revolutions of 1848

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Otto von Bismark was all EXCEPT

a. a German nationalist

The people of the Austrian Empire

a. consisted of about a dozen nationalities or language groups

In England in 1848, the militant Chartists surrendered to the Duke of Wellington's 70,000 constables


What was the most difficult question for the all-German Frankfurt Assembly to resolve?

whether to include Austria in the new German Empire, as Austria had large non-German elements, or to exclude Austria. This was made critically important, because logically the most powerful ruler in the Empire would be made Emperor, and if Austria was included, it would be the Habsburgs, and if Austria was excluded, it would be the Hohenzollerns.

What three reasons enabled Louis Napoleon to seize power in France on December 2, 1851?

He fought for the reinstitution of universal suffrage (for men only), made his lackeys the minister of war and the minister of the interior, and played on people's fears that the Legislative Assembly was a plutocracy."

What was the reason Louis Napoleon was elected president of France?

Louis Napoleon was elected president of France because the people were no longer compromised by the June Days or repression. Therefore, they chose Napoleon because he was seen as a friend of the common people, as well as, a believer in order.

Why did the King of Prussia refuse the heriditary leadership of a new German empire that was offer to him?

The King of Prussia refused the hereditary leadership of a new German empire because he did not want to cause a war with Austria, he did not want to have to use force for the smaller areas that the Frankfurt Assembly did not have control over and he did not want to represent an area that had limitations on the monarchy and that represented the revolutionary ideas.

What was the reaction to the working-class rioters during the Bloody June Days

The military struggled greatly during the Bloody June Days, due to the lack of military methods - making soldiers vulnerable to multiple attacks by the lower class. At the conclusion of the Bloody June Days, the Assembly refused all clemency and decreed immediate deportation to the colonies."

The February 1848 revolution in France was provoked by the governments refusal to grant voting rights to people below the wealthier middle class.


The Habsburgs were able to supress the hungarian rebellion against their rule only after Russia defeated the hungarian army.


When Cavour worked with republicans, even though he didn't approve of the goals, he followed the politics of reality.


Marxist ideology drew upon the following sources

a. French revolutionism, British industrialism and German philosophy

Marx and Engles Communist Manifesto, published in 1848

a. aroused very little response in 1848 and 1849

One of Marxism's greatest advantages in winning political adherents was its

a. claim to be scientific

Marx adopted from the British political economists the subsistence theory of wages, which

a. condemned the working class to perpetual poverty

For many French people, the Bloody June Days of 1848

a. confirmed the hatred of the bourgeois class b. proved that capitalism existed in the last analysis by shooting laborers in the street c. left them certain they had escaped a ghastly upheaval Selected: d. all of the above

In 1862, Bismark began to wage a four-year struggle with the Prussian parliament over the question of

a. increased appropriation of the army

Marx adopted Hegels dialectic, but Marx differed from Hegel in one vital respect, since Hegel contended that

a. material conditions were not the primary determinants of social change

According to Marx, in the universal struggle between proletarian and bourgeois,

a. proletarians who try to improve their economic conditions betray their class

The greatest accomplishment of the Revolution of 1848 was

a. the abolition of serfdom and manoria restraints in eastern Europe

The chief significance in the Crimean War in the movement toward national consolidation was that it

a. weakened Austria and Russia

Before the nation-state became the standard political modelaround 1860-70, the characteristic European political organization was/were

b. either small states comprising fragments a nation or large empires made up of diverse people

During the 19th century, government found they could not effectively rule, or develop full powers of the state, except by

b. enlisting a sense of membership and support among their subjects

Cavour, who became the prime minister of Sardinia in 1852

b. followed a strong, anti-clerical policy

In a famous speech, Bismark asserted that the great question of the day would be settled by "blood and iron" rather than by

b. speeches and majority votes

All of the following are true about the revolutions of 1848 except

b. the nearly simultaneous fall of governments throughout Europe was due in part to an international revolutionary conspiracy

One cause for the Franco-Prussian War was

c. Bismark provoked the French

Prussia beat Austria in the Seven Weeks War for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

c. Bismark's military genius

The 1859 defeart of the Austrians at the Battles of Magenta and Solferino was followed by

c. a nationalist revolution, which spread through much of northern and central Italy

In 1848, the French Provisional Government adopted

c. a system of National Workshops

The post-1848 Bach system in the Austrian Empire

c. rigidly centralized the government

How did the socialists (mainly followers of Lassalle) react to the 1867 formation of the northern German Confederation

c. the bulk of the Socialists accepted it

The main consequence of the revolutions of 1848 was to strengthen the more liberal forces in Europe.


The nation-state has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

d. outsiders, even if they speak a foreign language, can be an integral part of the nation-state

All of the following were major factors to bring about the unificationof Italy EXCEPT

d. the brilliant military leadership of Victor Immanuel

A decisive factor in the defeat of the revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire was

d. the immunity of the Austrian armies to nationalis aspirations

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