review for framework

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The five parts that make up the properly written research paper in the correct order are:

. Introduction, Background, Body, Rebuttal, Conclusion.

Most of the decisions human beings make are based on their values. According to your textbook, which of the following best defines the word value?

. Values are core beliefs we develop early in life as a result of our interactions with those people in our lives who influence us the most.

When writing a paper you could significantly shorten and streamline your research efforts if you used which of the following tools?

5" X 8" index cards for gathering information from your sources.

It is possible to study for too long at any one period of time. Research has shown that productive studying begins to fall off after a while but then it really plummets at about the ______ minute mark.


Which of the following best defines the word dilemma?

A forced choice between two undesirable outcomes.

A decision-making modality is:

A preferred way of making decisions; there are four different modalities.

Which of the following are characteristics college students have with Navy SEALs? a. Determination. b. Courage. c. Self-sacrifice. d. Teamwork. e. Never-quit attitude. f. All of the above.


During Kohlberg's conventional level of moral development:

An individual is primarily concerned with conforming to the rules of society

When writing your paper you should inform the reader of any specific jargon or terminology with which they may not be familiar. In what section of the paper should this be included?


Jose wants to be totally prepared for his upcoming very important calculus exam. While he is studying for the exam he stops, puts his textbook and notes down, and imagines his classmate Raul is sitting in the room with him. He then explains three different formulas he suspects will be covered on the exam to Raul with examples to demonstrate how to use the formulas to calculate the correct answers. Which of the following test preparation methods is Jose using with Raul?

Be the Teacher

The first step in the problem-solving process is to state what appears to be the problem. Why state what appears to be the problem; why not just state the problem? While any of the following answers could apply, which one is the most accurate relative to what it states in the textbook?

Because the real problem may not be uncovered without first gathering the facts.

You can engage in a mindfulness moment almost anywhere and at any time. As suggested in the textbook, you can even do it with a piece of chocolate! Being mindful is best described as:

Being completely centered and focusing one hundred percent of your attention on and in your immediate, present moment.

According to your textbook one man in particular may have been an early proponent of the concept and value of having the right mindset. His name was Rene Descartes and his Latin phrase was "Cogito Ergo Sum." Translated into English this means: a. "I think in summary terms." b. "I think therefore I practice." c. "I think therefore I am." d. "I think I should learn another language and stay away from Latin!"


Which one of the following is not part of Dr. Stoltz's acronym for G.R.I.T.? a. Growth. b. Resilience. c. Identity. d. Tenacity.

C (Growth, Resilience, Instinct, and Tenacity)

Included in your textbook is a five-step plan to follow when preparing for an exam. Four of the steps are determine what to study, create a specific schedule to follow, use yellow sheets, and be the teacher. Which of the following is the missing step?

Create a study plan in writing.

Which level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy would a student be utilizing if they developed in their mind a story or image of some kind to help them best remember the material?


Which of the following is not one of D.A. Kolb's four stages of experiential learning? a. Concrete experience. b. Reflective observation. c. Abstract conceptualization. d. Sedentary experimentation


Which of the following statements is not characteristic of a person operating from a growth mindset? a. "I can stretch myself, takes risks, and learn. I embrace challenges." b. "I learn from criticism. I look for ways to improve." c. "I realize I must work at it to grow, that growth requires effort." d. "I feel threatened by the success of others. If they succeed it must mean I fail." e. "I find I can learn and even be inspired from observing other people's successes." Hide Feedback


Three of the five key steps to writing papers included in your textbook are:

Determine your point of view, use a winning model, and proofread carefully.

Which of the following sample verbs is best associated with the understanding level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy?


Exercising instinct really means that you should continually re-assess and define where you are; but making adjustments could compromise your grittiness. (T.F)


Mindfulness is a form of meditation and much like yoga is rooted in Hinduism. (T/F)


Mindset, whether fixed or growth, is not an option. We are either born with one or the other and must learn to live with it.(T/F)


(T/F) Writing a critical analysis of a poem or short story rather than breaking it down into its individual parts is indicative of the Analyze level of the taxonomy.


A person learning how to prepare an Italian dinner of spinach ravioli in a marinara sauce by watching a chef is using the kinesthetic learning style. (t/f)


A proper review for an exam consists specifically of finding out three things: how many questions and of what type will be on the exam, whether there will be a bonus opportunity, and whether there is a study guide. (T/F)


According to research the optimal length of time students should study before their productivity falls off sharply is thirty minutes.(T/F)


People with grit don't allow the mistakes of their past to define who they are today, but they tend to see failure as a permanent condition. (T/F)


The body of a research paper should take up approximately 50% of the content and the conclusion should represent about 30% of the paper. (T/F)


Angela Duckworth's research on grit suggests:

Grit is a better predictor of student success than intelligence and IQ.

Learning how to bake a cake by getting in the kitchen and attempting to do it represents which of the following learning styles?


According to behavioral scientist Dr. Carol Dweck a person with a growth mindset believes:

One's basic qualities and ability to learn can be cultivated through one's intentional efforts.

Dr. Paul Stoltz suggests that one way to develop more grit is to get out of your comfort zone. By this he means:

Push yourself a bit beyond what is normally comfortable for you at work, at home, with your education, and in your personal relationships.

Check My Work The six levels of the Bloom's Revised Taxonomy are which of the following? a. Procedural, conditional, understand, create, evaluate, analyze. b. Declarative, understand, conditional, procedural, analyze, remember. c. Conditional, declarative, procedural, analyze, evaluate, understand. d. Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create.

Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create.

A "study split" can best be defined as:

Splitting your time between studying for a while and then not studying for a while.

Being a gritty student means you are willing to pursue your goals with passion knowing that getting your education is more of a marathon than a sprint. (T/F)


If achievement is the result of talent plus preparation, then failing to prepare is actually much like preparing to fail. (T/F)


People operating from a growth mindset believe that failure is not a permanent condition; rather it is an opportunity for further learning and growth. (T/F)


People with a high level of grit believe setbacks don't discourage them, diligence and hard work pay off, and that they finish what they start.(T/F)


Possessing a fixed mindset means you believe that your intelligence and ability to learn are fixed at birth and the effort you put forth really doesn't matter.(T/F)


To develop your grit you should embrace adversity and turn it into a challenge. You can also dare it to slow you down or stop you and then defeat it. (T/F)


It is important to avoid study fatigue because of the possibility of experiencing something called habituation which is defined as:

The brain acclimates to whatever is being read, viewed, or studied.

The primary purpose for using Yellow Sheets is:

To create a special packet of pages containing the most important and/or most difficult information to study so that you can go over them multiple times before taking the exam.

A well-written paper must be reader-oriented more so than writer-oriented and must impact the reader in some way. (T/F)


Academic self-regulation includes developing a specific study plan and strategy and following it when preparing for an exam. (T/F)


One of the main benefits of positive self-talk while preparing for and taking an exam is that it helps you create and maintain a sense of self-efficacy. a. True b. False


VARK is an acronym representing four different ways of taking in and processing new academic information. VARK stands for:

Visual, Aural, Reading/wRiting, Kinesthetic.

A bit of information is a single stimulus and a chunk is a grouping of related bits. a. True b. False


A synapse is: a. An electro-chemical transaction or reaction. b. A predictable result of the brain attempting to store information. c. Not necessary for the transmission of information along the neuronal superhighway. d. All of the above.


According to Daniel Goleman, the concept of delayed gratification is directly related to an individual's ability to manage impulse control. a. True b. Fals


According to your text book, a synapse occurs just past the terminal bulb as neurons communicate with each other. a. True b. False


Because a dentist must be skilled in using his or her hands while working with a patient, she or he has good bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. a. True b. False


Csikszentmihali states that a person is in a state of flow when what they are doing is so natural and enjoyable that they lose track of time totally absorbed in what they are doing. a. True b. False


Glial cells perform several important functions in support of information processing. But the most important function they serve is which of the following? a. Increase the speed of conduction of messages traveling through the neurons. b. Produce the myelin sheath that covers the axon. c. Allow dendrites and neurons to communicate with each other. d. Help both gray matter and white matter become more responsible for memory.


Howard Gardner helped prove that intelligence isn't limited to IQ but can actually be present in a person in as many as nine unique forms. a. True b. False


In order for information to move from STM to LTM we must assign value to it in some way and study it over and over again. a. True b. False


Intelligence is the product of both biological and psychological factors. Which of the following statements about learning is most accurate? a. As learning occurs connections form between neurons and create neural networks. b. A person's intelligence will not grow and change over time. c. As a person grows biologically they will also grow psychologically. d. All of the above are true.


Neural networks actually form as we study and store information for later retrieval. It could be said that neural networks are to the brain what files are to a computer. a. True b. False


Neurotransmitters are chemicals that typically reside in the axon terminal bulb. a. True b. False


Retrieval cues act as hooks to help us remember because they help us locate consolidated memories. The central executive is responsible for consolidation and retrieval. a. True b. False


STM, also called Working Memory can handle a range from 5-9 bits or chunks of information, and it can hold it for up to two minutes with focused attention. a. True b. False


Spiritual-Existential intelligence means being smart in matters of reflection, deeply held values, the human experience in the world, and the meaning of life and death. a. True b. False


The central executive in STM performs several tasks. They include: a. Attend, transmit, output, consolidate. b. Attend, retain, input, consolidate. c. Attend, forget, output, transmit. d. Transmit, retain, consolidate, transfer.


When we consolidate and retrieve information over and over again we create neural networks that store information for later use. a. True b. False


Which of the following is not one of Gardner's nine multiple intelligences? a. Physical-Sensory intelligence b. Logical-Mathematical intelligence c. Interpersonal intelligence d. Naturalistic intelligence


William is stuck in traffic. All has come to a complete stop. He has two meetings to make and phone calls to return. He can't afford to sit on the highway going nowhere. He decides to contact the people he is scheduled to meet with and let them know he is running late and then spends the next fifteen minutes returning phones calls. Eventually the traffic jam is cleared and he heads on his way. William operated from which of the following? a. An internal locus of control. b. An external locus of control. c. A high degree of self-efficacy but at a low level of EQ. d. A low degree of self-efficacy but at a high level of EQ.


A neurotransmitter is an electrical connection in the brain that facilitates learning. a. True b. False


A person operating from an Internal Locus of Control typically has a high level of self-efficacy. Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates this? a. A student struggling in a Math class believes she can't pass the course and drops it. b. A student struggling in a Math class has confidence she can pass it with help from her professor and schedules a one-on-one meeting to get that help. c. A student knows she's really good in Math and registers for a Math course but puts off registering for a Psychology course because the subject is brand new to her. d. A student knows she's really good in Math but puts that course off so she can take Psychology, the subject matter of which intimidates her.


Academic information is stored in LTM as a result of the development of neural networks in the brain. The typical orderly process by which a neural network is formed is: a. Process, work with it, focus intentionally, delivery, synapse, network formed. b. Focus intentionally, process, work with it, synapse, delivery, network formed. c. Focus intentionally, work with it, process, synapse, delivery, network formed. d. Work with it, focus, process, delivery, synapse, network formed.


According to your textbook it is better to have an internal locus of control than an external locus of control. a. True b. False


Circuit pruning is the elimination of excess neurons and synapses and we must consciously engage in this physiological pruning on a regular basis to maximize the efficiency of our learning. a. True b. False


In order for information to travel from one neuron to the next it is necessary: a. To study for at least one hour at time. b. For the signal strength of the message to be strong enough to make the jump across the synaptic gap. c. To eat breakfast every day. d. To keep a signal from registering above the threshold level needed for transmission.


LTM consists of both declarative (explicit) and non-declarative (implicit) memory. An example of declarative memory is tying your shoes. An example of non-declarative memory is your home address. a. True b. False


LTM has different levels. Surface learners tend to store information in the shallower levels of LTM while deep learners store information much deeper so they can remember more of what they learn and study. This characteristic of LTM (its levels) indicates that some particular fact a surface learner reads about in a textbook will not be stored deep enough in LTM to remember it a year or two later. a. True b. False


People strong in interpersonal intelligence typically also have a good understanding of themselves while people with good intrapersonal intelligence are usually very good interacting and working with others. a. True b. False


Rhonda's friend Sophie has asked her for advice regarding how to improve or develop her EQ. Rhonda shares five ways Sophie can develop her EQ but tells her not to celebrate differences between herself and others because developing her EQ is personal and should primarily involve using critical thinking, being optimistic, and paying attention to herself. a. True b. False


Using the marshmallow test first conducted by Walter Mischel and later by Daniel Goleman, assessed what two psychological concepts connected with emotional intelligence? a. Self-efficacy and learned helplessness. b. Impulse control and delayed gratification. c. Social competence and resilience. d. IQ versus EQ.


When a synapse occurs it can best be described as: a. The level at which an audible cue can best be perceived by the brain. b. The minimum level at which inter-neuronal communication takes place. c. The minimum level at which the effects of a synapse cease to facilitate transfer. d. b and c above. e. The correct answer is not listed here.


While it is possible for any of us to be smart in all nine intelligences and can learn to use them as needed to perform at our best in school and at work, Gardner recommends that a person should just focus on one or two intelligences and not use any of the others. a. True b. False


Which of the following is the most important way information is transferred from short term to long term memory? a. Reviewing it quickly. b. Mastering. c. Rehearsal. d. None of the above. Hide Feedback


A neural network can best be defined as which of the following? a. A pattern of neurons that communicate with each other. b. A grouping of like neurons that communicate only with each other and no other neurons. c. A pattern of neurons that work together to send and receive information. d. A related pattern or group of neurons that interact together to process, send, receive, and store information.


According to the Three-Phase Model of Memory the Sensory Register: a. Is located in the Working Memory. b. Is responsible for moving information from STM to LTM. c. Can hold information for twenty seconds. d. Isn't actually memory at all but simply grabs signals from the environment.


For academic learning and information processing the most accurate statement offered below about glial cells is: a. They cover the neuron's axon much like a bun to a hot dog. b. They are more related to general "life" learning than to academic learning. c. They create white matter and along with gray matter are responsible for memory. d. They contribute to the development and maintenance of the connections between neurons.


From the vignette in the chapter Monica discovered she could fully understand and remember Perry's theory of cognitive and moral development using her strongest of the multiple intelligences. The one she used best was her: a. Linguistic-Verbal in intelligence b. Spatial intelligence c. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence d. Musical intelligence e. None of the above, she used her Spiritual-Existential intelligence


Having studied Spanish her first two years in high school, Nicole thought it would be fun to take French in college. Learning French vocabulary, however, was more difficult than she expected because the words were often confusingly similar to their Spanish counterparts. Which of the following best explains Nicole's inability to accurately remember? a. Decay. b. Displacement. c. Failure to store. d. Interference.


Julie has always been told that she has a particular gift at reading people. And though she finds that flattering she would tell you that her best gift is her ability to truly understand herself and the overall human condition and how both relate to others. She hopes to one day become an LPC, a Licensed Professional Counselor. Of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, which one fits Julie best? a. Interpersonal intelligence b. Logical-mathematical intelligence c. Linguistic intelligence d. Intrapersonal intelligence


Research shows that EQ is a better predictor of success and happiness than IQ. It also suggests that: a. EQ and IQ are both genetically predisposed. b. People with high IQ tend to get promoted at work more often than people with high EQ. c. Personal competence is more critical to success than social competence. d. While IQ is primarily genetically predisposed EQ can be learned and developed.


Two of the three key components of the three-phase model of memory are STM and LTM. Which of the following is the other component? a. Neural Network. b. Central Executive. c. Working Memory. d. Sensory Detector.


Elise is a bright student but she struggled with one test in particular and just couldn't seem to recall the information from memory needed to perform to her usual standards. Since her subpar performance was so unusual she reflected on how it could have happened and she reasoned that the test took place on the same day she had a major fight with her boyfriend and it may have affected her test-taking effort. Which of the following statements would best apply? a. Since the test covered declarative knowledge she was distracted by autobiographical memory. b. Since the test covered procedural knowledge she was distracted by semantic memory. c. Since the test covered conditional knowledge she was distracted by factual memory. d. Since the test covered knowledge requiring implicit memory she couldn't concentrate on it. e. Since the test covered declarative knowledge she was likely distracted by episodic memory.


People with a high degree of emotional intelligence often find that they: a. Get promoted at work more often. b. Get pay raises more often than people with lower degrees of emotional intelligence. c. Tend to have more friends. d. Get hired over people with lower EQ. e. All of the above are true about people with high EQ.


People with logical-mathematical intelligence are "numbers smart" and people with linguistic-verbal intelligence are "word" smart. People with spatial intelligence are: a. Picture smart b. Self smart c. Shape smart d. Body movement smart e. a and c above f. None of the above


Students demonstrating an internal locus of control: a. Believe reinforcements they receive are contingent upon their own actions. b. Are reactive and respond to environmental cues. c. Have a high degree of self-efficacy. d. Believe the future is more determined by chance than by luck. e. a and c above. f. b and d above.


There are two definitions included in your textbook for the word Grit. Which of the following are the correct definitions? a. The capacity to dig deep, to do whatever it takes, to struggle, sacrifice, even suffer to achieve your most worthy goals. b. To approach life from an "against the grain" perspective knowing that others might get in your way and become obstacles to you achieving your goals. c. Passion and perseverance toward the achievement of a long-term goal. d. The passion to pursue your goals with a strong work ethic and commitment. e. a and c above f. b and c above


When writing research papers it is important to scrutinize Internet sites to assure your readers that the information in your paper is credible. Which of the following do you think represent examples of sources that are likely not credible? a. Special interests that might color the report. b. An unsponsored web site. c. The verifiable results of a university published experiment. d. Extremely liberal or conservative positions. e. a, b, and d above.


Which of the following represents ways we can forget information? a. Negative thinking. b. Weak impression. c. Interference. d. a and c above. e. All of the above.


Which of the following statements is true about Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences? a. I.Q. as a categorical measure of intelligence is too limited b. Learning should involve multiple modalities such as music, art, and cooperative learning. c. Multiple intelligences tend to be the domain of the brightest students d. I.Q. is based primarily on logical-mathematical and bodily-kinesthetic development e. a and b above f. All of the above are true about Gardner's theory


(T/F) Tameca passed her test and received her driver's license last month. When she first began driving on her own she was a bit nervous and was very careful. Now she drives easily and effortlessly as though it is automatic for her. Tameca is in the conscious competence stage of adult learning.


(T/F) When making decisions using your four modalities each decision you make should be based on the majority of answers from your modalities.


(T/F) When making decisions your thinking modality indicates what your senses are telling you while your Intuition modality indicates what your heart is telling you.


(T/F) According to Kohlberg conventional moral reasoning begins in late childhood and typically ends in early adulthood.


(T/F) During step 7 of the problem-solving process it isn't necessary to test your solution against your desired results because by then you will either have solved or not solved the problem.


There are four specific learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Visceral.(t/f)


When writing a paper you should write your introduction first so that you know the specific direction and key content to include. (T/F)


(T/F) A person learning to wind surf by first getting on the board and trying it is in the concrete experience stage of experiential learning.


(T/F) By definition, a person's learning style is essentially the combination of taking in and processing academic information.


(T/F) A moral compass is a cognitive tool and can be different for everyone.


(T/F) One of the criticisms of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is that it doesn't really consider ways that boys and girls are socialized.


(T/F) Decision-making is a cognitive process wherein we assess information and then select a course of action from two or more alternatives.


According to your textbook, you should avoid "sexist" writing. This means that you should write in a gender-neutral manner and be careful not to show any bias toward one gender over the other. One way to avoid sexist writing is to write a person, or an individual, rather than the word he or she when referring to a person. (T/F)


Determining precisely what to study for an exam should be the first thing you do, even before creating a study schedule and following it. (T/F)


Emotional Intelligence can be defined as the ability to understand your own emotions, manage yourself and demonstrate empathy toward others. a. True b. False


Glial cells surround the axon and produce myelin sheath that helps information travel faster and more efficiently. a. True b. False


Intelligence is not fixed at birth and can be improved through the repeated and intentional practice of thinking. You can learn by applying intentional effort. a. True b. False


The ability of the brain to be physically modified while generating new neurons and neural networks is referred to as plasticity. a. True b. False


When writing a paper your thesis statement should be one sentence and clearly state your point of view, and your argument should provide direction for your paper. (T/F)


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