Russia Today Exam 1
When did Christianity arrive in Russia?
In 998, Prince Vladamir of Kiev chose Christianity of the Byzantine empire (he was ambitious and wanted to unite the people under a central authority. I.e., God/the church). This is why there is a close connection between state and religion even in Modern Russia.
How were the lives of russian people under Lenin
It got worse because Lenin villainized all opposition in the media.
What do russians think about relationships
Men should sleep around and take the lead in relationships. Women should try to settle down early because its considered dangerous for a woman to have kids after 30
Where the was the capital of russian under Gorbachev
Where was the capital of Russia under Lenin
Where was the capital of russia during Ivan the terrible's time
Where was the capital during Rurik's time
How was the life of russian people during Rurik's time
The overall life would be good as Rurik united all the small colonies under one power. Beginning the idea of collectivism.
How was the life of russian people under Ivan the terrible
Under this rule, life was getting worse due to heavy taxation.
How do russians feel about religion
Very religious before the Red Revolution because of the intertwining of church/state. Then the Bolsheviks smacked down religion during the USSR (except during WWII where Stalin tried to motivate people by making religion more prominent. Then post-WWII it went back to Atheism. Religion then came back around Perestroika, however very few belong to the Orthodox church. Now, most people call themselves non-practicing believers.
How were the lives of russian people under Mikhail Gorbachev
Better because of the introduction of Glasnost which is the liberal idea that people can say what they want to say (freedom of speech/expression).
What is perestroika?
Economic restructuring by creating a world economy but did not result in the end of the soviet union.
How were the lives of russian people under Nicholas II
Even worse because the russian people were suffering and being force to fight a war that they saw as pointless.
What is Russian hospitality
Food is a big ritual in Russia. If I visit a Russian house, food is the expectation. To get closer to someone, you invite them to your house for dinner. A well-laid table is a sign of respect. The Russian hosts might become upset if the guest rejects food: eating everything that is offered is a sign of respect to the hosts. Long toasts are given during the feast. You will be expected/pressured to drink with them.
Who is Rurik
From the tribe Rus. He came in 862
what is Blat
Getting things done through connections.
How many time zones are there in russia?
When did the Tatar mongols arrive in russia
How many countries border russia?
14-18 countries
What is the population of Russia
146 million
When did the tatar mongols leave russia
How many different ethnicities are there in russia
When did the Bolshevik Revolution happen
When did the February revolution happen
When did perestroika happen
How long did the Tatar mongols control russia
243 years
What is fatalism
A belief in fate - that 'whatever will be, will be' and there is nothing you can do to change your status. This contrasts with middle-class values, which emphasise that you can change your position through your own efforts.
What is the Bolshevik Revolution?
Also known as the October revolution. The Bolshevik promised that the peasants would become the new nobility. This also resulted in the death of the Romanov family.
Who was Peter the great
He wanted to fix Russia's backwardness and push it to be technologically advanced and helpful to people. He looked to Western culture for this. He got access to the Baltic Sea by getting into a war with Sweden. He began the russian empire
Who is Ivan the terrible
His biggest accomplishment was expanding the empire. In 1552, he conquered three tsardomes: Kazan, Astrahan, and Siberia which eased his further expansions. He also wanted people to know that Russia was beautiful, so he had the Cathedral of St. Basil constructed (colorful mushroom buildings).
How do russians feel about foreigners
Historically mixed feelings towards foreigners. But Russians have had century-long relations with: England, Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavian countries, China, USA. Russians have pride and want to outperform foreigners in everything. They also try to never lose face in front of foreigners.
How does history affect russian state and character
Ideas of fattalism, trying to survive rather than improve, Oil dollars began getting more results after a while. There is a steady economic decline in Russia today.
What are the main character traits that map to Russian National Character
Passivity: The habit to endure the hardship and the belief that nothing depends from you personally. Stoic Character: Russian people can endure very difficult periods of life w/o complaining Endless Patience: Russians value the periods of stability in life and are patient if that is the case. Survival Skills: Street-smart/sharp: When you can't rely on the law, you have to be crafty to find unique ways to do tasks. Disregard of material values: Don't care much about materials/can't take anything to your grave. Raising up to the challenge: Russian people helped with many wars.
What is the February revolution
People took to the streets in protest. This resulted in the formation of the senate but the aristocrats ran it.
What is russia's relative size compared to the united states?
Russia about 1.8 times bigger than the United States
What do russians think about friendship
Russian definition of friendship is like being married to that person
Where was the capital of the russia under Nicholas II
St. Petersburg
Where was the capital under peter the great
St. Petersburg
Who is Nicholas II
Was not a good fit for the Russian emperorship. Nicholas II was not liberal or authoritarian. He decided to expand into Korea/China, which brought about the Russo-Japanese War. It was a terrible defeat and blow to the country. Later on, WWI began (8 million lost in 2 years). Peasants were getting pissed at all of this because they were in relatively pointless wars compared to the situation in Russia itself. Was forced to resign in 1917
What is Droog
Close Friend
Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?
He began "Perestroika" or restructuring. He wanted to modernize the Soviet Union and catch up with Europe, but not dissolve the USSR.(Similar to Peter the Great) To do this, he created a market economy among other economic reforms. He was also known for his anti-alcoholic campaign which decreased his popularity.
Who was Vladimir Lenin
He was the first Communist leader of the country. After the February revolution, a civil war began because peasants still felt betrayed/ignored. During the chaos, the Bolsheviks overthrew the government and moved the capital back to Moscow. They also got rid of the churches because of how historically there has been a connection between church and the state. Eventually, in 1922, the USSR began. There was universal availability of education/literacy (phrase was: "every cook can govern the state"). Literacy skyrocketed.
How was life under Peter the great
It got worse because peasants could now be bought and sold.
what is collectivism
people work together to achieve bigger things. You didn't go against this in russia when this was the mindset.