Sample Test Ques
Foundation irrigation is a) a method of stabilizing expansive clay soils b) a method of strengthening the foundation concrete - the concrete is kept damp for a couple of days c) a foundation-drainage technique d) used to prevent basement leakage
a ) Foundation irrigation is a method of stabilizing expansive soils
You typically identify a Freon leak a) as an oil stain b) as refrigerant coming out of the Freon line in the form of a cold mist c) by the strong odor d) by looking for the evidence of ice along the refrigerant lines
a) A Freon leak is typically identified as an oil stain
Al landing may NOT be needed for exterior steps a) when it is a secondary entrance and there are three or fewer risers b) where there are three or fewer risers, regardless of which entrance it is c) where there are fewer than six steps d) when the door opens inward
a) A landing may not be needed for exterior steps if they lead to a secondary entrance and there are three or fewer risers
Garage door problems include all of the following EXCEPT a) a seven-inch step down into garage b) poor weatherstripping c) that it has no self-closer d) if it opens into a bedroom
a) A seven inch step down into the garage is a good thing, not a problem
You notice that the service drop and service entrance conductors are bare at the splice. You should a) report this as a safety hazard b) wrap them in tape, if you carry any c) consider this acceptable, if the conductors are secure d) do none of the above
a) Bare wires at the splice between the service drop and service entrance are a safety hazard
Recommendations to a client regarding brick cracks may include all of these EXCEPT to a) caulk them b) ignore them c) monitor them d) call in a specialist for further advice
a) Caulking is not an appropriate repair for brickwork
All of the following are evidence of possible erosion on ravine lots EXCEPT a) evidence of chronic water problems in the basement b) a lack of vegetation c) bands of freshly exposed topsoil d) tree trunks significantly off vertical
a) Chronic water problems in the basement are not necessarily related to erosion. All of he other items on this list are definitely erosion related
Columns may settle because the a) footing is undersized b) footing is below the basement floor c) footing is too thick d) beams are oversized
a) Columns may settle because the footing for them is too small
How thick (maximum) should a creosote deposit in a wood stove be before it is removed a) 1/4 inch b) 1/2 inch c) 3/4 inch d) 1 inch
a) Creosote should be no thicker than 1/4 inch before it is removed
Efflorescence a) is associated with water moving through masonry walls b) can only appear on the cold side of a wall c) only occurs in freezing climates d) is an organic growth
a) Efflorescence is a result of water moving through masonry or concrete walls
On which roof are exposed fasteners most likely to be acceptable a) Metal b) Clay c) Concrete d) Asphalt
a) Exposed fasteners are acceptable on metal roofing
Which of the following is NOT a component of a heat recovery ventilator a) Burner b) Heat exchanger c) Fans d) Air filter
a) Heat recovery ventilators do not have burners
Hone inspectors a) must disclose an interest in a business which may affect the client b) having disclosed any interest in a business which may affect the client, must decline to perform the inspection c) may waive the home inspection fee if a repair contract on the home is subsequently signed between the client and home inspector d) may collect separate fees from two interested parties, as long as at least one party is aware of it
a) Home inspectors must disclose an interest in a business that may affect their clients
Which statement about suspended ceilings is FALSE a) Home inspectors should not lift the tiles because they can be difficult to get back in b) They reduce the ceiling height c) They are also called acoustic tile d) They are often installed below damaged plaster ceilings
a) Home inspectors should not avoid lifting the tiles just because they can be difficult to get back in
The flame of the left burner in a two-burner conventional efficiency furnace touches the heat exchanger only when the blower is running. What is likely to be the problem a) The heat exchanger is cracked on the left side b) The heat exchanger is cracked on the right side c) The left burner is dirty d) The lest burner is misaligned
a) If the flame touches the heat exchanger when the lower is running, the lower is probably pushing the flame over. This means the heat exchanger is probably cracked
Attic insulation may be wet as a result of any of the following EXCEPT a) insulation that is too close to chimneys b) a roof leak c) condensation d) an exhaust fan discharging directly into the insulation
a) Insulation too close to chimneys does not result in the insulation being wet
Jack studs a) support lintels b) are full-length studs c) support window sills d) support beams
a) Jack studs support lintels
Joists are like a) small beams b) ledger boards c) ribbon boards d) collar ties
a) Joists are like small beams
What would you do if you saw metal ductwork from a forced-air heating system for a house passing through a garage a) Suggest that it be insulated to the level required in the area b) Recommend that it be removed c) Recommend covering the duct work with drywall, as this is the only acceptable method to gas-proof a garage d) Recommend a supply air register to help heat the garage
a) Metal ductwork from a forced-air heating system passing through a garage should be insulated
If you mix convectors and radiators, the convector-heated rooms will a) overheat when the boiler is running b) be too cool when the boiler is running c) cause air to be trapped in the radiators d) cause air trapping to occur in the convectors
a) Mixing convectors and radiators is a problem because the convector-heated rooms will be too hot when the boiler is running and will be unable to maintain the same water temperature as the radiator-heated rooms. This means that they will cool off more quickly than the rooms with radiators
Most radiant heating systems are located a) in the ceiling b) in the floors c) on exterior walls below windows d) in lightweight concrete panels
a) Most radiant-heating systems are located in the ceiling
Which group of terms does NOT go together a) Pier, column, truss b) Rafter, truss, purlin c) Joist, beam, girder d) Stud, header, sill
a) Piers and columns are vertical compression members. Trusses are typically horizontal members that see bending forces and shear forces
Common problems with power vented or fan assisted water heaters include all of the following EXCEPT a) a clogged condensate collection system b) an inoperative blower preventing startup c) an obstructed blower intake d) poor vent termination points
a) Power-vented or fan-assisted water heaters do not have clogged condensation collection system problems because they are not condensing units
The pressure-reducing valve a) reduces plumbing water pressure to boiler pressure b) reduces boiler water pressure to plumbing pressure c) reduces the pressure in the radiator to atmospheric pressure d) prevents overheating
a) Pressure reducing valves reduce the house plumbing water pressure to about 12 psi
Probing the ends of beams with a screwdriver is a good way to check for a) rot b) end bearing c) sag d) rotation
a) Probing the ends of beams with a screwdriver is a good way to check for rot
Pyrolysis is a) a phenomenon where the autoignition temperature of the wood is reduced b) a phenomenon where chronic condensation on the underside of sheathing causes the sheathing to sag between the rafters c) a phenomenon where cellulose insulation can spontaneously ignite when in contact with roof sheathing that does not have the FRT rating d) premature corrosion of sheathing nails due to contact with acids in some types of waferboard
a) Pyrolysis is a phenomenon where the autoignition temperature of the wood is reduced
If, when looking at a slate roof, you see ribbons, you should tell your client that a) these may be weak areas and the slate is not high quality b) these are signs of particularly good, strong slates c) these slates are rare and tend to be more expensive d) these slates have changed color because of air pollution
a) Ribbons in slate are weak areas, indicating that the slate is not of high quality
Which roofing material lasts the longest a) Slate b) Wood c) Fiber-cement d) Roll Roofing
a) Slate lasts the longest out of listed materials
Rafter spread can be visually identified by a) soffits pulling away from the house wall b) cracking of interior wall finishes below and parallel to the ceiling joists c) cracks in the rafters d) buckling collar ties
a) Soffits pulling away from the house wall suggests rafter spread
A midefficiency gas furnace has an electronic ignition system. The safety device that ensures that the pilot or burner is on is the a) flame sensor b) thermocouple c) hot surface igniter d) primary control
a) The flame sensor ensures that the pilot or burner is on
On a conventional split-system air-conditioning system, the high-pressure side is the portion of the refrigerant line from the a) compressor to the expansion device b) metering device to the evaporator coil c) expansion device to the compressor d) evaporator tot eh compressor
a) The high-pressure side of an air-conditioning system is between the compressor and the metering device
The introductory discussion should a) help to adjust the expectations of the client b) establish your credibility with the use of a number of technical terms c) include instructions for your clients to avoid questions since this will pull you from your routine d) include questions about he clients' preferred order for inspecting the components of the home
a) The introductory discussion should set goals for your inspection
The main difference between a laundry tub pump and a sump pump is a) laundry tub pumps can handle lint b) sump pumps are larger capacity c) laundry tub pumps operate on 120-volt and sump pumps operate on 1,240-volt electrical power d) sum pumps are automatic and laundry tub pumps must be manual
a) The main difference between laundry tub pumps and sump pumps are that laundry tub pumps can handle lint
If a building is 16 feet wide with a roof peak in the middle and collar ties at the midpoint of each rafter, the rafter span is a) 4 feet b) impossible to determine unless we know the height from the ceiling joists to the ridge board c) 8 feet d) 16 feet
a) The span here is four feet. The spans are interrupted by the end of the rafters, the peak, and the collar ties
All of the following contain condition statements EXCEPT a) the overhead service entrance conductors are aluminum and rated for 100 amps b) the garage door operator should be adjusted to reverse when fitting an obstruction as it closes c) missing chimney flashings should be provided d) the inoperative ground fault circuit interrupter should be replaced to improve electrical safety
a) The statement about the service conductors is descriptive only. It provides no insight as to what condition the service is in
The best way to determine if the automatic vent damper is operating correctly is to a) turn up the thermostat and check for spillage at the draft hood b) turn the thermostat up and get up on the roof to feel the chimney flue for heat c) check for the presence of corrosion on the exhaust flue downstream of the damper d) turn up the thermostat and listen for a loud grinding noise from the vent damper
a) Turn up the thermostat and check for spillage
Two reasons for dedicated circuits are that a) the circuit uses so much electricity, and the circuit is so important b) the circuit is so important, and you can't hook high-demand circuits up in series c) we want to avoid nuisance tripping, and the appliances are near a wet location d) the high start-surge is a problem, and the high operating temperatures of furnaces and boilers may overheat the wire
a) You might want a dedicated circuit, because the circuit uses a lot of electricity, or because the circuit is very important (a furnace or freezer circuit, for example)
Knob-and-tube wiring was in common use from a) 1920 - 1950 b) 1850 - 1880 c) 1940 - 1970 d) 1890 - 1910
a) knob and tube wiring was commonly used from 1920 - 1950
You smell fuel oil when you walk in the door of a house. Which of the following is NOT a likely cause a) The tank is leaking b) The barometric damper is stuck closed c) The fuel supplier has overfilled the tank d) The burner is inoperative
b) A barometric damper that is stuck closed will not allow an oil smell into the house
There is a chimney protruding through a roll roofing valley flashing on the roof. You report that there may be leakage here because the a) chimney height is insufficient b) chimney obstructs valley drainage c) nails from the chimney flashing penetrate the valley flashing d) roofer used roll roofing, rather than metal
b) A chimney protruding through a valley flashing obstructs valley drainage and therefore has great potential for leakage
A house has service entrance conductors designed for 100 amps and a main disconnect rated at 100 amps. Which of these conditions is unsafe a) The service box is rated at 125 amps b) The service box is rated at 75 amps c) The distribution panel is rated at 125 amps d) The distribution panel is rated at 200 amps
b) A service box rated at 75 amps is not adequate for 100-amp service
A trap primer a) is used on every trap b) requires an air gap c) prevents traps from freezing d) prevents traps from siphoning
b) A trap primer requires an air gap or backflow prevention device
After you turn an electric baseboard heater on, how long should it take for the heater to get warm a) Less than 10 seconds b) Less than 1 minute c) Less than 5 minutes d) Less than 10 minutes
b) An electric baseboard heater should get warm within one minute of turning it on
Common problems with chimney caps include all of the following EXCEPT a) cracks b) oversizing c) inadequate slope d) a lack of drip edge or drip groove
b) An oversized cap is not a common problem
Why are you more likely to see a house with a full basement in cold northern climates than in warm southern climates a) People in cold climates have snow removal equipment to store b) Having to excavate below the frost line for the footings makes a basement cost effective c) Homes with basements need heat. In southern climates, it is a waste of energy to heat the basement d) There is a bedrock in the southern climates - blasting would be required to make a basement
b) Basements are common in cold climates because we have to dig down below the frost line for the footings anyway
Typical wood frame wall assemblies include all of the following components EXCEPT a) studs b) bridging c) sheathing d) siding
b) Bridging is not typically a part of a wood frame wall assembly
CPVC water pipe may not be used for hot and cold supply lines a) in single-family residences b) in multifamily residences c) inside a building d) below grade
b) CPVC water pipe may not be used for hot and cold supply lines in multifamily residences. Combustible piping material is not allowed to run from one dwelling to anther typically
Which one of the following statements about retaining wall drainage is FALSE a) Drainage is important b) Soils that drain well, such as clay, should be used behind retaining walls c) A weeping tile or drainage holes are often recommended d) Tied-back walls do not usually require drain holes
b) Clay is not a good draining soil
Common and dangerous cracks in the hearth of a wood-burning fireplace are often found a) at the back of the hearth b) between the hearth and hearth extension c) at the front of the hearth extension d) at the sides of the hearth extension
b) Common and dangerous cracks in the hearth are often found at the joint between the hearth and the hearth extension
Which statement about crawlspaces is FALSE a) Crawlspace can be heated or unheated b) The floor will be more comfortable if the crawlspace floor is insulated c) It's typically easier to insulate the walls than the crawlspace ceiling d) Insulating the walls can be done on the inside or outside
b) Crawl space floors that are insulated often result in the floor above feeling cool
Double tapping is a) an approved method of extending a service panel's capacity b) the term for attaching two wires to a single fuse or breaker terminal c) the term for connecting two wires in a wire nut before connecting them to a fuse or breaker d) not acceptable unless the same number of taps occur on one bus as the other
b) Double tapping is a term for attaching two wires to a single fuse or breaker. It is poor practice and not allowed in most cases
Common problems with sinks and basins include all of the following EXCEPT a) leaks b) excess pressure c) rust d) cross connections
b) Excess pressure is not a common problem with sinks and basins
A flashlight can be used during wall inspections to a) be rolled across the wall surface to feel for irregularities b) shine parallel to the wall to look for irregularities c) shine at the wall, section by section, to ensure all areas are scanned d) identify condensation on wall by reflection and refraction of light
b) Flashlights can help identify wall irregularities if you shine the beam parallel to the wall
Galvanized iron or steel drain piping should NOT be installed a) in an attic b) in the ground c) in crawlspaces d) as stacks (vertical pipes) that serve as waste and vent stacks
b) Galvanized-iron or galvanized-steel drain piping should not be installed in the ground
Gravity, warm-air furnaces are different from forced-air furnaces in each of the following respects EXCEPT that a) there is no fan b) there is no high temperature limit switch c) the furnace is always located in the center of the house d) the supply and return duct systems are large, round, and slopped up from the furnace
b) Gravity, warm-air furnaces do not have a high temperature limit switch
The induced-draft fan makes grinding noises when you turn up the thermostat. This is likely a) indicative of dirt on the fan b) failure of the fan bearings c) decomposition of the plastic vent piping d) condensate water trapped in the fan
b) Grinding noises indicate bearings in distress in the induced-draft fan
Which of the following are the most appropriate deck fasteners a) Roofing nails b) Hot-dipped galvanized nails c) Drywall screws d) Electroplate galvanized nails
b) Hot-dipped, galvanized nails are acceptable deck fasteners
Sills not properly anchored are most likely to allow the house to move off its foundation a) during winter months b) during construction c) if the house is located on the side of a hill d) if the live loads exceed the design load within the house
b) Houses are blown off foundations most often during construction
In a multiwire branch circuit, with the red-and-black wire improperly tapped from the same bus, if the red wire carries 10 amps, and the black wire carries 12 amps, the neutral wire will carry a) 10 amps b) 22 amps c) none because the 15A breaker will trip d) 12 amps
b) If the red and black wires are connected to the same bus, the white wire will see 22 amps. This is an unsafe condition on 14-gauge wire
Given a foundation wall that is cracked due to horizontal force a) you will not be able to determine whether the wall has also moved inward b) if the wall has moved inward, the cracks would typically be wider on the inside face c) if the wall has moved inward, cracks will typically be wider on the outside face d) You should not be concerned unless the crack is at least 1/4 inch in width
b) If the wall has moved inward, the cracks are typically wider on the inside face
If there is no water in the boiler, the low water cutout prevents the a) circulator from operating b) burner from firing c) pressure reducer from adding water d) entrapment of air in the air separator
b) If there is no water in the boiler, the low water cutout prevents the burner from firing
If you drilled a hole thought a properly laid asphalt-shingle roof, how many shingles would you go through a) one b) two c) three d) four
b) In an asphalt shingle roof you would typically go through two layers of shingles
Assuming copper, standard wire type, and normal temperature rating, what is the typical conductor size (in AWG) for a 100A service a) #6 b) #4 c) #3 d) #2
b) In the United States, a 100 amp service must have 4-gauge wire
There are two layers of shingles on the roof, with the most recent installation less than two years old. At the chimney, the original steel flashings are rusted. The shingles are sealed to the older metal with asphalt cement. The roofer should have a) used caulking instead of asphalt cement b) installed new flashings c) stripped off the old shingles first d) replaced only the flashings that are rusted through
b) In this case the roofer should have installed new flashings
A panel is servicing an indoor pool area, and is in a mechanical room next to the pool. You should be looking for a) stranded wires b) rust problems c) minimum 20A breakers d) wires rated at 12 gauge
b) Indoor swimming pool enclosures can be corrosive because of the chemicals. Watch for more than the usual amount of rusting
All of the following are appropriate response strategies limiting home inspectors' liability, EXCEPT a) responding to complaints as quickly as possible b) never admitting that there is a problem with the home c) refusing to accept as fact anything you are told d) refusing to argue with the client over the phone on the initial call
b) It is a mistake to never admit that there is a problem with the home; there often is a problem
Masonry chimneys should have a clearance from combustible framing members of a) 1 inch b) 2 inches c) 4 inches d) 12 inches
b) Masonry chimney should have a 2 inch clearance from combustible framing members
Masonry walls may be prone to leaning outward at the top if a) joists are fire-cut b) the wall is taller than the highest ceiling joists c) the building is two stories or more d) the arches are undersized
b) Masonry walls may lean outward if the wall extends higher than the ceiling joists. This is usually a result of roof rafters pushing out on the wall
Most concrete foundation cracks occur at a) wall/floor intersections b) window corners c) moisture entry problems d) changes in foundation height
b) Most concrete foundation cracks occur at window corners
All of the following are advantages to having clients attend inspection EXCEPT a) an opportunity for better communications b) you can charge a premium for allowing clients to attend c) that showing is better than telling d) you have the opportunity to adjust expectations
b) Most inspectors do not charge a premium for allowing clients to attend
All of these are common closet lighting problems EXCEPT a) a light that is above a shelf b) a light that is mounted on a wall above the door c) a light in which bare bulbs are used d) installation of the light above, and toward one end of, the shelf
b) Mounting the light on a wall above the door in a closet is not a problem
Which of the following statements applies to notching or putting holes in truss members a) Holes should be no more than 1/3 of the depth of the member b) Neither holes nor notches are permitted anywhere on the truss c) Holes are permitted only in the middle-third of the bottom chord of a truss d) Holes and notches are not permitted in the top or bottom chord but are permitted in the webs
b) Neither holes nor notches are permitted in trusses
On most steep roofs, exposed fasteners are a) used for anchorage against wind b) a sign of poor installation c) a sign of good installation d) used to prevent ice dams
b) On most steep roofs, exposed fasteners are a sign of poor installation
Overlapping joists that extend 12 inches past the support beam a) are prone to failure by collapse b) are likely to cause a floor hump c) should be extended to the opposite exterior wall d) indicate a beam that is too narrow
b) Overlapping joists that extend 12 inches past the support beam may cause a hump in the floor as the end of the joist kicks up when the center part of the joist on the other side of the beam is loaded
For a galvanized-steel roof a) the surface should be coated with mastic to extend the useful life b) painting the surface is one acceptable way of protecting the surface c) the metal should be held down with copper nails or screws to prevent corrosion d) both a and c are true
b) Painting is one way to protect galvanized steel roofing
Which of the following supply piping materials cannot be used on a hot water system in modern construction a) Copper b) Polyethylene c) Polybutylene d) CPVC
b) Polyethylene pipe cannot be used on a hot water system
Rope wicks in veneer walls a) are better than weep holes b) are often used in place of weep holes c) replace brick ties d) are used with plastic screens
b) Rope wicks are often used in place of weep holes
Sweating toilets a) are unusual b) are worse if the toilets runs continuously c) should be fed with hot water d) will rust the flush mechanism and flush valve
b) Sweating toilets are worse if the toilet runs continuously
You can check the thickness of the flooring and the subfloor material by a) referring to building plans b) lifting out a supply air register c) measuring the overall floor thickness and subtracting the joists d) drilling a small pilot hole in an inconspicuous spot
b) The best way to check the thickness of the subflooring and flooring is to lift out a heat register
A subpanel is supplying a three-ton air conditioner (running load amps = 18A) and an electric dryer (5,000W). The 10-gauge copper subpanel feed wire is connected to a 60A breaker in the main panel. You should a) report the installation as okay b) recommend changing the size of the feed wire to match the breaker c) recommend changing the size of the breaker to match the feed wire d) recommend switching to a gas dryer
b) The breaker size and the feed wire size should be a match. Alternatively, the wire amp capacity should be greater than the breaker rating. The 10-gauge copper wire can safely carry 30 amps
Conventional gas boilers in boiler rooms, drawing combustion air from indoors, require HOW MUCH total combustion and dilution air a) 1 square inch net vent space for each 1,000 btu/hr input b) 2 square inches net vent space for each 1,000 btu/hr input c) 5 square inches net vent space for each 1,000 btu/hr input d) 10 square inches net vent space for each 1,000 btu/hr input
b) The combustion and dilution air requirements are about 2 square inches of net vent space for each 1,000 BTU per hour input
Splashing sounds are heard when the thermostat is turned up and the induced-draft fan starts to run on a high-efficiency furnace. What is a likely concern a) The heat exchanger passages are blocked with soot b) The condensate lines are blocked c) The duct system is too small for the furnace d) The exhaust vent is disconnected inside the house
b) The condensate lines are probably blocked
The minimum head room for stairs in a home is roughly a) 72 inches b) 80 inches c) 84 inches d) 88 inches
b) The minimum stair headroom is roughly 80 inches
The most common cross connection on a bathtub is a) a pressure-balancing faucet set b) a tub fill spout below the tub flood rim c) a tub drain interconnected with the cold water supply d) a faulty shower diverter
b) The most common cross connection on a bathtub is a tub fill spout below the tub flood rim
In the service box, the ungrounded service entrance wires should be connected a) to the "load" side of the main switch b) to the "line" side of the main switch c) one to the switch and the other to the grounding terminal d) one to the switch and the other to the neutral
b) The service entrance conductors belong on the "line" side of the main switch
If a conventional gas-fired, forced-air furnace has an input rating of 100,000 Btu and an output rating of 80,000Btu, its a) seasonal efficiency is 80 percent b) steady state efficiency is 80 percent c) steady state efficiency is 60 percent d) steady sate efficiency is 20 percent
b) The steady sate efficiency is 80 percent if the input is 100,000 Btu and the output is 80,000 Btu
The top of a column should be a) bonded to a beam with adhesive b) at least as wide as the beam above it c) nailed to at least two joists d) supported by a diagonal bridging or blocking
b) The top of the column should be as wide as the beam that it supports
Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to electric water heaters a) Most water heaters have two elements b) The upper element usually comes on first c) The upper element has priority d) It can be difficult to tell if one of the two elements is burned out
b) The upper element on an electric water heater usually come on second. The lower element sees the cold water being let into the heater as the hot water is drown off the top. It's the lower element that sees the cold water first and responds first
A clue that a new built-up roof was applied over the old flat roof is a) usually there is no gravel because of the additional weight b) there are two layers of drip edge flashings c) the felts are delaminating at the edges d) both layers would be visible if you were to look down the roof drain
b) Two layers of drip edge flashings suggest two layers of roofing
Water hammer can be solved or greatly reduced by a) installing modern, quick-closing faucets b) using 12-inch vertical extensions at ends of lines c) avoiding long, vertical rises in the pipe d) avoiding long, horizontal runs of pipe
b) Using 12 inch vertical extensions at the end of supply lines can help solve or reduce water hammer
Walls may perform all of these functions EXCEPT to a) support roofs b) support masonry chimneys c) support other walls d) resist wind loads
b) Walls should not support masonry chimneys in most cases
Which of the following is a simple test on an operating conventional gas-fired, forced-air furnace that should always be performed a) Test the exhaust for carbon monoxide b) Test for spillage at the draft hood c) Test for excessive vibration of the house air fan by touching the fan d) Measure the pressure differential across the house air fan
b) We should always test for spillage at the draft hood
You notice a wooden post as the support for the service drop. You should a) recommend replacing it right away with a steel mast b) check for rot, damage, or movement c) assume that you'll find obsolete equipment inside the house d) tug on the service drop wires to make sure the mast doesn't give
b) When you see a wooden post supporting the service drop, you should check for rot, damage, or movement
Where a steeply pitched shingle roof meets a lower-pitched shingle roof, the valley may be especially vulnerable to a) unusually rapid deterioration b) water penetration under the shingles, on the lower-pitched side c) excessive shingle wear adjacent to the valley on the steeper-pitched side d) buckling on the flashing material
b) Where steep roofs meet lower sloped roofs at a valley, the valley is especially vulnerable to water penetration under the shingles on the lower side
Whole-house fans should a) never have insulating covers over them in the winter, because they obstruct airflow b) not be operated during the winter months if there are combustion heating appliances c) never be operated with windows or doors open d) have an outlet area that is roughly 50 percent of the inlet area
b) Whole-house fans should not be operated during the winter months if there are combustion appliances in the house
At roof-to-wall flashings, where wood siding is the counter-flashing, the siding should be kept a) less than one inch b) one to two inches above the roof c) two to three inches above the roof d) four to five inches above the roof
b) Wood siding at wall flashings should be cut back one to two inches above the roof
When you come across an oil furnace that has a tripped primary control, you should a) reset the primary controller and attempt to fire the burner b) not reset the primary control, and attempt to view the firepot for pooling oil c) not reset the primary control, and attempt to view the heat exchanger for pooling oil d) reset the primary control, but do not attempt to fire the burner
b) You should be looking for pooling oil in the firepot. You should not reset the primary control. This may contribute to flooding the firepot.
To determine if a beam is sagging a) use a plumb bob b) sight along the underside of the beam along its length c) check for crushing at the bearing points d) look for cracks on the bottom side of the beam near the midpoint
b) You should sight along the underside of the length of a beam to see if it is sagging
Which of the following statement about home inspectors' liability is TRUE a) As long as you provide written reports, you have no liability b) Your liability is greater if your buyers' expectations are not realistic c) Home improvement contractors play no part in home inspector liability d) The last-one-in syndrome helps to reduce liability
b) Your liability is greater if the buyer's expectations are unrealistic
All of the following statements about hardboard siding are true except one. Which statement is FALSE a) Hardboard is a type of fiberboard b) Hardboard is non-combustible c) Common thicknesses are 5/16 - 1/2 inch d) It is denser than conventional wood siding
b) hardboard is combustible
A common flow control valve problem on a boiler is a) that it is set incorrectly b) leakage c) poorly located d) obstructed air flow
b) leaking is a common flow control valve problem
All of the following are slab-on-grade construction techniques EXCEPT a) monolithic slab b) floating slab c) inverted slab d) reinforced slab
c ) There is no such thing as an inverted slab
Which of the following is NOT a common service amperage a) 60A b) 100A c) 175 A d) 400A
c) A 175-amp service is not common
A horizontal fracture in the foundation a) is a shrinkage crack b) is not as serious as a vertical crack c) reduces the foundation's ability to resist soil pressure d) cannot be caused by adfreezing
c) A horizontal fracture in the foundation weakens the foundation. It won't be able to resist soil pressure as it could originally
The most serious implication of a leaking humidifier is a) flooding b) rusting of the furnace cabinet c) rusting of the heat exchanger d) shorting out the furnace wiring
c) A leaking humidifier may rust out the heat exchanger
Which of the following is NOT typically a component of a private water supply system a) Foot valve b) Pump c) Pressure regulator d) Pressure tank
c) A pressure regulator is not usually found on private water supply systems because water pressures are usually not in excess of 80 psi
During an inspection you find 20 blown 15-amp fuses beside the panel. You might tell your client that a) there must have been several defective fuses purchased, perhaps from one bad lot b) the 15-amp fuses should be replaced with a larger fuse size that will not blow c) it's likely that there is a least one overloaded circuit in the panel d) it's likely that there is a defect in the panel
c) All of these blown fuses tell you that there is at least one overloaded circuit that continually blows fuses
An auxiliary drain pan is needed on a split-system air conditioner when a) the condensate cannot be drained by gravity b) there is no trap in the condensate line c) leakage in the primary pan may damage interior finishes d) a high volume of condensate is anticipated
c) An auxiliary drain pan is needed when leakage in the primary pan my damage interior finishes
Beams transfer loads directly from a) walls to walls b) roofs to walls c) floors to columns d) floors to footings
c) Beams transfer loads directly from floors to columns
Which wood is NOT commonly used in studs in a wood frame wall a) Pine b) Fir c) Cedar d) Larch
c) Cedar is not a common structural wood because it is relatively weak
Split-system, air-cooled, central air-conditioning systems have how many fans a) None b) One c) Two d) Four
c) Central air-conditioning systems have two fans
Clamp-on amp meters may be used on electric furnaces to check a) the fuse or breaker sizing b) wire sizing c) that all the elements come on d) the data-plate information
c) Clamp-on amp meters are used to check that all of the furnace elements are working
Common problems with clay or slate shingles include all of the following EXCEPT a) missing shingles b) loose shingles c) buckled shingles d) broken shingles
c) Clay or slate will not buckle
Where trusses are used for a roof in a snowy region a) your roofing structure inspection should include a carful look at upper roof areas adjacent to lower roofs b) no special attention is required for any part of the roof structure inspection c) where there are two roof levels, snow may drift onto the lower roof adjacent to a wall extending above the roof. This concentrated load may cause sagging or even break truss members. d) snow drifting is common where there are two different roof levels, but trusses are "over-designed" such that no problems are likely to occur
c) Concentrated loads of snow drifting on a lower roof when it's adjacent to a wall can cause truss members to sag or break
If a metal roof seems to have many leaks (but no specific leakage area) and it only leaks in the winter, you should consider which of the following a) Ice damming b) No cant strip at the roof wall intersection c) Condensation on the underside of the metal d) Chimney flashing failure
c) Condensation on the underside of the metal roof may be the culprit
Newer conventional-efficiency, copper-tube boilers have a life expectancy of a) 5 to 10 years b) 10 to 15 years c) 15 to 25 years d) 25 to 35 years
c) Copper tube boilers have a life expectancy of 15 to 25 years
The most important implication of cracked or broken walkways is a) water in the basement b) difficulty in snow removal c) a trip hazard d) water ponding on the walkway
c) Cracked or broken walkways can be trip hazards
Common switch problems include all of the following EXCEPT a) damaged switches b) inoperative switches c) dimmer switches with a positive shut off d) switches for garbage disposals on the front of base cabinets
c) Dimmer switches with a positive shut off are not a problem
All of the following are clues that excess humidity may be a problem in the house EXCEPT a) Window condensation b) Mold in bathrooms c) excessive drafts d) nackdraft of combustion appliances
c) Excessive drafts usually result in lower humidity levels
Exhaust flues on gas-fired or oil-fired water heaters should a) have a minimum length of 10 feet b) slope down away from the water heater to allow for condensation c) have a slope of 1/4 inch per foot up away from the heater d) be friction fit together
c) Exhaust flues on gas-fired or oil-fired water heaters should have a slope of 1/4 inch per foot
Fiber-cement shingles a) are flexible, like asphalt shingles b) don't last as long as asphalt shingles c) are lighter than slate d) are typically installed on battens
c) Fiber cement shingles are lighter than slate
Heat circulators for fireplaces a) do not improve the efficiency of fireplaces b) are used only on factory-built fireplaces c) may use fans to promote air flow d) can safely have their intakes and outlets obstructed
c) Heat circulators for fireplaces may use fans to promote air flow
Homes inspectors typically check the exterior grading a) with a level b) with a plumb bob c) by visual examination only d) by observing whether a soccer ball rolls down away from the building when placed against the wall
c) Home inspectors normally use a visual examination to check the exterior grading
A common problem with skylights in cold climates is a) reduced visibility and light entry due to snow covering b) cool drafts on people sitting below skylights c) ice dams d) poor operability
c) Ice dams are a common problem with skylights in cold climates
If the backup heat system for a heat pump is a gas furnace a) an emergency heat switch is not required b) the indoor coil requires a vent c) the indoor coil must be downstream of (or after) the furnace heat exchanger d) the furnace is typically located in the outdoor unit
c) If the backup heat system is a gas furnace, the indoor coil must be downstream of the furnace heat exchanger
Which of the following suggests an improperly supported service drop a) Water in the service panel b) No seal on meter c) Missing drip loop d) PVC conduit bulging between the meter and the elbow at the base
c) Improperly supported service drop may result in the drip loop disappearing under tension
You inspect a 4 year old asphalt shingle roof. It seems well insulated and the attic is properly ventilated. Roughly 25 percent of the shingles show irregular cracks in the surface. You report that a) the shingles are suffering freeze-thaw damage b) this is a common cosmetic condition that does not affect performance or life expectancy c) there is a possible manufacturing defect and life expectancy may be shortened d) this is a result of expansion and contraction of waferboard sheathing as a result of changes in humidity
c) Irregular cracks on young asphalt shingles roofs indicate a manufacturing defect and possible shortening of the life expectancy
Common problems with water-cooled air-conditioning coils include a) clogging b) icing up c) leakage d) running dry
c) Leakage is a common problem with water-cooled coils
Which of the following is a common problem with exterior window drip caps (cap flashings) a) Installed too high b) Installed too low c) Missing drip caps d) Made of metal
c) Missing drip caps are the most common problem
Which single-ply roofing system typically uses a base sheet and cap sheet a) PVC b) Metal c) Mod bit d) Roll roofing
c) Mod bit may have a base sheet and a cap sheet
Obsolete service boxes typically have a) rusted covers b) black covers c) exposed terminals d) undersized fuses
c) Obsolete service boxes typically have exposed terminals
Piers may move because the a) footings are oversized b) piers are not adequately loaded c) soil below is disturbed d) an exhaust fan discharging directly into the insulation
c) Piers may move because soil below is disturbed
Rising damp is a) a flooded crawlspace b) leakage through foundation walls c) capillary wicking of water into masonry units d) associated with expansive soils
c) Rising damp is capillary wicking of water into masonry units, It can rise great distance up through the masonry
Which solariums would be most prone to condensation a) Solarium in San Diego b) Wood frame solarium c) Solarium off a kitchen d) Solarium facing south
c) Solarium in areas of high humidity such as kitchens are prone to condensation
Squeaking subflooring is an indication of a) overspanned joists b) undersized beams c) poor fastening of subfloors d) undersized subfloors
c) Squeaking subflooring usually indicates poor fastening of the subfloors
A common temperature rise across a conventional furnace is a) 30 F to 60 F b) 50 F to 85 F c) 70 F to 100 F d) 100 F to 150 F
c) The common temperature rise is 70 F to 100 F
The condensate drain pan or tray on a split-system air conditioner is typically located below the a) compressor b) condenser coil c) evaporator coil d) expansion device
c) The condensate drain pan is located below the evaporator coil
The purpose of the condenser coil in an air-conditioning system is to a) cool the outdoor air b) help deliver cooler Freon to the compressor c) dissipate heat from the Freon downstream of the compressor d) absorb heat from the house air
c) The condenser coil dissipates heat from the Freon downstream of the compressor
If you used multimeter to measure the current in a 3,000W electric water heater that uses both of the ungrounded (hot) service conductors, it would read a) 25A b) 240V c) 12.5A d) 120V
c) The current in the water heater is 12.5 amps (P = V x I, I = P?V, I = 3,000/240)
A heat pump in the defrost cycle a) has the outdoor fan running b) is working at maximum efficiency c) may have the system operating in the cooling mode d) will shut down the backup heat
c) The heat pump in the defrost cycle may have the system operating in a cooling mode
All of the following are priority statements, EXCEPT that a) the electrical cleanup work should be done immediately b) prompt repairs to the gutters and down spouts will help prevent wet basement problems c) the asphalt shingle roofing has a remaining life of 10 to 15 years d) the fireplace chimney should be swept before using the fireplace
c) The shingle roofing statement is not a priority statement because no specific action is recommended and the time frame is a span of five years
Third party liability means that a) the seller is liable if you hurt yourself during the inspection b) you are liable if your client hurts himself or herself during the inspection c) there are people other than your client relying on your report d) a report has to be addressed to more than one person (husband and wife, for example)
c) Third-party liability is where people rely on your report that you did not intend. If your client gives your report to some else, that is a third party. You may be liable to them for the contents of your report even though you never met them unless you disclaim third party liability in the report itself
A 1,500 square foot house has an electric stove, electric dryer, central air-conditioning (FLA = 18 amps) and a recent basement renovation that included the installation of a 3,000 watt sauna. If it has a 60A service, you should report that a) the existing service is adequate b) the existing service will support additional loads c) the service should be upgraded d) additional loads should be upgraded, otherwise the service is okay
c) This service is probably too small and you should be recommending upgrading
Which of the following is the accepted way for a home inspector to check for a loose connection of a wire to a fuse or breaker a) measure the temperature of the bare end of the wire b) See if the connection screw can be tightened any more c) Look signs of overheating on the end of the wire and at the connection point d) Turn the breaker off or remove the fuse to find an outlet that it serves, then turn it back on and measure the voltage at the outlet
c) To look for a loose connection, look for signs of overheating near the end of the wire and/or at the connection point
All of the following functions are performed by trusses EXCEPT a) support for live and dead loads b) lateral support for exterior walls c) lateral support for masonry chimney d) creation of attic space and ventilation space
c) Trusses do not support masonry chimneys
It's important to stay in control of the inspection for all of the following reasons EXCEPT a) you want to stay on schedule b) you want to stay within your scope c) some agents can show you up if you let them talk d) helps make sure you'll leave things as you found them
c) Trying to avoid letting agents talk because they may show you up should not be an issue
You plug your circuit tester into an outlet that has a washing machine plugged into it. Your tester shows that the outlet is properly wired and grounded. How could you improve this inspection process a) Use a voltage tester b) Use a circuit tester with a GFI test button c) Unplug the washing machine d) Turn the washing machine on before doing our test
c) Unplugging the washing machine will ensure that your tester doesn't read a false found connection through the washing machine
All of the following statements are true of shrinkage cracks EXCEPT that a) shrinkage cracks do not typically go into the footings b) shrinkage cracks do not necessarily have corresponding cracks elsewhere in the building c) vertical shear is associated with shrinkage cracks d) shrinkage cracks are common with poured concrete foundation walls
c) Vertical shear is not associated with shrinkage cracks
Reports can be released to people other than your client a) if they are the owner of the property at the time of the inspection b) if they were either the selling or listing real estate agent involved in the transaction c) only with the approval of the client d) if the recipients have signed a third-party liability waiver
c) We can only release reports with the approval of the client. It is the client who actually owns the report
Which of these statements about rot is FALSE a) Rot is actually a fungus b) Wood about 20 percent moisture content is vulnerable to rot c) Wood below 40 F is vulnerable to rot d) End grains of wood are more susceptible to rot
c) Wood below 40 F is not vulnerable to rot
Where you have found evidence of footing settlement, how can you predict whether there will be further settlement a) You can count the number of planes of movement b) You can determine the type of foundation material c) You cannot predict settlement from a single inspection d) You can determine the depth of the footing
c) You can't predict future settlement from a single visit
A home inspection must include a a) report on all components, whether observed or not b) report on the presence of termites, rodents, or insects c) report stating which systems and components were not inspected and why d) report on cosmetic items, underground items or items not permanently installed
c) You have to report anything that you would usually inspect but didn't and to say in your why you didn't inspect it
Good skylight inspections include all of these EXCEPT a) looking from inside the home below the skylight b) looking at the flashings c) standing on the glazed section d) tapping on the glazing
c) You should never stand on the glazed section of a skylight
The main service fuse have been installed with the labels facing backward, such that you cannot read their rating. No other markings are visible. You should a) turn off the house power and remove a fuse to check its rating b) measure the diameter or the fuse body to determine its rating c) report that the main service fuse rating was not determinable d) carefully insert your inspection mirror until the label is visible, then read the rating from the label
c) You should report that the main service fuse rating was not determinable if you can't read the fuse labels
Insulated metal exterior doors with storm doors should be avoided because they may a) increase heat loss b) increase air leakage c) overheat d) have poor architectural appeal
c) insulated metal exterior doors with storm doors may overheat
Which of following steam systems is commonly converted to hot water a) A one-pipe, upfeed system b) A one-pipe, downfeed system c) A two-pipe system d) A one-pipe, parallel flow system
c) only two-pipe steam systems are commonly converted to hot water systems
A guideline for the appropriate slope of a lot away from a house is a) one inch over six feet b) one inch over ten feet c) one inch per foot for two feet d) one inch per foot for six feet
d) A good slope is one inch per foot for at least six feet
High-efficiency gas furnaces installed in old ductwork tend to have a) higher maintenance requirements b) excess temperature rise across the heat exchanger c) shorter life span d) All of the above
d) A high-efficiency gas furnace in old ductwork may have higher maintenance requirements, is likely to have excess temperature rise across the heat exchanger and as a result, a shorter life span
Which phrase does NOT describe a home inspection a) Field review of performance b) Evaluation of physical conditions c) Visual inspection of readily accessible installed components d) Appraisal inspection
d) A home inspection is nota an appraisal inspection
Abandoned wires should be a) terminated in junction boxes b) secured tightly against joists or studs c) capped with wire nuts and tape d) removed
d) Abandoned wires should be removed
Which of the following aluminum wire installations is most likely to overheat a) A receptacle that powers a television and a stereo b) A receptacle with a computer c) A receptacle with a washing machine d) A receptacle with an electric heater
d) An aluminum wire receptacle with an electric baseboard heater plugged in is most likely to overheat
Common problems with expansion tanks on well and pump systems include all of the following EXCEPT a) rust b) leaking c) waterlogging d) undersizing
d) An undersized expansion tank is not a common problem
These products are all asphalt based EXCEPT for a) roofing cement b) asphalt cement c) plastic cement d) caulking
d) Caulking is not a common roof patching material and is not in the same category as the other materials in this list that are asphalt based
Columns see mostly a) tension loads b) racking loads c) shear loads d) compression loads
d) Columns see mostly compression loads
What would you do if you saw that a roof truss had been cut a) Advise client to sister a 2 x 4 piece over the cut. The sistered piece should extend at least three feet on either side of the cut b) Advise client that cuts in truss are not a problem c) Look for other signs of distress and if none, do nothing d) Advise further evaluation by a specialist
d) Cut trusses need evaluation by specialists. Sistering is not necessarily adequate
Engineered wood a) includes wood I-joists and open web steel joists b) cannot use joist hangers c) do not require rim joists d) often need more end bearing then conventional lumber joists
d) Engineered wood often needs larger end bearing than conventional joists
Which material is not an air barrier a) Polyethylene b) Housewraps c) Plywood d) Fiberglass
d) Fiberglass is not an air barrier
All of the following are common HRV problems EXCEPT a) missing filters b) dirty heat exchanger core c) lack of a trap in the condensate drain d) flow measuring stations located on warm-side ducts
d) Flow measuring stations on warm-side ducts are appropriate
A dirty evaporator fan in a split-system air conditioner may result in all of the following EXCEPT a) reduced airflow b) an unbalanced fan c) vibration d) Freon leaks
d) Freon leaks are not the result of a dirty evaporator fan
Gas water heaters will NOT have a) a water supply shut off valve b) a discharge pipe extended front the pressure relief valve c) an 18-inch raised platform if installed in the garage d) a barometric damper
d) Gas water heaters do not have a barometric damper
The purpose of the gravel on a built-up tar and gravel roof is to a) provide ballast to help hold the roof membrane down b) prevent delamination of the plies c) protect the membrane from ultraviolet light d) do both a and c
d) Gravel on a built-up roof provides ballast to help hold the membrane down, and protects against UV light
Where ceiling joists or rafters are cut to make an opening (skylight, dormer, etc) the load from the cut members must be transferred to adjacent members. The framing installed to do this is called a a) trimmer b) swale c) strut d) header
d) Headers are used to transfer loads to the trimmers
Home inspectors a) must typically pay real estate agents commissions in order to have business referred to them b) typically receive commissions from real estate agents for providing appropriate reports c) receive commissions from others only with the clients' permission d) can't accept or pay commissions to other parties working with the client
d) Home inspectors cannot accept or pay commissions
If clients want to discuss changes to a home, you should a) tell them that this is beyond your scope, and you are not allowed to do it b) refer them to a municipal inspector c) ask the listing and selling agents whether the changes would affect the market value of he home d) discuss the changes away from the seller
d) If you are goin to talk about changes, do so away from the seller, who may be upset by the buyer's plans for the home
Metal chimneys with excessive offsets from the vertical are prone to all of the following EXCEPT a) draft problems b) localized high temperatures c) moisture entry problems d) inadequate height overall
d) Inadequate height is not the result of an offset problem
Common thermostat problems include all of the following EXCEPT a) poor location b) not level c) looseness d) wrong size
d) Incorrect size is not a common thermostat problem
Masonry veneer walls are a) supported with header courses b) hung on studs c) watertight d) brittle
d) Masonry veneer walls are brittle
Which statement is CORRECT a) Neutral and ground wires should be connected at subpanels and separated at the main panel b) Ground and neutral wires should always be connected c) Hot and neutral wires should always be the same color d) Neutral and ground wires should be connected at the main panel and separate at subpanels
d) Neutral and ground wires should be connected at the main panel and separated at subpanels
Common refrigerant problems in a split-system air conditioner include all of the following EXCEPT a) leaking b) missing insulation on lines c) lines too warm or too cold d) lines too far from each other
d) Refrigerant lines being too far from each other is not a common problem
All of the following are common approaches to improving chimney draft EXCEPT a) adding a draft inducer fan b) adding a rain cap c) extending the chimney upwards d) resloping the cap
d) Resloping the cap is not a common approach to improving chimney draft
The most serious implication of any insulation, air/vapor barrier, or ventilation deficiency is a) excess heat loss b) excess heat gain (in summer) c) reduced comfort levels d) rot
d) Rot is the most serious implication of insulation problems
Common drainage piping problems include all of the following EXCEPT a) clogging b) cross connections c) undersizing d) slopes of 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch per foot
d) Slopes of 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch per foot are desirable on horizontal drain pipes, not a problem
Common shower stall problems include all of the following EXCEPT a) slow drains b) rust c) water damage around sills and thresholds d) missing overflows
d) Slow drains, rust, and water damage around sills and thresholds are all common shower stall problems
Spalling and mortar damage near the bottom of an exterior masonry column would likely be the result of a) eccentric loads b) frost heave c) soil erosion d) freeze/thaw cycles
d) Spalling and mortar damage near the bottom of a masonry column outside the home are usually the result of freeze/thaw cycles
The closing discussion a) should take place before you compile your reports b) should never take place in front of the agents c) Should never take place in front of the seller d) is a brief summary of the key points
d) The closing discussion is a brief summary of key points that can be held in front agents and the seller if that is satisfactory to your client
The evaporator fan in a split-system air conditioner is usually located a) near the compressor b) near the condenser coil c) outdoors d) near the expansion device
d) The evaporator fan may be adjacent to the expansion device
All of the following are true with EIFS EXCEPT that a) it is typically applied directly to a polystyrene insulation board b) it is typically a two-coat process c) a fiberglass mesh replaces wire lath d) the finish coat is thicker than with traditional stucco
d) The finish coat on EIFS is thinner than with traditional stucco
What are the I (current) and R (resistance) values for a circuit with four 60-watt light bulbs and a 360-watt television a) I = 5A, R = 600 ohms b) I = 12A, R = 72 ohms c) I = 24A, R = 5 ohms d) I=5A, R = 24 ohms
d) The total wattage in the circuit is 240 + 360 = 600. These are 120 volt appliance. P = VI, I = P/V, I = 600/120 = 5 amps. V = IR, R = V/I, R = 120/5 = 24
The exterior sides and bottom of the service box are rusting. The interior of the service box is not affected. There is a water stain on the foundation wall below the service box. The box is below grade. Your BEST conclusion from these clues is a) plumbing leakage; check for a pipe above b) no sealant between the wires and the inside of the conduit c) defective service cap (weatherhead) d) leakage at the foundation wall conduit hole
d) This water is probably a result of leakage at the foundation wall conduit hole
The grounded plugs (three-prong plugs) became standard for all branch circuits in the a) 1930s b) 1940s c) early 1950s d) early 1960s
d) Three prong plugs became standard in all branch circuits in the early 1960s
Which of the following statements is TRUE a) Uniform settlement is most often the result of building on undisturbed soils b) Expansive soils expand as they dry c) Lowering the basement floor to the top of the footing can cause settlement where there was no settlement initially d) Uniform settlement may stress utility pipes
d) Uniform settlement may stress utility pipes
A skylight has been added to a roof framed with rafters and ceiling joists. Three rafters are cut to make the opening. Which of the following statements are true a) A single header should be installed to transfer the load from the cut rafters to the next full rafter b) A single header and a double trimmer are required c) A single trimmer and a double header are required d) A double header and a double trimmer are required
d) When cutting three rafters, a double header and a double trimmer are required
You are examining the side flashing for a masonry chimney. Where the asphalt shingles meet the counter flashing, roofing cement has been applied. Your report should include which of the following a) "It is difficult to say if proper step flashings were installed" b) "Roofing cement should only be considered a temporary repair" c) "This is not a good building practice" d) It should include all of the above
d) When you see roofing cement on a chimney like this, you typically won't know if proper step flashings were installed. The roofing cement is only a temporary repair. This is definitely not good building practice
Wood deterioration is typically discovered during a home inspection by a) probing with an awl or similar tool b) visual observation c) tapping with a hammer d) both a and b
d) Wood deterioration is discovered by probing and looking
Wood lintels need a) Wood preservative b) 6 inches of endbearing c) flashing d) 1 1/2 inches of endbearing
d) Wood lintels need 1 1/2 inches of end bearing
Wood frame walls with wood siding should be a) at least 6 inches above grade b) just barely above grade c) at least 12 inches above grade d) at least 8 inches above grade
d) Wood siding should stop at least 8 inches above grade
To check the connections of the wires inside the service box, you should a) measure the amperage in the neutral b) pull on the wire c) measure the voltage between the neutral and the ground d) look for melting, charring, or damage to the wire and insulation
d) You should be looking for melting, charring, or damage to the wire insulation
A copper #6-gauge cable has supplied a subpanel. The cable is protected by 60-amp breakers at the main panel. You should make sure that a) the cable is protected in a ventilated metal raceway b) the cable is in rigid conduit c) the cable is no longer than three feet d) the subpanel is rated to handle at least 60 amps
d) You should check if sub panel is rated for 60 amps
Replacing 50 feet of a 100 foot long pipe with larger diameter pipe will a) increase the static pressure b) only make a difference if it is the upstream section of pipe that is replaced c) only make a difference if it is the downstream section of pipe that is replaced d) make no difference regardless of which 50 feet of pipe is replaced
d) replacing 50 feet of 100 foot pipe will make the same positive difference no matter which 50 feet is replaced
The presence of step flashing on an asphalt shingle roof can typically be verified by a) looking at the counter flashing b) knowing the age of the shingles on the roof c) knowing eh number of layers of shingles on the roof d) lifting the shingles adjacent to the chimney or wall
d) you can find step flashing by lifting the shingles adjacent to the chimney or wall in most cases