Romeo & Juliet Part 2

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What does Juliet instruct Romeo to send her the next day?

-A marriage proposal and a wedding

In Scene 3, the Nurse gives Romeo a gift from Juliet. What is the gift?

-A ring

What does Romeo compare Juliet to in his first speech in Sc. 2, lines 2-3?

-A sun

How long has the Nurse been gone on her errand to find Romeo?

-3 hours

At the beginning of Act 3, who says the following lines? What do these lines foreshadow? "I pray thee, goof Mercutio, let's retire. The day is hot, the Capulets abroad, And, if we meet, we shall not ' scape a brawl, For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring."

-Benvolio -Foreshadows Mercutio's death

What is Friar Laurence's opinion of Romeo's punishment in Scene 3, lines 25-28?

-Better than death

What three reasons does Friar Laurence give Romeo to show that he should be happy?

-Big world, alive, Juliet's alive

Give two examples from lines 26-31 that Juliet uses to explain the agony of expectation that she's feeling.

-Bought mansion of love, can't have it/ child with new clothes, can't wear them

Examine Mercutio's "grave man" line. What figure of speech is used? What is the meaning?

-Dead/ serious

What does the Act 2 Prologue say happened to Romeo's love for Rosaline? How is this an example of foreshadowing?

-Dying, new love will kill him -It is the deathbed and going to die

Who are Laura, Dido, Cleopatra, Helen, and Hero? What does Mercutio say about them?

-Famous women loved by men -They are wenches, gypsies, and harlotes (loose, bad, immortal women)

In Scene 3, lines 33-39, why does Romeo say that is is less honored than carrion-flies?

-Flies can be with Juliet, he can't

Where is Romeo hiding?

-Friar L.'s cell

According to the Friar, how are humans like plants?

-Good/ evil, and all different

Explain the Prince's judgement and why he makes his ruling.

-He banishes him instead of death because if he killed Romeo 2 montages would be dead and only one Capulet and that would make it seem like the prince was on the capulets side

How does Mercutio treat the Nurse?

-He makes rude jokes about her

When Romeo says, "He jests at scars that never felt a wound," what does he mean?

-He means that it has disappeared (talks about stuff that has never happened) -Laughing at pain he's never felt

What is Paris' reply when Capulet makes his announcement?

-He wishes Thursday was tomorrow - can't wait

What does Mercutio tell us about Benvolio in lines 15-27? Is this true? Explain what's happening here.

-He's aggressive and will fight for no reason -No, not true -Mercutio is explaining/ talking about himself

In your own words, translate Juliet's meaning in lines 95-101. Why do other young lovers, both then and now, play such games?

-If you think I'm too easy, I'm going to start playing hard to get. I'm too fond of Romeo, I like you too much. She's telling him that she doesn't like him -We like a challenge and don't want to act desperate

What decision does Capulet make, thinking that it will cheer up Juliet?

-Juliet will marry Paris on Thursday

Explain the following lines (104-110): "This gentlemen, the Prince's near ally, My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt In my behalf - my reputation stained With Tybalt's slander - Tybalt, that an hour Hath been my cousin. O sweet Juliet, Thy beauty hath made me effeminate And in my temper soft' ned valor's steel!"

-Juliet's beauty has made him a "girl"/ weak

Which one is the first to mention marriage? What does this show us about this character?

-Juliet, after he comes to her and she is straight to the point

In your own words, explain Friar's message in these lines: "Therefore love moderately; long love doth so: Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow."

-Love with caution

Is Romeo fearful of the future? Write down lines that support your answer.

-No, let fate push wherever goes

What time of day is it?


Capulet explains to Paris that Juliet is upstairs crying about Tybalt. He says, "Look you, she loved her kinsman Tybalt dearly, And so did I. Well, we were born to die." From this passage, explain how Capulet felt about his nephew. Why, do you suppose, he felt this way?

-Not very sad about Tybalt's death - happens to everyone

Who does the Nurse say also wants to marry Juliet? What does she say Juliet's feelings are for this suitor?

-Paris-she thinks she is a toad

At the beginning of Scene 3, what is Friar Lawrence doing?

-Picking flowers/ medicine/ herbs

In lines 87-88, the Friar says, "O, she knew well / Thy love did read by rote and could not spell." Explain what he means here.

-Romeo doesn't understand love

Why does Juliet ask Romeo not to swear his love's allegiance by the moon?

-Romeos love is like the moon -The moon changes every month (inconsistent)

With whom does Friar Lawrence assume Romeo has spent the night?


Who does Mercutio think that Romeo is in love with in his speech in Scene 1, lines 6-21? What's funny about these lines?

-Rosaline -Over her-making fun of Romeo; he in love with Juliet, and runs away to find her

The Nurse says, "Shame come to Romeo!" How does Juliet react to the Nurse?

-Says he doesn't deserve punishment - self defense

In her speech at the beginning of Scene 2, what is Juliet looking forward to that night?

-Seeing Romeo

Write down three of the oxymorons Juliet uses to describe Romeo and explain why she uses this literary technique to describe her young husband.

-Serpent with flowering face, villain, dragon

Look at lines 182-184. What do these lines literally mean? Then, explain how this bit of text is an example of foreshadowing.

-She doesn't want to be a fool, so she needs him to marry today -Foreshadows that she loves so much she is going to end up killing him

When Juliet says, "That which we call a rose / By any other word would smell as sweet," what does she mean? Do names matter in our lives? If you had a different first name, do you think you might have grown up to be a slightly different person?

-She means that roses are beautiful because of how it looks and not because of its name, "rose" -Names do not matter in our lives -A name does not define its meaning/ what it actually is... It doesn't matter what it is... It is still beautiful

What's humorous about the way the Nurse treats Juliet in this scene?

-She's stalling/ teasing

In your own words, explain the Friar's warning in these lines: "These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die like fire and powder, Which as they kiss, consume."

-Some people/ things shouldn't be together (because it would cause you or everyone else pain/ problems)

What does Romeo mean by "dull earth" in Scene 1, line 2?

-That it is Romeo, and Juliet is her soul ("center")

What happens at the very end of this scene?

-They walk off to get married

Why does the Friar begrudgingly agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?

-To end the feud

What instructions does Romeo tell the Nurse to pass on to Juliet?

-To go to confession to get married tomorrow

In your own words, rewrite Juliet's speech in Scene 2, lines 33-36. Go line-by-line as you restate her meaning.

-Why does he have to be a Montague, I'll change my name or he can change his *give up your name or I will

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