S1 AP Lang Final : Choosing the Right Word

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1. Almost incredibly, a formidable resistance movement had been organized by people whom we had always associated with _______ submission to authority 2. The ________ form of the sculpted figure suggests that the artist is interested in revealing- and departing attention to- life's peaceful moments


1. By late imperial times, centuries of soft living had turned the once hardy Romans into an _______ and indolent people 2. A lauded short story writer and novelist, Ernest Hemingway was far from _______, as he asks thrived in such endeavors as bullfighting, hunting, and skiing


1. Even the public opinion polls, which showed a strong trend toward our candidate, did not make us overly ________ about our chances of winning 2. The grandmother was so pressed by the child's ________ complexion and generally healthy appearance


1. Falstaff, as conceived by Shakespeare, is not just a _________ old braggart but an archetype of human appetites and joy in living 2. Thankfully, the beach towels are extremely ________, and they were able to control the spread of water due to the bucket that tipped over in the back of the van


1. I am willing to listen to any reasonable grievances you may have, but this constant ________ about trivia has exhausted my patience 2. As the family set up the tent, a distant _______ of an unseen and mysterious creature sent the children running for the comfort of their parents' arms


1. If you find those people so unpleasant, why do you _______ to associate with them? 2. The teacher's ________ tone inspired many students to drop the course


1. In her volume of fairy tales, the great creatures of ______ size were both gentle giants and fire-breathing dragons 2. Their cool and detached skepticism now struck me as a(n) ________ factor in that highly emotionalized situation


1. It is not enough to merely push aside our prejudices and pretend they don't exist; we must ________ these evils from or minds and personalities 2. Some call our city a cosmopolitan melting pot of cultures, but my grandparents from Eastern Europe felt ________ and even apprehensive at times


1. Since they had always been reasonably well-behaved, I was utterly taken aback by the twins' _________ behavior 2. The previously ________ case of dandruff was ameliorated thanks to the prescription shampoo and a chance in the patient's diet


1. What gourmet feast can compare with the luscious delicacies that we consumed during our midnight _______ on the well-stocked refrigerator? 2. The writing instructor requested that we not _______ into poetry until we learn how to master the art of prose


A basketball team will be sent to the Far East under the _______ of the State Department to play native teams in various countries


A superintendent is at the heard of the ________ of educators responsible for the schooling of our children and young people


A truly great leader must posses both the inspiration of a visionary and the ______ skills of an experienced politician


All the snide rumors that have been spread about them do not _______ their solid reputation for authentic kindness and decency


Although those supposedly ______ remarks were dressed in the guise of humor, they betrayed a strong undertone of resentment


At rush hour, I always have a hard time fighting my way through the _______ of tired commuters scurrying through the station


Common sense reminds us that even in moments of great joy we should retain some awareness of the _______ of life


Corot painted poetic and _______ landscapes, in which even solid objects seemed to be suffused with light and movement


Henry had an excellent r chance to make an honorable career for himself, but he seemed to have a fatal _______ for easy money and shady deals


Her unfailing courtesy to others is not a mere _______ of her personality; it reflects the essential values and standards by which she lives


How can young people hope to become mature, self-reliant adults if they ________ the themselves in a home environment that is overly comfortable and protective?


I admit that you have some grounds for complaint, but those shrieks of outrage are simply not ______ with having been overcharged five cents


I had hoped to hear a balanced, dispassionate discussion of this problem, but I found their approach to be distressingly one-sided and _______


In that situation, I don't know which was make distressing- the callous indifference of some of my "friends" of the ______ sympathy of others


In the Inferno, Dante introduces personages from history and mythology to portray the full ______ of human folly and wickedness


In this situation, when I desperately need material help, I was deluged with a(n) _______ of glucose and gratuitous advice


It is a common mistake to assume that shrewdness in business affairs must be accompanied by extreme ________


It may seem to be a paradox, but I believe it is true that only a basically serious person can fully appreciate the _____ factors in life


James Bond seems to dispose of the villains he faces with all the ______ of the legendary paladins of medieval romance


James Thurber's stories are extremely funny, but they are also ________ with a profound sense of the pathos of the human condition


The defense attorney claimed that the police had used scare tactics to ______ her client into a confession


Only a supreme actor could express so eloquently the _______ quality of the "thoughts that lie too deep for tears"


Our little group of would-be writers formed an _______ of culture in what we considered a hostile world


Overly sensitive to any suggestion of ridicule, young Rogers seemed to be hurt even by a friend's good natured ______


Please do not try to _________ your responsibility in this matter by irrelevant criticisms of other people's behavior


Refusing to become flustered, she handled the embarrassing situation with the finesse and _______ of a born diplomat


The advice that they offered us with such pretentious solemnity turned out to be nothing more than platitudes and _______


The cat _______ herself in safety behind the coats


The great historian Edward Gibbon sought to explain how and why the _______ efforts of the early Christian church met with such extraordinary success


The movie started off well, but the later scenes, with the young heroine slowly dying of a mystery disease, became overwrought and ________


The sun left its mottled imprint on the walk as the rays filtered through the ______ of the iron gating


Their _________ preoccupation with minor details of style is not tone confused with a genuine feeling for language


Their efforts to settle the differences between the two factions were so ______ that what had begun as a rift become a chasm


Their standards are so rigid and so devoid of a sense of proportion that they elevate very minor ________ to the level of a major crime


They can't force you to do anything, but it is quite possible that they will be able to ________ you into actions against your best interests


They survived the critical years due to their uncanny _______ that enabled them to anticipate the moves of their enemies


We found it more difficult to master the _______ than it would have been to memorize the material to which it was keyed


When the results of the scholarship competition were announced, we could sense the deep disappointment beneath your _______ manner


Would it not be a gross miscarriage of justice to prosecute us under a law which, for all practical purposes, has been in _________ since the early years of the last century?


You have had many difficulties in life, but you are helping no one by behaving in such a ______ manner


________ vapors from the manufacturing plant contributed to the overwhelming public outrage concerning disposal of waste in the community

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