REVEL CH 11 - Middle Adulthood

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The capacity for divided attention is higher in emerging adulthood than in middle adulthood, and some researchers have argued that this is explained by __________. lack of sleep a cohort difference senility differences in diet

a cohort difference

The state of being disillusioned, frustrated, and tired of one's job is called __________. expertise the glass ceiling scaffolding burnout


Crystallized intelligence represents a person's __________. decision-making ability adaptability scientific ability culturally-based knowledge

culturally-based knowledge

Crystallized and fluid intelligence were studied in the Seattle Longitudinal Study and it was found that perceptual speed __________. leveled off in midlife and was maintained throughout the later adult years declined steeply throughout the adult years followed the same pattern of change as crystallized intelligence increased throughout the adult years

declined steeply throughout the adult years

The ability to maintain attention on two or more information sources simultaneously and switch back and forth between them is known as __________. perceptual attention divided attention automatization information processing

divided attention

Developmentalists refer to knowledge and experience in a specific domain as __________. wisdom automatic processing expertise fluid intelligence


During middle adulthood, women in India __________. generally experience a decrease in happiness as a result of the many tasks they have to carry out gain the authority that once belonged to their mother-in-law experience a sharp increase in divorce experience an increase in psychological disorders because of the cumulative trauma they have faced in their subordinate position within the family

gain the authority that once belonged to their mother-in-law

The aspect of hearing that declines most significantly in midlife is the ability to __________. hear high-pitched sounds hear a voice over the telephone follow a conversation listen to music

hear high-pitched sounds

Research indicates that vacation time __________. increases cognitive and physical functioning is positively correlated with cognitive decline is less beneficial for men than women lowers worker productivity

increases cognitive and physical functioning

Research on midlife marriages in the United States has shown that __________. most divorces take place during midlife as part of a "midlife crisis" midlife married couples often describe their spouse as their best friend nearly three-fourths of midlife adults describe their marriage as "okay" or "acceptable" only those who report high levels of passion maintain high marital satisfaction in midlife

midlife married couples often describe their spouse as their best friend

Research on marriage in the United States has shown that by midlife __________. nearly three-fourths of American adults describe their marriage as "excellent" or "very good" marital satisfaction stays relatively low until the early seventies when most people are retired the correlation between marriage and mental health is weaker than it was earlier in the life span most marriage partners have less time to spend as a couple than they did earlier in their marriage because of increased job demands

nearly three-fourths of American adults describe their marriage as "excellent" or "very good"

The one test in the Seattle Longitudinal Study that showed a clear decline from young to middle adulthood was __________. procedural memory expertise perceptual speed verbal memory

perceptual speed

A study that measures the time it takes a person to push a button once they hear a sound is focused on __________. divided attention reaction time procedural knowledge multitasking

reaction time

With regard to work, midlife adults __________. are less satisfied with their jobs than young adults stay unemployed longer than young adults after experiencing a job loss tend to get a job of higher status and higher pay when they get a new job after being unemployed have higher absenteeism rates than young adults due to a weakened immune system with advancing age

stay unemployed longer than young adults after experiencing a job loss

Regarding the midlife crisis, research consistently indicates that __________. the majority of women experience this as a result of the empty nest, but it is much less likely to be experienced by men because they are more likely to work outside the home the claim of a universal midlife crisis is false the majority of the American population experiences it either in their 40s or 50s only those from ethnic minority backgrounds experience it because of more stress and discrimination than their counterparts from majority backgrounds

the claim of a universal midlife crisis is false

Historically, the most common pattern in traditional cultures has been that when a woman and man marry, __________. the son remains in the same town as his parents, especially if they are over age 65 the son's wife has most of the decision-making power in the household they establish an independent household the son remains in his parents' household and his wife moves in

the son remains in his parents' household and his wife moves in

Which of the following decreases for most people during middle adulthood? Long-term memory stores Ability for divided attention Procedural knowledge Factual knowledge

Ability for divided attention

Which of the following statements about work and leisure is true? Midlife adults who take more than two weeks of vacation per year have higher rates of depression than those who take two weeks or less. Work satisfaction is higher among those who receive vacation time, but productivity is lower. Men who take vacations are more likely to die from coronary heart disease. All developed countries except the United States guarantee workers a minimum number of weeks of paid vacation per year.

All developed countries except the United States guarantee workers a minimum number of weeks of paid vacation per year.

What did the study comparing self-development of Americans and South Koreans in their 50s find? South Koreans were higher in traits such as self-acceptance and autonomy. Americans were higher in traits such as self-acceptance and autonomy. Americans were higher in self-acceptance but South Koreans were higher on autonomy. There were no differences in self-development between Americans and South Koreans.

Americans were higher in traits such as self-acceptance and autonomy.

Which of the following statements regarding visual changes in midlife is true? An operation can be performed to correct problems with distance vision. Vision changes are minor and very few middle adults require glasses. The lens of the eye gets smaller and more transparent. The number of rods and cones stays the same, but they function less effectively.

An operation can be performed to correct problems with distance vision.

Which of the following is the leading cause of death in midlife? Coronary heart disease Diabetes Osteoporosis Cancer


Which of the following is a risk factor for osteoporosis? Consuming a vegetarian diet Too much high-impact exercise Consuming calcium-rich food Cigarette smoking

Cigarette smoking

Which of the following statements regarding research on how factors in middle adulthood predict health in later adulthood is true? There has been no longitudinal research to address this question; therefore researchers have been unable to draw any definitive conclusions. Alcohol use predicts later health more strongly than smoking. Health habits in midlife have little relation to later physical and mental health. Education predicts health from middle to late adulthood more strongly than income.

Education predicts health from middle to late adulthood more strongly than income.

Which of the following statements about expertise is true? The heads of companies, universities, governments, and other organizations are usually appointed in late adulthood because it takes until then to develop the expertise required. Expertise applies only to the elite. Expertise is one reason why middle adulthood is the life stage when many people rise to the top of their profession. Comparing young adult to middle adult workers, a study found that expertise decreased with age.

Expertise is one reason why middle adulthood is the life stage when many people rise to the top of their profession.

Which of the following statements about experts is true? Experts process information more slowly than novices because they are more systematic in their reasoning. Experts are more creative, but less flexible, than novices. Experts tend to reach the top of their field due to their social connections. Experts are more automatic in their problem-solving than novices.

Experts are more automatic in their problem-solving than novices.

Which of Erikson's crises focuses on people's desire to "live on" after they have died and to help those younger than they so that the effects of their time on earth will be evident when they are gone? Legacy vs. selfishness Autonomy vs. doubt Generativity vs. stagnation Integrity vs. despair

Generativity vs. stagnation

Which of the following statements regarding grandparents in developed countries is true? Grandparents' involvement with their grandchildren is usually based on a sense of duty or obligation. Grandparents' involvement with their grandchildren depends on how well they get along with their children and sons- and daughters-in-law. White grandmothers are more likely to be involved in the daily care of their grandchildren compared to other ethnic groups because they have the resources to do so. Grandfathers participate more than grandmothers in recreational and family activities.

Grandparents' involvement with their grandchildren depends on how well they get along with their children and sons- and daughters-in-law.

Which of the following statements best describes how marital satisfaction changes over the life span? High satisfaction in the first few years of marriage, reaching a low point while caring for young children and remaining low until the children enter emerging adulthood, then a steep and steady rise in satisfaction at midlife and beyond High satisfaction for the first few years of marriage, increasing satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, and then plummeting to an all-time low satisfaction in midlife and beyond Highest satisfaction in the first year of marriage, lower satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, and even lower satisfaction for midlife and beyond Low satisfaction for the first few years of marriage, higher satisfaction while children are growing up, and the highest satisfaction for midlife and beyond

High satisfaction in the first few years of marriage, reaching a low point while caring for young children and remaining low until the children enter emerging adulthood, then a steep and steady rise in satisfaction at midlife and beyond

Which of the following statements about motherhood and women's careers is true? The longer a mother is not employed, the more her career will be enhanced. By midlife, women with children are just as likely to have attained a management position as women who have no children. Career success is no greater for women in countries that provide greater government support for childcare than for women in other countries. In many countries, women experience a "motherhood penalty" in their career development by midlife.

In many countries, women experience a "motherhood penalty" in their career development by midlife.

Which of the following statements regarding reproductive changes is true? The climacteric for men is more sudden than it is for women. It has been proposed that men experience andropause, but this has not been validated. Menopause is common in all primate species. Men and women both experience menopause

It has been proposed that men experience andropause, but this has not been validated.

Which of the following statements about research on generativity is true? It has shown that there are a variety of ways an adult can be generative. It has shown that significantly more women than men achieve a sense of generativity during midlife. It has shown a peak during emerging adulthood, followed by a plateau in middle adulthood among Americans and Canadians. It has focused almost exclusively on Asian countries.

It has shown that there are a variety of ways an adult can be generative.

In which culture do women report the lowest rate of hot flashes during menopause? Japanese European African Native American


Which of the following statements about menopause is true? Menopause tends to occur later among women who smoke or who have not given birth. Japanese women experience less extreme menopausal symptoms than those in other ethnic groups. After menopause, estrogen levels rise. Women's hormone levels remain unchanged until menopause, at which point they drop dramatically.

Japanese women experience less extreme menopausal symptoms than those in other ethnic groups.

What have a variety of American and European studies found in regards to changes in job satisfaction with age? Job satisfaction peaks in young adulthood. Job satisfaction increases for executives but not maintenance staff in middle adulthood. Job satisfaction peaks in middle adulthood. Job satisfaction ratings tend to be consistent across developmental periods.

Job satisfaction peaks in middle adulthood.

Which of the following statements about midlife family relations is true? Across cultures, the youngest sibling usually ends up taking the majority of the responsibility for parents' care. Midlife adults who are highly involved in a parent's care experience high rates of exhaustion and depression. Generally, contact with siblings is higher in middle adulthood than it is at either earlier or later life stages. In Western countries, people in late adulthood usually prefer to live with their midlife adult children.

Midlife adults who are highly involved in a parent's care experience high rates of exhaustion and depression.

Which of the following, which entails anxiety, unhappiness, and a critical reappraisal of one's life, possibly provoking dramatic changes, is claimed to be common in middle adulthood? Integrity vs. despair Midlife crisis Menopause Andropause

Midlife crisis

Which of the following statements about trends in midlife mortality across developed countries since 1990 is true? Midlife mortality rates have declined except among White Americans. Midlife mortality rates have increased except in the United States. Midlife mortality rates have not changed. Midlife mortality rates were declining until 2000 but have recently increased.

Midlife mortality rates have declined except among White Americans.

Which of the following is associated with sleep problems in middle age? Living in an urban environment Obesity Living in a hot climate Having a Type B personality


Which of the following is the main finding that emerged from the Americans' Changing Lives study? People with extended family living with or near them were less likely than others to die in middle adulthood. People who had strong religious beliefs were less likely than others to die in middle adulthood or to experience chronic health problems in middle and late adulthood. People with larger social networks were more likely to experience chronic health problems in middle and late adulthood than those with smaller networks. People with high levels of educational attainment were less likely than others to die in middle adulthood or to experience chronic health problems in middle and late adulthood.

People with high levels of educational attainment were less likely than others to die in middle adulthood or to experience chronic health problems in middle and late adulthood.

Which of the following statements about reaction time is true? Reaction time refers to the how people respond in emotionally charged situations. Reaction time is typically longer for midlife adults than it is for young adults in laboratory settings. The reaction time of midlife adults is significantly slower only on tasks outside the lab setting. Reaction time decreases significantly enough during midlife that most activities of daily living are somewhat impaired.

Reaction time is typically longer for midlife adults than it is for young adults in laboratory settings.

Rates of coronary heart disease in midlife are especially high in __________. the United States France Russia Japan


Which of the following statements regarding research on self-development in middle adulthood is true? Across cultures during middle adulthood, contentment with the self shows a small, but significant, decline as people confront a number of physiological changes. There is little self-development among middle-aged people living in collectivistic cultures. Self-acceptance, autonomy, and environmental mastery all increase during middle adulthood. Middle-aged adults' enhanced self-development makes them less likely to adapt to new situations or to be flexible in their goals.

Self-acceptance, autonomy, and environmental mastery all increase during middle adulthood.

Regarding hormone replacement therapy (HRT), what is the best advice for a 62-year-old woman with a family history of breast cancer who has suffered from severe menopausal symptoms? She should use HRT; there are no reasons not to do so. She should use HRT if she has other female relatives who have had success with this treatment. She should not use HRT because of the risks given her age and medical history. She should try HRT cautiously and have frequent checkups.

She should not use HRT because of the risks given her age and medical history.

On which of the following tasks would midlife adults tend to do more poorly than their younger counterparts? Knowing the meaning of vocabulary words Switching between assessing pairs of numbers as "odd or even" or as "more or less" Remembering how to play a card game or a board game Remembering historical events

Switching between assessing pairs of numbers as "odd or even" or as "more or less"

Which of the following statements regarding the status of women is true? Women are now equal to men in their attainment of professional status in most countries. Across cultures, where women have a great deal of power within the household, they have a great deal of power outside of it as well. When both marital partners work full-time, men and women share the work of running the household equally. The Gender Development Index (GDI) is highest in countries with the highest economic development.

The Gender Development Index (GDI) is highest in countries with the highest economic development.

Which of the following is a typical change in hearing during midlife? The cilia thin out. The eardrum becomes more flexible, making it more sensitive to sounds. The only causes of hearing loss are those that are genetic in nature. Men generally experience less hearing loss than women.

The cilia thin out.

Which of the following midlife Americans has experienced an increase in mortality in recent years? African Americans Asian Americans Hispanic Americans White Americans with a high school education or less

White Americans with a high school education or less

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