Rise To Power & WW1 Test

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Define alliance

A partnership; A system in which countries agree to defend each other

Define pacifist

A person opposed to the use of war or violence to settle disputes; A person who is opposed to the use of violence

Define socialist

A person who believes industries should be publicly owned

How did U.S. receive Hawaii?

American planters revolted against Hawaii and set up their own government. In 1900, U.S. took over Hawaii to make Planters stop.

What is believed to have started WW1?

Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

What did the U.S. receive after the Spanish-American war?

Puerto Rico; Guam

What happened after Teddy Roosevelt helped sign the treaty for Japan and Russia to stop fighting

Relations between U.S. and Japan worsened

Define dug out

Resting area in a trench

What was the sedition act made for?

So people wouldn't say anything negative about WW1

Why did Americans ration?

So soldiers could have more food

About when did U.S. declare war on Spain for the Spanish-American war?

Soon after the sinking of the U.S. battleship, the Maine in 1898

What was the national war labor board for?

To settle differences between companies and workers so workers would not go on strike.

What did the Ottoman empire become after WW1?


What impact did U.S. troops have on war when they joined?

Turned the tide for triple entente

Which country eventual joined the triple Entente?


How long war the Spanish-American war?

Very short. About 4 months

How did U.S. raise money for WW1?

War bonds and higher taxes

How much did Russia charge for the purchase of Alaska?

$7.2 million

What were 4 key components of the Treaty of Versailles?

1. Germany must accept full responsibility for war 2. Germany must disarm, give up territory, and pay reparations 3. League of Nations created to hopefully prevent future wars 4. League of Nations gives control of African and Middle Eastern colonies to allied powers

What were the 5 types of propaganda?

1. Recruitment 2. Nationalism 3. Conservation 4. Homefront 5. Financing

What 2 main reasons prompted the U.S. to join WW1?

1. Sinking of Lusitania 2. Zimmerman Telegram

Define militarism

A nation uses military force to take over another country's government

When was the armistice that ended WW1 signed?

11th hour of 11th day of 11th month of 1918

What age of Americans were drafted for the war?


What did government have to do to make sure factory workers didn't revolt during the war?

8 hour work days; Overtime pay; Workers could form unions

Define Imperialism

A county overpowers another country using economic, political, and cultural means

Define convoy

A group of ships that escort and protect other ships

What was the battle of Verdun?

A long deadly battle that lasted 10 months

Define isthmus

A narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land

Define nationalism

A nation is full of pride and believes that other nations should be just like them

Define Militarism

A nation uses military force to take over another country's government

What caused the Boxer Rebellion?

A secret Chinese society known as the Boxers rose up against the Europeans who were trying to divide up China. Many died.

Define stalemate

A situation in a conflict in which neither side can make progress against the other

Define armistice

A temporary agreement to end fighting

What did the Roosevelt Corollary do?

Allowed U.S. to claim the right to interfere in the affairs of Latin American countries whenever the countries seemed unstable

What were 2 weapons in the air used in WW1?

Biplanes Zeppelines

What was the Gallipoli Campaign?

Britain's plan to create a new war front in order to divide German forces

How did President Wilson hear about the Zimmerman Telegram?

British intelligence informed him

What 2 countries were considered "The Balkans"?

Bulgaria; Serbia

Define Alliances

Countries promise to help each other

What was the Major difference between the Dollar diplomacy and the Moral diplomacy?

Dollar diplomacy: Focused on economy Moral diplomacy: Focused on being a good person

What was the purpose of Trench poetry

For soldiers to combat boredom and express themselves

What country was the Battle of The Somme in?


What country was the Battle of Verdun in?


Who were in the battle of Verdun?

France and Germany

What did the Zimmerman Telegram talk about?

Germany wanted Mexico to be their ally

What was the Schlieffer Plan?

Germany's battle plan to wage war on France and Britain at the same time

What did the open-door policy do?

Give open door policy-countries special rights to trade freely in China

Define rationing

Go without some food on certain days

What did sand bags do in trenches?

Provide protection

What did ammo shelves do?

Hold ammunition

Define propaganda

Ideas or information intentionally spread to harm or help a cause

Why couldn't factory workers go on strike during WW1?

If factory workers went on strike, there would be no war supplies available

How did U.S. receive Samoa?

In 1898, U.S., G.B., and Germany split Samoa between each other without asking the Samoans

How did the Zimmerman telegram get its name?

It was sent by Arthur Zimmerman

Who were the 3 original countries in the triple Alliance?

Italy; Austria-Hungary; Germany

What did barbed wire do in trenches?

Keep out enemies

What did a duck board do?

Keep soldiers' feet out of water in trenches

What were 2 firearms used in WW1?

Machine guns Mortars

How did Russia leaving the war effect the war?

Made it easier for U.S. to support allies

What are the 4 M.A.I.N. causes of the war?

Militarism; Alliances; Imperialism; Nationalism

What were 4 weapons used at sea in WW1?

Mines U-boats Torpedos Battleships

Was the Gallipoli plan successful and why?

No because of a lack of communication

Know the locations of: Britain; France; Germany; Italy; Austria; Hungary; Czechoslovakia


What was the Battle of The Somme

Over 1 million casualties; Allies tried to overrun Germany

How was the Panama Canal made?

Panama declared independence from Columbia with help from America. U.S. workers then built the canal to connect Caribbean and pacific ocean

Define reparations

Payment for damages caused during a war

What were 4 weapons on land used in WW1?

Poisonous gas Grenades Tanks Flame throwers

What did Japan want more of when it went to war with Russia?

Power in Asia

Who created the Dollar diplomacy?

President William Taft

Who created the Moral diplomacy?

President Woodrow Wilson

Who were the 3 original countries in the triple Entente

Russia; Britain; France

What are facts about the Lusitania?

Sank by German u-boats; Was a British passenger ship; 125 Americans on board; Part of reason U.S. joined war

Who bought Alaska from Russia?

Secretary of state, William H Seward purchased it.

What American met with Japanese and Russian leaders to sign a treaty during their war?

Teddy Roosevelt

Who were two famous people who helped drive Spanish out of Cuba in the Spanish-American war?

Teddy Roosevelt; Rough Riders

Define Isolationism

The belief that a nation should stay out of the affairs of other nations

Define mobilization

The gathering of resources and troops in preparation for war

Define expansionism

The practice of spreading a nation's territorial or economic control beyond its borders

Define national-determination

The right of people to decide how they should be governed

How did Germany react to the Treaty of Versailles?

They did not like ho harsh it was towards them

Why did Russia leave WW1?

They had to deal with a revolution in Russia.

What did America do with Germany after America didn't sign the Treaty of Versailles?

They made their own treaty with Germany

How did America react to the Treaty of Versailles?

They thought it was too harsh on Germany, so they didn't sign it.

What did America think about the Zimmerman Telegram?

They were enraged by it and made U.S. citizens want to join war

Do you think the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany?

This is opinion based. Make sure you can back up your answer

What did the U.S. want on the Treaty of Versailles?

To create a long lasting world peace and a treaty fair to all nations

What was the selective service act for?

To get enough men in the army for the war

What did England want on the Treaty of Versailles?

To have Reparation payments from Germany and to prevent future wars

What was the espionage act made for?

To keep Americans from spying or draft dodging or speaking out against war bonds

Define ration

To limit use; To make scarce items available to people on a limited base

What did France want on the Treaty of Versailles?

To punish Germany and regain their land

Why didn't America join the League of Nations?

We didn't want to be dragged into world conflicts

What were factory laws?

When a group of the government workers told a factory what goods to make

What was the "Miracle of the Marne"?

When allies won the "Battle of the Marne"

What were war bonds?

When someone would pay money towards the government to receive their money back with a bonus later

Compare the 14 points of Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles

Wilson: No secret treaties; Nothing on punishing Germany Versailles: Germany must pay for damage done; Germany must accept that they caused the war Both: No blockades; League of Nations created

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