Richard, John and Magna Carta

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Magna Carta " official shall place a man on trial upon his own unsupported statement, without producing credible witnesses to the truth of it". Means: Nobody can be put on trial without having someone who has seen or been in the event there.

" In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right ... to be confronted with the witnesses against him..."

Magna Carta "No freemen shall be taken or inprisoned... or exiled or in any way destroyed... except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land'. Means: Nobody who is free can be put in jail without a trial by jury.

" The trial of all crimes,except in cases impeachment shall be by jury."

Who was John's rival for the throne?

- John faced rivalry from his nephew, Arthur of Brittany; son of his elder brother Geoffrey. - Arthur was supported by the King of France

What were the main points on Edward I's policies regarding jews in England

1. He declared jews as the enemy of the state. 2. He restricted their movements and occupations 3. Made jews wear a yellow Star of David 4. Expelled jews from England in 1290

What did Edward I do soon after becoming king in 1272

1. He did not punish the nobility who had supported Du Montefort 2.. He accepted the premise that no man is above the law by reissuing the Magna Carta. 3. Accepted the existence of Parliament and began defining its role in the English governmental system

What did the clauses of the Magna Carta relate to?

1. That new taxes have to be agreed by the barons 2. That no freeman shall be arrested or imprisoned without a proper trial. 3. That the English Church shall be free from royal interference. 4. That the rights and freedoms of the City of London and other towns and ports had to be respected

What were the reasons behind Edward III claiming the Throne of France

1. The King of France had taken over Flanders, kicking English wool merchants out, thereby depriving Edward his source of revenue from wool. 2. France had allied itself with Scotland in the English Scottish wars, and a french presence in Scotland posed a military threat to England.

What happened in London in 1263

A popular uprising against Henry and the nobility in general

How did King John make peace with Pope Innocent III

Agreeing to annual payments to the pope and making England a vassal state of the Vatican

What happened because King John exploited the wealth of the Barons?

As a result of King John exploiting the wealth of the Barons, they became very unhappy. The Barons rebelled and took over london, and they forced King John to negotiate.

When and where did Simon Du Montefort forces defeat Henry and capture both Henry and his son Edward

Battle of Lewes

When and where did William Marshall defeat Louis, and what did Louis do after his defeat

Battle of Lincoln, May 1217. Louis retreated to France for reinforcements

How did the rebel Barons plan on getting rid of Louis and his Frenchmen

By making John's 9 year old son Henry King, and appointing one of them as Regent to rule in Henry's name.

Who was Piers Gaveston

Close friend and advisor to Edward II

What did Edward III do in 1337

Declared his claim to the Throne of France

What did King Richard the Lionheart do during his reign and how did he finance it?

During his reign, Richard the Lionheart was outside of Europe fighting wars in the Middle East and France. In order to pay for this he heavily taxed the English.

What happened when Edward II confronted Robert Bruce to reclaim Scotland

English forces were routed at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314

What political philosophy did Simon Du Montefort believe in

Governing by consent

How did Edward I change Parliament?

He added the House of Commons and gave Parliament the power of the purse.

What did Simon Du Montforte do that led to historians to consider him one of the founders of England's parliamentary democracy

He called a conference which included representatives of the clergy, the nobility and most importantly, cities and towns (ordinary people), which was the forerunner of Parliament.

Upon conquering Scotland, what did Edward I do which really antagonized the Scots

He moved the Stone of Scone, traditionally used for coronation of Scottish King. to London

What happened when Louis's forces landed in May 1216

He was welcomed by Londoners and the nobility, and acclaimed King. He could not be crowned King because all the clergy had been excommunicated by the Pope for siding with the rebel Barons against John

Who succeeded King Richard?

His brother John

Why was there no money left in the treasury when John became king?

His brother Richard had spent the money in the royal treasury to pay for: a) his Crusades b) his ransom when he was captured

Why do you think King John agreed to sign the Magna Carta?

I believe King John agreed to sign the Magna Carta because it almost guaranteed that he would stay in power. Most of the people were pleased with the Magna Carta because the king didn't get full power and that they had guaranteed rights. This would prevent the people from constantly being upset with his amount of power and control. The Magna Carta was similar to the Feudalism system that the people liked, in the way that they had some rights. Also, King John most likely signed the Magna Carta because although he didn't have the right to tell people to pay taxes on his own, he was still able to imply the taxes after consulting with a group. The people would like this better because they would have a partial say (not literally but their ideas) which was represented by parliament, who would discuss ideas with the king. As a result King John wouldn't get overthrown.

Why do you think it was the nobility that were expected to pay taxes?

I believe that the nobility were expected to pay taxes because they probably had the most money. The nobility would be the only people who could afford to pay the high taxes.

How did Edward I use Parliament to raise funds for his military operations

In 1275 he convinced Parliament to permit the King to impose a tax on the wool industry.

"judgement by peers"

In the Magna Carta, the phrase "judgement by peers" refers to a trial by jury. The jury or normal people would decide your fate in court.

What did Louis do after John's death that angered the English Barons

Instead of relying on the English nobility for help governing England, Louis relied on French nobility.

What did Edward III do with his mother and Mortimer

Isabella was imprisoned temporarily, then released and treated royally. Mortimer was executed.

Who did Edward II marry

Isabella, daughter King Philip IV of France

Who was William Wallace

Leader of Scots opposing English conquest of Scotland. Defeated English at Battle of Sterling Bridge in 1297. Was defeated and captured by the English at Battle of Falkirk in 1298

What is the Magna Carta

Magna Carta was an agreement set up that limits the king from having full power and using in a way that will hurt the people/community It was the first document that limited the monarchs power. It was signed by King John of England. The Magna Carta inspired many other documents such as the constitution.

What did Henry III do in 1236 which ended the English Baron's control over him.

Married Eleanor, daughter of the Count of Provence

What political philosophy did Edward I use to build support for his military campaigns


When did John die

October 1216

What rights outlined in the Magna Carta do individuals have in the United States?

People in the United States have rights very similar to the ones outlined the Magna Carta. In the US we have a trial by jury where people are tried by their peers and guaranteed the civil rights of the individuals like the Magna Carta states. Also, the Magna Carta limits the power of the king. In the US the president doesn't have full control either.

What rights do people in the us have that are similar to the Magna Carta

People in the United States have some rights that were listed in the Magna Carta. U.S. citizens have the right to a jury trial and we have the right that government can't interfere with religion. Also, we have the right to assemble/ petition like in the Magna Carta. The American citizens' taxes have to be agreed on by the president and the representatives similar to the barons in England, we have a right to have some say in the taxes.

Edward I (Longshanks)

Powerful English King who nearly united all of Great Britain under his control, established two branch national court system.

What did Isabella and Roger Mortimer do 1326

Raised an army and invaded England

Who was Robert Bruce

Scottish King who defeated English restoring Scottish independence

How did Eleanor influence Henry III's administration of England

She got 1 of her uncles appointed as a top advisor to Henry, and another uncle appointed the Archbishop of Canterbury. England began financing the courts and governments of Eleanor's family in France.

What happened when Isabella went to France in 1325 to negotiate a treaty between Edward and the Scots and their French allies

She stayed in Paris, and had her son, Edward, join her. She then fell in love with Roger Mortimer, a sworn enemy of Edward II and his key supporters, The Despensers.

Who was the French noblemen who came to England in the early 1230s and became a close friend and advisory to Henry III

Simon De Monfort

Besides being a great warrior King, Edward I was the first English King who

Spoke English as his first language

How has the Magna Carta affected governments around the world?

The Magna Carta has majorly affected governments around the world in many ways. For example, the Magna Carta was the basis for constitutions around the earth including the United States. It influenced how some countries would run their government.

Why did the Magna Carta influence many of the founding documents of the American government?

The Magna Carta influenced many founding documents of the American government. The Magna Carta was created to give people many rights and to limit the king's power. The Barons and others in England were frustrated with the high taxes that had to be paid and that there were many unsuccessful wars. As a result a the Magna Carta was created to help fix these problems. This situation was similar to what the Americans many years later. They wanted to limit the power and break away from their king (King George III) because they felt he had too much authority. When the Americans became independent they were influenced by the Magna Carta and didn't want to establish a monarchy because they had known about England's previous government that did not work out well.

What development led to a decline in the power and influence of the English nobility.

The growth and development of cities and towns.

What did the rebel barons who agreed to the Magna Carta do immediately after its signing which showed they did not seriously want to enforce the magna carta

The rebels failed to surrender control of London within 60 days as promised.

Which promise in the Magna Carta refers to 'judgement of his peers" or trial by jury?

The second promise refers to trial by jury: No free man may be arrested or put in prison unless other free men decide that he is guilty, and unless he has a proper trial.

The Magna Carta gave only rights to "free" people. Who was not free in Medieval England?

The serfs or peasants were not free in medieval England.

Why was the signing of the Magna Carta a significant event in European history?

The signing of the Magna Carta established that the power of the king could be limited if he was not doing things that were good for the country. Also, The Magna Carta guaranteed the rights of the individuals and it created trial by jury. These rules changed a lot in the society by giving the people rights and not allowing the monarch to have full control.

Explain the different reasons why the Barons were angry with King John.

There are many reasons why the Barons were angry with King John. One of them is that King John tried to take away some of the nobility's previous rights. The Barons, who were in the nobility class, had the right to to control parts of land and the people who lived there. They were used to having some control. However, when King John came into power he took away some of their rights and as a result there was frustration with the king and a rebellion. The Barons had to serve in King John's army, had to pay heavy taxes, thought that King John murdered his nephew and Barons who owned land in France had to give it up.

Which two promises in the Magna Carta would most please the Barons?

There are two promises in the Magna Carta that would most likely please the Barons. First, the promise that the king will ask for the advice of the lords and council before he makes people pay taxes. Secondly, barons will be fined only if the other barons say they are guilty. Both of these rules favor the Barons and allow them to have somewhat of a say.

Magna Carta No scutage nor aid... shall be imposed on our kingdom, unless by common counsel of our kingdom.." means: No money paid to the lord in lieu of military service (taxes) should be put in place on the kingdom unless parliament of our kingdom agrees.

US Constitution Article 1, Section 8: "the congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States..."

Why did Pope Innocent III side with King John over the Barons about the validity of the Magna Carta

Under the terms of John's agreement with the Pope reversing his excommunication, John had agreed to make England a vassel state of the Vatican. So the Pope was actually the sovereign bound by the Magna Carta.

Which countries did Edward I invade

Wales and Scotland

Who was appointed Regent for Henry III in November 1216

William Marshall

What did King John do after signing the Magna Carta which demonstrated he had no intention of living up to the Magna Carta ?

Wrote to Pope Innocent III asking him to invalidate the Magna Carta

Were Isabella and Mortimer successful

Yes, they were welcomed into London and the citizens revolted forcing Edward II to flea to Wales, and was captured an imprisoned. Isabella and Mortimer ruled in the name of Edward III, son of Isabella and Edward II.

Who did John anger with his actions?

a) Barons and knights would have been angry at having to pay taxes for wars John lost. b) The Church didn't want to be told what to do. As a result, Pope Innocent stopped English priests from holding religious services, known as 'the Interdict', and excommunicated King John between 1209 and 1213. c) Both officials and barons would have resented King John taking away their power. Everybody saw it as an attack on their freedom. d) The Irish, Welsh and Scots all hated the power John had in their countries.

How did John try to strengthen the monarchy?

a) He collected a new land tax from the knights and the barons. He modernised the government and kept good records. b) He tried to control the Church and force them to accept his candidate for Archbishop of Canterbury. c) He increased his control over Ireland and Wales, and built up his forces in northern England. The King of Scotland signed a peace treaty with John.

How did John try to regain Normandy?

a) In 1214 John mounted a huge campaign to reconquer Normandy b) John imposed an extra tax on the barons to pay for his campaign in Normandy c) John planned a naval attack, but his barons refused to serve overseas d) John employed foreign mercenaries e) John was badly defeated at the Battle of Bouvines

What happened after John's defeat at Bouvines in 1214?

a) John asked the barons for more money for another campaign b) The barons refused. c) In May 1215, 40 barons renounced their feudal ties to the king. d) They formed an army and they captured London. e) John had no alternative but to negotiate. He met the rebels at Runnymede, near London, on 15 June 1215, and agreed to Magna Carta.

Why did John lose Normandy in 1204?

a) John was not a great war lord b) John's involvement in Arthur's death also lost him some respect amongst the nobles d) King Philip was very strong e) John had no money left in the treasury

What was the Magna Carta?

a) Magna Carta was signed in 1215 b) It contained 63 promises about what the king could and couldn't do. c) It also set up a Council of 25 barons to make sure John kept his promises.

Why had John inherited a weakened monarchy?

a) No money left b) Powerful Church c) Disobidient barons (Richard only spent six months of his 10-year reign in England. The rest of the time the kingdom was ruled by officials, so the barons got used to doing as they pleased)

What was significant about the Magna Carta?

a) The power of the king had been permanently damaged b) No king of England was ever again unrestricted or 'absolute'. c) The king was now 'under the law'.

How did John anger the barons?

a) he had placed England under huge financial strain to reclaim Normandy b) he had lost the war and wasted lots of money c) he had increased the inheritage tax d) he charged nobel widows large sums of money for the right not be married again e) he increased the scutage/ shield tax (Scutage had been raise 11 times during his 16 year reign, as opposed to 3 times in Richard's reign)

how the Magna Carta changed the Power of the Monarch of England.

decreased the power: couldn't be found guilty without trial limited right to tax barons king can't make decisions on his own, first had to consult with parliament king has to follow the laws of the land monarch can't do what he wants, has to have consent from others

Magna Carta "No constable or other bailiff ... shall take corn or other provisions from anyone without immediately tendering money..." Means: You can't take something from someone without paying them or getting permission.

" ...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation"

What did William Marshall do about the Magna Carta

It was reissued in the name of Henry III

Who did the rebel Barons invite to invade England in November 1215

Louis, son of the King of France

When did King John reign?


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