all people live in a subjective world, and this phenomenological reality rather than the physical world determines people's behavior
unconditional positive regard
allows them to experience positive regard no matter what they do
conditions of worth
conditions that make relevant people in their lives regard them postively are introjected into their self-structure and thereafter they must act in accordance with those conditions in order to regard themselves positvely
exists when people no longer use their organismic valuing process as a means of determining if their experiences are in accordance with their actualizing tendency
organismic valuing process
o All of the organisms experiences can be evaluated using the actualizing tendency as a frame of reference--those in accordance are kept and those that are contrary are avoided
conditional positive regard
only way children can view themselves positively is by acting in accordance with someone else's values that they have internalized
positive regard
receiving warmth, love, sympathy, care, respect, and acceptance form the relevant people in one's life
positive self regard
the need to view themselves postively
self-actualizing theory
the tendency to express and activate all the capacities of the organism, to the extent that such activation enhances the organism or the self