Science - Plate Tectonics

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Divergent boundaries also form?

volcanic islands, which occur when the plates move apart to produce gaps that molten lava rises to fill.

sliding plate boundary

when two plates move past each other in opposite directions

Divergent Boundary

where two plates move apart, allowing magma, or molten rock, to rise from the Earth's interior to fill in the gap. The two plates move away from each other like two conveyor belts moving in opposite directions.

Divergent boundaries represent

areas where plates are spreading apart.

Plate tectonics

is the movement of the Earth's crust through convection currents that occur in the mantle.

Oceanic Crust is Less Dense of More Dense than the continental crust?

more dense

What happens when 2 oceanic plates collide

they create folded mountains, trenches and volcanic islands

Convergent Plate Boundaries

A tectonic plate boundary where two plates collide, come together, or crash into each other.

How are plate tectonics and the rock cycle connected?

All igneous rocks, the basis of the rock cycle, are formed by plate tectonics. .The heat from the mantle that fuels plate tectonics causes both igneous and sedimentary rocks to be turned into metamorphic rocks. The metamorphic rocks can be eroded into sedimentary rocks are remelted back into igneous.

San Andreas Fault

An example of a Sliding Plate boundary

molten rock

As plates move apart, the gap between them is filled with molten rock called __________.

List or describe two types of convergent boundaries

Continent to Continent Oceanic to Continent Oceanic to Oceanic

What is a continental drift?

Continents moving

Name the four major layers of the earth

Crust, Mantle, Outer core, inner core

What boundaries form the mid-ocean ridges

Divergent Plate Boundaries

what is an example of happens when continental plates of similar density collide?

Himalayan Mountains

These are a chain of ridges and valleys stretching along the Earth's ocean floor

Mid-ocean ridges

What type of landforms occur at convergent boundaries

Mountain Ranges

Occurs at the convergent plate boundries

Oceanic trenches, folded mountains and volcanic mountains.

what type of landform occurs at the Transforming boundaries

One of the primary landforms that is produced by a transform boundary is a fault.

What is the name Wegener use for the super continent he described?


Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics is the movement of the Earth's crust through conventions currents that occur in teh mantel

What occurs at a divergent boundary between tectonic plates?

Plates Separate

Divergent plate boundaries

Regions were lithospheric plates are moving away from eachother under the sea.

What type of landforms occurs at Divergent boundary?

Rift Valley's and Mid-Ocean Ridge

List 3 things that support the idea of continental drift?

The matching pieces of continents, Rocks of same age across the oceans, distribution of fossils

Oceanic-Continental Convergence

This convergence boundary is the result of two plates colliding. The oceanic plate gives way to the continental plate. The result is a submerged oceanic plate that sinks slowly, ultimately some of it breaking into small pieces.

Three types of Convergent boundaries are

Three types of convergent boundaries are continent‐continent (Mountains ranges and volcanoes) Ocean‐continent (deep trenches seen in the ocean and island volcanoes.) Ocean‐ocean

what is the name of the type of boundary where plates slide past one another


Most transform boundaries lie on the seafloor. T/F


The San Andreas Fault is an example of a sliding plate boundary. T/F


Subduction zones

Volcanoes and trenches are features of these convergent boundary type of zones

Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence

When two oceanic plates converge, one is pushed under the other one. The result is the deep trenches seen in the oceans, particularly the Pacific Ocean.

What makes plates move?

convection currents

Diverging Plate Boundaries

convection currents bring hot magma to the surface. This hot magma flows out onto the ocean floor forming extrusive finely grained ingenious rocks.

Divergent Boundaries

create new crust through a form of volcanism

Convergent Boundaries

destroy old crust by subduction

Oceanic trenches, folded mountains and volcanic mountains

occur at convergent plate boundaries.

Most active divergent plate boundaries

occur between oceanic plates and exist as mid-oceanic ridges.

Sliding plate boundaries

occur when one plate slides past another plate through a twisting force.

Convergent plate boundaries

occur where cooled rock becomes denser than the rocks around it and sinks back into the mantle.

Divergent plate boundaries

occur where hot magma rises to the surface, pushing the plates apart. The mid-ocean ridges form at divergent plate boundaries.

Convergent boundaries, of which there are three types,

occur where plates are colliding.

Transform boundaries

occur where plates are sliding past each other. Fault Line and movement can cause an earthquake

convergent plate boundaries

occurs where cooled rock becomes denser than the rocks around it. and sinks back into the mantle.

Divergent plate boundaries

occurs where hot magma rises to the surface, pushing the plates apart.

Continent‐continent convergence

results when two continents collide. forcing the earth to buckle and large mountains form such as Himalayas or Mt. Everest.

Ingenious Rock

rock formed when magma or lava cools and hardens

What happens at convergent plate boundaries

sedimentary rock from the ocean floor gets pushed down into the mantle.

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