed cord in the bathroom

what is the priory action to prevent harm for a nurse to take before allowing a client who had a flexible bronchoscopy 2 hrs ago to drink or eat?

checking for the return of the gag reflex

For which side effects of therapy will the nurse prepare a client who is about to begin external beam radiation for lung cancer?

chest skin redness and peeling

how will then nurse categorize a client's level of dyspnea who reports no SOB at rest, fair to moderate SOB with activity, some SOB while dressing, and has to stop to catch his breath when going up the flight of stairs?

class 3

for which activity does the nurse teach the client who is receiving oxygen by transtracheal oxygen (TTO) delivery system to switch to a nasal cannula oxygen delivery system?

cleaning the catheter

with which client prescribed to receive oxygen therapy does the nurse suggest using a face tent rather than a nasal cannula?

client with facial trauma

Which assessment finding indicates to the nurse that a client who sustained laryngeal trauma and is being treated with humidified oxygen that further action is needed urgently?

confused and disoriented, difficulty producing sounds, pulse oximetry 80%

Which observation of a client's chest tube setup indicates to the nurse a leak is present in the system?

continuous bubbling in the water seal chamber

Which drugs or drug classes will the nurse expect to be prescribed to slow disease progression for a client who has early-stage idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis? Select all that apply.

corticosteroids nintedanib pirfenidone

Which type of respiratory support does the nurse prepare for a client with severe angioedema and tongue swelling from exposure to seafood who has stridor and an oxygen saturation of 70%?


which client assessment finding does the nurse recognize as an immediate gas exchange and perfusion problem?


For which possible long-term health changes will the nurse assess a client who has moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Select all that apply.

decreased cognition. diabetes mellitus. resistant hypertension. stroke

which precaution is most important for the nurse to take to prevent harm when caring for a client who is breathing on his own and has a fenestrated tracheostomy tube with a cuff?

deflating the cuff before capping the tube with the decannulation cap

what information will the nurse explain to the family of the client who has been prescribed to receive transtrachal oxygen therapy? (select all)

delivers O2 directly to lungs less likely to cause pressure injury to skin

Which signs or symptoms in a client with long-standing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) indicate to the nurse the possibility of cor pulmonale? Select all that apply.

dependent edema distended neck veins swollen liver

Which side effect will the nurse teach a client with head and neck cancer who is taking the biotherapy cetuximab to expect?

development of rash and dry peeling skin

with which interprofessional team members does the nurse expect to collaborate in preparing a client and family for home care with a permanent tracheostomy without oxygen therapy? (select all)

discharge planner registered dietitian nutritionist respiration therapist social worker

which manifestations in a client receiving oxygen therapy at 60% for more than 24 hours alerts the nurse to the possibility of oxygen toxicity?

discomfort or pain under sternum

What is the nurse's best response to a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who is prescribed an inhaled long-acting beta2 agonist and asks why the drug can't be taken as a pill?

drugs taken by mouth have systemic side effects and are harder to control

For which side effects will the nurse prepare the client who is to receive 6 weeks of external beam radiation therapy for throat cancer? Select all that apply

dry mouth taste changes increased fatigue dry, red, and peeling skin difficulty swallowing

Which assessment findings will the nurse associate with the possibility of lung cancer? Select all that apply.

dyspnea persistent cough change in voice quality use of accessory muscles

Which subjective assessment findings will the nurse expect in a client who has just been diagnosed with early-stage pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)?

dyspnea and fatigue

Which precaution related to noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) by continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is most important for the nurse to teach a client with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) who is being managed by CPAP?

ensure the mask or nasal pillows fits tightly over your nose and/or mouth

which priority action does the nurse preform to prevent harm for a client receiving oxygen therapy through a nonrebreather mask?

ensuring that valves and flaps are patent, functional, and not stuck

What are the critical priority actions for the nurse to take to prevent harm when caring for a client with pulmonary artery hypertension who is receiving an infusion of a prostacyclin through a small portable IV pump? Select all that apply.

ensuring the infusion is never interrupted. avoiding the use of the pump line for delivery of other drugs. using strict aseptic technique when changing drug cassettes and site dressings.

With clients from which racial or ethnic group will the nurse make sure to ask about family members with cystic fibrosis when performing a pulmonary assessment?

european americans

when the spO2 of a client with very dark skin reads 91% which additional assessments will the nurse preform to determine if the client's gas exchange adequacy? (select all)

examine color or oral mucosa use capnography to assess end-tidal CO2 levels

What is the nurse's best first action when a postoperative client with a rhinoplasty repeatedly swallows?

examine the throat for bleeding

Which subjective symptoms will the nurse expect a client with obstructive sleep apnea to report or describe? Select all that apply.

excessive daytime sleepiness. decreased ability to concentrate. irritability. heavy snoring.

which respiratory changes does the nurse expect to find in an 82-year-old client who has no indicators of respiratory disease? (select all)

exhalation is twice as long as inhalation decreased force of cough increased anteroposterior softer voice

Which symptom in a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) does the nurse associate directly with chronic hypoxemia?

finger clubbing

what is the priority or most relevant medical-surgical concept for the nurse when performing an assessment of a client's respiratory system?

gas exchange

Which action will the nurse perform first for a client with an active nosebleed (epistaxis)?

have the client sit upright with the head forward

Which assessment findings will the nurse expect to find in a 32-year-old client who was diagnosed diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) at age 6 months? Select all that apply.

history of frequent respiratory infections. cough and sputum production. decreased exercise tolerance. barrel shaped chest.

which question will the nurse ask first when a client reports a persistent, nagging cough?

how long has it been present?

what is the priority action for the nurse to take to prevent harm when caring for a client who is receiving oxygen at 5L/min by nasal cannula?

humidify with sterile water

which statements indicate to the nurse that a client has a strong addiction to cigarette smoking? (select all)

i smoke a cigarette when I wake up before making coffee I only water movies on the TV rather than a theater because I can smoke at home Last night I woke up at 2:00am and 5:00am to smoke two cigarettes each time

Which precaution is most important for the nurse to teach a client, who is a secretary, and just had nasal tubes removed after a posterior nasal bleed?

if bleeding recurs, call 911 immediately

which precaution to prevent harm is most important for the nurse to teach a client who is newly prescribed to take varenicline?

immediately report any change in thought process or suicide ideation because this drug can alter behavior

what is the nurse's best first action when a client's heart rate changes form 78bpm to 48bpm during nasogastric suctioning?

immediately stop suctioning

After collaboration with the registered dietitian nutritionist, the nurse expects to reinforce which nutritional changes to the client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? Select all that apply.

increasing protein intake avoiding dry or crumbly foods eating six smaller meals instead of 3 larger ones daily

Which common features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD does the nurse recognize as increasing a client's risk for respiratory infection? Select all that apply.

ineffective cough poor ciliary function inadequate nutrition excessive thick mucus

Which statement(s) regarding drug therapy for asthma is(are) true? Select all that apply.

inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs are always used for asthma control and never for acute asthma rescue. metered dose inhalers are most effective with the use of a spacer.

which client descriptions of sputum production alert the nurse to the possibility of a current respiratory problem? (select all)

is streaked with mucous is frothy and pink has foul oder

Which structures are the most critical to keep patent for effective gas exchange? Select all that apply.

larynx trachea oropharynx

which parameters will the nurse monitor to ensure that a client's gas exchange response to oxygen therapy is adequate? (select all)

level of consciousness respiratory pattern pulse rate respiratory rate

Which instructions will the nurse give to a client after rhinoplasty to prevent harm from bleeding? Select all that apply.

limit or avoid straining during bowel movements. do not sniff upwards or blow your nose. avoid aspiring containing products or nsaids. use a humidifier to prevent mucosal drying.

Which client symptom suggests the possibility of sinus cancer to the nurse?

long term bloody nasal discharge

Which symptom in a client having an acute asthma episode indicates to the nurse that the attack is becoming more severe?

loud wheezing is heard on inhalation as well as exhalation

Which changes does the nurse teach adults to be aware of as warning signs of head and neck cancer? Select all that apply.

lump in mouth, neck, or throat. change in fit of dentures. difficulty swallowing. numbness in the mouth, lips, or face.

which action will the nurse take to prevent harm from tracheomalacia in a client who has a newly created tracheostomy?

maintaining the tracheal cuff pressure between 14-20mmHg

which actions are most important for a nurse to take to prevent harm when caring for a client who is receiving oxygen therapy with a nasal cannula? (select all)

making sure that the prongs on the nasal cannula are properly positioned in the nares applying water- soluble gel to the nares as needed checking client's skin under cannula and behind ears

Using the GOLD classification system, how will the nurse categorize the severity of respiratory impairment for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) whose FEV1 now consistently measures 60% of the predicted value for the client's age?


Which statement by a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) indicates to the nurse a need for additional teaching about the disorder?

my COPD is serious, but it can be reversed if I follow my treatment plan

which action does the nurse caring for a client receiving humidified oxygen take to prevent harm from potential infection?

never draining fluid from the water trap back into the nebulizer

What is the nurse's best action to prevent harm when caring for a client with a chest tube in place that has drained 110 mL during the past hour?

notify the surgeon immediately

which assessment findings are most important for a nurse to determine when assessing a client for dyspnea? (select all)

onset of or when the client first noticed dysnea conditions that relieve the dyspnea sensation whether or not dyspnea interferes with ADLs whether stridor is present with dyspnea

Which discharge care issues are a priority for the nurse to teach a client with facial trauma who has undergone surgical intervention to wire the jaw shut? Select all that apply.

oral care use of wire cutters aspiration prevention dental liquid diet

which necessary equipment does the nurse ensure is kept at the bedside of a client with a newly created tracheostomy? (select all)

oxygen resuscitation bag oxygen tubing suction equipment tracheostomy tray with tube and obutator

which assessment findings on a client who had a bronchoscopy using local anesthetic benzocaine spray along with light sedation are most important to report to the health care provider who performed the procedure? (select all)

oxygen saturation is 60% and does not increase with supplemental O2 oral mucous membranes are cyanotic sputum is grossly bloody

which arterial blood gas (ABG) values from an 86-year-old client does the nurse consider to be normal?

pH 7.32, PaO2 94mmHg, PaCO2 42

Which arterial blood gas (ABG) value in a client with COPD does the nurse interpret as hypercarbia?

paco2= 72 mmHg

how will the nurse determine whether a post-operative client has subcutaneous emphysema following creation of a tracheostomy?

palpating for air under skin

How will the nurse determine whether a client who suffered severe laryngeal trauma has subcutaneous emphysema?

palpating for air under the skin

Which parameter indicates to the nurse that the medication administered to the client 5 minutes ago for an acute asthma attack is effective?

peak expiratory flow increased from 50% to 70%

The chest tube of a client who is 12 hours postoperative from a lobectomy separates from the drainage system. What is the nurse's best first action?

place the end of the disconnected tube into a container of sterile water positioned below the chest

the nurse assessing a client's respiratory status finds fermitus has increased from the assessment performed yesterday. For which possible respiratory problem will the nurse assess further?


which instructions must the nurse provide to an assistive personal (AP) prior to feeding a client who is at risk for aspiration? (select all)

position in most upright provide adequate time; dont hurry client encourage client to tuck his/hers chin down and move the forehead while swallowing if the client coughs, stop the feeding until airway has been cleared allow the client ot indicate when he/she is ready for next bite

what type of assessment information foes the nurse expect to gather when asking a client who has a respiratory problem whether the symptoms are worse at work or home?

possible particulate matter exposure

which actions reflect proper techniques for the nurse to use when performing deep suctioning on a client with a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube? (select all)

preoxygenate the client for at least 30 sec before suctioning instruct the client that he/she is going to be suctioned quickly insert the suction catheter until resistance is met

Which care issue will the nurse consider to be the highest priority to prevent harm when caring for a client after a suppraglottic laryngectomy for head and neck cancer?

preventing aspiration

Which action will the nurse perform to promote comfort for a client with dyspnea from advanced lung cancer?

providing supplemental oxygen via cannula or mask

what is the nurse's best first action when a client who is 4 days postop with a tracheostomy suddenly sneezes during trache care and the tube falls on the bed linens?

quickly and gently replace the tube with a clean cannula kept at bedside

With which members of the interprofessional team will the nurse most commonly collaborate in providing comprehensive care to clients with head and neck cancer and their families? Select all that apply.

registered dietitian nutritionist. respiratory therapist. speech language pathologist.

Which instructions are most important for the nurse to teach a female client with pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) who is prescribed an oral endothelin-receptor antagonist therapy at home? Select all that apply.

report any yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes to your pulmonologist immediately. if you are sexually active, be sure to use two reliable methods of contraception. get up slowly from a lying or sitting position. do not break, chew, or crush the drug tablets. take the drug with a full glass of water. avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Which assessment finding on a client with significant and obvious facial trauma after being struck repeatedly in the face does the nurse recognize as a priority for immediate action?

restlessness with high pitched respirations

what is the most appropriate action for the nurse to take to prevent accidental decannulation of a client's tracheostomy tube?

securing the tube in place using twill ties or commercial fasteners

Which problem has the highest priority for the nurse to help the wife of a client with late-stage small cell lung cancer to provide symptom management in the home?

severe pain

Which asthma drugs or drug categories have the primary purpose of asthma relief (rescue) rather than asthma control? Select all that apply.

short-acting beta agonists

Which assessment finding does the nurse expect for a client who has had a neck dissection with removal of muscle tissue, lymph nodes, and the 11th cranial nerve?

shoulder drop with limitation of movement

Which complication of nasal fracture does the nurse suspect when a client's clear nasal secretions react positively when tested for glucose?

skull fracture

Which actions will the nurse suggest to a client to help improve mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Select all that apply.

sleeping on the side rather than in a supine position. losing weight to come within 10% of his or her ideal weight. using an oral position fixing device to prevent tongue subluxation.

What is the nurse's best response to a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who states that there is no reason to quit cigarette smoking now that the disease has already been diagnosed?

smoking cessation can slow the rate of your disease progression

which factor does the nurse teach clients as the most common cause of chronic respiratory problems and physical limitations?

smoking cigarettes or chronic exposure to cigarette smoke

What is the nurse's best response when a client who is 2 days postoperative from a modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (modUPPP) states disappointment at still snoring?

snoring for a few weeks after surgery is normal because of tissue swelling

which are the nurse's priority actions when caring for a client who has labored, shallow respirations and a respiratory rate of 32 breaths/min with a pulse oximetry reading of 85%? (select all)

start O2 using nasal cannula at a rate of 2L/min assess other indicators of adequate gas exchange place client in upright position

What is the nurse's best response when a 62-year-old client whose brother was just diagnosed with head and neck cancer asks what he could do to reduce his risk for also developing this cancer?

stop smoking and drink alcohol only in moderation

Which laboratory test will the nurse expect to be ordered as most appropriate for an adult client who has persistent pulmonary symptoms to determine whether cystic fibrosis (CF) is the cause?

sweat chloride level

which activities are most important for the nurse to teach a client with a temporary tracheostomy to avoid until cleared by the surgeon? (select all)

swimming paddleboarding

which statements about oxygen therapy are true? (select all)

the oxygen provided during oxygen therapy is considered a drug nurses must know the purpose and expected outcomes for each client prescribed oxygen therapy

what is the nurse's best response to a client who says he is afraid to have pulmonary function testing (PFTs) because it may reveal that he has lung cancer?

these tests only determine whether your breathing is normal and cannot dx lung cancer

which client will the nurse assess most often for the possibility of a postprocedure pneumonthroax?


what is the reason that the nurse performing tracheal suctioning on a client applies continuous suction only during catheter withdrawal?

to prevent dropping of secretions into the trachea

Which procedure will the nurse prepare to assist with for a client who arrives in the emergency department with a severe crush injury to the face with blood gurgling from the mouth and nose and obvious respiratory distress?


Which action will the nurse recommend for the client who suffers from chronic xerostomia induced by radiation treatment for head and neck cancer?

try using a moisturizing mouth spray

which complication of a tracheostomy does the nurse suspect in a client who has difficulty breathing, noisy respirations, difficultly inserting a suction catheter, and thick dry secretions?

tube obstruction

How will the nurse categorize the level of asthma control for a client who reports usually waking at night with wheezing at least three times weekly and needing to use the prescribed reliever inhaler to stop the episodes?


which findings noted during assessment of a client who reports a respiratory problem will the nurse document as abnormal? (select all)

use of pursed-lip breathing intercostal space two finger-breaths wide rough scratching sounds over RLL

Which suggestions will the nurse make to a client with asthma who is a runner to prevent an exercise-induced attack? Select all that apply

use your reliever inhaler before starting your run. run on an indoor track during cold weather.

Which nonpulmonary change in a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) indicates to the nurse that the disorder may becoming more serious?

weight loss of 11 lb (5 kg)

how will the nurse document the respiratory assessment findings on auscultation that are heard as squeaky, musical continuous sounds when the client inhales and exhales?


what is the nurse's best response to a client who asks whether he can use a computer in the same room while using oxygen therapy?

yes as long as the cord is not frayed and has a three- pronged plug

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