Science Theory Test - Culinary Fundamentals

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What are microbes considered?

"BAGS of ENZYMES" They produce a variety of enzymes.

What is maillard reactions?

"non-enzymatic browning" carbohydrate + amino acid (protein) produces dark color creates diversity of flavor more complex than caramel flavors occurs at 250ºF/120ºC

Impact of acidity in foods:

-denaturation/coagulation (changes the properties) - produces sour tastes - creates color reactions in certain foods - controls (slows down) growth of most microorganisms

What are microbial hazards?

-native to the raw ingredients -from production environment and handling -improper preservation and storage

What are the 5 most common factors that increase risks of foodborne illness?

-purchasing from unsafe suppliers -failure to adequately cook or cool foods -improper holding temperature -using contaminated equipment (cross contamination) -poor personal hygiene (cross contamination by hand)

What are the 5 science theories?

1. heat transfer 2. ingredient function 3. flavor reactions 4. flavor perception 5. microbiology

Emulsions of Colloidal Suspensions

A method to thicken sauces, using small droplets of oil Made from two liquids that normally don't dissolve in each other A "divided phase" is dispersed into a "continuous phase" They are unstable compared to roux-thickened sauces There are also emulsions of air and water

What is radiation cooking?

All materials emit electromagnetic waves: low frequency = low energy When these waves contact other materials, energy is transferred and temperature will increase Does not require direct contact

What are the types of micro-organisms on foods:

Bacteria, Fungi (yeast, mold), Viruses, Parasites

What are enzymatic reactions?

Browning in fruits and vegetables Development of garlic flavor Protein breakdown, texture and flavor in cheese Flavor development in fermented foods and beverages Off-flavors in oils and fats Conversion of starch to sugars

Conductivity of different materials from very good down:

Copper............390 - very good Aluminum.........240 Iron..................79 Glass..............0.80 Water.............0.60 Cantaloupe......0.571 Turkey............0.502 Animal fat......0.20 Olive oil.........0.168 Wood............0.15 Air...............0.0256 - not good

What are the positive effects of micro-organisms on foods?

Flavor contribution, Preservation (fermentation)


Get in the way of fat droplets, preventing them from coalescing

What is convection cooking?

Heat is carried from place to place by movement through a fluid It is a combination of conduction and mixing: warm regions moving to cool regions Occurs in air, water and oil (anything with a wave)

What type of bonds in food molecules?

Hydrogen, covalent, and ionic

How well are an ingredient attracted to water?

Hydrophillic - like water Hydrophobic- hate water

Why is energy important in the kitchen?

It rearranges bonds and helps Food molecules associate with each other and "develop deliciousness" - large molecules > small molecules - allows for association (bonding) of molecules

Forms of energy used in the kitchen:

Mechanical, Chemical, and Thermal

Two ways of smelling food:

Orthonasal- in through the nose Retronasal- out through the nose

How is texture developed?

Removal of moisture Trapping moisture Creating contrast

What is conduction cooking?

Requires direct contact with the item Involves transfer of heat directly through a material Bulk motion of the material does NOT play a role Is affected by the Conductivity of a material

Emulsifiers are used to:

Serve as liaisons between the dispersed phase and the continuous phase

Starch thickeners:

Slurries - liquid plus pure starch (cornstarch, arrowroot, etc.) Roux - fat plus flour Floured meat (to be seared)

What are the negative effects of micro-organisms on foods?

Spoilage, Disease

The senses in regard to what is flavor:

Taste- gustation Smell- olfaction sight, hearing, touch

What is a hazard?

a potential source of harm or danger

Ex. of chemical energy:

acidity, bacterial action - leavening, cleaning/sanitizing solutions

Types of starches:

amylose- linear amylopectin- branched

Ex. of radiation cooking methods:

broiling (infrared), grilling, sun-drying, microwaving

What is release from suppression?

combinations of certain ingredients (wine and vinegar) or certain drinks with food can either increase or decrease the effect of suppression

What are the three types of heat energy:

convection, radiation, and conduction

Ex. of thermal energy:

grill, broiler, stove burner, oven, microwave

What factors can impact the food industry?

health/wellness, financial, environmental, and social

Water structure and properties

most foods are composed of 70% water Good heat conductor; High Specific Heat (needs a lot of energy to raise its temperature) Less dense when it's a solid or gas A universal solvent (liquid that dissolves solutes):

What is flavor:

multifaceted sensory experience involving, taste, smell, touch, temperature, sound, sight, and pain that we perceive when consuming food

Ex. of convection cooking methods:

poaching, boiling, roasting, deep-frying, confit (in fat)


sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami

What is caramelization?

the formation of brown caramel pigments as a result of applying heat energy to sugars occurs at 330F/165 C bonds are broken and new bonds are formed changes in texture, flavor, color, and aroma NO single compound identified as "caramel" Diversity of compounds

What is a risk?

the probability that the hazard will cause harm

What is flavor adaptation?

the taste of food is diminished due to previous exposure to that food

What are micronutrients?

vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.

What are macronutrients?

water, carbohydrates, lipids(fats and oils), and proteins( amino acids)

What is mixture suppression?

when basic taste/flavors are combined they "mask" each other

Ex. of mechanical energy:

whisking, mixing, chopping, pounding, crushing, rinsing

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