Saunders Mental Health Exit Review

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cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

, the client with a phobia who experiences panic attacks will be treated with a combination of cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, and paradoxical intention. In

forming or initial stage

, the members are identifying tasks and boundaries (setting rules). Storming involves responding emotionally to tasks. In the norming stage, members express intimate personal opinions and feelings concerning personal tasks

performing stage

Expressing feelings about identifying stressors in their lives Providing examples of how stress has negatively affected relationships

with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Food restriction (tyramine-restricted diet) is associated?

Inability identify well-known objects & people

Nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease who is demonstrating characteristics of agnosia. Which client behavior supports the presence of this cognitive deficiency?

before electroconvulsive therapy

Priority is focused on physical problems. Aspiration is safeguarded against by keeping the client on nothing by mouth status for 6 to 8 hours, removing dentures, and administering preprocedure medications as prescribed.

members direct group energy toward the completion of tasks:

Providing a summary of the personal benefits stress management has provided


The client experience difficulty finding the right word to use?

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Thiamine supplementation and other nutritional vitamin support measures are prescribed for clients who have been using alcohol to prevent or decrease the risk of which complication?

(Alzheimer's disease)

This illness affects the temporal-parietal-occipital association cortex, the client may experience the inability to identify well-known objects and people. This is called agnosia. Ataxia describes altered motor function. The client also may experience difficulty finding the right word to use, called aphasia, and an inability to perform familiar skilled activities, called apraxia.

take personal items from other clients' rooms

Which is a primary behavior of a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?

Clinical manifestations of respiratory alkalosis include

a decrease in the respiratory rate and depth, headache, lightheadedness, vertigo, mental status changes, paresthesias such as tingling of the fingers and toes, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, tetany, and convulsions.


an inability to perform familiar skilled activities, called.

loose associations (derailment)

are speech patterns in which there is a lack of a logical relationship between thoughts and ideas; this causes speech and thought to seem inexact, vague, unfocused, and diffuse.

soft methods of suicide

are those that are painless and include ingesting pills, or inhaling natural gas or carbon monoxide.


describes altered motor function.

central defining characteristic of the antisocial personality is

disregard for the rights and feelings of others. Taking the belongings of others would demonstrate this characteristic. Although the remaining options describe behaviors that may on occasion be exhibited by the client, none of these is the main characteristic of antisocial personality disorder.

An anxious client benefits from

emotional support and reassurance, which in turn reduces anxiety and may lower the respiratory rate. The client may benefit from the administration of a sedative or antianxiety medication if it is prescribed. The client should try to breathe more slowly.

Alcohol withdrawal is most likely to occur within the

first 6 to 8 hours after abrupt cessation; however, it can occur over the next several days.

Hard suicide methods

include using a gun, jumping off a high place such as a bridge, hanging, and staging a car crash.


is a coping mechanism in which a client returns to an earlier, less threatening level of adaptation (development).

Clanging (clang association)

is a form of rhyming that is not comprehensible; a client whose speech features clanging seems to be caught up in the sound of the words.


is characterized by speech that cannot be understood.


is excelling in 1 area to counterbalance deficiencies in another area.

Flight of ideas

is overproductive speech, characterized by the client's quickly switching from 1 subject to another.


is the discharge of pent-up feelings onto something or someone else less threatening than the original source of the feelings.


is the gratification of frustrated desires, achievement, and relationships by substituting them with daydreams and imagery.

Fomepizole (Antizol)

is used for the treatment of known or suspected ethylene glycol (antifreeze) intoxication. It is administered via the IV route, is not administered undiluted, and is not administered by rapid IV infusion. It is diluted in at least 100 mL of 0.9% normal saline or 5% dextrose in water and administered over a 30-minute period.

Delirium tremens

may be partially attributed to nutritional deficits but will not occur unless alcohol withdrawal ensues.

Enteral nutrition includes

offering nutrients by mouth, nasogastric tube, gastrostomy tubes, or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. The common element with these methods of delivery is the fact that the client must have normal gastrointestinal (GI) digestive capabilities. If the client does not have a normal GI tract, other methods of nutrient delivery must be sought, such as parenteral nutrition. Enteral tube feedings may cause aspiration pneumonia from regurgitation of formula into the lungs; however, they generally are not associated with sepsis. Enteral tube feedings should be given at room temperature to avoid problems with diarrhea. The caloric value of most standard enteral feeding formulas is 1 to 2 calories/mL.

Several conditions present risks in the client scheduled for ECT. These include

recent myocardial infarction, stroke (brain attack), and cerebrovascular malformation or an intracranial lesion.

Tangential speech

refers to an inappropriate response to a statement in which the content of the statement is disregarded.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

significantly associated with severe nutritional deficits, particularly of B vitamins.

paradoxical intention

the client is instructed to do what he fears and, if possible, to exaggerate it to the point of humor. When this occurs the client is taught to prevent the anxiety by a variety of coping mechanisms. This assists the client to regain an internal locus of control or feeling of empowerment and to master response to the anxiety-provoking issue or situation.


the inability to identify well-known objects and people it's called.


the nonaccidental physical injury or the nonaccidental act of omission of care by a parent or person responsible for a child. It includes neglect and physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment. Sexual can involve incest, molestation, exhibitionism, pornography, prostitution, or pedophilia. Many times the findings associated with sexual abuse may not be easily apparent in the child. The most likely assessment findings in sexual include difficulty walking or sitting; torn, stained, or bloody underclothing; pain, swelling, or itching of the genitals; and bruises, bleeding, or lacerations in the genital or anal area. Poor hygiene may indicate physical neglect. Fear of the parents and bald spots on the scalp most likely are associated with physical ?.

severe depression diagnosis

•Concentration and memory are poor •provide activities that require little concentration, such as drawing. Activities that have no right or wrong choices and that require no decisions minimize opportunities for the client to experience a sense of failure.

Lithium mood stabilizer/ medication to treat bipolar disorder

•exact mechanism of action remains speculative; however, equilibrium of sodium and potassium must be maintained at the intracellular membrane to maintain therapeutic effects. Med competes with sodium in the cell. Many over-the-counter medications contain sodium, and often prescription medications (diuretics) change the sodium-potassium ratios of the cell, thereby affecting lithium concentrations so that it is more difficult to achieve therapeutic levels of the medication. Lithium blood levels are recommended for the client taking lithium, but these tests generally are prescribed every 3 to 4 months. Lithium is not addictive.

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