science test (the sun)

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millions to hundreds of billions of stars is called a


_______ saw the craters on the moon and jupiters moons using a ________

galileo telescope

name some spacecraft that went to the sun

genesis SOHO STEREO THEMIS(justice)

the ancient greeks called the sun


what was the name for the sun by the greeks


who made the star chart

hertzsprung and russell

the star chart that shows luminosity and temperature is called the _______ ___________ _________

hertzsprung russell diagram

the sun is made up of __________

hot gas

blue giants

hottest stars

two important elements of the sun are __ and _____

hydrogen and helium


hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium atoms which make the energy from the sun


iron atoms fuse to uranium explode- new nebula


it takes the sun avg. 25 days to revolve poles- 31 days equator- 27 days


lightest chemicla element, symbol H

most stars are located in the _______ on the star chart

main sequence


matter disappears and x-rays given off

what is the size of the sun

medium m


middle layer of the suns atmosphere

what galaxy do we live in

milky way

a star begins to form in a ___, which is a cloud of hydrogen gas and dust


where are stars born


during a solar eclipse there is a _______ moon. we see the ________of the sun

new moon corona


new star

the sun burns the process of ______ where two gases called ____and _______ come together

nuclear fusion hydrogen helium

red giant

old stars


outermost layer of the suns atmosphere

the ________ is the part of the sun in the lower atmosphere which we can see


the sun is the fourth state of matter called


the sun

pours life giving heat light, heat, and energy on earth: and generates space weather

what is it called when the sun and earth are closest on january 2nd


what is a beginning star called


_____ said that the earth was the center of the universe. His theory is called the _______ theory

ptolemy geocentric theory

name the scientists that made a difference in astronomy

ptolemy(geocentric) copernicus(heliocentric) galileo(big bang)

what part of the sun do we see

the photosphere

what happens during a solar eclipse

the sun goes in between the earth and the moon

the earth is

the third planet in our solar system

when our sun runs out of energy it will turn into a _______

white dwarf

what is the x-axis and the y-axis on the star chart

x- temperature(color) y-luminostiy(brightness)

what color is our sun


how far away is the sun

93 million miles

the sun is _____ million miles from earth

93 million miles

the sun makes up what % of the solar system


the suns core temperature can range from

10-22.5 million degrees fahrenheit


15 million degrees , where suns energy is produced

how old is the universe

15-20 billion years old

the axis of the earth always tilts _____ degrees (causes the season)

23.5 degrees

how long does it take the earth to spin once

24 hours

how many degrees is a full spin

360 15 degrees per hour

it takes the earth ________ days to revolve

365.25 days

how old is the sun

4.5 billion years old

the sun moves _________ miles per hour


how much longer will the sun survive

5 billion years

how long does the light get to the earth from the sun

8 minutes

what is it called when the sun and earth are furthest apart on july 2nd


what is one AU

astronomical unit- distance from the earth to the sun(93 million miles)

about 15-20 billion years ago there was an explosion called the

big bang theory

a huge star will turn into a ________ __________ or a _______ ________

black hole neutron star

the hottest stars color is ___


what color is the hottest star


2)stellar nebula

can become a massive star to a red supergiant to a supernova which can become a black hole or a spinning neutron star

1)stellar nebula

can become an average star to a red giant to a planetary nebula to a white dwarf

the ______ is the orange red layer of the atmosphere thousands of miles thick


_______ said the sun was the center of the universe. His theory is called the _______ theory

copernicus heliocentric theory

_______ is the part of the sun where nuclear fusion takes place


name the parts of the sun from the core to the outer layer

core radiation zone convection zone photosphere chromosphere corona

the suns energy is produced in the _______ and it is about _______ degrees.

core about 27 million degrees

black hole

core of a very massive star that remains after a supernova explosion

the upper most part of the suns atmosphere millions of miles thick is called the _______


the geocentric theory says that the _____________

earth is the center of the cosmos

the sun provides heat and light which are forms of _______


what will happen to the sun when it dies

red giant >>> white dwarf >>> black dwarf

the romans called the sun


what was the name for the sun by the romans


what are the three storms on the sun called

solar flares- high energy(bright spots on the sun) promineneces- parts of energy shot out of the sun sunspot- dark patches on the sun(cooler parts of the sun)

solar flares

solar storm in the form of bright bursts of light on the suns surface


solar storm that occurs in the form of dark patches


solar storm where it forms huge loops of gas

stars are classified by there______ and _______

spectra and temperature(color)


spinning nuetron star

neutron star

spins rapidly and releases energy in forms of radio waves

the sun is a _____


what does the prefix "astro" mean


big bang theory;

states that teh universe was formed by the explosion of a small amount of very dense and hot matter

what is the solar wind

stream of high energy particle constantly being shot from the sun

solar wind

stream of high energy particles released into space in all directions

the sequence of the death of a sun-like star

sun like star>> red giant>> planetary nebula>> white dwarf>> black dwarf

heliocentric theory : makes the ______

sun the center of the solar system

white dwarfs

super dense star with carbon core eventually becomes a dead star (black dwarf)

what will happen to a massive star

super re giant >>> supernova >>> neutron star

what happens to very massive stars

super red giant >>> supernova >>> black hole


surface of the sun, lowest of the three layers

what are the three theories we need to know

the big bang theory geocentric theory heliocentric theory

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