Round 4 (Valley Forge and Saratoga)

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What did the French agree to provide?

1. Financial support 2. Troops 3. Supplies

both battles were how many days apart

18 days

What numbers did the British ranks go to?

7,200 men to 6,600 men (lost 600 men

In the first battle of Saratoga how many men did it "cost" Burgoyne to hold the field?

700 men

How many men from the new British army were there?

8,000 men

What numbers did the American ranks go to?

9,000 men to 15,000 men (gained 6,000 men)

Where was General Burgoyne to meet up with General Howe?


what did arnold do after being relieved

Arnold entered the battle at Saratoga. He was injured when his horse was shot and fell on his leg.

who did not get along at first

Benedict Arnold did not get along with General Gates. At one point they had a heated argument and Gates relieved Arnold of his command

Who was the American in France that was SO popular?

Benjamin Franklin

what when wrong when bur sent soldiers to Bennington

Bennington was guarded by American General John Stark. They surrounded the British troops and captured around 500 soldiers. It was a decisive victory for the Americans and weakened the British forces.

October 7, 1777

British attacked. Their attack failed miserably and the Americans under General Gates pursued the British army. Within days, they had them surrounded. British casualties mounted to nearly 600 men and General Burgoyne was forced to retreat.

Oct 7

Bur lead 1,500 of his best troops to the american lines at Bemis Heights, the british were outnumbered more that 2 to 1 then Bur order a withdraw but the aide sent to deliver the message was shot so the fighting when on. Bur's army was decimated 6,000 troops were kill,injured/wounded or caught

Who said this and when "The fortune of war General gates had made me your prisoner"

Bur said this when he was surrendering

what did general john do when they ran out of food

Burgoyne sent some of his soldiers to Bennington, Vermont to find food and horses.

What was Burgoyne's plan?And how did General howe ruin it

Burgoyne was to lead his army south from Lake Champlain to Albany, New York. At the same time General Howe was to advance north along the Hudson River. They would meet at Albany. Burgoyne and his army successfully advanced south. They first recaptured Fort Ticonderoga from the Americans then proceeded to march south. General Howe, however, had other plans. Instead of heading north to Albany, he headed east to take Philadelphia.

who decided to support the americans

French decided to support the Americans with military aid

December 18, 1777

George Washington declared a day of Thanksgiving to celebrate the victory over the British at Saratoga.

The painting of General Horatio Gates was by

Gilbert Stuart

.Who was Horatio Gates?

He is the general of the American troops in New York

Where were the British trained for battle?

In open fields

Where was Benedict Arnold injured

In the leg

Who was the commander of the British forces?

John Burgoyne

The painting of General General John Burgoyne was by

Joshua Reynolds

Who's Daniel Morgan?

Leader of the woodsmen sharpshooters, army, and militia, gamble, hard drinker, and brawler (500 riflemen)

who lead the americans

Major General Horatio Gates as well as Generals Benedict Arnold and Benjamin Lincoln. Other key commanders included Colonel Daniel Morgan and General Enoch Poor.

General Howe march from

NYC north towards Albany.

When did Burgoyne surrender?

October 17, 1777

General Burgoyne march from

Quebec to Albany

Why is this battle called "Battle of Saratoga"?

That is where the British army surrendered to the Americans.

how did the americans feel after the 2 battles

The Americans morale was boosted and the country now felt it could win the war.

What were the results of the Battle of Freeman's Farm?

The British won the field of battle, but suffered more casualties

What is primary, or most important, outcome of the Battle of Saratoga?

The French decided to help the Americans with the war.

The british turned into

The british are sitting ducks , their advance slows to just a mile a day , the march south becomes a 6 week nightmare

the british were trained in

The british redcoats are trained for open battlefields and now they face rebel sharpshooters hidden in dense cover and the colonel of an elite corps of 500 riflemen

September 19, 1777

The first battle of Saratoga took place on the farmland of British loyalist John Freeman. Daniel Morgan led 500 sharpshooters to the field where they saw the British advancing. They were able to take out a number of officers before the British began to attack. At the end of the battle the British gained control of the field, but they had suffered 600 casualties, twice as many as the Americans.(300)

the plan was

The plan was simple first they would travel to st. john's, canada (170 miles south from saratoga) deep into the interior of the new york colonie, then meet up with the victorious british army in NY city (cutting the colonies into 2 parts)

the Sharpshooters

The sharpshooters know the land and they have technology on their side, morgans men are armed with american long rifles

How many battles took place at Saratoga?And were?

There were 2 battles of Saratoga. The battle at freeman's farm and the battle at bemires heights.

How did the american harass the british

They cut down trees to block the roads and took shots at the soldiers from the forests

How is Burgoyne's army like a mobile city?

They have 2,000 servants, wives, and mistresses. 200 wagons carried 84 tons of powder and shot, as well as silver and porcelain tableware. So because they are almost a whole little city

How did the Americans "stall" Burgoyne

They hid in dense cover as the British redcoats came through the forest, planning to attack them

How many British troops have British lost on their way to Albany?

They lost 1,000 men

What was the British plan?

Three British generals would march their men to Albany so that they could control the Hudson river.

1-Fall 1777

a elderly ladies man from philly seduced a nation, named benjamin franklin (71 years old) he is and inventory, scientist, philosopher, and author He was so popular that people paid money to watch his carriage go by, armed with his charming looks and portable printing press he waged a propaganda campaign to bring fance officially into the war, he had to persuade one monarchy to help defeat another

By june

a new british army of 8,000 men head south for loyalist canada, they went their to finish the American Revolution once and for all

All these people came together

army, mllita, woodmen, and sharpshooters and they didn't play by the rules

Sundown oct 8

bur did what he said he would never do, retreat but it was to late when they left because the americans went to go cut them off at saratoga then bur was surrounded then over the next 3 days in 2 councils of war bur's officers begged him to surrender

Oct 15

bur expected the unexpected and he surrendered


fighting continued between the colonies and britain

As 1777 ended england had no one to protect them so who wanted to attack them

france and spain

July 10th

france officially declared war against britain (this battle cause british to leave the americans along)

Who general john burgoyne

he was the main leader for the british, he has a nickname called "gentleman Johnny" and was a aristocrat, politician and an art lover but he is also one of the best cavalry officers in the british military

how was the britishes progress

it was slow and then the british began to run out of food

2-fall 1777

king george's strategy in North American was not going according to plan General john was still struggling to go down the hudson in his campaign to split american in half (and in doing that he has lost 1,000 men)

In mid september

less than 40 miles from his goal (albany) Bur and 6,000 men crossed the hudson to saratoga but his path was block by 6,000 american troops, in Bemis Heights and now are under the command of general Gates , Gates had been joined by Daniel Morgan

Who was shocked about bur surrendering

london was , when the kings prime minister lord north sat speechless for hours

Sep 19 near bemis heights

morgan's riflemen were ready to fight and they soon found a good spot to stay in, for 3 hours gates did nothing but finally at noon he sent out Daniel's riflemen and they were driven back from the main body of the british, using tactics borrowed from the indians morgan positioned his men throughout the woods some were even in the trees 11 more american troops (4,000 men) swarmed across Freedmen's farm by dusk Bur held the field but at the cost of 700 men ⅓ of the soldiers that fought that day

General Barry St. Leger march

southwest from Montreal and the east towards Albany.

General john's route

takes them through dense forest over 5 times larger than england, they would use trees to make british ships (which now become rebel robloxs)

As the British continued south, the Americans did what to them along the way

the Americans harassed them

the american frontier became a problem for the british army because

the americans worked on the frontier

Fed 1778

the french government signed an alliance with the americans

oct 17

the sun came out for the the first time in days and bur had been wearing the same clothes for 2 weeks straight, in spite of bullet holes in his hat and waistcoat, to surrender he changed into his finest scarlet uniform.

After the Battle of Freeman's Farm the Americans set up.....

their defenses at Bemis Heights. More militia men arrived and the American forces continued to grow

American long rifles

they are lightweight with a slender barrel at least 40 inches long and the fire a 50 caliber shot a half inch wide, based on a germany hunting weapons the gun has a unique american innovation, the groves inside the barrel spin the ammunition giving it deadly accuracy,patriot marksmen can hit their target form 250 yards away which is 3 times the distance of a modern FBI sniper shot and twice the range of the British Muskets

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