Rise of Hitler

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What form of government emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I?

A democratic government called the Weimar Republic emerged.

What was the Hitler Youth and its purpose?

A group of young children with whom he taught the ideals of Nazism to and raised them to become Naizs.

How did the Nazi party control the media?

All journalists, writers, and artists were required to register with one of the Ministry's subordinate chambers for the press, fine arts, music, theater, film, literature, or radio. Hitler met frequently with Goebbels to discuss the news.

Identify five ways that Jewish people were stripped of their rights in the Third Reich

Couldn't vote Couldn't marry non-jews Couldn't join armed forces Forced to work menial jobs No longer considered as citizens

Identify two economic problems in the Weimar Republic.

Germany had experienced a rampant inflation, so their money quickly became worthless. They also began to fall back on reparation payments.

Racial purity

He believed racial purity was necessary for a renewed Germany.Hitler divided humans into categories. He said that the aryan race was the supreme form of humans, the master race.

Jewish people according to hitler

He blamed Germany's problems on them, he believed that they were working towards the betterment of Jewish people. He said that they were corrupt to the government.

How did Hitler's incarceration impact his decision about how he would gain power in Germany?

He decided that the best way to gain power was through constitutional means. He wanted to legally gain power.

undesirable according hitler

He expressed that destruction of the weak and sick is more humane than protecting them. He said destroying the weak provides proper space and purity for the strong.

What type of political group did Hitler join when the war ended? Why?

He joined a right-wing extreme nationalist party because he was angered and want to focus on finding a scapegoat for the outbreak of the war and Germany's defeat.

Hitler began delivering speeches with his political organization. What was the topic of his speeches? Why did this draw in crowds?

He spoke about hatred towards Treaty of Versailles, Marxists and Jewish people. He also discusses anger against WWI and economic crisis.

After Hitler was appointed as Chancellor, how did he gain even more control over Germany?

He stamped out opposition and passed the Enabling Act of 1933 which gave Hitler the ability to pass laws without the Reichstag. then dissolved parliament and replaced them with only nazi part representatives.

Why was Hitler banned from public speeches until 1927?

His speeches were considered too inflammatory and agitating.

Identify three political problems in the Weimar Republic.

It was hard for them to form coalition, many Germans were angered by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, and lastly many believed that the Weimar republic was too weak and couldn't protect the german pride.

The Axis powers consisted of...

Italy, Germany, Hungary, Japan, and Bulgaria

What did the Treaty of Versailles require Germany to do?

Made the Germans give up territories, demilitarize, and pay reparations.

What did Hitler write during his incarceration? What was it about?

Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), illustrates his strong and extreme German nationalism, his violent anti-semitism [hostility to or prejudice against Jews] and his anticommunism.

Identify two actions that Hitler took to reject the Treaty of Versailles

Reintroducing conscription Built massive military weapons

What was the SS?

Started off as a secret guard, but then turned into the Nazi party's private army.

What was the Beer Hall Putsch? Why did Hitler do this?

The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed takeover of the Government in Bavaria.

What was the impact of the Beer Hall Putsch?

The Nazi party was banned and Hitler was prevented from speaking in public.

How was Germany able to experience a period of prosperity between 1924 and 1929?

The United States loaned Germany money and developed a plan for reparation payments.

What was their purpose?

Their purpose was to find any enemies of Hitler and get rid of them.

Why did the scapegoating of Jewish people happen during these times of political and economic trouble in Germany?

They wanted somebody to blame for their hardships during the time so they just picked a group and went with it.

Why did Germans begin to look to extremist leaders during these times of political and economic trouble?

They wanted someone to solve their problems, probably felt unheard and wanted someone that would stress the issue and fix their problems because the government wasn't doing it.

What happened at the rallies?

They were live propaganda rallies and reinforced party policies.

What was the purpose of demonstrations and rallies?

They were meant to show off regime and spread the party's ideals.

The Nazis used propaganda as a weapon to:

Unite German people under a leader Facilitate aggression

What were the three purposes of Nazi propaganda?

Wage wars, advance political campaign and win public support.

Under this new democratic government, what three new freedoms were Germans granted?

Women were now allowed to vote, there was now a bill of rights and political parties were able to form.

What happened during Kristallnacht?

a mob action targeting any specific ethnic or religious group. Many were killed, arrested, and taken into concentration camps.

Aryans were. . .

the supreme form of humans, or master race and that everyone else was inferior.

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