Science Scientific Inquiry & Design (Chapter 1), (Chapter 2) Nature of Scientific Knowledge, Chapter 3 Major Developments & Historical Figures in Science, Chapter 4 Collecting & Analyzing Scientific Data, Chapter 5 Science Laboratory & Field Equipmen...

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Sodium bicarbonate

the chemical name for household baking soda

Only two markers of human activity are evident in the stratosphere. They are indicated by _____

the condition of the ozone layer and the presence of spy planes

If the resistance is increased:

the current will decrease

If the voltage is increased:

the current will increase

Objects that don't naturally act like magnets can be attracted to a permanent magnet because:

the permanent magnet causes the atoms to align in the object

What is the name of the process that creates RNA?


The waves you can make with a jump rope would be which type of waves?


The word "science" comes from Latin meaning

"to know"

What are sources of random error?

- A fluctuating GPS location - All are sources of random error - A change in air temperature during measurement - Estimating a value between two markers


- Used to describe a claim, belief or practice presented as scientific, but which does not adhere to the scientific method. - False or fake science, a system of beliefs that looks like it is based on scientific ideas but actually doesn't employ or obey the simplest rules of science itself

The correct magnitude, vector, and units of g is

-9.8 m/s^2

How many feet is 10 inches?

0.833 feet

In a good quality science experiment, how many variables change?


How much power is required to do 100 J of work in 10 s?

10 W

What is the current flow in a 3V DC flashlight bulb that is consuming 0.5W of power?


Which type of spring will discharge the most water?

1st magnitude

Choose the correctly balanced equation for the following reaction: Potassium + water → potassium hydroxide + hydrogen gas

2K + 2H₂O → 2KOH + H₂

Choose the correctly balanced equation for the following reaction: Sodium + water → sodium hydroxide + hydrogen gas

2Na + 2H₂O → 2NaOH + H₂

How many days does it take the earth to revolve around the sun?


How old is Earth?

4 billion years

Which of these measurements is closest to the volume of one liter?

4 cups

Which of the following best describes the location of the polar easterlies?

60 to 90 degrees north and south latitude

Where is the Arctic Circle located?

66 degrees North

Which of the following is the correct equation for photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H2 O --> C6 H12 O6 + 6O2

How much does a 1-kg object weigh on Earth?

9.8 N


A Greek philosopher and scientist born in the city of Stargira, Chalkdice, on the northern periphery of Classical Greece

Which of the following is NOT an example of periodic motion?

A ball falling to the ground

According to Bronsted-Lowry, a conjugate base is:

A base that forms when an acid loses a proton


A branch of mathematics that Newton created The study of change

Which one of the following is NOT an example of acceleration?

A car driving in a straight line at a constant speed

When a headland that projects out into the water is eroded by waves, all of the following could result

A cave A cliff A sea arch

What constitutes a food web?

A combination of food chains that are interconnected to create a network of feeding relationships.

Which is NOT an example of a simple machine?

A generator

What would you compare the nucleus of the cell with?

A library

Which of the following types of eclipses can be viewed from the most places on Earth?

A lunar eclipse.

Which best describes a simple machine?

A non-powered device that multiplies or changes the direction of a force

What can an herbivore be categorized as?

A primary consumer

What is a convection current?

A process in fluids whereby warm fluid rise, and cooler fluid sinks

A hypothesis is?

A proposed explanation for a scientific observations

What is momentum?

A quantity of motion equal to the product of the mass and the velocity of the object.

Scientific Investigation

A quest to find the answer to a question using the scientific method

What is the pH scale, and what is its range?

A scale for measuring how acidic something is with a range of 0-14

What is an inclined plane?

A tilted surface

What is an allele?

A variation of a gene

What is a mechanical wave?

A wave that is a vibration in matter, transferring energy through a material

What is a coefficient?

A whole number that appears in front of a compound or element in a balanced chemical equation.

What is one way to best describe the term Observation

A witnessed and recorded event

Scientific Law

Also known as "Principles" A statement based on repeated experimental observation that describes some aspect of the universe

Which molecule would likely contain nitrogen?

Amino acids


An SI accepted metric system unit of volume equal to 1 cubic decimetre , 1,000 cubic centimetres or 1/1,000 cubic metre

An eclipse where the Moon blocks the Sun, but this cannot be seen in full from the Earth's surface is called what?

An annular eclipse.

Which of the following is NOT a principle of Darwin's theory of evolution?

An individual can evolve.

Why does momentum seem to disappear when you push a shopping cart and let it stop on its own?

Because momentum can be absorbed by the Earth and ground.

If the Moon is so much smaller than the Sun, why can it block it out?

Because the Moon is also much closer to us than the Sun.

When should you read through the lab instructions?

Before doing the lab

Which of these is NOT likely to be fossilized?


Which of the following is true about conclusions drawn from experimental data?

Conclusions are opinions

What are the two types of aquifers?

Confined and unconfined

Which of the following is NOT a source of visible light?

Cool metal

In which part of the ovary are oocytes produced?


A ________ bond is formed when atoms share electrons.


Select the gel-like substance that contains the organelles in a cell.


Which of the following equations is balanced?

C₂H₅OH + 3O₂ → 2CO₂ + 3H₂O

All waves move _____.


When all members of a species have died off the species is:


On a school trip, Jenny learned about a gigantic volcanic eruption and saw some of the rocks it formed. Which kind of rocks did she see?

Extrusive igneous

How do humans manifest the idea of best genes?

Falling for a funny person Falling for an attractive person Falling for someone who is confident

Jones Oil Company recently hired an outside consultant to examine their use of harmful chemicals in their process. They are hoping to reduce the amount they use. This is an application of _____ of integrated waste management.

First Priority

What are icebergs?

Floating chunks of glaciers

The point underground where the earthquake occurs is called the:


The vertical motion of a projectile is influenced by

Gravity only

Experimental Group

Group that receives some kind of change to their natural environments

Plants that have cones rather than flowers for seed production are best known as:


Which of the following forms of precipitation causes the most damage to people and their property?


Which of the following organisms is a primary consumer of a prickly pear cactus?

Harris's Antelope Squirrel

Which of the following is NOT a part of the digestive system?


What is the purpose of processing a substance with a mortar and pestle?

Helps substances dissolve more quickly.

How does a higher amplitude affect the way you hear a sound?

Higher amplitude sounds are louder

What describes how much water vapor is in the air?


Where would you be most likely to find a seepage spring?

In a depression in the ground

electron shell

In chemistry and atomic physics, an electron shell, or a principal energy level, may be thought of as an orbit followed by electrons around an atom's nucleus

Where do we find groundwater?

In the saturated zone

Where do coral reefs grow?

In warm, shallow waters.

What was the effect of killing all the wolves in western Europe?

Increased deer populations, less tree regrowth

The visible light spectrum sits between the _____ and _____ regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Infrared; ultraviolet

What happens to air when it is heated?

It becomes less dense.

Which of the following statements about nitrous oxide is TRUE?

It has a warming impact that is 300 times that of carbon dioxide.

Which of the following statements is true concerning household electrical power (in the U.S.):

It is typically 110-120V, 60Hz, single-phase AC

The largest planet by mass in our solar system is _____.


What are four types of wetlands?

Marsh, swamp, fen, bog

Which of the following reproductive behaviors can be easily observed?

Mating dance

Atomic Theory was developed out of the need to understand


Conservation of matter means that:

Matter is never created nor destroyed.

If you conduct an experiment and the hypothesis can't be confirmed, what should you do?

Modify the hypothesis

What does NASA stand for?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

How are strata organized?

Oldest on bottom, youngest on top

How do signals travel between a GPS satellite and an on-the-ground GPS receiver?

Only from the satellite to the receiver

What is geotropism?

Our bodies response to gravity

Which of the following statements does NOT represent the idea of heritability by acquired characteristics?

Over time, a population of heavily striped zebras increased over those without as much striping, as the heavily striped ones had a competitive advantage over the zebras with fewer stripes, and were, therefore, better able to reproduce.

How do we know that the earth's outer core is fluid?

P waves travel through the center, S waves do not

What are the two types of body waves?

P-waves and S-waves.

Which of the following types of seismic waves causes the least damage?


What layer of the leaf is responsible for photosynthesis?

Palisade layer

Which of these mates for life?


In which direction does the normal force always act?

Perpendicular to the surface

What are tectonic plates comprised of?

Pieces of the planet's lithosphere.

How are primary pollutants compared to secondary pollutants?

Primary pollutants are air pollutants that are emitted directly from a source, whereas secondary pollutants are formed when primary pollutants react chemically in the atmosphere.

What is another name for scientific law?


How do humans benefit from estuaries?

Recreation Transportation Fishing

Renee has started to compost her food scraps and leaves/yard trimmings. When it all breaks down into soil, she'll use that for her garden. This is an example of which?


Which best defines observations

Sensory experiences

The average thickness of the oceanic crust is ______.

Six kilometers

Which of the following household chemicals is the main ingredient in bleach or bleach products?

Sodium hypochlorite

All four wave phenomena can be observed when studying what type of waves?

Sound Waves Light Waves Water Waves

Rivers and streams flow in which order?

Source, Waterfall, Mouth

Which level of organization in taxonomy is the most specific?


Which concept best describes the actual amount of water vapor in the air?

Specific humidity

Which of the following describes the collision of a cool front with a warm front?

Stormy weather

How does tensional stress differ from shear stress?

Tensional stress occurs when rocks are pulled apart, while shear stress occurs when rocks slide past each other in opposite directions.

Once and hypothesis is generated, what is the best next step?

Test the hypothesis through experimentation


The active acquisition of information from a primary source

Spring tides occur because of:

The additive effects of the tides caused by the moon and sun

In which two locations does gas exchange take place?

The alveoli and the capillaries

Which best describes pressure?

The amount of force for a given area

What is the most basic unit of life?

The cell

In eukaryotic organisms, the DNA is stored where?

The cell nucleus


The debated and learning of universities in the Middle Ages which attempted to better understand and interpret ancient text

Which of the following describes the meaning of polarization?

The direction that a light wave vibrates (or oscillates).

A collection of fossils that documents the history of life on Earth is called:

The fossil record

Model improvement

The main usage of alternative models

How does the mantle differ from the crust?

The mantle is the thickest layer of Earth, while the crust is the thinnest.

What does the amount of friction depend on?

The materials of the two objects

What does it mean to be a polar molecule?

The molecule has a positive and negative charge on opposite ends of the molecule.

Which of these has the most influence on the tides?

The moon

Which of the following is NOT a condition for simple harmonic motion?

The motion must be continuous and not change direction.

The next level of complexity after the organ system is what?

The organism

Where is the Earth's magnetic field thought to be generated?

The outer core

Which of these acts both as a secondary and tertiary consumer?

The seal.

Which parts of the Earth are contained in the lithosphere?

The upper mantle and the crust.

Why do many geologists study layers of strata?

They want to learn more about the history of the Earth.

According to Darwin, why did finches have different beaks on the islands of the Galapagos?

They were each tailored to specific foods

When the weather is very hot, what will happen to the stomata?

They will be closed to prevent water loss.

The influence generally long-term mechanical stimuli implant on plant growth and development is called:


The touch or vibration induced movement or curvature of a plant in a certain direction or manner that is independent of the direction from which the stimulus appears is most properly called:


A vine relies on ___to curl its way around a tree:


Swatting a mosquito is an example of which of the following?

Use of the somatic nervous system

Which of the following is a tissue that transports water and minerals through the plant?


A recessive allele is written with _____

a lowercase letter


a storage space for fluids

Electrons from a battery flow through an electric circuit from the _____ to the _____.

anode, cathode

For a gene, if allele 'B' is dominant to allele 'b', then which genotype would you expect to be present when a recessive trait is present?


The breakdown of organic compounds to produce ATP is known as

cellular respiration

Microwaves are used for

cooking food sending television signals radar

Taking an endangered species to a zoo when its habitat is completely destroyed is an example of _____.

ex-situ conservation

An index fossil represents a species that _____.

existed for a relatively short period of time

If Fossil A is found in a lower rock layer, and Fossil B is found in an upper rock layer, then Species A most likely _____.

existed less recently than Species B

A sonic boom is produced when an airplane travels

faster than the speed of sound

Marshes can be

freshwater and saline

Where is most of Earth's LIQUID freshwater?


Magnetic domains are:

groups of magnetic atoms aligned with each other

All of the following can be used to describe the cells in animals, except:

have cell walls

Faraday's Law states that _____.

he induced voltage in a coil is proportional to the number of turns in the coil and to the rate at which the magnetic field is changing

We measure wave frequency in



one of the four fundamental states of matter


or member, of a set is any one of the distinct objects that make up that set

Six types of air pollutants were identified by the EPA because they _____

pose the greatest risk to human health

If you measure a volume of liquid 5 times, and each time you get the same value but it is off from the 'true' value by 10 ml, these measurements would be considered


Recessive traits are _____

present with a homozygous recessive genotype

Similar poles _____ and opposite poles _____.

repel, attract

The words 'homeo' and 'stasis' mean:

similar and stable

When living cells break down molecules of food, energy is

stored as ATP

What does it mean when the enthalpy change for a reaction is negative?

that the reaction is exothermic

Irrigation water

the method in which water is supplied to plants at regular intervals for agriculture

Atoms can act like tiny magnets because:

the moving electrons create a magnetic force field

The main difference between fens and bogs is

their water input source

Due to the earth's rotation, how will wind be deflected?

towards the right in the northern hemisphere

A vent is a deep crack in the Earth's crust that allows _____ to rise up to the surface

water minerals steam

Fruit is made _____ .

when the ovary matures


- A procedure carried out to support, refute, or validate a hypothesis - A possible explanation of the observations mode


- A proposed explanation of a phenomenon - A possible explanation for the observations mode

What are examples of change?

- A random mutation in a organisms DNA - A caterpillar developing into a butterfly - The difference in daily temperature throughout the week

Mendel's experiments led to modern genetics and the use of

- His methods of conducting research - Laws of segregation - The law of independent assortment

Mendel was a

- Scientist - Preist - Teacher

A hypothesis

- The single assertion, a proposed explanation of something based on available knowledge, for something yet to be explained, one that is subject to further experimentation.

What describes vitally important parts of scientific investigations

- The use of data as evidence for a hypothesis - Applying logical reasoning to your explanation of the phenonmenon - Collection of empirical data

What is a true statement about scientific theories.

- Theories are used to explain why natural phenomena occur. - Theories can be changed in new evidence arises - Theories are based on sets of hypotheses.

Why do scientists have differing opinions about what the same set of data means?

- They are biased by their education - They are influenced by their employer or funding source - They simply interpret the data differently - They have personal beliefs that differ

What are systems?

- They are collection of parts - The parts work together - The parts influence each other

How deep can drilled wells go into the ground?

1,000 feet

The sun's radius is around:

100 times greater than that of Earth

When did the Scientific Revolution

16th-17th century

Mendel published his work in _______, but did not receive much recognition until the _______

1866, 1900's

When did space travel first begin?


How long have modern humans been around?

200,000 years

At what temperature does evaporation occur fastest?

212 F (100 C)

What is the condensation point of water?

212 degrees Fahrenheit

What would be the expected ratio of genotypes in a cross between two parents who were both heterozygous?

25% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous, 25% homozygous recessive

How much ATP is produced in aerobic respiration?

36 ATP

A runner competes in the 400 meter dash and finishes with a time of 64 seconds. If the track is a perfect oval, with the starting line and finish line at the same point, and the runner's average speed was 6.25 meters/second, what was the total distance travelled by the runner?

400 meters

Convert 4 feet to inches.

48 inches

How many mass extinctions have occurred on Earth?


The sun's surface temperature is equal to:

5800 K

A base in chemistry has a pH level greater than:


What is the rate of acceleration for all objects on Earth?

9.8 meters per second^2

If you are dissecting a specimen, which would you be LEAST likely to use to help you?

A Bunsen burner


A Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the western world

Gregor Mendel

A German-speaking Moravian-Silesian scientist and Augustinian friar and abbot of St

Which of these is an example of a juvenile animal?

A baby A tadpole A bear cub

Which of these is an example of confidence?

A bear proving its size A peacock showing off for a potential mate Dressing up to go to a party

What is verifiable evidence?

A body of facts and information showing whether a proposition is true or untrue, where those facts and information can be confirmed by taking another look at the real world.

What is a detergent?

A cleaning agent that is soluble in water and combines with dirt to make it soluble in water too

Which of the following is NOT an example of a polarizer?

A clear, regular pane of glass.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an agonistic behavior?

A cobra flaring its hood and striking at a predator

What is a binary compound?

A compound composed of only two elements.

Donna noticed that as she was creating a solution, an acid was formed when a base gained a proton. Which of the following is Donna noticing?

A conjugate acid

Which of the following describes a convex mirror?

A curved (often spherical) mirror, where the mirrored surface is on the outside of the spherical curve.

Which of the following causes condensation in water?

A decrease in temperature

Which of the following is the best example of an altruistic behavior?

A dolphin swimming in a circle to round up fish so that the other dolphins can catch them as they attempt to escape.

Which best describes friction?

A force exerted by the surface of an object

What is a good hypothesis based on?

A good scientific question

Dark Ages

A historical periodization traditionally meaning the Middle Ages

Which of the following is least likely to be the alpha of a social group?

A large sub-adult male in a spotted hyena clan

How is a scientific law different from a scientific theory?

A law does not explain why something happens

Which of the following best defines reversed polarity?

A magnetic field aligned in the opposite direction as the earth's present-day magnetic field.

Which best describes a fluid?

A material that flows

Which piece of equipment is used to see very small specimens and samples?

A microscope

What was the main discovery when people began mapping the ocean floor after World War II?

A mid-ocean ridge that ran through the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the definition of a spherical mirror?

A mirror that has a consistent curve and a constant radius of curvature.

Stratified Random Sample

A more complicated version of a simple random sample.

An eclipse where the Moon blocks the Sun completely, and is visible from somewhere on the Earth's surface is called what?

A solar eclipse.

Clustered Sample

A specific type of convenience sample that's based on a particular geographic area

What is a mirror?

A surface that is smooth enough to produce a clear image.

What is the appropriate definition for integrated waste management?

A system that combines a variety of strategies for both waste management and waste reduction.


A systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanation and predictions about the universe

What might you use to run a reaction or observe substances in the lab?

A test tube

What is the power consumed by an AC spotlight that is driven by a voltage that has a 300V peak value and has an internal resistance of 10 ohms?

About 4500W

Fungi get nutrition from other organisms by ______.


Which of the following is not a source of mechanical weathering?

Acid rain

What are common effects of acid rain?

Acidic lakes and streams Erosion in building materials and stone statues Sick or dying trees

In humans, detection of stimuli in the external environment is most important for _____.


If you were being chased by a lion, which of the following would release adrenaline?

Adrenal gland

Which of the following describe the process of glacier expansion?


What type of respiration needs oxygen?


When we talk about winds on Earth, which of the following is true?

Air flows from areas of higher air pressure to areas of lower air pressure.


An inorganic molecule with the chemical formula O3

What weather event takes place when a cold front moves faster than a warm front and then overtakes it?

An occluded front

Which of the following is NOT a possible source of a seismic wave?

An opera singer.

North Carolina contains a large number of pig farms. Why would local residents near these farms be concerned about the quality of their groundwater?

Animal farms and processing plants are sources of dangerous bacteria and other pathogens that pollute groundwater.

How does natural selection work?

Animals or plants best suited to a particular environment will thrive and reproduce while those with less advantageous traits will die out

Groundwater is stored in _____?


When the immune system does not work properly, it can cause _____.

Arthritis Diabetes Autoimmune Disorder

Charles Darwin

As English naturalist and geologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution

What do biologists think the most common reason for migration is?

Availability of food.

Why was Galileo persecuted by the Church for his ideas while his contemporary Johannes Kepler was not?

Because Kepler was a Protestant living in a Protestant country, out of Church's reach, while Galileo was a Catholic living in a Catholic country

Bacteria use which type of cell division?

Binary fission

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Biodiversity within a species is easy to determine through the fossil record

Which of the following is a true statement about bones?

Bones are used as lever arms to facilitate body movements.

In pea plants, having smooth pods is dominant to having wrinkled ones. What would be an explanation for wrinkled pods showing up if both parents were smooth?

Both parents carried the recessive trait.

Which of the following is NOT a property of sound?


When air travels from the trachea into the lungs, which are the passageways that fork off into each lung?


If you need to dispense a precise amount of volume, which instrument would you use?


What lab emergencies require flushing with water?

Burns Spill of corrosive material on skin or eyes Cuts

How are the animal-like protists organized?

By how they move

How does a lever make work seem 'easier'?

By increasing the distance the force is applied over

How do you prevent spherical aberration?

By making your mirrors parabolic in shape.

How are humans threatening estuaries?

By overdeveloping the areas surrounding estuaries

How does green chemistry directly benefit businesses?

By producing higher yields

Which of the following explains how the kidney concentrates urea in the renal tubules?

By reabsorbing water from the renal tubules.

How does green chemistry support the goals of source reduction?

By reducing overall amount of hazardous waste and decreasing use of raw materials

Which of the following components holds onto a charge and releases it in a burst?


Water's ability to move against gravity in a narrow space, such as a tube, is called:

Capillary action.

What substances are involved in photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide Sunlight Water

What differentiates cardiac muscle from smooth muscle?

Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart, and smooth muscle is found elsewhere.

Which other body system operates in conjunction with the respiratory system to ensure that oxygen is delivered to all body tissues?

Cardiovascular system

Who is the father of biochemistry?

Carl Neuberg

Which of the following is NOT vitally important to consider for maintenance and storage of lab equipment?

Cataloging the location of equipment

As you age, the proteins in the lens can begin to clump together and form a cloudy spot, which we call which one of the following?


This is the hypothesis that states that our solar system formed thanks to a sudden and improbable event such as the collision of two stars:

Catastrophic hypothesis

Which dwarf planet does not reside in the Kuiper belt?


Placebo Effect

Change in behavior because you expect a change

The movement of continents over the earth's surface influences climate by which of the following?

Changing position on the globe, sometimes by centimeters each year, which we can identify by observing fossil records

_____ describes how a mineral breaks along a smooth plane while _____ describes a mineral break that is uneven or not flat.

Cleavage; fracture

What is the long-term trends in weather conditions for a given location?


Condensation is responsible for what?

Cloud formation

Which of the following is NOT an example of a renewable resource?


What is coevolution?

Coevolution occurs when the fitness of two different species is tightly linked and these two species evolve in response to evolutionary changes in each other.

The attraction of water molecules to other water molecules is best described as:


Which of the following concepts help explain why water can travel up a narrow tube?

Cohesion and Specific Gravity

Which structure associated with phloem carries out metabolic activities for the phloem?

Companion cells

What was the accepted theory about the Earth's continents during Wegener's time?

Continents were static and did not move

What is the cause of earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountains on Earth?

Convection currents in the mantle.

Which of the following is a function of the liver?

Converting ammonia into urea.

What type of weather would you expect from an air mass with a classification of cA in the winter?

Cool, dry air

What are downsides of space travel?

Cosmic garbage Damage to human bone and muscle All are downsides to space travel Increased radiation exposure

Why do female bears only mate with one male?

Cost of raising a cub means that only the best genes are worth the effort Can only raise one or two cubs at a time Quality over quantity

The compound carbon tetrachloride is formed when a carbon atom shares electrons with four chlorine atoms. What type of bond is this?


What is the term used for the shuffling of genetic information that is seen in Prophase I?

Crossing Over

Thunderhead clouds form from which type of cloud?


Which of the following are thunderstorm clouds that produce strong rainstorms, snowstorms, and hail?

Cumulonimbus clouds

Which of the following is known as the 'cousin' of RNA?


Place the following terms in order building out from the most basic informational subunit to the entire genetic unit:

DNA Nucleosome Chromatin Chromosome

When fecal coliform bacteria is found in a water sample, what is the likely conclusion?

Dangerous bacteria and pathogens are likely present.

One critical role that fungi play in our world is that of ______.


Compound X is converted to elements A and B. Compound X has undergone a _____ reaction.


As the frequencies of the pure spectral colors increase, the wavelengths of the colors:


Antacids work to decrease excess stomach acid by:

Decreasing H^+

Which of the following is an effect of deforestation?

Deforestation decreases soil health.

Due to _______, the ice sheets are melting and the polar bear is losing the area in which it hunts.

Degradation Pollution Warmer temperatures

DNA stands for which of the following?

Deoxyribonucleic acid

What is a type of natural habitat?

Deserts Forests Wetlands

What causes the phases of the Moon?

Different amounts of sunlight hitting the Earth-facing side of the Moon

Which of the following is a symptom of a hyperactive thyroid?

Difficulty sleeping

If you wanted to learn more about the soil composition in a particular area, what would you need to do?

Dig up a large enough soil profile ranging from the surface to the underlying rock.

Which process would biochemistry help explain?

Digestion of a fat

If a polyatomic ionic compound has gained two hydrogen ions, then how does its name begin?


Which type of natural selection pushes traits away from the average in one direction?

Directional selection

Which of the following is NOT an example of a reason that much of the natural world is no longer in equilibrium?

Disease has killed many animals

What type of natural selection favors traits at both ends of the normal range of variation?

Disruptive selection

What do meters measure?


How is relative humidity calculated?

Divide the specific humidity by the saturation point

What are lab safety rules

Don't eat or drink in the lab Wash your hands Report all spills

Which of the following is NOT an important tip for proper measurement technique?

Don't worry about eye line if you need to measure at two different locations at around the same time

What are appropriate actions to take if someone is caught on fire?

Douse them with water Tell them to stop, drop, and roll Pat them with a fire blanket

This is the most common type of well today.


Plants close their stomata and coil their leaves mainly when placed in ___ situations:


Choose the set of factors that will most certainly lead to desertification.

Drought, aggressive agricultural, and grazing practices.

Evaporation is increased by increases in which of the following?

Dry conditions Sunlight Air temperature Wind

Male sterilization is a procedure used to prevent the transport of sperm to the outside of the body. It can be done under local anesthesia, through a small cut in the scrotum, outside the main body cavity. Which of the following structures could be involved in this procedure?

Ductus Deferens

The ampulla is an expanded portion of:

Ductus Deferens

Which of the following statements is true about chemical disposal?

Each chemical has specific disposal instructions

Random Assignment

Each person in the study has an equal chance of being in either the control group or the experimental group

Which of the following are factors affecting Earth's seasons and climate?

Earth's axis tilt Earth's orbital revolution around the sun Earth's wind and ocean current patterns

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting Earth's seasons and climate?

Earth's distance from the sun

Which of the following of Earth's properties is responsible for daytime and nighttime?

Earth's rotation

Select the most appropriate option: Wireless communication uses _____ to transmit a signal.


Which structure is responsible for the maturation of sperm (spermatozoa)?


Which of these correctly lists the order of structures that transport sperm to the outside of the body?

Epididymis, Ductus Deferens, Ejaculatory Duct, Urethra

Which of the following would be best used for swirling and mixing liquids?

Erlenmeyer flask

Which of these external earth processes creates valleys?


How is erosion different from weathering?

Erosion is the movement of rock, while weathering is the breaking down of rock.

_____ is the movement of soil particles by water, and _____ is when they are left in a new place.

Erosion, deposition

Bacteria are a part of domain _____.


Which domain contains both the plant and animal kingdoms?


Asexual reproduction involves two plants exchanging genetic information.


Which is NOT a level of interaction studied by ecologists?


Which of the following statements about taxonomic levels is correct?

Family is more specific than order

The glomeruli and renal tubules play an important part in which of the following bodily functions?

Filtering blood

What are important thing to have available in a lab for emergency situations?

Fire extinguisher and blanket First aid kit Emergency shower and eye wash

Which of the following is true about firn?

Firn is a frozen intermediate between ice and snow in a glacier

What does phloem transport?


In order for an object to move, which of the following must act on it?


What is work?

Force * distance

Describe F=ma

Force equals mass times acceleration

Nicolaus Copernicus

Formulated modern heliocentrism in his influential work on the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

A gardener breaks stems from a marigold flower and plants them in the soil to grow new plants. This is an example of


What type of damage is caused when a road is paved through a natural habitat?


Which type of precipitation forms when there are warm atmospheric temperatures, but a thin band of below freezing air near the ground?

Freezing rain

Which part of the digestive system stores bile until it is needed?


In an ecosystem, lions eat gazelles, and gazelles eat wild grasses. What happens if the population of lions does down?

Gazelle populations increase, and wild grass populations decrease

At their core, what do courtship rituals show off?


If a lab chemical or poisonous substance is ingested, what action should be taken?

Go to the emergency room and contact poison control for advice

What is the metric unit for weight?


David is analyzing a rock. He knows that it was revealed by erosion and he can see large crystal structures through the magnifying glass. Which kind of rock is David analyzing?


If you wanted to plant a large garden for growing fruits and vegetables, what type of soil structure would produce the best results?


Which vector is separated into different components when an object is on an inclined plane?


The best method for assessing water pollution is to:

Have scientists conduct tests for contaminants.

Why did Darwin wait over 20 years after he returned from his voyage to publish his theories?

He feared backlash from the religious community

Mitochondria are the organelles that produce energy for the cell. The amount of mitochondria in a given type of cell depends on its function. Which of the following cells would you expect to have the highest amount of mitochondria?

Heart cells

Which of the following is an example of a parasympathetic response?

Heart rate slowing

How does a higher frequency affect the way you hear a sound?

Higher frequency sounds have a higher pitch

Which of the following is a disadvantage of asexual reproduction in plants?

Higher probability of spreading mutations Increased competition Greater vulnerability to disease

Which factor is a measurement of the amount of water in the air, measured as a percentage using a hygrometer?


Which acid is used primarily in the stomach for digestion?

Hydrochloric acid

Which of the following sources of electricity generation causes global warming?

Hydroelectric power

The sun is mainly composed of:


The nucleic acid building blocks of DNA and RNA are made up of which of the following?

Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen

What do you measure dew point with?


Which part of the uterine tubes receives released oocytes from the ovary?


What is the correct order of the structures the oocyte would pass on its way to the uterus?

Infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, uterus

What do scientists think cause magnetic field weakening and reversals?

Instabilities in the outer core

How are red blood cells specialized?

Instead of a nucleus, they have a lot of hemoglobin to help them carry oxygen.

Although not a stage of mitosis, this phase of a cell's life is when DNA is copied.


Even though meiosis is a big event for a cell, most of a cell's life is spent in this phase where it is growing and replicating DNA.


________ bonds are formed when one atom gains or loses electrons to another atom.


What is the correct name for Fe(OH)3?

Iron (III) hydroxide

What are barrier islands?

Islands that form from sedimentation parallel to a coast

How does construction of a dam along a river affect fish?

It creates barriers to their upstream migration.

How should you dispose of substances in the lab?

It depends on the specific instructions for each substance

Which of the following statements accurately describe ice:

It has a crystalline structure.

ow is it possible that the moon always faces the Earth?

It has a synchronous orbit

If some ocean water has low salinity and a high temperature, what can we tell about its density?

It has low density.

Why is Earth called the blue planet?

It shows up as a bright blue hue from space since it is covered with water.

Which of the following organisms is multicellular?


What is the standard unit of mass?


Which of the following is a type of social behavior in animals?

Kin selection Territorial behavior Dominance hierarchy Altruism

Where might one most likely find fossils locked in combat?

La Brea Tar Pits

Surface water is mostly found on Earth in the form of _____.


Which of the following is a true statement regarding lakes and ponds?

Lakes and ponds are both formed from retreating glaciers, tectonic movement, and volcanic activity

In which part of the digestive system is water absorbed?

Large intestine

Which of the following is NOT filtered out of the glomerular capillaries?

Large molecules

What are the plates of the Earth's crust?

Large pieces of lithosphere that fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.

What is a glacier?

Large sheets of compressed snow that solidified into ice

Roger Bacon

Largely responsible for crafting the scientific method

Which of the following is NOT generally considered to be a piece of science lab equipment?

Light fixtures

Which of the following types of waves is NOT a mechanical wave?

Light waves

Why is stability a good thing?

Limits carryover effects on other species Means the species won't run out of food Means the species is healthy

What is the metric unit for volume?


Which of the following can NOT be found dissolved within ocean water


Which best describes a liquid?

Little space between particles Has surface tension Incompressible A fluid

The pH scale is:


Which of the following types of waves is a wave where the vibration is parallel to the direction of motion?

Longitudinal wave

Which of the following lead to an increase in the size of barrier islands?

Longshore currents

Which of the following compares longwall mining to solution mining?

Longwall mining is used to shear coal from mine walls while solution mining involves hot water injected into the ore to dissolve it.

Which of the following types of seismic waves causes the most damage?

Love waves.

Which is one of the four main categories of cloud?

Low Middle Vertical High

Which of the following terms is used to describe hot molten rock from deep within the earth?


Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

Magma rises because it is less dense than the rock it originated from and collects in magma chambers

What is the correct name for MgCl2?

Magnesium chloride

What discovery was NOT made from mapping the ocean floor?

Magnetic immobility

All of the following factors can affect the planet's climate EXCEPT:

Major storms

What is the first think you would do if you were attempting to develop a scientific theory

Make an observation and research a phenomenon

What is a strategy for analyzing data?

Making comparisons

A statistician is analyzing a data set, and notices that the values are clustered quite close together. What measure of central tendency would be optimal for this data set?


What are the mathematical concepts that measure the single value that attempts to describe the data set in its entirety?

Measures of central tendency

Which measure of central tendency can be used to get an idea of what values fall above the midpoint and what values fall below the midpoint?


What is the name of the process by which sex cells are created?


Which type of cell division creates sperm or egg cells?


Which of the following is FALSE regarding meiosis?

Meiosis is what happens when body cells divide to form identical body cells

The order of the planets, starting with the nearest ones to the sun are:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Which of the following is the best example of a sugar source?

Mesophyll layer of leaves

Which level of the atmosphere is too far down to be warmed directly by the sun and too far up to benefit from the warmth trapped by clouds in the troposphere?


When a parent rock is changed due to high pressure or temperature, which type of rock is formed?


In which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell?


What is the formula for Magnesium oxide?


Which organelle provides the energy for the cell?


Which method of cell division creates what are sometimes called daughter cells?


Palm trees have parallel veins, long leaves, vascular tissue, and flowers with groups of three petals. Based on this information, palm trees can best be classified as:


Which of the following reproductive behaviors are most likely to be courtship behaviors?


El Nino weather patterns occur on a fairly regular basis about every two to seven years. Sometimes, two El Nino seasons occur in subsequent years. What is the most likely effect on the weather in southern states during El Nino years?

More rain and cooler temperatures during the winter months

Which of the following scenarios will most likely require MORE power?

More work, less time

Which are a metapopulation?

Most of humanity in a globalized society Salmon mating at the end of their lives Bears meeting to mate once every few years

These are unusually weak ocean tides at first or third quarter moon:

Neap tides

Who was the first person on the moon?

Neil Armstrong

What is the phase of the Moon called when you cannot see the Moon?

New Moon

What is the standard unit of weight in physics?


Are the cell types in two organs from different organ systems the same?

No, each organ and organ system has unique cell types.

The water in the Gulf of Mexico near Biloxi, Mississippi has gone from being an enjoyable place to swim to quite contaminated. Leaves and other contaminants flow into the water from pipes under the beach, several casinos are under construction near the ocean, and agricultural runoff occurs. This is an example of what type of water pollution?

Non-point source pollution.

Which of the following is not a type of galaxy?


What magnetic readings are detected in stripes of the ocean floor closest to the crest of ocean ridges?

Normal polarity

From which direction does a northerly wind blow?


Displacement is

Not dependent on measuring the length of the exact path taken by an object Represented by delta s How far an object has moved with respect to its initial and final position, regardless of path taken A vector quantity, requiring both magnitude and direction

Which source of electricity generation produces the least carbon dioxide?

Nuclear power

What do all eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not?


Which is a membrane-bound organelle?

Nucleus Endoplasmic Reticulum Chloroplasts Mitochondria

What profession deals with biochemistry?

Nursing Soil scientist Executive chef

Which of the following terms is used to describe mature undulations occurring in open ocean waters?

Ocean swells

Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning oceans and circulation patterns?

Ocean waters are good at holding heat and can transfer their heat to air affecting the climate

Why does oceanic crust slide below the continental crust in a convergent boundary to create ocean trenches?

Oceanic crust is more dense and more likely to be pushed back into the mantle.

How many trophic levels does an omnivore feed on within an ecosystem?

Omnivores feed at all trophic levels.

Where is a rain shadow effect most likely to occur?

On the leeward side of a mountain, because the air is sinking and warming while absorbing moisture.

What is gravity?

One of the fundamental forces of the universe, one that causes every object in the universe to attract every other object.

____ are the type of Leukocytes that chew up antigens.


Are phenotypes caused by genes or environment?

Phenotypes can be caused by a combination of genes and environment

Which molecules make up the bulk of a cell membrane?


Which cell process is the exact opposite gas exchange as cell respiration?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a sugar sink?

Photosynthetic layer in leaves

Galileo Galilie

Pioneered the development of the modern telescope, and was condemned as a heretic by the Catholic Church for supporting heliocentrism

When a male hits puberty, which of the following is responsible for telling the testes to release testosterone?

Pituitary gland

Surface waters being overdrawn can have what effect?

Plant and animal species are forced to relocate or become extinct The source can become a hostile environment Human economy can tank around a depleted source

Which of the following is are the Kingdoms of Life?

Plantae Protista Animalia

Plants are a renewable resource that provide which of the following product(s) for our use?

Plants provide all of these products for our use

Which of these is an organelle plant cells have but animal cells do not?


Which of the following theories asserts that earth's crust is broken up into plates

Plate Tectonics

What is the effect of predation on prey?

Predation is a strong selective force for prey organisms.

Which of these can the fossil record tell us?

Presence of disease Changes in water availability Changes in food availability

The purpose of the results section in a scientific paper is to:

Present and illustrate the findings from an experiment

Which is not a role of the cell membrane?

Prevents all substances from entering a cell

Which relative dating technique states that rocks are deposited in a flat continuous sheet or layer?

Principle of Lateral Continuity

Which of the following is the main concern of using nuclear material as an electricity source?

Production of radioactive waste

During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into two _____.

Pyruvate molecules

What properly describes data that is descriptive, rather than numerical?

Qualitative Data

What two factors cause planets and stars to be roughly spherical?

Radial gravitational attraction, and the spin speed increasing over time.

Which color of light will have the fastest speed when light goes from air to water?


What kind of dating can we establish with the principle of fossil succession?


Which of these uses the relative location of a fossil to figure out its age?

Relative geological aging

What is a strata?

Rock layer

If you wanted to collect sedimentary rocks, what sort of characteristics would you look for in a rock's composition?

Rock made from eroded material broken off other rocks and cemented together.

Which scale is used to categorize hurricanes?


Which of these is a primary consumer?

Sand eel.

Which term is best described as the creation of new oceanic crust due to the upwelling of magma?

Sea floor spreading

Which of the three priorities for integrated waste management deals with the actions of individuals and small businesses?

Second Priority

All of the following statements regarding the Rock cycle. Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks are TRUE except:

Sedimentary rock is formed from magma leaking to the surface of the earth.

Insects often eat leaves and other plant structures in order to obtain nutrients such as sugar. Which location in a plant will most likely provide sugars for the insect because it is a part of the phloem?

Sieve tubes

In which part of the digestive system are glucose and other useful molecules absorbed?

Small intestine

What happens to the solar light energy in photosynthesis?

Some of it is transformed into chemical energy stored in a sugar molecule.

What forms a zygote?

Sperm and an egg

Which of the following are part of the central nervous system?

Spinal cord and brain

Before beginning projectile motion problems, you need to

Split the horizontal motion and vertical motion

All of the following belong to the Animalia Kingdom

Sponge Flatworm Duck-Billed Platypus

During which of the following tides do we see the tidal range between high and low tide at its maximum?

Spring tides

These are low tides that are very low and high tides that are very high at full and new moon:

Spring tides

Which type of natural selection pushes traits toward the average?

Stabilizing selection

What should you do with substances that are heating?

Stay with them at all times

The study of how sedimentary rock layers form and how they are related to one another is a branch of geology known as which one of the following?


What are examples of a viable hypothesis?

Students who can attend class do better on exams that students who do not attend class

Which of the following gases is involved in acid rain?

Sulfur dioxide

What should you do if a substance is not labelled?

Tell your lab instructor

Which of the following is a component of weather patterns that influences air density?


What two factors affect atmospheric pressure?

Temperature and altitude

The basic, modern concept of atomic theory did not develop until

The 17th Century

In what decade was Pluto's designation as a planet first called into question?

The 1970s

Which of the following major plates is located farthest south?

The Antarctic Plate

What is capable of impacting climate by holding heat in the atmosphere?

The Greenhouse Effect

What separates the South American plate and the African plate?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Control Group

The Natural or Baseline group

What is the name given to an area of the Pacific Ocean Basin that is tectonically active?

The Ring of Fire

What creates a barrier island?

The accumulation of sediments from ocean waves or melting glaciers.

What divides the two major eons (the Precambrian and Phanerozoic Eons)?

The appearance of multicellular organisms

What is the polar front?

The area below the Midlatitude Jet Stream The area below the Polar Jet Stream The area between warm equatorial air and the cold air from the poles


The base of length in the International System of Units

What is an example of a cycle?

The changing of seasons

How can you determine the charge of an ion formed by a representative element?

The charge of the ion formed is related to the element's group number.

What is the definition of biochemistry?

The chemistry of life or the study of the processes behind all living organisms

An air conditioner and a refrigerator use a gas that easily converts to a liquid and back again. What part of both machines accomplish this?

The condenser

The solar atmosphere is composed of:

The corona, chromosphere, and photosphere

Which of the following are TRUE regarding the thermohaline circulation?

The current moves a massive amount of water and distributes heat along its way It is the largest ocean circulation pattern and is directly related to temperature and salinity It moves from the cold waters of Iceland south toward Antarctica It is sometimes referred to as the Global Ocean Conveyor Belt

Which of the following does explain why it is always warm at the Equator?

The earth's atmosphere flattens slightly over the Equator The Equator gets hit with a high angle of radiation from the sun The atmosphere is thicker around the Equator

Which of these is not true?

The earth's axis is not tilted.

What holds a water molecule together?

The fact that the atoms have opposite charges.

Why does it take more work to stop a fast car than a slow one?

The fast car has more kinetic energy

What is a proband in human genetics?

The first affected family member who seeks medical attention.

Atmospheric pressure is defined as:

The force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of air above that surface

How does the inner core differ from the outer core?

The inner core is solid, while the outer core is liquid.

Dialysis closely mimics the function of which organ?

The kidney

Why do the Middle Ages have such a poor reputation?

The learning period was poorly documented, and it suffers when compared to the advances of Enlightenment

What is NOT needed to figure out the acceleration of object A on Earth?

The mass of object A

What basis is used to categorize the Köppen Climate Classification system, which describes the general temperature and moisture of a region?

The native vegetation.

Which of the following parts of a cell is the control center that contains DNA?

The nucleus.

When no friction acts, what is the net force equal to?

The parallel vector component

What is dispersion?

The pattern of spacing of individuals within a population.

What is the expression of a gene called?

The phenotype

Galileo's character of Simplicio was meant to resemble

The pope

Why do you think Russia has little evaporation occurring in December?

The temperature is too cold for much evaporation to occur.

Which part of the following human body is NOT considered a part of the circulatory system?

The thyroid

Which of the following explains how a person straightens his arm at the elbow?

The triceps muscle contracts, pulling the ulna away from the upper arm while the biceps muscle is relaxed.

According to Newton's third law of motion, when you lean on a brick wall what is happening?

The wall is pushing back on you. You are pushing on the wall. The force of the wall pushing is equal to the force of you pushing.

Which statement aretrue about wells?

There are various ways to create a well. The three main types are dug, driven, and drilled. They are designed to access groundwater at the water table. They are still widely used today.

Why is a gas compressible but a liquid is not?

There is more space between the particles of a gas

What is the evidence of impact on species due to a magnetic reversal?

There is no significant evidence of any impacts on species due to a magnetic reversal

When a system is in ecosystem homeostasis, what happens to the populations of species?

They go up and down in cycles, but stay inside a certain range

When rivers and streams deposit sediment, all of the following can be created EXCEPT:


The individual units of xylem that have tapered ends are called:


'The movement of water throughout a plant and into the atmosphere is called:


The release of water in plants, causing the change in water potential allowing for the movement of water in the xylem, is best known as:


Which of the following best describes the process of trees releasing water vapor?


What two factors are mainly responsible for the movement of water from the roots up through the leaves?

Transpiration and cohesion

Rivers and streams are used for:

Transportation Food Sources Recreation Power

To do twice as much work in the same amount of time, how much power is required?

Two times as much

When presenting results of an experiment, the following should be included in a line graph figure:

Two variables plotted along a vertical and horizontal axis

What is required in order for CFCs to break down ozone?

UV radiation

Which of the following statements is true?

Under the right conditions, any chemical reaction can quickly get out of control

Mendels experiment worked, unlike other who may have disproved the blending theory of heredity, because he ______ and _______

Used more plants, a longer period of time

When measuring the velocity of an object, what is the biggest source of error/uncertainty?

Using the stopwatch.

If no implantation takes place, then what happens inside of the uterus?

Uterine tissue is shed, leaving the uterus through the cervix.

Which of the following describes the images formed by a plane mirror?

Virtual, upright images that are the same size as the object.

Which of the following can be formed by a convergent boundary?

Volcanic mountains Volcanic islands Deep ocean trenches

Which of the following organisms carries out photosynthesis?


Which phase of the moon shows a slight crescent illuminated on the left-side of the Moon?

Waning Crescent

What geographic variable influences the availability of moisture for a region?


What is formed from a neutralization reaction?

Water and a salt

Which of the following causes water beads on the outside of a cold glass of water?

Water vapor in the atmosphere condensing onto the glass.

What is created during aerobic respiration?

Water, carbon dioxide, and ATP

What is the standard unit of power?


Which of these is a property of sound that DOES NOT affect how it is perceived?

Wave speed

Acid rain can come in which form?

Wet and dry

How do magnetic field 'stripes' show that the oceanic crust is moving?

When a rock cools, its magnetic contents 'line up' with the way Earth's magnetic field is aligned at that moment; therefore, we can find bands of 'matching' rock on both sides of a mid-ocean ridge.

What is calibration of science lab equipment?

Where you make sure that the scale isn't off by a certain amount; that zero really means zero.

Which of the following is NOT a pure spectral color?


If we eliminate the effects of air resistance, objects dropped from the same height

Will accelerate at the same rate and land at the same time

The horizontal velocity of a projectile

Will remain the same throughout the entire motion

Who first used the term 'uniformitarianism' and in what book?

William Whewell; Principles of Geology

Which of the following is an example of a force?

Wind Gravity A hand pushing

_____ are any storms that contain sleet, ice and/or snow.

Winter storms

What happens to sediments in a reservoir?

With time, the amount of sediment increases.

Which one of the formulas best describes ''power''?

Work / time

Which best describes the work-energy theorem?

Work done is equal to the change in energy

You measure the length of a fish 6 times. Each time you find it to be 125 cm long. In reality, the fish is actually 135 cm long. Which of the following statements is true?

You are precise but not accurate in your measurements

Carbon monoxide

_____ is an air pollutant. It is an odorless gas which is produced as a result of the burning of industrial waste. If inhaled it hinders delivery of oxygen throughout the body.

Johannes Kepler

a German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer

Biological specimens

a biological laboratory specimen held by a biorepository for research


a chemical containing one nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms bonded together.

_____ are invaders that could cause infection in the body.


While the actual frequency does not change, the apparent frequency may change if the wave source is

approaching or retreating from the observer

Static friction occurs when objects are _____ while sliding friction occurs when objects are _____.

at rest; moving

The petals are used to _____.

attract small animals for pollination

All of the following are characteristics of the Animalia Kingdom, except:


The direction of a magnetic field is:

away from the north pole and toward the south pole

What is defined as an imaginary line drawn through the North and South Poles?


Choose the answer that best completes the statement: Minerals must be naturally formed, have a crystalline structure, have a unique chemical composition and _____.

be in a solid state

Rust, karst and acid rain are all types of ________.

chemical weathering

Batteries convert _____ energy into electrical energy to generate _____.

chemical, voltage

Materials that make good electrical conductors contain atoms with:

free electrons

Electrical energy is conducted through a material by:

free electrons impacting and transferring energy to each other

Having two different alleles for a gene is called ______.


A well sorted-rock has a _____ porosity than a medium-sorted rock


An ambulance siren moving toward you will have a _____ pitch than when it is traveling away from you.


Accuracy refers to

how close a measurement is to the 'true' value


in chemistry, is a mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance

A screw is a modified _____

inclined plane

What are statements about the enhanced greenhouse effect

increases the severity of storms and weather leads to rising sea levels increases global temperatures

What is the largest reservoir for carbon on Earth?


Evaporation occurs when a _____ changes into a _____.

liquid, gas

Transpiration is the process that occurs when _____.

plants lose water through their leaves

Which wind belt blows eastward toward the poles and is located at 30 to 60 degrees north and south latitude?

prevailing westerlies

The Salinization of soils

prevents plants from taking up water. decreases crop yields. alters the soil environment.

A magnetic field line:

represents the direction of the magnetic field

Thermohaline circulation is also known as _____ because it acts to move water throughout the entire ocean, distributing nutrients as well as regulating temperature and salinity.

the Global Conveyor Belt

Resistance is equal to:

voltage divided by current

What is the formula to convert feet (ft) to yards (yd)?

yd = ft ÷ 3

Siltstone is a secondary rock formed from particles of weathered rock accumulating and becoming compact. Which of the following categories does this type of rock best fit into?

Detrital sedimentary

What is the temperature called when the relative humidity is 100%?

Dew point

Plants that have two cotyledons and flowers in groups of four or five are best known as:


Select the concentration of ozone that is naturally found in the stratosphere.

12 parts per million

How much would a 1-inch column of air from sea level to the edge of the atmosphere weigh?

14.7 pounds

What percentage of solid municipal waste in the United States could be eliminated by the use of integrated waste management?


What is the classification of a volcano that has not erupted in the past 10,000 years, but has the potential to erupt in the future?

A Dormant Volcano

If dropped from the same height at the same time, which of the following objects would hit the ground first?

A basketball A bowling ball LeBron James

What is a chromosome?

A long piece of DNA containing multiple genes

How often did objects collide in the early solar system?

A lot more than today -- there were more of them, and they were moving rapidly.

You are digging out a soil sample and first find a thin layer of topsoil. Underneath this layer, you see a larger layer of very fine particles that is still fairly wet and somewhat gray in color. What type of soil exists beneath the topsoil?


Which of the following is a potential reactant for a chemical?

Cold UV Light Heat Water

Which of the following creates high pressure?

Cold air

Which type of reaction always requires oxygen to be a reactant?


This is a small icy body that orbits in the solar system and develops a tail of gas as it approaches the sun:


What is an electric circuit?

A set of electrical components that are connected together in a loop with a power source, which allows current (electrons) to flow through them


A set of interacting or interdependent component parts forming a complex/intricate whole


A set of principles laid out as being unquestionably true

Which feature of the evaporating dish makes it effective in the evaporation process?

A shallow bottom to increase the surface area of a liquid, leaving the solid behind.

What is an inference?

A skill needed to connect existing evidence to a new problem based on evidence and reasoning skill

Which of the following is NOT an example of simple harmonic motion?

A space station orbiting the Earth

Prisms are usually made out of

A transparent substance like glass or plastic

Which of the following samples of ocean water would be most dense?

A very cold and very salty sample.

What is a sound wave?

A vibration in the air, where particles hit each other.

If allele 'A' is dominant to allele 'a', then for which genotype would the dominant trait be expressed?

AA and Aa

Identify which general equation is a combination reaction.

AC + B = ABC

Which of the following describes a circuit where the direction the current flows switches rapidly?

AC circuit

What would be a possible genotype of an offspring if the parent's genotypes were AABBCC and aabbcc?


Compared to Earth, about how much gravity is there on the moon?

About 1/6

What is the approximate power consumed by a household toaster that is drawing an average current of 8A at an average voltage of 110V?

About 880W

Where is the epicenter of an earthquake found?

Above ground, directly above the focus.

Where is soil moisture found?

Above the saturated zone

Which of the following acids is properly classified as weak or strong?

Acetic acid is a weak acid.

What's the term for propagating electrochemical signals plants like the Venus flytrap use to close their leaves?

Action potentials

Which of the following is NOT a function of the roots?

Acts as a support for the leaves and flowers

What kinds of organisms do NOT fill ecological niches?

All organisms fill ecological niches.

Waste management

All the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal

A school principle wants to conduct an experiment that involves the distribution of a questionnaire. She has only enough copies for half the students. She decides who will participate by pulling names out of a hat and choosing ten student from each of the four grades in the school. What constitutes the population of this experiment?

All the students of the school

A group of penguins gets separated due to a glacier. What type of speciation has occurred?


When a new species develops, which of the following could have occurred?

Allopatric speciation Speciation Sympatric speciation

To correctly solve free fall problems, you need to

Always include magnitude, vector, and units with your answer Assign consistent vector directions Ignore the effects of air resistance Only consider the force of gravity

Which of the following is true about amensalism?

Amensalism can happen when a bigger, more established organism out competes a smaller organism for resources.

Asia Minor

Area that experienced a golden period of intellectual activity during the so-called Dark Ages

River flooding can occur:

As a result of fast melting snow Seasonally Causing destruction of human and wildlife habitats As a result of rainfall

Why are there six kingdoms of life now instead of the original two that scientists developed?

As our scientific understanding has grown, we've needed to add additional kingdoms to Linnaeus' original ones.

Which of the following types of reproductive ability is the LEAST conducive to genetic diversity?

Asexual reproduction

If you have questions about protocols while working with biological specimens what is the best course of action?

Ask your lab supervisor

This is a minor planet that's made up of metal and/or rock:


Asteroids originate mostly in the

Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

If a sample of blood is deoxygenated, where is it likely to be found in the circulatory system of the human body?

At the beginning of the pulmonary circuit.

You see a donut on a plate displayed at your local bakery, and your mouth starts watering. Which nervous system allows this to happen?


When an organism can make its own food, it is called a(n):


Which of the following is NOT one of the twelve principles of green chemistry?

Avoiding the use of catalysts

Immunizations work by _____ creating _____ that remain in the body.

B cells, antibodies

Which of the following is a double-replacement reaction?

BaCl2 + MgSO4 --> BaSO4 + MgCl2

Which of the following statements is true in regards to bacteria?

Bacteria can only obtain energy from sunlight and organic substances. Bacteria can only live when the conditions are suitable. Bacteria always die when they can't obtain the things necessary for them to live.

Which is not a way carbon can return to the atmosphere?

Bacteria fixation

All of the following are characteristics of Kingdom Plantae,

Cell wall Eukaryotic cell Autotroph

Which of the following technologies use microwaves?


Which of the following wireless technologies would fit under the WAN category?


Which of the following is a key difference between detrital and chemical sedimentary rocks?

Chemical sedimentary rock is formed from dissolved material.

What is the green pigment that helps plants in photosynthesis?


Otherwise known as one of two copies of a replicated chromosome


The combination of multiple histones and DNA is called what?


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Chromosome replication occurs during S phase.

Tightly wound segments of DNA are also known as what?


What is made when DNA condenses during cell division?


In which phases, of the life cycle of a chemical, is green chemistry involved?

Design, manufacturing, consumer use and disposal

Which of the following are ways that glaciers change landforms?

By scouring the land beneath to create valleys. By depositing debris in a moraine. By picking up rocks and boulders and carrying them away.

How do earthquakes occur?

By the breaking of rocks found underground.

Which of the following is NOT true about the water cycle?

By the end of the water cycle, water always ends up exactly where it started

Which of the following is not a type of wave phenomena?


Which type of RNA is responsible for selecting the proper amino acid to help with constructing proteins in the cell?


The laws of independent assortment

tells us that alleles separate and are passed down to the offspring

Which of the following statements about soil are true

It contains inorganic material, such as weathered rocks. It contains organic material like decomposing plants. It provides the medium for plant growth.

Which of these choices demonstrates the significance of the troposphere?

It contains the air we breathe, which is a mix of mostly nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide

What happens after a scientific theory has been accepted?

It continues to be tested and adapted

In the fall of 1911, what was one the problems Alfred Wegener saw in the theory that the Earth was unchanging?

It couldn't account for identical fossil evidence being discovered on different continents

Which is of the following statements about carbon dioxide is TRUE?

It has not been above 300 ppm in the past 800,000 years.

Why is potential energy called stored energy?

It has the potential to do work

What feature(s) of the compound microscope classify it as being compound?

It has two lenses of magnification, the 10x ocular lenses and the 4x-100x objective lenses.

Which of these statements about the modern version of uniformitarianism is TRUE?

It includes the role of occasional, catastrophic events in shaping Earth's features.

What is meant by the fluid mosaic model?

It indicates that the cell membrane is not a solid structure. It means that there are many different molecules that make up the plasma membrane. It describes the structure of the cell membrane.

Which is NOT true about the water cycle?

It is a circular process

How is ozone that is found in the troposphere considered harmful?

It is an air pollutant.

Which are true about the Köppen Climate Classification system?

It is based on the native vegetation of the region. It classifies climate into 5 main categories. It describes a region's general temperature and humidity.

Which of the following describes prokaryotic DNA?

It is circular.

Which of the following does NOT explain why it is always warm at the Equator?

It is closer to the sun than the poles

Oceanic crust sinks because ______.

It is denser than continental crust.

Which of the following would NOT be a good trait for an index fossil?

It is found in only one place in the world.

Which is true of cholesterol?

It is found in the hydrophobic part of the lipid bilayer.

Which of the following statements BEST categorizes a transform boundary?

It is tectonic movement as a result of building pressure, resulting in an earthquake.

Which statement correctly describes a front?

It is the contact zone between two different air masses.

Which of these answer choices best describes the thermosphere?

It is the highest of the four main layers of Earth's atmosphere; some of Earth's satellites reside here, along with the International Space Station

Which of these is true of Earth?

It is the most dense planet in our solar system.

What makes the Pacific plate unique compared to other plates?

It is the only major plate that is mainly underwater.

Which statements true about evaporation?

It is the phase change of water from liquid to gas. It is part of the water cycle. It moves water from the planet's surface into the atmosphere.

What is the function of the nucleolus?

It is the site of ribosome creation

Which of the below does NOT describe a concave lens?

It is thicker in the middle than at the ends.

Which of the following statements is true concerning high voltage, long-distance power transmission:

It is typically a three-phase AC power system

Which of the following is responsible for the global movement of weather patterns?

Jet stream

What is the largest planet (by diameter) in our solar system?


The terrestrial planets do not include:

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Which structure of the eye is responsible for focusing light onto the retina in the eye?

Lens Cornea

What is the formula for lithium fluoride?


The study of our atmosphere is known as what?


What is the standard unit of length?


Gas Y is a greenhouse gas which is produced from fossil fuels and livestock. The presence of gas Y has increased by 151% since the Industrial Revolution. What is gas Y?


Projectiles follow a ________ path.


Which of the following describes a circuit where the components are connected in branches?

Parallel circuit

An association between two different species where the symbiont benefits and the host is harmed is known as:


Which molecule would likely contain selenium?


All of the following occur during interphase

Protein synthesis S phase Cell growth Chromosome replication

Which molecule would likely contain sulfur?


Why do your ears pop when riding a roller coaster?

Roller coaster height causes air pressure to decrease more outside your body than what is in your middle ear.

Which factors create differences in air pressure on earth?

Solar energy and the earth's rotation.

What is the name for the cloud of interstellar gas and dust that condensed to form the entire solar system, including the sun and planets?

Solar nebula

The theory that posits that the planets and sun in the solar system formed from the solar nebula is called the:

Solar nebula theory

Which of the following is a renewable source of electricity generation?

Solar power

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning sustainable agriculture?

Sustainable agriculture farmers often grow monocrops, which means they grow a single crop year after year.

Which of the following is an application of environmental sustainability?

Sustainable forestry

Resident and transient orcas that do not mate due to different behaviors is an example of what type of speciation?


You decide to visit Antarctica during the month of April. What is happening to daylight during that time, and why?

The amount of daylight is decreasing, as the Southern Hemisphere approaches its 'winter time.'

Why does a dryer evaporate the water in clothes faster than leaving clothes out to dry?

The hot temperature in the dryer evaporates water faster.

Why is solid water (ice) less dense than liquid water?

The hydrogen bonds between water molecules are formed and are held (or frozen) farther apart than in liquid water.

Mountains are typically cooler than low-land areas due to _____.

The increased elevation of the mountain

Which object will have the most mass?

The mass will be the same

What serves as proof that Earth's magnetic field reverses?

The rock record from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

How do Group C and Group D in the Köppen Climate Classification system differ?

The severity of winters.

Which organelle is described as the cell's detoxification center?

The smooth ER.

If you increase the elasticity of a material, what happens to the speed of a mechanical wave going through it?

The speed will increase.

What part of an atoll is the lagoon?

The still waters in the middle.

For an inclined plane with friction, what is the net force?

The sum of the two parallel vectors

Which of these statements is considered to be true?

The sun and planets formed from the same ball of gas and dust

Which of the following is a reason jet streams exist?

The sun heats the earth unevenly

What is a characteristic of animals that use chemicals for defense?

They rarely use camouflage as a defense.

On what basis were S. Rowland and M. Molina chosen for the 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry?

They showed that CFCs split ozone molecules.

Which of the following is a characteristic of acids?

They taste sour in aqueous solutions. They change blue litmus paper red. They can form salts through reactions with some metals and bases.

Which of the following are types of asexual reproduction in plants?

Vegetative Propagation Fragmentation Budding

The hottest planet in our solar system is _____.


Which planet revolves around its axis in a clockwise fashion?


Which of the following statements correctly describes waves?

Waves are powerful forces that erode and shape the world's coastlines.

Sodium hypochlorite

a chemical found in anything considered to be bleach. It's also used to chlorinate swimming pools and in many dishwasher solutions or tablets, as it's great at killing bacteria and germs.

An asteroid is a(n)

a class of small inner solar system bodies that orbit around the sun.

What is the Coriolis effect?

a deflection of movement caused by the earth spinning


a description of random errors, a measure of statistical variability

mortar and pestle

a device used since ancient times to prepare ingredients or substances by crushing and grinding them into a fine paste or powder

What do coral polyps secrete?

calcium carbonate exoskeletons

Clouds with the word 'cumulus' in them are

big and fluffy

The variability of life forms within a given ecosystem is known as _____.


When a light source is quickly approaching you, you may perceive a

blue shift

The two types of wetlands found only in northern regions are

bogs and fens

Ecological niches include ______.

both abiotic and biotic factors

Ideally, you want your data to be _____.

both accurate and precise

Two outcrops containing one index fossil each can only be matched up if scientists also find a third outcrop containing _____.

both index fossils

Weathering is the process of ________.

breaking down rocks into smaller pieces

All of the following facts are true for animals, except:

can make their own food

What are the reactants of photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide, water and sunlight

An imprint that is filled in is called a ______.

cast fossil

If an ionic compound contains a transition metal, Roman numerals are used to determine the _____.

charge on the ion

Sodium lauryl sulfate

commonly found in detergent, which is generally the main ingredient of shampoo (which itself tends to contain a cocktail of chemicals) and laundry detergent

By studying the red and blue shifts of the galaxies, scientists concluded that the universe is


What is NOT an example of an acid base reaction?

hydrochloric acid and vinegar

Rocks that are transformed into different rocks under intense heat and pressure are known as _____.

metamorphic rocks

A _____ is an object that may one day become a _____ if it survives its journey through Earth's atmosphere:

meteoroid, meteorite

Cold water holds _____ salt than warm water, which makes it more dense.


In general, strong acids are _____ weak acids in lowering the pH of a solution.

more potent than

All of the following will affect an induced voltage,

moving the magnet relative to the conductor actively changing the strength of the magnetic field moving the conductor relative to the magnet rotating the magnet near the conductor

What is the most likely source of nutrient pollution?

nutrients and fertilizers.

Groundwater Pollution

occurs when pollutants are released to the ground and make their way down into groundwater

Cracks on the ocean floor which allow hot water and minerals to escape are called

ocean vents

Water covers 70% of the Earth's surface. Of that, 97% of all the water on Earth comes from _____, while 3% is _____.

oceans; freshwater

Pancreatic cells are constantly producing proteins that function as digestive enzymes. Pancreatic cells need to have lots of _____ to produce these proteins.


Which of the following is an example of a body fossil?


You can expect that a terrestrial planet would have a _____ diameter and a _____ mass when compared to a Jovian planet.

smaller, smaller

A day when the earth's axis is either closest or farthest from the sun is known as a


A _____ is a liquid that other substances dissolve in.


Color is not always useful for identifying minerals because _____.

some minerals come in many different colors

Legumes like _____ are important because _____.

soybeans; they take nitrogen gas and turn it into nutrients.

Which wave parameter can be found by multiplying the wavelength by the frequency?


Pollen contains _____ and is spread from plant to plant by _____.

sperm, small animals

The _____ is the top of the carpel and is sticky so that it can collect _____ from small animals.

stigma, pollen

In geodesy, what is defined as a force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume?



substance is a form of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic properties

Photosynthesis is a process in plants that uses _____and produces energy and oxygen.

sun, water, and carbon dioxide

Evaporation comes from _____ while transpiration occurs with _____.

surface water, plants

The Colorado River and the Gulf of California are examples of _____ which provides a necessary source of energy, drinking water, and crop irrigation.

surface waters

atomic nucleus

is the small, dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom, discovered in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford based on the 1909 Geigerâ€"Marsden gold foil experiment


is the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element

Nuclear power

is the use of nuclear reactions that release nuclear energy to generate heat, which most frequently is then used in steam turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant

A material is ferromagnetic if:

it contains magnetic domains

What does abiotic mean?



Are steps in reasoning, moving from premise to conclusion


- A set of data collected and/or selected from a statistical population by a defined procedure - Group of people actually participating in study


- A summation of all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding. - The entire group of people you're interested in.

Scientific Method

- A systematic process that involves using measurable observations to formulate test or modify a hypothesis - A body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge

Natural Law

- A theory that is so well-confirmed, refined, and tested as to be virtually universally accepted is known as - A philosophy that certain rights or values are inherited by virtue of human nature and can be universally understood through human reason

Convenience Sample

- A type of non-probability sampling that involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population that is close to hand - People who are readily available and willing to participate

What are examples of a quantitative variable

- Age - Circumference of a circle - Perimeter - Weight

What are the goals of the scientific model?

- Allow one to make predictions - Explain some phenomenon of nature in simple terms - Make a physical representation of the real world

Theories and Laws

- Based on hypothesis - Can be used to make predictions - Can be revised

What are true statements about biological specimens

- Biological specimens are useful in a variety of professions - Preserved animals need to be disposed of in the same manner as the chemicals that preserved them - Safe handling and disposal procedures depend on the type of specimens you're working with - Human tissues or bodily fluids are common disease vectors

What are true statements about both scientific laws and scientific theories.

- Both are based on hypotheses - Both can be modified if new evidence arises - Both can be used to make predictions

Scientific Revolution

- Characterized by numerous advances in the fields of physics, mathematics, astronomy, and biology - Undermined the influence of the Catholic Church - Resulted in science becoming distinct from the disciplines of philosophy and theology - Helped lead the Enlightenment

Explain the correct chronological order of events

- Darwin attended University of Edinburgh - He traveled on the HMS Beagle - He wrote On the Origins of Species - He wrote Descent of Man

Isaac Newton

- English physicist and mathematician who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time and a key figure in the scientific revolution - Developed the Laws of Motion and the Laws of Universal Gravitation


- Explains reality and is generally accepted as truth. - Based on information from many different areas of study

Which piece of safety equipment is typically optional in a lab?

- First aid kit - Emergency shower - Fire extinguisher - Eye wash station

What are steps of the scientific method that supports scientific investigation?

- Formulate a hypothesis - State a question - Analyze data and draw conclusions

All of these statements are correct,

- Habitat restoration involves replanting native vegetation. - Habitat restoration involves fencing out non-native animals. - Habitat loss and fragmentation are the most harmful effects of human development.

What was involved in Galileo's legendary experiment at the tower of Pisa?

- He tried to isolate a single factor with an experiment - He considered all the factors involved - He tried to account for the limitations of human observation

How is the heliocentric model different from the geocentric model of the universe?

- In the heliocentric model, the earth is at the center of the universe. - In the geocentric model the sun is at the center of the universe

What are statements based on scientific theory

- It explains why a phenomenon occurs - It is created by the scientific method - It has been rigorously tested

What are criterion for a good hypothesis?

- It is clear - It identifies measurable variables - It is testable - It can be limited to one experiment

What are statements about random error?

- It is just as likely to be positive as negative - It occurs without any recognizable pattern - Over time it will theoretically balance out - It is unavoidable

What fossils did Wegener use to support his idea of continental drift?

- Mesosaurus - Lystrosaurus - Cynognthus

Which of the following is a biological specimen?

- Microbes - Plant material - Laboratory mice - Preserved dissection animals

What evidence did Wegener use to support his idea of continental drift?

- Mountain ranges on different continents lined up when coastlines were match up - Rock strata on different continents lined up when coastlines matched up - Fossils of plants and animals in climates where their survival would have been impossible

What are things Galileo discovered with his telescope?

- Mountains on the moon - The moons of Jupiter - Craters on the moon

What are need to consider when conducting an experiment.

- Other variable that may not be under the scientist control - The errors induced by measurement - The scientist's biases


- Period of intellectual tumult which followed the Middle Ages - Movement which dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the 18th century

Why are standard units important in the biology lab?

- Reduce confusion - Reduce rounding - Reduce conversions - Reduce error

What are components of a computer model?

- Science animation - Forecasting model - Climate model

What are to be considered as observations

- Smelling wood burning in a fire - Hearing your dog bark at the doorbell - Seeing the leaves change color in the fall - Feeling cold air when you open the refrigerator door.

What are examples of constancy?

- Steady state - Equilibrium - Homeostasis

At least what proportion of species must go extinct for it to be considered a mass extinction event?


Which of the following steps is involved in safe chemical storage?

- Storing chemicals in easy to access areas - Clearly printing the name of the chemical on the container - Clearly printing the date the container was opened - Following storage precautions

What are true regarding tables

- Tables can be used when there is not much variation in the data - Tables should be sequenced to present key findings in a logical order - Data in a table should be arranged vertically

What are examples of a logical consistent conclusion?

- Testicular cancer occurs more frequently in young men, therefore screening for testicular cancer will be less cost effective in older men. - In a survey, a large majority of people in this neighborhood said that they did not like the color red as much as the color blue and said that car color was important to them. Therefore, the larger number of blue cars in the same neighborhood is most likely due to personal preference. - There are more blue cars than red cars in this neighborhood, therefore the people who live here buy more blue cars than red cars

Independent Variable

- The Cause (Cause and Effect) - Can be Manipulated - Variable that you control as the experimenter and the one that creates two or more groups in the study

Dependent Variable

- The Effect (Cause and Effect) - Can be measured - The outcome variable that you are simply measuring


- The active acquisitions of information from a primary source - Sensory experiences that lead to scientist to ask questions and seek answers about natural phenomena (Five senses) - A phenomenon that can be witness and recorded

Which are true about lab safety equipment?

- You need to know where it is ahead of time -I t includes things like eye wash stations, emergency showers, and first aid kits - A clear pathway should be maintained at all times - They are mostly for mitigating harm to both the lab and people working in it

Why might you re-run and experiment?

- Your experiment generated new questions - Your experiment did not answer you original question - You observed new and interesting thing during your experiment - Your experiment results weren't clear

What is considered a experimental error?

- a fluctuating scale - chance error - estimating a volume that falls between two - graduations on the cylinder - an improperly calibrated flow meter

Galileo Galilei

- an Italian astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician who played a major role in the scientific revolution during the 17th century - Pioneered the development of the modern telescope, and was condemned as a heretic by the Catholic Church for supporting heliocentrism

The initial Montreal Protocol of 1987 vowed to reduce CFC production by _____


How many seconds are in a kilosecond?


In a typical ecosystem, what percentage of the energy produced by the autotrophs then consumed by the primary consumers will be passed along to the secondary consumers?


Diamonds are ranked at _____ on the Mohs scale of hardness, which means they are _____.

10; very hard

If the total volume of a rock is 254 cubic inches, and the volume of the void is 27 cubic inches, what is the porosity (give as a percent)?


How many galaxies are believed to exist in the observable universe?

100 to 200 billion

In a type of flower, red is dominant to white. What would be the expected phenotypes of the offspring if a cross was done between two white flowers?

100% white

How many yards are in 15 feet?


If an object in periodic motion completes one full cycle in 0.5 seconds, what is the frequency of the motion?

2 hertz

What makes up a water molecule?

2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom

At what elevation is the atmospheric pressure half of what it is at sea level?

3.1 miles

The total volume of a rock is 3 cubic feet, and the volume of the solid is 2.1 cubic feet. Calculate the porosity (give as a percent).


What is the IAU's definition of a dwarf planet?

A celestial body in direct orbit of the sun that is massive enough to form an ellipsoid shape from its gravitational force, but has not cleared its neighborhood from other objects.

The stimulus that is detected by photoreceptors is:

A change in light

Which of the following is NOT considered a projectile motion problem?

A football rolling down a hill

For accurate volume measurements, which is the best piece of equipment to use?

A graduated cylinder


A is a naturally occurring chemical compound

What is a good thing to have with your first aid kit?

A list of emergency numbers

An eclipse where the Moon is blocked by the Earth's shadow is called what?

A lunar eclipse.

What is meant by the term 'homologous chromosome'?

A pair of chromosomes with the same genes, but possibly different variations of those genes

What is a gene?

A piece of DNA that codes for a specific protein

Which answer choice best describes a spring?

A place where water naturally flows from the ground.

Which of the following describes a scientific investigation?

A quest to find the answer to a question using the scientific method

How does atmospheric pressure contribute to weather patterns?

Air moves from areas of high atmospheric pressure to areas of low atmospheric pressure, causing the winds

What is the friction due to air called?

Air resistance

Which of the following produces ethanol?

Alcohol fermentation

Which group of plants does not have stems, leaves or roots?


Newton discovered that white light is composed of what?

All colors of light

Maria is conducting an experiment, and creates a substance that seems to be a proton acceptor as well as a proton donor. Which of the following would be the BEST for Maria to use in order to define what type of substance she has created?


What is commensalism?

An association where one species benefits, and the other species is not significantly affected

How does an eon differ from an era?

An eon spans hundreds to thousands of millions of years, while eras span tens to hundreds of millions of years.

A scientific theory

An explanation of why things happen that is tested and accepted as being true

Which of the following surfaces would be best for a conservation of momentum experiment?

An ice-skating rink.


An influential Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher primarily remembered today for his formulation of an atomic theory of the universe

What is a compound lens?

An optical device that uses multiple lenses to refract light

What is a simple lens?

An optical device that uses one lens to refract light

Which of the following best defines the Mid-Ocean Ridge?

An underwater mountain range created by sea floor spreading.

In which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes pull apart and move away from the center of the cell?


Apple trees are vascular plants with flowers. Based on this information, apple trees can be classified as:


Which group of plants makes up 80% of the green plants in the Kingdom Plantae?


_____ are plants that produce flowers and _____.

Angiosperms, fruits

What is periodic motion?

Any movement of an object that is repeated in a given length of time

What is lab equipment?

Any objects or materials used to collect data in a science experiment.

Which is an example of a phenotype?

Appearance Metabolism Behavior

Which does not constitute a change in energy?

Applying a force to an object

_____ are like underground sponges and once depleted, they take a long time to recharge.



Based on a set of hypothesis describing and explaining why a natural phenomenon occurs.

Which of the following statements is NOT true in regards to Base in Chemistry?

Bases tend to release H^+ ions when dissolved in water.

What type of mimicry occurs when a harmless animal mimics a dangerous or unpalatable animal?

Batesian mimicry

Which of the following pairs of devices store energy?

Battery, capacitor

Which of the following features are not created by erosion?


Why are estuaries home to diverse marine life not found elsewhere?

Because estuaries have a mix of freshwater and ocean water, and the high tides bring nourishing sediment.

Why does colder air create higher pressure than warm air?

Because it is more dense

Why doesn't oil dissolve in water?

Because it is not polar.

Why is the inner core solid?

Because it is under too much pressure to melt.

Why can you not feel a force of attraction between you and the planet Mars?

Because it's too far away - gravity decreases with distance.

James needs to write a report which will describe the ups and downs of mammals in a previous time period. Why would discussing epochs make sense?

Because longer periods of time, such as eras, are too long and include other types of living creatures

Why does it take more energy to change the temperature of water than air?

Because ocean water has a high heat capacity.

Why can you not easily notice a force of gravity between a baseball and a tennis ball?

Because their masses are too small.

Why are forests described as carbon sinks?

Because they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and prevent the greenhouse effect.

Which of the following is a prezygotic barrier?

Behavioral isolation

Which of the following describes the formation of snow?

Below freezing temperatures cause water vapor to freeze into crystals

Which of these is an example of commensalism?

Birds that live in holes formed by a tree's bark (they get shelter, the tree neither benefits nor gets harmed).

Which of the following is an example of specialized cells?

Blood cells Reproductive cells Nerve cells

Which statement correctly describes what photosynthesis accomplishes?

Carbon dioxide and water are assembled into food molecules.

Uniformitarianism competed with the view that Earth's features formed rapidly, a concept known as ______.


What is a skill needed to organize information in science?


Which is the basic unit of life?


Why was Pluto ultimately reclassified as a dwarf planet?

Due to the discovery of Eris.

Which of the following a potential source of sustainable energy?

Energy crops Wind The sun

Chemical compounds are formed when two or more ________ are joined together.


Fundamental to understanding how atoms are organized into elements is the knowledge that

Elements consist of only one type of atom

What geographic variable influences air temperature based on position in the troposphere?


Immigration involves which of the following?

Entering a new habitat

All members of the kingdom Fungi are ______.

Eukaryotic and heterotrophic

Which of the following steps is the first and most important to take when a fire begins in a lab?

Evacuate to a safe location

Steam is an example of which part of the water cycle?


What are the three main parts of the water cycle?

Evaporation, condensation and precipitation

Which of the following statements is true about accidents

Even with proper precautions lab accidents still occur

Random Sample

Every person in the larger population has an equal chance of being in the sample

_____ can be defined as a change in a characteristic within a population over time.


What are true statements about flooding?

Flooding is sometimes exacerbated by dams and levees. Flooding is a way for nutrient-rich sediments to reach downstream areas. Flooding is dangerous to those living along riverbanks.

Which of the following could occur when air is saturated?

Fog Dew Rain

It is a very hot day. The weather forecast calls for a cold front to suddenly move through the area. What are you most likely to see first?

Fog or clouds

The property of a wave that is defined as the number of oscillations per second is called


Which of the following terms describes the number of waves that pass by each second?


Mid-ocean ridges are places where ______.

Fresh oceanic crust is formed.

What is the name of the scientist who came up with the theory that all objects accelerate toward the ground at the same rate?

Galileo Galilei

What is the relationship between an individual's genotype and their phenotype?

Genotype partially causes phenotype

Which of these statements is true about genes?

Genotypes refer to the two copies of a gene for a particular characteristic that are passed on from the parents Genes come in different versions called alleles. Everyone has two copies of each gene.

Volcanic eruptions that produce flows of basalt tend to be more ______ than eruptions that produce igneous rock.


What is the study of the physical features of the Earth and the interactions between humans and these features?


Which is not a field studied in biochemistry?


Which of the following sources of electricity generation harvests heat within the Earth to create electricity?


If you come across an unmarked container, what should you do with it?

Give it to your lab supervisor

Which of the following variables do our bodies regulate:

Glucose concentration in blood Salt concentration in blood Blood volume Body temperature

Plants generate specialized proteins that help stop the denaturation of enzymes namely when they are exposed to:

Heat stress

_____ is a protein that plays a central role in DNA folding.


Which of the following is a good definition of homeostasis?

Homeostasis means that our body monitors the value of several parameters and restores them to their correct value after any alteration.

What does comparative anatomy look at?

Homologous physical structures

A dominant trait is seen in individuals with which genotype?

Homozygous dominant and heterozygous

What is accuracy in a science experiment?

How close to being correct your data is.

What is precision (or reproducibility) in a science experiment?

How close together your measurements are.

Which of the following does the pancreas regulate?

How much energy your body gets

Distance is

How much ground was covered regardless of starting and ending position

What is the main difference between renewable and non-renewable resources?

How quickly they can regenerate

Which is are classifications in the Köppen system?

Humid, middle latitude, mild winter Dry Humid, middle latitude, severe winter

When light focuses behind the retina and causes difficulty in seeing nearby objects clearly, it is called which one of the following?


Fungi are made up of individual filaments known as ______.


Place the following steps in the cell cycle into the order in which they occur.


Which of the following is an example of natural selection?

I. Albino animals are rare in nature because they are easy for predators to find. II. The fastest gazelle is least likely to be eaten by a lion. III. The gorilla that is strong enough to become alpha male is the most likely to pass on his genes.

Which of the following roles in the cell could non-coding DNA perform?

I. Provide structural support at the end of chromosomes. III. Serve functional purposes.

chromosome consists of two chromatids for AT LEAST part of all of these steps

II. G2 III. M Phase IV. S Phase

Which statement is true?

If both parents have a dominant trait, it may be possible for them to have children with the recessive version of the trait.

If you found a rock that appeared to have been formed directly from volcanic activity, how would you classify it?

Igneous rock.

sustainable ecosystem

In ecology, is the property of biological systems to remain diverse and productive indefinitely


In natural sciences and social sciences, it is a systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques.

line graph

In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, the line graph of an undirected graph G is another graph L that represents the adjacencies between edges of G

Why does rounding cause problems in the lab?

It can lead to major errors in calculations.

What role does the Coriolis force have on jet streams?

It causes air to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere

What is the function of the gene linked to the ability to digest milk?

It codes for lactase production.

The Mesozoic Era was the Age of Dinosaurs, and the current Cenozoic Era is the Age of _____.


Why is accretion important for barrier islands?

It adds sediment to the barrier islands, increasing their area

Why is the water cycle significant to Earth's habitats?

It affects weather, land features, global temperatures, and drinking water supplies.

How might have Charles Lyell''s "Principles of Geology" affected Darwin's theory of natural selection?

It allowed Darwin to consider how living things change over long periods of time

Which of the following is a feature of a lake?

It can affect local weather

What can happen to an igneous rock after it is formed?

It can be transformed to metamorphic rock.

How is smelting most harmful to the environment?

It can cause air pollution.

Which is true about a scientific theory?

It is widely accepted as true

How old is the moon in comparison to the Earth?

It is younger

What are true facts about air pollution?

It may come from natural sources. It leads to human health issues. It can come from one source or multiple sources.

What is one benefit of scientists disagreeing about the meaning of experimental data?

It may lead to more and better science that increases our knowledge about the topic

What is a true statement about experimentation?

It may lead to more questions

Which of the following is NOT true about the work-energy theorem?

It only applies to an increase in energy

Why is recycling so important to the environment?

It prevents the waste of both renewable and non-renewable resources

What are statements about ozone

It protects us from harmful UV radiation. It can cause human health problems when it occurs low in the atmosphere. It is broken down by fluorinated gases.

Why was seafloor spreading an important discovery?

It provided an explanation for how the plates could move.

Which of the below do NOT describe a convex lens?

It refracts light out, in a wide arc.

What is conservation of momentum?

It says that momentum is neither created nor destroyed, it only moves from one place to another.

Which of the following is NOT true of acid mine drainage?

It separates the metals from the impurities.

What is a good description of the question that should be stated as part of a scientific investigation?

It should lend itself to being answered in a measurable way.

How do the normal and reversed polarity of stripes of ocean floor prove that the earth's magnetic field has changed multiple times since its formation?

It shows that the oceanic crust created by the upwelling of magma reflects the current magnetic field at that time, thus different polarities testify to a change.

Which is NOT true about a confined aquifer?

It sits under a layer of soil that easily allows water to reach it.

Which is true about molecular biology?

It works well in concert with comparative anatomy

Which of these is correct about the sun?

It would take thousands of years to make it through the interior of the sun

Which of the following is true of jet streams?

It's a current of fast moving air

Why is the Great Salt Lake a lake?

It's surrounded by land, it's big, and it affects the local weather

Which of the following is not part of an ant's ecological niche?

Its body structure

What geographic variable influences air temperature based on proximity to the equator?


Emigration involves which of the following?

Leaving an old habitat

In what ways can nitrogen gas be broken down into nutrients for plants?

Lightning and special bacteria

Xylem is composed of dead cells lined end to end. What is responsible for making these cells strong and durable even though they are no longer living?


Which method of cell division would your skin cells undergo?


What is an important skill for designing experiments?

Making inferences to connect known data to unknown questions

What is the first step to applying scientific knowledge?

Making observations

Which of these routinely dies after mating?

Male spiders Salmon

lab safety

Many laboratories contain significant risks, and the prevention of laboratory accidents requires great care and constant vigilance

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding mitosis?

Mitosis is a phase of a cell's life in which the cell is growing, replicating DNA and carrying out general activities

What is the best use of a beaker?

Mixing and pouring substances

Which statement best explains the relationship between modern humans and Earth's history?

Modern humans have missed most of Earth's history.

Which of the following statements about chemical compounds and elements is NOT true?

Most of the substances we use in everyday life are pure elements.

The implication of the solar nebula theory is mainly that:

Most stars should have planets around them and thus planets are very common in the universe

Which of the following is a feature of 5G?

Multiple device support

How do you convert from liters to milliliters?

Multiply by 1000

How would you convert gallons into quarts?

Multiply the number of gallons by 4.

When a bee gathers nectar from a certain type of flower to make honey and in the process pollinates the flower, what kind of relationship exists between the bee and the flower?


When light focuses in front of the retina and causes difficulty in seeing far away objects clearly, this is called which one of the following?


Which is a benefit of space travel?

New technologies and inventions Increased knowledge about outer space Increased knowledge about human biology in minimal-gravity Increased knowledge about Earth

Reflecting telescope

Newtons invention that uses a concave mirror along with a flat diagonal mirror

Who is credited with first stating the law of superposition?

Nicolas Steno in the 1600s

Which of these is NOT a way by which a plant's shape or form can be influenced mechanically? I. Touch II. Wind III. Vibration

None of these answers are correct

How much 'new' water is made through the processes of the water cycle?

None: all water is recycled

Scientific questioning comes after which step in the scientific process?


Which of the following terms is used to describe large circular ocean currents that are driven mostly by the wind?

Ocean Gyres

Dr. Marion wants to conduct an experiment that involves the distribution of a questionnaire. She has only enough copies for half of the students. She decides who will participate by pulling names out of a hat and choosing then ten students from each of the four grades in the school. What constitutes the sample in this experiment?

Only the students who actually participate

Choose the appropriate statement that refers to open-pit mining.

Open-pit mining is used for very large, surface deposits of ore.

Organisms are grouped in a hierarchy called _____ based on similarities and differences between these organisms.

Organisms are grouped in a hierarchy called the classification of living things based on similarities and differences between these organisms.

Superposition is one of the four fundamental principles that geologists use to understand the sequence of events that created a stack of sedimentary rock layers. What are the other three?

Original horizontality, lateral continuity and cross-cutting relationships

Which of the following structures produces the female gamete?


How many dwarf planets do astronomers believe they will find in the solar system in the future?

Over 100

Which of the following is an example of an internally driven Earth process that produces geologic features?

Plate tectonics

Which of the following is not a type of reproductive cell?


In a polar ecosystem, which of these are most likely to compete for food?

Polar bear and orca.

Which mating system involves a male mating with multiple females during a reproductive season?


The study of the genetic variation within a population is known as:

Population genetics

Why is fluctuation a bad thing?

Populations could grow too fast Strain on food supply Encourages growth of predator populations

How are permeability and porosity different?

Porosity depends on how much space exists between soil particles, while permeability depends on how easily water can move through the soil.

Which of the following statements is true about the kingdom of bacteria?

Prokaryotes are organisms that lack a nucleus and other cell parts, and are less complex organisms. Bacteria are usually one of three shapes; rod shaped; cocci are circular; and spirilli are wavy or spiral shaped.

Which of the following is true about working with biological specimens?

Proper protective gear must be worn

In which step do we see the chromosomes condense and meet up to form homologous pair?

Prophase I

What is the order of steps for Meiosis I?

Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I

What is the proper order of the four stages of mitosis?

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

What are enzymes?

Proteins that speed up biochemical reactions

All are kingdoms

Protista Archaebacteria Plantae

What is the stage of transformation in humans from juveniles to adults?


A prism is usually in the shape of a _____


Where does mRNA travel to deliver the genetic information needed for constructing proteins?


Which of the following represents the six spectral colors in order of increasing frequency?

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet

In terms of the hierarchy, what is the order of the three Rs?

Reduce, reuse, recycle

_____ is a bend in the direction of a wave's movement that occurs when a wave enters a new material.


The assignment of age based upon position in a sedimentary sequence is known as which one of the following?

Relative dating

What describes the amount of water vapor in the air as a percentage?

Relative humidity

Which term best explains how close the air is to saturation?

Relative humidity

Fungi reproduce by ______.

Releasing spores

What are the functions of DNA?

Replication and expression

Which of the following descriptions best explains environmental sustainability?

Responsible interaction with the environment to avoid depletion or degradation of natural resources and allow for long-term environmental quality

Instead of throwing out old clothes and towels, Julia cuts the items up and uses them as cleaning rags. This is an example of which of the following waste management strategies?


What do both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have that is involved in translation?


These small thread-like structures help the root absorb water and minerals from the soil.

Root Hairs

Ocean water has a high salt content. Which term is used to describe the amount of salt dissolved in water?


Which of the following would NOT be considered a geologic feature?

Sand grains

When a body of air can hold no more water vapor it is best referred to as being what?


What is the best way to figure out how two quantitative variables are related?

Scatter plot

Which of the following describes the spit accretion theory?

Sediments from the mainland are pulled offshore by waves, forming spits that eventually separate from the shore

Total Logging wants to start cutting down trees in a particular area, but they are an environmentally friendly logging company and they want to ultimately preserve the woodland. What can they do to accomplish this?

Selective logging

Which tidal pattern results in two nearly equal high tides and two low tides each day?

Semidiurnal tides

Which of the following is an action that individuals can take to reduce the overall amount of solid waste they produce?

Send emails instead of traditional mail Create and use a recycling bin Cancel unwanted magazine subscriptions

What describes the way the air feels outside when temperature and humidity are combined?

Sensible temperature

The ability to detect a stimulus is known as:


Homeostasis is maintained through control systems. A control system consists of a __________ that monitors the value of a physiological variable, a __________ that compares the value of the variable to the desired value or __________, and an __________ that implements the compensatory changes.

Sensor, control center, set point, effector

When you touch a hot stove, which neurons tell your brain it's hot?


Which of the following weather terms is used interchangeably with 'extreme'?


_____ is water that is held in the ground, but above groundwater, and can be found in the spaces between dirt particles following irrigation or rain.

Soil moisture

Consider the reaction: Mg +CuCl2 = MgCl2 + Cu Which type of reaction is shown above?


Which of the following describes sleet?

Sleet is rain that freezes close to the ground, forming small ice pellets

What are the two types of friction?

Sliding and static

Chemical bases commonly found in the home include:


Which of the following things you might find in your home is NOT a chemical or does not contain chemicals?

Soap All-purpose cleaner Bottled water

Which of the following is NOT a common ingredient in detergents and shampoos?

Sodium hypochlorite

What are effects of deforestation?

Soil erosion Desertification Increased carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere.

Which of the following terms is used to describe a layer of a soil profile?

Soil horizon

Which structure acts as a passageway for the movement of substances throughout the plant?


What are the phases of Scientific Investigation?

Step 1 - Observe Step 2 - Formulate a Question Step 3 - Formulate a Hypothesis Step 4 - Set up an Experiment Step 5 - Analyze the data

What does an autoclave do?

Sterilizes equipment

A detectable change in the environment is called a(n):


Horizontal runners in strawberries are known as


Through which of the following does transpiration occur?


Drift is which kind of error?

Systematic error

What are types of figures?

Tables can be used when there is not much variation in the data Tables should be sequenced to present key findings in a logical order Data in a table should be arranged vertically

Matthew purchases a new computer and television. Which of the following is a way for him to recycle his outdated computer and television?

Take the items to a community electronics disposal event.

What are the two defining factors of a natural habitat?

Temperature and precipitation

What factors are the most important driver of thermohaline circulation?

Temperature and salinity

Which of the following is a feature of a pond?

Temperature is steady throughout

Which of the following are components of weather patterns?

Temperature, humidity, and air pressure

What is the most appropriate climate model to explain the recent climate warming?

Testing the model with data

What is true of the results section of a scientific paper:

Text in the body of the paper complements figures or tables

When scientists found identical patterns on either side of the mid-ocean ridge, what did they deduce?

That these patterns were formed at the same time and that they moved away from one another

What usually happens in a natural population as it approaches its carrying capacity?

The growth rate of the population slows down.

What is biogeography?

The geographic distribution of organisms on Earth

What is a population's range?

The geographic limits within which a population or individual lives.

Which of the following statements is true in regards to uniformitarianism?

The modern theoretical view of uniformitarianism incorporates both immensely slow and very rapid rates of change for geologic processes into its interpretation of geological time. Modern geologists interpret the idea of uniformitarianism in a slightly different way than it was originally conceived, but it is still an indispensable concept in interpreting the geologic history of our planet. Uniformitarianism is the idea that many geologic processes perform their work very slowly over long periods of time, and have done so in much the same way throughout geologic time.

How do long periods of rain develop?

The movement of a warm front towards a cold front

The pressure flow hypothesis can be used to explain:

The movement of sugars from sources to sinks

Which of the following BEST explains how a muscle cell exerts force?

The muscle cell shortens or contracts and exerts a pulling force on whatever is attached to both ends.

Gravity is

The mutual attraction between all objects in the universe


The name Wegener named the super-continent he thought existed before the continents broke apart

Dr. Patel does an experiment in which she shows people either a happy movie, sad movie, or no movie in a classroom. Then, she ask them to fill out a survey assessing their feelings about whether they want to adopt a pet from the animal shelter. In this experiment, what was the control group?

The people who watch no movie.

Which of these best describes a biological community?

The populations of different species living in the same geographic area.

Uniformitarianism is sometimes summarized by saying ______.

The present is the key to the past.

What is Scientific Investigation?

The process scientist use to collect the date and evidence that they plan to analyze in order to explain a phenomenon

The circulation of blood from the right side of the human heart to the lungs and back to the heart completes which circuit?

The pulmonary circuit

Which best describes viscosity?

The resistance to flow

Dr. Patel does an experiment in which she shows people either a happy movie, sad movie, or no movie in a classroom. Then, she ask them to fill out a survey assessing their feelings about whether they want to adopt a pet from the animal shelter. In this experiment, what was the INDEPENDENT variable?

The type of movie viewed

he veins in a leaf contain tissue that is also known as:

The vascular bundle

If a mosquito feeds on a bird that is infected with the West Nile Virus and then feeds on a human being who then contracts the virus, what role is the mosquito playing in the infection of the person?

The vector

Why is hydroelectric energy from water considered a renewable resource?

The water is not actually taken out of the system

Bob was digging into the ground for water. He dug down for a little while, and eventually he hit a depth where the hole filled with water at the bottom. What boundary did Bob cross right before his hole filled with water at the bottom?

The water table

A 'wind gradient' is used to specify which of the following?

The wind's direction and speed.

Superposition means that in an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks, which of the following is true?

The youngest rocks are on top.

Which of the following best describes a front?

The zone of contact between different air masses

Dr. Patel does an experiment in which she shows people either a happy movie, sad movie, or no movie in a classroom. Then, she ask them to fill out a survey assessing their feelings about whether they want to adopt a pet from the animal shelter. In this experiment, what was the DEPENDENT variable?

Their feelings about pet adoption.

What problem would be caused by a lack of cartilage in someone's body?

Their movement would be hindered, and their bones rub together.

Which statement accurately portrays Monarch and Viceroy butterflies?

Their similar coloration is an example of Mullerian mimicry.

Why do we think there must be many genes for eye color?

There are many eye color phenotypes, and HERC2 only explains one of them

Why does the Sahara Desert have very little evaporation?

There is not much water to be evaporated.

Each of the following statements about rivers and streams is correct EXCEPT

They always flow all year

Which of the following is true about ice caps?

They are a type of glacier, usually flat and wide

Which of the following best describes carbohydrates?

They are composed of hydrated carbon atoms

Your scale incorrectly measures the weight of your chemical by 5 grams each time. Which of the following statements is true about your data?

They are precise but not accurate due to systematic error

Which of the following is true of fossils?

They are remains of past organisms. They can be a footprint. They have been preserved by nature.

How are trees affected by acid rain?

They become less resistant to the cold. Their water uptake is limited. They become more susceptible to infections.

Which of the following statements about the relationship between plunging breakers and spilling breakers is TRUE?

They both occur on the same shoreline slope.

Which of the following is NOT true for protists?

They can be prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

Why are heat waves considered to be extreme weather?

They can cause loss of life and/or property

Which is true about homologous structures?

They can have different functions They may occur only in certain life stages They can be genetic or physical They can indicate a common ancestor

Why do seismic waves (in general) cause a lot of damage?

They contain a lot of energy.

Which of the following is true about electromagnetic waves?

They do not need a medium to travel through

In what way do estuaries provide an environmental service?

They filter sediments and pollutants from water.

What is the problem with the approach of many countries to Integrated Waste Management?

They focus too much on waste management at the expense of waste reduction.

Which of the following is a reason barrier islands are important for coastal geology?

They form unique ecosystems like estuaries, lagoons, and bays that support diverse species

Which of these is TRUE about sound waves?

They have areas of compression and rarefaction.

Which of these is true of areas located near the equator?

They have little variation in temperature.

How are nerve cells specialized?

They have long connections that transmit messages quickly.

Why are mosses, hornworts and liverworts small?

They lack vascular tissue to move food and water throughout the plant.

What do ribosomes do in all living cells?

They make proteins

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning volcanoes?

They only occur on land, not underwater

Which of the following is NOT a reason animals thrive in estuaries?

They provide human contact.

This geyser in Yellowstone National Park is named for the reliability of its eruptions.

This geyser in Yellowstone National Park is named for the reliability of its eruptions.

Brown eye color is dominant to blue eye color. If someone is heterozygous for the brown eye color allele, which of the following statements would be true?

This person has one allele for brown eyes, and one allele for blue eyes.

How many laws of motion did Newton discover?


How do Ca2+ and phosphate, (PO4) 3- combine to make an electrically neutral compound?

Three Ca2+ ions combine with two (PO4)3- ions.

Which of the following bases is NOT a component of RNA?


The difference in the strength of gravity between two points on a body is a:

Tidal force

Which of the following is incorrect?

Tidal forces only affect the oceans on our planet

What is the role of the pigment molecules in photosynthesis?

To absorb light energy

What is the general job of the human digestive system?

To break food down into smaller molecules that can be used by your body.

What is the job of the human body's pulmonary circuit?

To carry blood to the lungs so carbon dioxide can be released and oxygen can be picked up.

What is the purpose of a ventilation hood?

To contain gases, fumes, and vapors

Why do we multiply the porosity by 100?

To convert it to a percentage

Agonistic behaviors are often displayed for which of the following reasons?

To defend a territory To defend a mate To defend a food source

What are prioritized reason water is stored in reservoirs?

To drink water. For hydroelectric power generation. To prevent flooding.

What does it mean to draw logical conclusions from experimental data?

To evaluate information and make judgements about it

Why do some ionic compound names have Roman numerals in them?

To indicate the charge on the cation

What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?

To package proteins for cellular export

Why are dikes and levees constructed?

To prevent flooding through natural structures.

What is the purpose of the systemic circuit of the human body?

To supply blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the body.

How far do you need to dig to create a functioning well?

To the water table


To use an item again after it has been used

Why do forests need to be by a water source?

To water the abundance of trees

What triggers your brain to need to take a breath?

Too much carbon dioxide

Which of the following best describes the visible expressions of the relationships between the geologic forces acting to elevate the land surface and those wearing it away?


A narrow area of violently rotating wind is called a _____.


What causes wind?

Uneven heating of the earth's surface.

Intraspecific competition usually gives rise to which of the following dispersion patterns?


What is one variable in a data set that is analyzed to describe a scenario or experiment?

Univariate data

Which of the following ocean circulation patterns brings cold, nutrient-rich water to the surface, supporting marine life in the area?


What type of weather is associated with an air mass that has a classification of mT in the summer?

Warm, moist air

Which of the following is a lake?

Water body C usually has waves

Which of the following properties helps explain why a city near the Pacific Ocean experiences less dramatic changes in temperature during the day compared to a city farther inland?

Water has a high specific heat.

People today are taller than they were a hundred years ago. This seems to be because:

We have better nutrition, which is an environmental factor that affects phenotype

What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather is the day to day meteorological conditions of an area, while climate is the overall pattern of the meteorological conditions of an area.

When waves break down a sea cliff, pick up and carry the debris, and dump on the shore forming a beach, what processes are happening, and in what order are they happening?

Weathering, then erosion, then deposition

Debate over the atomic theory in the 20th century involved whether electrons

Were waves or particles

What is term gravity?

What causes all objects to accelerate toward Earth at the same rate What keeps people from being flung out into space A force of attraction between two objects

Carbon Dioxide

What is one main human-induced factor that is included in a climate model?

How are cumulus clouds formed?

When air masses experience convectional lifting

Which of the following is the appropriate definition of green chemistry?

When chemical products and processes are designed in a way that reduces the use or creation of hazardous substances

In relation to the human eye, what is the definition of accommodation?

When the lens of the eye changes shape to allow your eye to focus on nearby and faraway objects

When do neap tides occur?

When the moon and sun are at right angles to the earth's orbit

When would you use relative dating techniques?

When you need to know if a rock or fossil is older than another. When you want to learn about the history of a rock or fossil. When you need to know if a rock or fossil is younger than another.

In which of the following situations would insulin be released from the pancreas?

When you've eaten a lot of candy at a party

What is ecosystem homeostasis?

Where an ecosystem is in balance - in equilibrium. This means the populations of species in the ecosystem are relatively stable.

Where do estuaries occur?

Where rivers meet a large body of water

Which of the following is NOT a direct agent of erosion?

Which of the following is NOT a direct agent of erosion?

nutrient pollution

a form of water pollution, refers to contamination by excessive inputs of nutrients

A meteorite is a(n)

a natural object from small to ginormous that originates in space and survives impact with the Earth's surface.

Carbon sink

a natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores some carbon-containing chemical compound for an indefinite period

pH scale

a numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution

hot plate

a portable self-contained tabletop small appliance that features one, two or more electric heating elements or gas burners


a proposed explanation for a phenomenon

A group of organisms that can interbreed and form fertile offspring are known as:

a species

keystone species

a species that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance

scatter plot

a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data

A species can be more successful if it has ______.

a unique niche

Albinism (a condition in which a person has a faulty gene for melanin production), comes about from a homozygous recessive genotype. Using A and a to represent the alleles for melanin production, which is/ are the possible genotype/s for an albino person?


A systematic error is one of ___ , and a random error is one of ___

accuracy, precision

acid mine drainage

acid and metalliferous drainage , or acid rock drainage refers to the outflow of acidic water from metal mines or coal mines

Which of the following are the complimentary base pairs in DNA?

adenine and thymine guanine and cytosine

In order to produce the most ATP, an organism needs to perform

aerobic cellular respiration

degrees Celsius

also known as centigrade, is a scale and unit of measurement for temperature

Which of the following are chemical compound?

ammonium lauryl sulfate ammonia water

Which two parameters can both be measured in meters?

amplitude and wavelength


an action which is inaccurate or incorrect

When a bond forms, energy is given off to the surroundings. This is an example of

an exothermic reaction


an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye

metric system

an internationally agreed decimal system of measurement

Earth is

an oblate spheroid

Chloroflurocarbon CFCs

an organic compound that contains only carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as volatile derivative of methane, ethane, and propane


an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock, rock fractures or unconsolidated materials from which groundwater can be extracted using a water well

When games and competitions are held at high altitudes, athletes must specially train to postpone their cells from switching to

anaerobic cellular respiration

Which of the following might prevent an organism from becoming a fossil?

animal eating the organism soft-bodied organism organsim being dispersed by water

Land subsidence and sinkholes are the result of:

aquifer depletion


are a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from one meter to one millimeter; with frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz

Cell membrane proteins

are important for transporting materials into or out of a cell.

A focal species is one that conservation biologists are _____.

concentrated on protecting

All voltage sources:

convert one type of energy into electrical energy to generate voltage

An example of a good conductor is:


Clouds with the word 'stratus' in them will

cover the entire sky

Voltage is equal to:

current multiplied by resistance

What is defined as the degree of compactness of an object or substance?


Which is not an example of a recessive trait in humans?

detached earlobes

All magnets are:


White light of a given frequency goes through a prism. What causes a rainbow to form on the other side?


In the classification of living things, eubacteria are a _____ .


Which of the following are characteristics of DNA?

double helix, double strands

If you cut a magnet into pieces:

each piece will have a north pole and a south pole

Generators use _____ to push electrons through a wire.

electromagnetic induction

The field of conservation biology studies _____.

environmental problems caused by human actions

Which type of fossilization preserves body tissues?


Which wave parameter measures the number of cycles that are completed in one second?


What kind of measurements do we take of waves?

frequency wavelength amplitude

This type of hot spring is not the same as a geyser because it releases only steam.


The acceleration due to gravity is represented by


A discrete unit of DNA that produces a protein that provides the functionality a cell needs is _____.


What is defined as the study of Earth's shape and size?


Please fill in the blanks. Gametes are _____ and they are _____ with respect to their DNA complement.

germ cells; haploid

When heating a solution, a _____ is the best option for highly flammable substances while a _____ is best when heating to extremely high temperatures.

hot plate; crucible

Geographical areas where magma comes close to the Earth's surface to create geothermal activity

hot spots

An ecological niche includes ______.

how an organism obtains food how an organism reproduces how an organism survives

Springs are classified by:

how much water they discharge

Mineral hardness is a measure of _____.

how resistant a mineral is to scratching

Surface mining

including strip mining, open-pit mining and mountaintop removal mining, is a broad category of mining in which soil and rock overlying the mineral deposit are removed

The induced voltage in a coil will _____.

increase as the rate of change of the magnetic field increases

The spacing of the field lines:

indicates the strength of the magnetic field

A comet is a(n)

icy ball of rock that displays a coma, a fuzzy temporary atmosphere, or a tail when it travels close to the sun.

What type of animal makes up over 98% of the Animalia Kingdom?


The area of the atmosphere that makes radio communication possible is called the _____.



is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams

Bunsen burner

is a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame, which is used for heating, sterilization, and combustion

longwall mining

is a form of underground coal mining where a long wall of coal is mined in a single slice


is a material system made up of two or more different substances which are mixed but are not combined chemically

evaporating dish

is a piece of laboratory glassware used for the evaporation of solutions and supernatant liquids, and sometimes to their melting point


is a pressure chamber used to carry out industrial processes requiring elevated temperature and pressure different from ambient air pressure

science experiment

is a procedure carried out to support, refute, or validate a hypothesis


is a subatomic particle, symbol n or n0, with no net electric charge and a mass slightly larger than that of a proton


is a subatomic particle, symbol p or p+, with a positive electric charge of +1e elementary charge and mass slightly less than that of a neutron


is a summation of all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding


is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with "cleaning properties in dilute solutions


is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds


is an entity consisting of two or more atoms, at least two from different elements, which associate via chemical bonds


is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence

Plate tectonics is the theory that the Earth's crust _____.

is broken into pieces that move around.


is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium

greenhouse effect

is the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere

radioactive decay

is the process by which the nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting radiation, including alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and conversion electrons

radioactive substance

is the process by which the nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting radiation, including alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and conversion electrons


is the process of determining which disease or condition explains a person's symptoms and signs

Breaking down rock by physical means is ________.

mechanical weathering

Subsurface mining is _____ disruptive to the earth and produces _____ waste than surface mining.

less, less

The pH scale measures the _____ of a solution.

level of acidity

In which type of wave do the particles in the medium move parallel to the wave direction?


A _____ system usually produces more clouds because it causes air to _____, forming clouds.

low pressure; rise and cool

Nimbostratus clouds are found at _____ altitudes and indicate _____ weather.

low, rainy

Karst is ________.

made of limestone rock a set of formations like caves, columns and spires a type of chemical weathering

A dominant allele ______.

masks a recessive allele

The force on an object is a product of the object's _____ and _____.

mass; acceleration

graduated cylinder

measuring cylinder or mixing cylinder is a common piece of laboratory equipment used to measure the volume of a liquid

Wetlands are

natural and human-made

What is the process by which an organism with a trait better suited for the environment will thrive and produce more offspring?

natural selection

Mechanical waves

need a medium to flow through

Control systems that tend to reduce the difference between the desired value of a variable and the observed value are called

negative feedback systems or error correction systems

Generators are used to generate voltage in what type of power plant?

nuclear coal natural gas hydroelectric


or clonal fragmentation in multicellular or colonial organisms is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning in which an organism is split into fragments

The purpose of _____ is to provide separation and compartmentalization of processes in eukaryotes.


The immune system is a huge communication network that is made up of...

organs none of these tissues cells

Wind is forced to rise when it hits a mountain. The rising air then cools, and the moisture within it condenses into snow. This process is an example of _____.

orographic lifting

Which wave parameter measures the time it takes to complete one cycle?


When minerals from sediment replace an organism's tissues, which type of fossilization has occurred?


Current is equal to:

voltage divided by resistance

Part of the Clean Air Act legislation of 1970 is reproduced as follows: It sets limits on emissions and standards for air quality, provided funding for pollution control research but prevents citizens to sue those who violate the standards. The standards set forth in this legislation by the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, identified six pollutants. Which part is wrongly reproduced?

preventing citizens from suing those who violate the standards

The shortest electromagnetic waves with the lowest frequency are

radio waves

Which of the following is an example of electromagnetic waves

radio waves

The crests and troughs of a transverse wave are like the compressions and _____ of a longitudinal wave.



refers to the accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, or other chemicals in an organism

Comets come from

the Oort Cloud or the Kuiper Belt.

Electromagnetic induction is _____.

the ability of a changing magnetic field to induce a voltage in a conductor

Conductivity is:

the ability of a material to transfer electrical energy

Enthalpy change is

the amount of energy as heat that is lost or gained by a system

Runoff occurs when:

the ground is saturated with water.

What would the distance between two compressions of a longitudinal wave represent?

the wavelength

Homozygous recessive means

there are two recessive alleles present

If a permanent magnet is sitting next to a conductor _____.

there will be no induced voltage in the conductor

Geothermal energy

thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth

Which wind belt is caused by air returning to the equator at about 0 to 30 degrees latitude?

tropical easterlies

Unequal heating of the earth by the sun and the earth's rotation cause what?

tropical easterlies wind belts polar easterlies

Energy is released from ATP when the bond is broken between

two phosphate groups


typically found in soap

The band of the electromagnetic spectrum that helps humans produce vitamin D:

ultraviolet waves

Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes that occur _____.


Which of the following statements is true about speciation?

usually follows mass extinctions

Regarding natural selection, what is it called when a trait is expressed in more than one way?


Materials that make good electrical insulators contain atoms with:

very few, if any, free electrons

Which list gives the sequence of atoll formation?

volcano, coral growth, subsidence

Surface Waters

water on the surface of the planet such as in a river, lake, wetland, or ocean

Cloud formation is an example of condensation because _____.

water vapor condenses around particles in the atmosphere

Which wave parameter measures the spatial distance of one wave cycle?


The process where rocks and minerals are broken down by the elements of nature is called _____.


A poorly-sorted rock has a lower porosity than a _____ rock.


What is continental deflection?

when an ocean current nears a land mass and must change course

An endothermic reaction is:

when the system gains heat as the surroundings cool down.

What is the driving force behind surface currents?


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