Revision for Chapters 1, 4, and 3 - Abnormal Psychology Exam

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What are the major criteria involved in determining whether a given behavior represents psychopathology?

distress, deviance, dysfunction, and dangerousness

The vast majority of people who are mentally ill _____.

do not commit crimes, harm others, or get into legal trouble

An employee who suddenly cannot concentrate sufficiently to fulfill job demands may be experiencing emotional _______


Procedure that provides data about physiological and biochemical brain processes

functional imaging

Hippocrates considered ______ and the environment important factors in psychopathology.


Johann Weyer (1515-1588) asserted that many people who were tortured, imprisoned, and burned as witches were mentally disturbed, not possessed by demons. His book helped pave the way for a perspective that emphasized which values?


During the testing of a new semi-structured diagnostic interview, the interview developers find that multiple clinicians interviewing the same patient disagree on whether the patient meets the criteria for borderline personality disorder. This suggests that the new interview has poor reliability, specifically poor ________ reliability.


Therapists are required by ____ to take appropriate action when a client is potentially homicidal or suicidal.


In which approach to healthcare might insurers in the private sector monitor and control the delivery of services?

managed care

A risk that a person will engage in behaviors that harm others


Mental health professionals find the best way to diagnose a mental disorder is to ask a client what disorder they think they have.


Researchers in the field of mental disorders agree that the only real way to accurately classify and categorize mental disorders (and thus to diagnose mental disorders) is to view them as biomedical illnesses.


Thanks to medical advances, only biological data such as brain scans and neurotransmitter and hormone levels are needed to accurately diagnose mental illnesses.


True or False: Mental health professionals find the best way to diagnose a mental disorder is to ask a client what disorder they think they have.


True or False: Thanks to medical advances, only biological data such as brain scans and neurotransmitter and hormone levels are needed to accurately diagnose mental illnesses.


Normal and abnormal behaviors occur along a continuum and result from interactions among various biological, psychological, social, and sociocultural factors.


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders contains information about the symptoms that characterize specific, recognized mental disorders.


True or False: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders contains information about the symptoms that characterize specific, recognized mental disorders.


Asylums were overcrowded and unsanitary, but shockingly had a _____ recovery rate where people came out of them with milder symptoms


What is culture?

A group of belief systems, norms, and values practiced by a group of people

What is cultural relativism?

A perspective that cultural values and worldviews affect the definition of abnormal behavior

This structural technique provides three-dimensional images of the brain but exposes patients to mild levels of radiation.

CT scan

Established in London in 1547. They decided to profit off of what was happening within their asylum. People were chained, behaving dangerously, and mixed with men and women. Outsiders could come visit and pay to view the asylum, similar to visiting a zoo.

Bedlam asylum

There are physical or physiological causes for mental disorders is the _____ viewpoint.

Biological viewpoint

Every diagnosis has a clear underlying pathophysiological cause, and each disorder is unique.

Categorical system

There is only one set of causative factors per disorder, which do not overlap with those of other disorders.

Categorical system

Which version of the DSM introduced the multiaxial system?


Behaviors that are displayed by only a small portion of society.


Abnormal behavior consists of emotional states and cognitive styles that occur along a spectrum of intensity.

Dimension system

One should not attempt to place people into specific diagnostic groupings; instead, one should identify key characteristics and ask, How much?

Dimensional system

Negative emotions brought on by the effects of a disorder


A school teacher who noticed the inhumane treatment in asylums. She took a "teacher's" approach and created a report for Congress that discussed the conditions of these places. Gave detailed reports about treatment and started her own campaign.

Dorthea Dix

In reality, only a small minority of acts of violence involve someone with a serious mental disorder. _____________ is much more likely to result in violent behavior

Drug or alcohol abuse

Impairments in a person's ability to manage daily life


This functional technique is based on using electrodes along the scalp to record activity within the brain.

EEG scan

Noticed similarities and patterns from mentally ill people and tried to systemically categorize them. He noticed people who have these symptoms tend to also have other symptoms, which made it easier to come up with treatments

Emil Kraeplin

What does the objective "predicting" mean?

Estimating the possibility that a patient will engage in violent behavior

What does the objective "explaining" mean?

Examining a client's background to identify potential causes of his or her psychological condition

____ (A.D. 129-199) made major contributions through his scientific examination of the nervous system and his explanation of the role of the brain and central nervous system in mental functioning.


A comprehensive set of tests that helps clinicians identify the location of organic damage in the brain.

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery

Who actively questioned prevailing superstitious beliefs and proposed much more rational and scientific explanations for mental disorders?


_______ believed that certain disorders in women (such as a sudden inability to speak or to walk) were due to the wandering of the woman's uterus in search of a child. The type of physical symptoms displayed depended upon where in the body the uterus was lodged. He often recommended marriage or more sexual activity to coax the uterus back to its proper place.


Why did the original DSM have problems with precision, validity, and reliability?

It was based on psychoanalytic theory, which was, at that time, unproven.

Pushed an emphasis on treating the mentally ill with empathy and kindness. He personally investigated many cases of demonic possession and asserted that many people who were tortured, imprisoned, and burned as witches were mentally disturbed, not possessed by demons.

Johann Weyer

In this neuroimaging technique, radio-frequency waves are used within a magnetic field to create detailed structural cross-sections of the brain.


This is the most widely used personality inventory in the United States.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

What does the object "describing" mean?

Observing how a client behaves and responds to questions during evolution

A computer combines information from multiple radiation-sensitive cameras about the location and movement of radioactive tracers to construct a three-dimensional image of where oxygen or glucose is being used in the brain.

PET scan

He proposed a link between mental and physical health and said that if you could treat mental health, you could also treat physical health. He also thought that your sense of morality and righteousness affected your physical health as well.


Known for being one of the first to talk about how the dose of a substance may affect its impact, so the more drugs you take, the more effect that drug may have


A French doctor working during the French Revolution. He performed an experiment where he unchained patients and treated them humanely by providing them sunny rooms and human contact.

Philipe Pinel

____ (429-347 B.C.) carried on the thinking of Hippocrates; he insisted that people who were mentally disturbed were the responsibility of their families and that they should not be punished for their behavior.


Which of the following is an important factor when determining whether a test has been appropriately standardized for a particular population?

Procedures and rules for administering the test are specified so that testing conditions are consistent for everyone.

Mental disorders are caused by emotional factors is the ________ viewpoint.

Psychological viewpoint

The degree to which a procedure or test yields consistent results


Alicia has been having disturbing dreams for several weeks. Specifically, she dreams she is physically violent with family members who are the most dear to her. Seeking relief from her nightmares, she goes to see a Freudian psychoanalyst. This therapist suspects these dreams are rooted in unconscious fears and personal insecurities. Which of the following tests would the psychoanalyst use to investigate Alicia's personal fears and insecurities?

Rorschach inkblot test

Can hold either a Master's or Doctorate. Focuses on how mental health and mental illness can manifest in an educational environment.

School psychologist

A forensic psychologist would like to find out whether a prisoner who is being considered for parole has antisocial personality characteristics. To assess this, the psychologist asks the inmate to respond to a series of statements, such as "If people get taken advantage of, it's their own fault" and "If I really want someone to do something for me, I can get them to do it." The prisoner indicates how strongly he agrees with each statement. What type of test is the forensic psychologist using in this scenario?

Self-report inventory

This test is useful in predicting children's school performance.

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

A researcher is interested in whether schizophrenia is correlated with loss of cortical grey matter. What type of imaging is the researcher most likely to use?

Structural imaging

What is cultural universality?

The perspective that symptoms of mental disorders are the same in all cultures and societies

The person undergoing assessment is shown a series of ambiguous pictures and is asked to tell a story about them.

Thematic Apperception Test

What is the purpose of the cross-cutting measures in DSM-5?

To assist clinicians in determining whether a client has a comorbid disorder

Proposed to advocate for mental health treatment. His treatment methods involved restraining patients to restrict movement and reduce their symptoms. This caused patients to be paralyzed. He also suggested that to help patients calm down you could provide opium or flaming pitch to their head.

William Battie

What does the objective "modifying" mean?

Working with a client to develop an intervention plan that address his or her symptoms

According to a 2018 report from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), what percentage of U.S. adults aged 18-25 had experienced a mental disorder (not including a drug or alcohol use disorder) during the previous 12 months?

about 25%

According to a 2018 report from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), what percentage of U.S. adults aged 18-25 had experienced a severe mental disorder such as schizophrenia during the previous 12 months?

about 8%

Researchers using the Research Domain Criteria focus on examining how interactions between which factors influence the development and trajectory of specific behaviors and psychiatric symptoms?

biological and environmental

Insel's precision medicine approach to mental disorders focuses on identifying and grouping psychiatric symptoms based on _____

biological markers

The DSM provides a listing of disorders and the various characteristics associated with each and the clinician must judge whether or not a client meets the criteria for a particular diagnosis. Because of this present/absent, yes/no approach to diagnosis, the DSM is best described as what sort of system?


Thus, the DSM has traditionally been a _________ system, listing disorders and the various characteristics, course, and outcome associated with each.


Co-occurrence of different disorders in the same person


Scores on a new screening measure for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) correlate very well with diagnoses of OCD, and the items on the measure reflect the current theoretical understanding of OCD. This new measure seems promising because it has good validity, specifically good ___________

construct validity

Analyzing data from psychiatric epidemiology studies is critical because it can help guide us toward solutions that reduce the ____________________ associated with mental disorders.

cost and distress

Used to assess common symptoms not specific to one disorder

cross-cutting measure

Observations about a person's feelings, for example, would be put into the category of _____.

mood and affect

Significant improvement in the symptoms of a disorder


Test involving responses to ambiguous stimuli

projective personality test

Attempts to access the unconscious thoughts and feelings of the respondent

projective tests

Controversy exists over these measures' reliability and validity

projective tests

Most people who seek the help of therapists are experiencing ________ distress that affects social, emotional, or physical functioning


Which approach to understanding mental disorders is based on the belief that cognitive, interpersonal, emotional, and similar factors play an important role in the genesis of mental disorders?


Process of making conclusions about someone's mental and emotional functioning

psychological assessment

Condition involving loss of contact with or a distorted view of reality


Hippocrates was a Greek physician who _______ supernatural explanations for psychological disorders.


Significant improvement in the symptoms of a disorder


Based on objective rather than subjective scoring

self-report inventories

Kurtis was already struggling with symptoms including hallucinations and delusions when he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and began taking medication and participating in therapy groups. Although his symptoms have lessened markedly, he has repeatedly expressed the belief that he will inevitably wind up unemployed and homeless or will perhaps commit a violent crime and wind up in prison for the rest of his life. This tendency of an individual with a disorder to believe the worst stereotypes of individuals with the disorder is called _____.


Thomas Szasz asserted that mental illness is a fictional creation that society uses to control and change people who do not conform to its preferred norms. Which psychological perspective is consistent with his viewpoint?


Specific feature associated with a diagnostic category


Use of identical procedures in the administration of tests


Comparison group on which test norms are based

standardization sample

Procedure allowing for visualization of brain anatomy

structural imaging

Mutually exclusive subgrouping within a diagnosis


Techniques for treating hysteria that were used by Friedrich Anton Mesmer, an Austrian physician, led to the discovery that which of the following can cause certain symptoms of mental and physical disorders?


With the expansion of Greek civilization and its continuation into the era of Roman rule (500 B.C.-A.D. 500), naturalistic explanations gradually became distinct from __________ ones.


DSM-5 provides information about _____.

the risk factors for mental disorders

Those who espoused the belief that demons caused mental illness might rely on which procedure to get the demons out of the person's body?


Dr. Pierce is designing an evaluation tool to assess symptoms of performance anxiety in instrumental musicians. Dr. Pierce wants to be sure that the tool only assesses performance anxiety and not other emotions or moods. Dr. Pierce is concerned about _____.


Extent to which a test or procedure actually measures what it was designed to measure


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