Sacraments Semester Review

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Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner

Jesus Prayer (written out)

Hypostatic Union

Jesus is fully human and fully divine -A Tradition and a mystery -He is also a sacrament of God

Pascal Mystery

Jesus' life, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension -Everything Jesus did to bring about our salvation -The core of what is celebrated in the liturgy -Comes from Jewish roots (Passover, saved from bondage in Egypt) -For Christians it means the passover from death to resurrection -Celebrated in the Eucharist


Teaching authority of the Church; a communion of bishops with the pope (Bishop of Rome) -Body of the Church that passes down Sacramentals and Tradition (big T)

Eastern Rite Churches

The 21 churches that remained united with the pope or have since reunited since the Schism of 1054 -Includes Antiochene, Chaldean, Byzantine, Alexandria (Copic or Ethiopian), Armenian ---Were more Orthodox (traditional) -Don't believe in Papal Infallibility (everyone's human) -Have their own bishops, traditions, and customs: ---Priests, but not bishops, can be married ---Women must cover their heads during mass ---No crossing legs/arms ---Dress modestly on the Sabbath ---Priests need beards ---Leavened bread, take wine with a spoon ---No snacks/books for kids ---No leaving after communion

Universal Catholic Church

The 23 Eastern Rite and the Roman Catholic Church -All believe in diversity in the One Body, Same Mysteries of Christ, and Apostolic Succession

Life, Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension

The 5 parts of the Paschal Mystery

ABC Cycle

The Cycle that determines which book of the Gospel is read every year -A is Matthew -B is Mark and John -C is Luke (what we are on right now) -John is also read in special seasons and Holy Days (Easter, Lent, Christmas, Advent)

Scripture and Tradition

What Catholics recognize as source of divine revelation and truth -Both must be believed in by Catholics -Protestants only believe in one of these, which is why they have 2 Sacraments

Original Sacrament

What Jesus is because if it wasn't for Jesus, there wouldn't be any other sacraments -the Christ

Affective and reflective

What all liturgies are supposed to be -Music especially should help us with this

4 parts of Sacraments

1. Efficacious (has and effect) -If you directly or indirectly participate in a sacrament, it will have an effect on you, because Christ is at work, as long as you have the right disposition 2. Sign of Grace -Each Sacrament has a different Grace (Marriage is to put another first, reconciliation is to sin no more, etc.) 3. Instituted by Christ -Jesus didn't give blueprints for sacraments, but if it was important to him, it is to us -Sacraments come from the Jewish culture and experience of the first Christians 4. Entrusted to the Church -Sacraments must be celebrated in the Church (sacred space with a priest, not a building) -Sacraments evolved over time (Marriage came in the 1500s) -Ex opera operato

Communal Prayer

A necessary part of liturgy -Everyone takes part and participates -Everyone takes ownership -Because we are communal in nature


Attitude or mood while receiving grace -If we don't have a right one, we won't receive grace in a sacrament through direct or indirect participation -If priests don't have the right one, Sacraments are still valid

Apostolic Works

3 things Jesuits can be doing that relieve them from doing Liturgy of the Hours -Teaching, studying, or working in the community with the poor and lowly

Sanctifying Grace

5 parts to this type of grace: 1. We receive this at Baptism and every time we participate in a sacrament 2. Sanctify means "to make holy" and we need this on our journey (need to be holy) 3. It orients us towards God and gets us back on track 4. It helps us live our vocation (share our gifts and talents in the service of others) 5. It heals our soul (Our soul hurts because we must make sacrifices and need healing to be countercultural)

Prayer Service

A church service that is either not public, official, or communal prayer -A funeral may be one (if not done by a priest), it is a liturgy if done in the context of a Eucharist -Can be done (run) by anyone

Instituted by Christ

A necessity for each other the Sacraments -2 were directly instituted, 5 were done in things Jesus did and said -The 2 directly instituted Sacraments are the only Protestant Sacraments --Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick: Jesus forgave and healed people. Forgiveness was a major theme in all 4 gospels --Marriage: Jesus gave marriage dignity and taught its importance to his followers --Confirmation: comes from the importance of Pentecost --Holy Orders: Jesus called his apostles by name and trained them for three years to carry on his mission and ministry


A symbol that represents Jesus' and our light to the world -Especially the Paschal _______


A symbol that represents being chosen in the Church -An example is the chrism used at Baptism and Confirmation

White Robe (garment)

A symbol that represents new life and a new way of living in Christ -Put on after being Baptized


A symbol with different meanings for Ancient Romans and Christians -Romans saw it as a warning (Beware! This is what we do to people who misbehave, crucify them) -Christians see it as new, eternal life and overcoming death

World Youth Day

A very exciting and energetic liturgy that happens somewhere around the world every three years (Denver, Brazil, etc.) -Has new music from young artists -Mass said by the pope (started by Pope John Paul II in 1985. Popes Benedict and Francis have continued the tradition) -Still a Sabbath Sunday liturgy like all across world ---3 similarities of ritual, Jesus, and music


A word that means "love" -However it meant "to care for" in Aramaic, which is what Jesus spoke (care for your brothers and sisters, not love your brothers and sisters) -Early Christians had ______ meals, which Romans thought were "incestuous orgies with baby bread"

Sacraments of Salvation

All seven of the Sacraments because Jesus works in them

Sacramental economy

All the things that ritualistically raise our hearts and minds to God -The system through which God communicates the sacramentals to his people -What dispenses Mystery (the mystery of God) -The fruits of Christ's Paschal mystery --Because of what Christ did, the sacraments allow us to communicate with God

Liturgy of the Hours

An official set of prayers marked by the hours of the day -Religious people have official times, varying across orders. Most orders do it 5x a day -Laity can do it 4x a day (morning, noon, evening, night) -Jesuits have 3 apostolic works that can relieve them from doing this

Sacraments of Initiation

Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist -All covered in RCIA -Once all completed, full member with rights and responsibilities

Papal Infallibility

Belief that the pope is never wrong -Believed by Roman Catholics, but not Eastern Rite

Little t tradition

Beliefs and customs handed down or passed on from generations -Can be family, religious, etc. -Church has traditions that can be Traditions -Church's traditions include celibacy, rosary, fasting, priests washing hands, stations of the cross -Only influence the faith -Comes from culture and experience

Big T Tradition

Church teachings that Catholics must believe -Include Trinity, Mary is the mother of God, Holy Spirit, Apostolic Succession, immaculate conception, communion of saints -Found in the Creed -Not necessary to be believed in by Protestants

Rite of Baptism I and II

Consists of all the sacraments (except Eucharist and Holy Orders) -Also consists of other blessings for houses, people, animals, boats, etc.

Agape meals

Early Christian traditions of Eucharist followed by a meal (potluck) -Romans translated these as "love fests" and started rumors


God is three different persons with three different roles throughout all of Scripture: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit -A mystery to us

Actual grace

God's intervention in our daily lives -Basically our conscience -Inspires us to act moral and care for others in tough situations

Jesus Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner -Comes from the Eastern Orthodox church


Love and protection, freely given by God -Many different types (each Sacrament conveys a different _____) -Unmerited and unearned -A relationship with God, so you can't "fill-up" on it, but more participation in sacraments and sacramentals and more time nurturing this relationship increases your _____

Sacraments of Vocation

Matrimony and Holy Orders -The call received to share our talents, whether it's to have a family or nurture the people of God (Two vocations that build up the Church)


Means "work of the people" and refers to the public worship of the Church (includes Mass and Liturgy of the Hours) -Must be public, official, and communal prayer -Includes all sacraments -Comes from the Latin word for the crew clearing the way for soldiers -God's work because God acts first -A response to God's action and grace -A sacrament as well


New Testament figure and mother of Jesus, whom Isaiah prophesied about -A Tradition -17 feast days about her -Not worshiped, but venerated -She was conceived immaculately without original sin (Immaculate Conception) as Isaiah prophesied


Number of churches under the Pope


One necessary part of liturgy -Open to all -Doors are open and welcoming -Can't be private -More efficacious within the community


One necessary part of liturgy -Organized (comes from Lectionary or Sacramentary) -The structure comes from the Magisterium

Mentally present

One of the dispositions -Be open to the experience of the liturgy

Listening not drifting

One of the dispositions -Don't zone out during the routines and Traditions

Eucharist is real

One of the dispositions -Embrace and honor the Eucharist because it is the actual body of Christ, it is NOT a symbol -Why a host must be either eaten, burned, or buried

Engaged in Scripture

One of the dispositions -Imagine yourself as a character in the Scripture and try to understand what's going on and the context around it

Movement and Gestures

One of the dispositions -Know when to sit, stand, and kneel -Hold hands during the Our Father -Shake hands during the Sign of Peace

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

One of the dispositions -Let the Holy Spirit move us, guide us, and inspire us to participate

Be Eucharist for others

One of the dispositions -Once mass is over, share your experience in the liturgy with others -Live the gospel reading from that week. (For example, if it was the prodigal son, practice forgiveness especially that week)

Heartfelt Petitions

One of the dispositions -Pray and care for people during the liturgy -Mean it when you say "Lord, hear our prayer" because prayer is powerful


One of the dispositions -St. Augustine said it is praying twice -Very meaningful

Call and response

One of the dispositions -We must participate in the liturgy -When the priest says "Peace be with you" say "And with your spirit" back -For a long time there was no participation, so embrace it now that we have it


One of the four gospels -In this gospel, Jesus is explained, not narrated --Explains why he does what he does and gives a deeper understanding -Has 7 miracles that are called signs, the first of which is the Wedding at Cana (gave marriage its dignity and consecrated the sacrament) -Communicates a deeper meaning and brings people to faith, whereas the other gospels require faith before reading


One of the seven sacraments. Was directly instituted by Christ -Most important contrubtion to our rituals today of this come from St. Paul (first to write about it, not Mark) --Gave us the words of institution (what Jesus actually said) ---Wrote to Corinthians who were being disrespectful with the bread and wine during Agape meals -Also gave the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist --Why Churches and chapels need sacrariums


One reason for the Schism of 1054 -In 1054, the Pope was Leo IX -Churches in Constantinople (Istanbul today) asked why the Church had to be in Rome and split


One reason for the Schism of 1054 -The Eastern churches wanted to preserve their Orthodox language and traditions -Especially previously established Constantine-made masses and other rituals

Our Action

Our participation in the liturgy is responding to God (sing, respond, etc.) -Compels us to three things: Confess, pray, and worship


Patterns/actions performed according to a prescribed order that are also symbols. Words and actions repeated often that have sacred and spiritual meaning -In Church, rituals come from the Magisterium and the Council of Trent -Include signing ourselves as we enter Church and before the Gospel, Labyrinth prayer, laying hands on others during Sacraments of Healing -Can be necessary parts of Sacraments (water poured three times in Baptism)

10 Dispositions

Positive attitudes for affective liturgies that we should try to practice

Sacraments of Healing

Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick -Healing of the soul/spirit --Only hoping for healing of the body

Christian ritual action

Rituals done inside the Church -Includes all of the sacraments and the symbols in them (water, candles, oil, white robe) -Communicate what Christian life is all about -Includes three times water is poured at Baptism (for Trinity), anointing during Confirmation, etc.

Secular ritual action

Rituals that aren't done in the Church -Examples include: giving chocolates on Valentine's day, smoking cigars at graduation, Thanksgiving meal, trick-or-treating on Halloween, etc.


Sacraments and discipleship are _______ because we must continue to be nurtured in the sacraments until the Parousia


Sacred rituals of the Roman Catholic Church -Christian rituals -Convey grace (different kind of grace for each sacrament) -Communication with God -Have many symbols and rituals -"Visible sign of invisible grace"

St. Augustine

Said singing is like praying twice

Liturgical Calendar

Sets out certain periods within the Christian year for special observance and thereby highlights the major acts of Christ's redeeming work -5 seasons of Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, and Easter


Something that gives one meaning and conveys an instruction or information


Something that normally point to something else or another reality. Has multiple meanings -For example the Paschal Candle is a candle made of wax that also points to Jesus as the light of the world and when lit at Baptism, we are the light to the world


Something that raises our hearts and minds to God -Can be a person (role model in the faith), an object (Rosary, cross, ashes, palms, etc.), and blessings (of houses, pets, boats, etc.) -Because they raise our hearts and minds to God, Christ is working through these things


Something that symbols can communicate -We don't always understand the dialect or ________ someone is speaking and through symbols, we can

Daily symbols

Symbols we use and see in our everyday lives -Can be the Sign of the Cross, what we drive, what we wear, US flag, etc. --Anything that points to a deeper meaning


The Latin word that means "sign" -Where we get the word "sacrament" from -Also means holy, consecrated -Means "mysterion" in Greek, so Orthodox churches call their sacraments mysteries


The Second Coming of Christ when the Lord will judge the living and the dead. -The end of time


The book of scriptures read at the liturgy of the word -Structured to go usually an Old Testament reading to a psalm to a New Testament letter -Has ABC Cycle in the Book of Gospels (more ornate and on altar) -For lectors and laity -Makes almost all of the Bible heard in three years


The book the priest prays from during the mass at the altar -AKA the Roman Missal -Has directives for mass and other sacramental celebrations -Has directions down to how priests should hold hands during Eucharistic prayer

Latin Rite

The churches that make up the Roman Catholic church -Not Eastern Rite -Can have non-Roman Rites that are still legitimate expressions of universal liturgy (Ambrosian, Mozarabic, Bragan) ---Some orders have their own Rites too (Dominicans, Carmelites, Carthusians)

Original Sin

The fallen state of humanity into which all people are born into -Comes from Adam and Eve -Adam and Eve are the original parents and Jews believe(d) if people were born deformed or imperfect it was because of parents' sins -We are inherently good, but born into a world of sin -Washed away in the waters of baptism (as well as personal sin if above the age of reason) -Residue of this stays with us until death


The father of 3 different religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

sanctoral cycle

The feasts of saints found throughout the year on the Church's liturgical calendar -Honors saints because they are role models for our faith

Deposit of Faith

The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition -Passed on by the Magisterium -The truth of faith (part of our Catholic identity) -Priests cannot go against or modify this

Paschal Mystery

The life, Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus -Everything Jesus did to bring about our salvation -All aspects are celebrated in the liturgy

Roman Rite

The primary form of liturgy for the Roman Catholic Church

Diversity in One Body, Same Mysteries of Christ, Apostolic Succession

The three things shared under the "Universal" Catholic Church (Eastern Rite and Roman Catholic)


The type of God's children we are -People in the Old Testament were just God's children -We are this type because we aren't descendants of Abraham -The New Testament made us brothers and sisters in Christ -Connected to Jews because Jesus was Jewish


The type of objects we need to illuminate what cannot be explained -Means can be touched

Communion of Saints

The unity in Christ of all those he has redeemed -Includes the saints in heaven, the pilgrim saints on earth, and those in purgatory -Has Mary, the apostles, angels, and our ancestors -A Tradition (Creed and Eucharistic Prayer), just as angels are

Holy Spirit

Third person in the Trinity -Its role comes from the Pentecost event (when Christianity really started) -Moves and guides the followers of Jesus to speak and teach without fear amidst persecution and death, and the church today -The urging we feel to do the right thing is this

Book of the Gospels

This book contains the gospel reading for each Sunday of the three-year cycle, plus all solemnities, feasts, and ritual Masses that are celebrated throughout the liturgical year -More ornate than the lectionary -Can only be read from by the priest (or a deacon)

Confess, pray, worship

Three things that our action in the liturgy compels us to do

Freedom to respond

We have this freedom concerning grace -We have the option to do or not do the right thing, but a stronger relationship with God (more grace) will help us more often than not to do the right thing

Encounter with the Divine

What liturgy is because God is the source of all blessings, past, present, and future -At liturgy we should thank God for all his blessings and gifts, the biggest of which is Jesus

Channel of Grace

What the Church is because it is where the sacraments are performed (not a building) -Gives us tools and freedoms to respond to grace


What the Hebrews in Egypt experienced when God saved them from slavery -What we experience because Jesus gave us the New Law, New Life, and the New Covenant


Words and actions repeated often that have sacred and spiritual meaning -Another word for rituals


against established norms of a culture -One of the main reasons we need grace, because it isn't easy to act this way (hard to do the right thing when everyone else isn't)

Ex opera operato

means "by the work worked" -Sacraments are valid, regardless of the Priest's disposition, because Christ is doing the work -Even if priest did wrong (broke celibacy e.g.) the Sacrament is still valid because Jesus was the one working through the minister

Schism of 1054

split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church -Caused because of political and cultural differences

Orgies, Incest, baby bread

three rumors about the Agape meals in Rome -One part because Romans translated Agape meals as love fest -One part because Early Christians called each other brothers and sisters -One part because Christians eat the "Body of Christ" and Pagans believed sacrificing babies got the attention of the gods


to buy back, purchase, or deliver -In Christianity it refers to how Christ is the Redeemer --He taught us who the Father is (loving, compassionate, generous) --Means we live with New life, New Law, New Covenant, and New way of being in Christ -Meant from Egypt in Judaism

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