Road to Civil War - (History Test) Wednesday, January 25th

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Who was John C Fremont?

- 1856 Republican Presidential Candidate → frontiersman who fought for CA independence

Who was John C. Calhoun?

- A senator from SC → refused to compromise → DEMANDED S in west + fugitive slave laws to be stricter → threatened to leave Union if N refused demands

How did people react to the Dred Scott Case?

- Northern African Americans + White northerners speak out - Frederick Douglass speaks → shows how S is unconstitutional and treats people as pigs, horses, etc

What did the anti-s do to respond?

- Refuse to accept results in election, held another → 2 govt.s now (MESS!!!!) becomes known as BLEEDING KANSAS → terrorist like strikes from both sides

Why did Lincoln appeal to people? What was his childhood like/previous political experience?

- Seemed similar to them/ relatable - moved around, no proper education, taught himself, had store in IL Served 8 yrs in state legislature + one yr in congress → ran for senate in 1855

How did people react to Uncle Tom's Cabin?

- Southerners DIDN'T like → claimed not an accurate picture of S live - Northerners loved → made them realize slavery wasn't just an issue of the senate, was a moral dillema facing every american

What was the issue with the equilibrium?

- The addition of new states with probably upset the balance between F&S → We know that this is inevitable because of manifest destiny

Describe the attack on Fort Sumter?

- US military fort, guarding entrace to Charl. SC harbor → USA or CSA territory? * depends on POV - From S POVwas foreign military presence in CSA → opened fire on it OPENING SHOTS OF THE WAR!!!!!

Why/who was the Republic party formed out of?

- formed in 1854 from factions (splinters) of 3 other parties: → Free soilers → Northern Democrats → Anti-slavery whigs Some Abolitionist, most ANTI-SPREAD

What was the Compromise of 1850? Which points were wins for each side?

1. CA enters as a free state (N) 2. Popular sovereignty in Utah and New Mexico territories (?) 3. End of the slave trade in Washington D.C (N) 4. Settled border dispute b/w NM territory + Texas (?) 5. New Stricter fugitive Slave Law (SOUTH!!!!!)

What did the Supreme Court rule?

1. Reinforced the legal status of slaves as property 2. Said that per constitution, congress did not have authority to make laws in territories → only has jurisdiction in states → ALL previous territory laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL (struck down) - including MO compromise - slavery was not illegal (or legal) despite prior laws → SOUTH OVERJOYED!!!!

What was the Wilmot Proviso?

A bill to ban slavery in the newly acquired territories in the Mexican cession. → Was proposed by Pennsylvanian Congressman David Wilmot - Passed in H of R (dominated by north) - didn't pass in enate maybe Popular Sovereignty? S

What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

A law that said that when states are created out of land in Kansas + Nebraska Territories, those citizens would decide f/s (popular sovereignty)

What was the Free Soil Party?

A political party formed by members of both the Democrats + Whigs → Meet in Buffalo NY - formed as a result of political parties not actually taking action against S → afraid of losing southern votes/of splitting country * Dedicated to keep slavery OUT OF WESTERN TERR. → are ANTI-SPREAD

Who won the election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln 1. Had North overwhelmingly majority → N had 3x the amt. of popular votes (N runs show) 2. Dems split their vote (usually vote for party, not for candidate, but what do now?) → Some went to bell (MO) → Majority DIDN'T go to Lincoln, rest of votes split 3 ways

What is Political Equilibrium?

Balance of power between parties, branches, regions, etc - lack votes to dictate policies → forces cooperation/compromise (11-11 balance b/w F-S)

Who was Jefferson Davis?

CSA's one and only president

Who was Daniel Webster? Who is Millard Fillmmore?

DW: - Wanted to preserve the union and avoid a civil war - supported the compromise of 1850 - From Massachusetts MF: - Pres. after Taylor died, supports comp. of 1850

Who was Franklin Pierce?

Democrat president/ candidate in 1852, promises to guide/ support KN act

Why was a state government needed in California?

Discovery of gold in CA = population explosion → CA needs a state gov. to ensure law + order * will upset balance (no other territory ready to come + restore balance) would become 16-15

Who wins the Senate seat of Illinois in 1858?

Douglas wins → Lincoln emerges as a future political force (no longer an unkown)

What was the predicted response?

Fair 1. happening in Utah + New Mexico territories (per comp. of 1850) 2. Pop. Sov a principle of the constitution

Explain the candidates + winners of the 1848 presidential election.

Free soil: Martin van Buren → against spreading of S Democrats: Lewis Cass (Michigan) →Pop. Sov Whig: Zachary Taylor (Mexican war hero) → unspoken on topic, assumed support S ZT wins, FS gets other spots

Explain the fugitive slave law.

Fugitive slave - one that has run away to seek freedom, usually to North or Canada - had law previously on books, but WEAK + RARELY ENFORCED $1,000 fine for harboring/assisting runaways $10 reward to judges for each slave they send back - MUST BE RETURNED

Who was Sam Houston and what did he do regarding slavery?

Gov. of tex at time of secession → Had slaves, anti-abolitionist * YET - objected to secession (thinks Union will win war, why go to losing side?) - Would have been welcomed by lincoln to stay → Maj. or TX wanted to secede *forced out of office, goes to Huntsville, TX → Refused to become member of CSA Speech, when all the dust clears, N will win (was right) → dies 2 yrs later in Huntsville, TX, (never got to see he was right)

Who was Stephen Douglas?

Guides Clay's plan through congress (Comp. of 1850) - later in life is opponents with Abe Lincoln → beats him in senate, loses to 1860 pres. election

Who was James Mason?

Helped clay read his speech on how F/S would break nation when sick

What was popular sovereignty?

Letting the people decide for themselves on laws → in this case whether or not they wanted slavery in their state

What were the different views from Lincoln and Douglas in the Lincoln-Douglas Debate?

Lincoln: - black and whites are not equal BUT → slavery is legally + morally wrong → although inferior, black people STILL desesrved ALL THE RIGHTS in the dec. of indep (l, l, PoH) + Const. → NOT PROPERTY!!!!!!!!!!! - Doesn't believe in Pop Sov. on issue of slavery → is anti-spread, NOT an Abolitionist Douglas: Wanted Pop. Sov in west → personally disliked slavery, but was willing to go along with whatever west thought was right

Explain the Missouri Compromise?

MO next, predicament arises - MO compromise proposed by Senator Henry Clay (Kentucky) Said the following: 1. Maine enters union as free state (#23_ 2. MO enters as slave state (#24) → equilibrium maintained, 12-12 balance 3. Line drawn at 36 30 across LA purch → Any future state N would be free (except MO) → Any future state below would be slave

How did people react to John Brown being executed?

N: somber, church bells ringing - thought he was a martyr (willing to die for cause) - "John Brown's body lies a mold'ring in the grave but his soul is marching on" S: Outraged - feels as though everyone is against them (ALL abolitionists) → proof wanted to end south

What was the actual response? Why did the northern senators make this decision?

North = ANGRY → Violated MO compromise (K + N terr. above 36, 30 line) South = happy Why made decision: 1. Northern Senators were hoping that pro-slavery people in Kansas would move to Missouri to 'be with their own people' 2. They knew that if they pushed the south too hard, they would secede (leave Union) * Forced to compromise their values (must let K-N act pass despite fact hated it)

What were the 11 slave states in 1820?

OG: Maryland Delaware South Carolina North Carolina Virginia Georgia New Ones: Mississippi Alabama Louisiana Kentucky Tennessee

What were the 11 free states in 1820?

OG: Mass. Connecticut New Hampshire RI NY NJ PA New ones: Vermont Illinois Ohio Indiana

What was the Dred Scott Case?

Officially Dred Scott v. Sandford - D was slave in MO → moved with his owner to Wisconsin terr. (free) - Moves back to MO with owner - Owner dies (no will) Free or still slave? Legal status UNCLEAR! - ends up in lawsuit in court DS claims because he once lived in a free terr. he is now free → US looks forward to supreme court ruling (will clarify) → Case is dismissed, only citizens have right to go to trial (Ds not citizen b/c slave)

Who was James Buchanan? What was the outcome of the 1856 presidential election?

Opponent of Fremont → Northern man w/ southern principles - James Buchanan wins, → Fremont (1/3 of votes) + Fillmore lose

Who were the border ruffians and what did they do?

Pro Slavery Missourians who moved/went to Kansas to disrupt the election → intimidated antis, voted illegally, impersonation, etc. - Resulted in pro-slave win in Kansas → Quickly pass VERY strict pro slavery law → death for aiding runaways, prison for saying anything anti (disrespects 1st amendment)

Who was John Brown?

Radical abolitionist → Killed 5 people in Pottawatomie Creek town → Raids federal arsenal near Harper's ferry → tries to begin revolt, fails, goes to jail * troops under command of Robert E. Lee caught him acted calm and collected in court, sentenced to death row

What was the reaction to the election of 1860?

SECESSION wave 1: South Carolina Alabama Florida Louisiana Texas Georgia Mississippi Wave 2: Arkansas North Carolina Virgina Tennessee Form new country called: Confederate States of America (CSA) → elect Jefferson Davis as Pres.

Explain the conflict in the Senate.

Sen. Charles Sumner (Republican, Mass.) makes speech criticizing: Andrew Butler (Dem. SC) → congressman Preston Brooks (D, SC) is butler's nephew BEATS SUMNER OVER THE HEAD WITH A CANE → take 3 yrs. to "recover" from brain damage (never really did)

Who were the candidates of the Election of 1860? What were their thoughts on THE political issue?

THE issue: slavery in west? Abe Lincoln (Republican) → Anti-spread Stephen A. Douglas (Northern Democratic) → Pop. Sov John Breckinridge (Southern Democratic) → YES (mouthpiece of the cottonocracy) John Bell (Constitutional Union) →Whatever will keep union together (trying to preserve constitution + union)

Who was Henry Clay?

The Great Compromiser - Proposed Comp of 1850 + MO comp. → had every disease imaginable

What was the first test?

The Louisiana Purchase - LA already a slave state - What abt. rest of LA territory? Will be broken up and admitted into union?

What did people view the election as?

Viewed as REGIONAL victory, not a true NATIONAL victory → Lincoln won popular vote (40%) but not majority - Lincoln won electoral because of distribution of electoral college points → elected dec. 1860, act in march 1861

What was Uncle Tom's Cabin? Who wrote it?

Written by Harriet Beacher Stowe (NE writer) → follows African American slave Tom, beaten to death by enslaver Simon Legree when doesn't tell about fugitive slaves

What is the difference between an Abolitionist and an anti-spread

abolish - to do away w/ something abolitionist - someone who wants to abolish something Abolitionist - someone who wants to do away w/ slavery Anti-spread - someone who wants to prevent the spread of slavery to the western territories

What was a Border State?

had slaves but never left Union → Stayed w/ + fought against the South → proof Lincoln wasn't an Abolitionist, could have banned slavery, but didn't Missouri, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland

Who was John Crittenden?

makes last ditch effort to save Union → extend 36 , 30 line to Pacificb → proposes unammendable ammendment to Const that woudl guarantee right to slaves in states S of line - has little support

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