SCM 4367- Chapter 5
Shine ( Sieso)- Strategies
- Clean Everything - Paint - Create countermeasures at the source
Standardize- Traditional Companies
- Polices -management mandates -employee/ job manuals - written work instructions -warning signs/labels
Examples of Poka Yoke
- USB C or Lighting Port - Cattle Guard/Crossing - Metal bar bridge makes cow fall and no need for gate door - Gas Cap - leash or new cars with no gas cap - Sink - Drain off to the side, drain grid, and hole from overflowing water - Sidewalk gates make you face oncoming traffic ( watch the video)
Straighten ( Seiton) - Strategies
- Use VA/NVA Analysis to guide placement -placement criteria -ergonomics ( minimize movement) - Visual management - do NOT put things back where you found them ( put them where they minimize NVA)
why do mistakes happen
- inherent variability - cultural norms - complex processes -human error
The secret to standardize - common misapplication and misunderstanding
- putting on labels= lean - outlines around everything= lean - create checklist or work instructions= lean
Steps In creating Poka Yoke
- review each stage of the process to determine where and when failures occur - find the root cause of the failure - creatively set up a poka yoke ( prevent, control, design) - checklist ( a list of tasks required to complete a complex process)
characteristics of poke yoke
- simple + cheap ( cost less than $100) -Part of the process - Eliminate a root cause - provide immediate feedback ( usually placed near where the mistakes occur) - NOT work
5-S : intro to visual management
- sort -straighten -shine -standardize -sustain
standardize- visual management
- traditional companies - lean, six sigma mindset - visual management tools -establish standardized processes
Straighten ( ideas for eliminating or reducing NVA)
- transportation - waiting ( inspection) - waiting -inventory
How to Straighten for a process improvement
- watch your current process running - imagine the ideal process would be structured - carefully replace only the often needed tools and materials back in the process - in unused worth space, place tools and materials that are seldom needed. Minimize NVA as much as possible w/o affecting the primary purpose
Placement Criteria
- what do i need for my primary purpose - where do i need it - in what order do i need to use it - how many do i need
Standardize - Visual Management
- work organization is obvious - everyone knows what is expected in a process - even those unfamiliar with a process know when something is wrong or missing or correct or useful - everyone does work the same way - where visual management is used, waste is eliminated
what poka yoke does
-Makes right actions easy and obvious -Makes wrong actions difficult -Makes it easier to discover errors -Makes it possible to reverse errors -Makes it harder to do what cannot be reversed -An extension of 5S & Visual Management
Red tag- Segregated area
-Sort based upon frequency of Use-Only keep quantity needed immediately -Red Tag items that are used infrequently and easy/inexpensive to replace - Items that are not needed, but the process owners want to keep anyway, place in a RED TAG area
How to do visual management
1. Organize your workplace 5S 2. Make work standards visible in the workplace 3. Expose and stop errors
benefits of standard work
1. Processing Time variation is decreased 2. Quality variation and results variation is decreased 3. Defects, quality, and process problems are easier to detect 4. Finding the root cause of the problem is easier (because the method of production is consistent)
Sort( 5S) - 2 strategies
Categorize Everything and Red Tag
Shine( 5S)
Seiso, reveal where dirt and defects are originating
Straighten (5S)
Seiton, arrange in a way that minimizes muda
describing product flow
describing what is inside a closed cabinet
baka yoke
fool/idiot prevention
inadvertant mistake
Categorize Everything
inventory, equipment, supplies, tools, workbenches, information, reference materials, and personal items. - keep items used in VA/NVA Analysis ( keep items used in 80% of the variations in NVA/VA) - keep expensive tools/equipment that is difficult to replace ( these items will eventually be placed in the process but in inconvenient locations) - throw away items that are not needed
mistake-proofing methods aimed at designing fail-safe systems that minimize human error
what does poka yoke designs a process so that -
mistakes are impossible, difficult to make, and easily detected
Standardize (5S)
seiketso, insure everyone performs work the same way
Sort (5S)
seiri, decide what to keep and what to discard
Why use visual management
simple and effective way to communicate standards, expectations, and information in general
Visual Management
simple controls to make normal and abnormal conditions visible and make waste visible
Sustain (5S)
sitsuke, create the discipline to maintain 5S
Waiting ( inspection)
§Check gauges and setup gauges §Parts that only fit one way
Transportation ( reduce NVA)
§Point of use storage §Reduce inventory §Eliminate the need to transport
§Reduce batch size §Do tasks in parallel §Eliminate or reduce setup time
§Small batch sizes §Small, frequent shipments from suppliers §Make only what is needed